Lesley Yup I saw your ping and came across this, and I remember all the RP's between Terrador and Sakura we had way back when, also, lookie who I found lounging about!
Also, any interested in the archives and having trouble, bam!
Lesley Yup I saw your ping and came across this, and I remember all the RP's between Terrador and Sakura we had way back when, also, lookie who I found lounging about!
Also, any interested in the archives and having trouble, bam!
Already taken by a sweet girl
DragonAdopters Memorial Forum
Xbox LIVE: HotRodimusPrime
Steam/PSN: TRozok21
TRozok21 Ohhh man I mis Scrolle. I really liked the character and little personality I had for him, he's the one I'd make into an original character above all else.
EchoesAbove I REMEMBER YOU. We where in the Eastern Dragon Hold together, you had that lovely black furdragon.
TRozok21 Ohhh man I mis Scrolle. I really liked the character and little personality I had for him, he's the one I'd make into an original character above all else.
EchoesAbove I REMEMBER YOU. We where in the Eastern Dragon Hold together, you had that lovely black furdragon.
I found stars on the tip of your tongue/You speak poltergeist and so do I
Lesley I found him on my old Photobucket gallery, and I think you asked me to help with the Ancient form for him, which was why I had it around. I also found the old one I did of Terrador and Sakura's first hatchday, I still think that was kinda cute
Lesley I found him on my old Photobucket gallery, and I think you asked me to help with the Ancient form for him, which was why I had it around. I also found the old one I did of Terrador and Sakura's first hatchday, I still think that was kinda cute
Already taken by a sweet girl
DragonAdopters Memorial Forum
Xbox LIVE: HotRodimusPrime
Steam/PSN: TRozok21
:c Yup yup we miss Dragonadopters. It was a lot of fun.
:c Yup yup we miss Dragonadopters. It was a lot of fun.
Yess I remember this. I joined just after it opened. 2008? 2009...?
My first derg was an earth Lizardus, actually. They were like the DA equivalent of snappers. :p
Yess I remember this. I joined just after it opened. 2008? 2009...?
My first derg was an earth Lizardus, actually. They were like the DA equivalent of snappers. :p
I don't ever remember going on that site. Yet I totally remember those sprites. This is freaking me out.
I don't ever remember going on that site. Yet I totally remember those sprites. This is freaking me out.
They/them pronouns, please ping me or PM if you want to get ahold of us!
Oh yes, I remember Dragonadopters. That website introduced me to making OCs and sharing my art on the net. :) I really miss it, it was tons of fun.
Well atleast I have Flight Rising now ^^
Oh yes, I remember Dragonadopters. That website introduced me to making OCs and sharing my art on the net. :) I really miss it, it was tons of fun.
Well atleast I have Flight Rising now ^^
I played for years myself. I think I reconize some of you! I started in...2007?2008? idk it was so early.
I played for years myself. I think I reconize some of you! I started in...2007?2008? idk it was so early.
Aw man I still remember my password for my account on the forums!
Aw man I still remember my password for my account on the forums!
Oh crap I played this game for a very long time! I remember when a new species was announced and I was excited for weeks! I loved that place, I even figured out how to do animated recolors for some of my favorite dragons. That was a long time ago though....
Oh crap I played this game for a very long time! I remember when a new species was announced and I was excited for weeks! I loved that place, I even figured out how to do animated recolors for some of my favorite dragons. That was a long time ago though....