
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | 10 Random Facts About You
1) I'm 13 //yeah,,, one of the younger users here XD
2) I love cats
3) My fursona is a hyena though //most people I meet expect it to be a cat oops XD
4) I don't have many friends irl but I have a lot of internet friends
5) I play pokemon too much XD
6) I really want to get better at writing
7) I'm obsessed with Homestuck oops
8) I read too much
9) I draw too much
10) I'm scared of horses. Don't ask why ((please))
1) I'm 13 //yeah,,, one of the younger users here XD
2) I love cats
3) My fursona is a hyena though //most people I meet expect it to be a cat oops XD
4) I don't have many friends irl but I have a lot of internet friends
5) I play pokemon too much XD
6) I really want to get better at writing
7) I'm obsessed with Homestuck oops
8) I read too much
9) I draw too much
10) I'm scared of horses. Don't ask why ((please))
Josie | He/Him | Nonbinary
looking for Rainbows, Eyeburners, and/or Dragons for Skins!
  1. I'm 22 years old, but often get mistaken for a 13-14 year old (who tries too hard at looking like an adult, wearing business casual attire, heels and a bunch of makeup). :( Hopefully looking way younger than I actually am will work in my favor 20 years from now.
  2. I'm one of the shortest people I know in RL. At 5'6''. Curse the Dutch.
  3. I'm a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp.
  4. I broke my pinky toe by running into a wall once. Never got it properly treated, so it looks funny now.
  5. I honestly don't remember how many jobs I've had, I lost count halfway through, haha...
  6. I love hiking and riding my bike.
  7. ...I'm getting over my fear of cats, slowly but surely.
  8. I suffered from severe anxiety up until a year ago.
  9. I love everything science fiction and post-apocalypse.
  10. Pit bulls are my favorite dog breed. I own one myself. <3
  1. I'm 22 years old, but often get mistaken for a 13-14 year old (who tries too hard at looking like an adult, wearing business casual attire, heels and a bunch of makeup). :( Hopefully looking way younger than I actually am will work in my favor 20 years from now.
  2. I'm one of the shortest people I know in RL. At 5'6''. Curse the Dutch.
  3. I'm a Capricorn-Aquarius cusp.
  4. I broke my pinky toe by running into a wall once. Never got it properly treated, so it looks funny now.
  5. I honestly don't remember how many jobs I've had, I lost count halfway through, haha...
  6. I love hiking and riding my bike.
  7. ...I'm getting over my fear of cats, slowly but surely.
  8. I suffered from severe anxiety up until a year ago.
  9. I love everything science fiction and post-apocalypse.
  10. Pit bulls are my favorite dog breed. I own one myself. <3
1: Reading through some of these facts things, I feel really young since I'm 13...
2: My favourite band is System Of A Down
3: I've always loved dragons c:
4: I'm left handed, but I was made to learn certain things the way a right handed person would
5: I play guitar and drums, I get tuition for acoustic guitar and drums but I'm teaching myself rhythm guitar using tabs on the internet. Guitar is one of the things I was made to learn right handed, since there was no left handed guitars at the place I started learning
6: I have a sort of connection to cats, they all love me. There's this one cat who really likes me but is a huge grump to everyone else :p
7: I don't really fit in at school, not even my friends have the same interests as me
8: My favourite genre of music is alternative metal (although I will listen to a lot of heavier music) and my least favourite genres are pop, techno, dubstep, anything like that.
9: I'm trying to save up for an Ibanez Iceman guitar (I love the shape of the body c: ) but I'm not sure how I'll convince my mum to let me buy another guitar since I have an electric one already
10: I can say the most random words in different languages. An example being "hacka löken" ("chop the onions" in Swedish)
1: Reading through some of these facts things, I feel really young since I'm 13...
2: My favourite band is System Of A Down
3: I've always loved dragons c:
4: I'm left handed, but I was made to learn certain things the way a right handed person would
5: I play guitar and drums, I get tuition for acoustic guitar and drums but I'm teaching myself rhythm guitar using tabs on the internet. Guitar is one of the things I was made to learn right handed, since there was no left handed guitars at the place I started learning
6: I have a sort of connection to cats, they all love me. There's this one cat who really likes me but is a huge grump to everyone else :p
7: I don't really fit in at school, not even my friends have the same interests as me
8: My favourite genre of music is alternative metal (although I will listen to a lot of heavier music) and my least favourite genres are pop, techno, dubstep, anything like that.
9: I'm trying to save up for an Ibanez Iceman guitar (I love the shape of the body c: ) but I'm not sure how I'll convince my mum to let me buy another guitar since I have an electric one already
10: I can say the most random words in different languages. An example being "hacka löken" ("chop the onions" in Swedish)
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...he/him | FR+8
@Fire lairs - please let me know
if you hatch a mint/ruby/hunter
dragon! I have a mighty need.
1. I'm a college graduate
2. I'm Canadian
3. I'm queer
4. I have a slight obsession with Taylor Swift's newest album
5. I have a Harry Potter tattoo on my arm. It's the golden snitch. It's awesome
6. I can lick my own elbow
7. I'm 22 and I still collect Pokemon cards
8. I plan on getting a cat and a dog
9. I have two younger siblings. They're twins, and people sometimes think the 3 of us are triplets
10. My favourite animal changes every time I'm asked what it is (It's currently an ermine because they're just so cute)
1. I'm a college graduate
2. I'm Canadian
3. I'm queer
4. I have a slight obsession with Taylor Swift's newest album
5. I have a Harry Potter tattoo on my arm. It's the golden snitch. It's awesome
6. I can lick my own elbow
7. I'm 22 and I still collect Pokemon cards
8. I plan on getting a cat and a dog
9. I have two younger siblings. They're twins, and people sometimes think the 3 of us are triplets
10. My favourite animal changes every time I'm asked what it is (It's currently an ermine because they're just so cute)
1. I have about 4 pets in total, 3 dogs and one cat.
2. I'm right handed.
3. My favorite animals are tigers, snowy owls, otters, and clouded leopards.
4. My favorite songs always change, but my current favorite is Shadow and Soul by Red.
5. I'm a bit obsessed with the anime/manga series, Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin.
6. Like with songs, my favorite Pokémon have always changed over the years, but my current favorites are Lucario, Reshiram, Latias, Sceptile, and Arcanine.
7. I enjoy listening to Kpop, and my favorite Kpop artists are G-Dragon, Shinwa, and 2ne1.
8. I've been a fan of dragons ever since I was a kid, and I just love pretty much anything with them.
9. I procrastinate quite often.
10. When I'm by myself in a room, I sing along to the song I'm listening to.
1. I have about 4 pets in total, 3 dogs and one cat.
2. I'm right handed.
3. My favorite animals are tigers, snowy owls, otters, and clouded leopards.
4. My favorite songs always change, but my current favorite is Shadow and Soul by Red.
5. I'm a bit obsessed with the anime/manga series, Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin.
6. Like with songs, my favorite Pokémon have always changed over the years, but my current favorites are Lucario, Reshiram, Latias, Sceptile, and Arcanine.
7. I enjoy listening to Kpop, and my favorite Kpop artists are G-Dragon, Shinwa, and 2ne1.
8. I've been a fan of dragons ever since I was a kid, and I just love pretty much anything with them.
9. I procrastinate quite often.
10. When I'm by myself in a room, I sing along to the song I'm listening to.
1. I was born and raised in the Philippines but I'm a caucasian American xP
2. I tear up when feeling any surge of emotion. And when I chose to trust a teacher with this piece of info, they decided to make it a running joke.
3. I was born with a vascular hemangioma on my cheek
4. I dream of one day becoming fluent in Chinese
5. I also dream of seeing the aurora borealis!
6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE travelling and experiencing new cultures, but I have a bit of social anxiety
7. I love chocolate with a passion
8. I love anime and would love some new recommendations
9. I love to read!
10. I think a skunk would be awesome to have as a pet
1. I was born and raised in the Philippines but I'm a caucasian American xP
2. I tear up when feeling any surge of emotion. And when I chose to trust a teacher with this piece of info, they decided to make it a running joke.
3. I was born with a vascular hemangioma on my cheek
4. I dream of one day becoming fluent in Chinese
5. I also dream of seeing the aurora borealis!
6. I LOVE LOVE LOVE travelling and experiencing new cultures, but I have a bit of social anxiety
7. I love chocolate with a passion
8. I love anime and would love some new recommendations
9. I love to read!
10. I think a skunk would be awesome to have as a pet
1. I'm turning 18 in may
2. it's kinda easy for me to learn new languages (though I can only speak 3 fluently)
3. still on the topic, I know some words of 7 other languages
4. I'm pansexual
5. currently studying for my uni entrance test (Chemical Engeneering at USP)
6. I can draw cutesy spirals and female PCs (or males sat down)
7. I can sing in korean and japanese (but not speak it - see facts 2 and 3)
8. I'm brazilian
9. I have self-harmed in the past
10. I'm an avid roleplayer, both in forum/written RP and LARP, with over 10 years of experience. My main threads are Unbreakables, in jcink, and Vida by Toemarcie in real life. (where I play Seth Francis and Samantha Angelie, respectively)
1. I'm turning 18 in may
2. it's kinda easy for me to learn new languages (though I can only speak 3 fluently)
3. still on the topic, I know some words of 7 other languages
4. I'm pansexual
5. currently studying for my uni entrance test (Chemical Engeneering at USP)
6. I can draw cutesy spirals and female PCs (or males sat down)
7. I can sing in korean and japanese (but not speak it - see facts 2 and 3)
8. I'm brazilian
9. I have self-harmed in the past
10. I'm an avid roleplayer, both in forum/written RP and LARP, with over 10 years of experience. My main threads are Unbreakables, in jcink, and Vida by Toemarcie in real life. (where I play Seth Francis and Samantha Angelie, respectively)
> +4h FR time
> Check out my Dragon Cave!
> or my Chicken Smoothie!
1. I'm a vegetarian and have been for seven years now.
2. I'm 22.
3. I'm a nursing student, but currently work with a home health agency.
4. I love animals with a passion, all of them!
5. I'm one of the shortest people I know at 5'0", and often get mistaken for a 12 year old. I get ID'd a lot.
6. I'm finally starting my own flower garden (I'm planting it this weekend) and I am SO pumped!
7. I'm a pretty big nerd. I love anything horror, fantasy, sci-fi. I will seriously watch any horror movie, no matter how bad it is.
8. I mostly buy children's shoes because I can fit in them easily, plus they're much, much cheaper that women's shoes.
9. I love to read and write.
10. I've been up since 6 o'clock in the AM, and I am extremely tired.
1. I'm a vegetarian and have been for seven years now.
2. I'm 22.
3. I'm a nursing student, but currently work with a home health agency.
4. I love animals with a passion, all of them!
5. I'm one of the shortest people I know at 5'0", and often get mistaken for a 12 year old. I get ID'd a lot.
6. I'm finally starting my own flower garden (I'm planting it this weekend) and I am SO pumped!
7. I'm a pretty big nerd. I love anything horror, fantasy, sci-fi. I will seriously watch any horror movie, no matter how bad it is.
8. I mostly buy children's shoes because I can fit in them easily, plus they're much, much cheaper that women's shoes.
9. I love to read and write.
10. I've been up since 6 o'clock in the AM, and I am extremely tired.

she | her
+2 FR

...and we came forth to behold the stars.
1. I'm a musician. Vocal Performance was my major at university, but I also play saxophone and bass guitar at a basic level.
2. Because a music degree gets you nowhere, I've branched off into technical production (live sound and lighting).

I'm not unapproachable, but I have a tendency to keep to myself in online forums. I'm making an effort to be more extroverted on FR.
4. I'm learning Bahasa Indonesia. I was forced to choose between music and Indonesian in high school, but I loved learning it, and I miss it, so I'm teaching myself now.

5. I'm a well-travelled Australian- and that's why the house is falling apart!
6. I'm listening to The Whitlams at the moment. Please tell me somebody else loves them. They're great- look them up!

7. I'm using the onscreen keyboard right now because half the keys on this computer don't actually work. Yes it takes forever to type anything. Get a new computer, you say? See #5.
8. I've been on the sim game circuit since 2006. Excluding FR, I actively play Aywas and Furry-Paws.

9. Human behaviour interests me, particularly why people do and say things, but I'm hopeless at offering words of comfort to upset people. I'm a better hugger/listener.
10. I'm open about many aspects of myself, but I'm extremely closed-off regarding romantic relationships. I once pushed a close friend out of my life because he developed feelings for me. I don't know why >.<
1. I'm a musician. Vocal Performance was my major at university, but I also play saxophone and bass guitar at a basic level.
2. Because a music degree gets you nowhere, I've branched off into technical production (live sound and lighting).

I'm not unapproachable, but I have a tendency to keep to myself in online forums. I'm making an effort to be more extroverted on FR.
4. I'm learning Bahasa Indonesia. I was forced to choose between music and Indonesian in high school, but I loved learning it, and I miss it, so I'm teaching myself now.

5. I'm a well-travelled Australian- and that's why the house is falling apart!
6. I'm listening to The Whitlams at the moment. Please tell me somebody else loves them. They're great- look them up!

7. I'm using the onscreen keyboard right now because half the keys on this computer don't actually work. Yes it takes forever to type anything. Get a new computer, you say? See #5.
8. I've been on the sim game circuit since 2006. Excluding FR, I actively play Aywas and Furry-Paws.

9. Human behaviour interests me, particularly why people do and say things, but I'm hopeless at offering words of comfort to upset people. I'm a better hugger/listener.
10. I'm open about many aspects of myself, but I'm extremely closed-off regarding romantic relationships. I once pushed a close friend out of my life because he developed feelings for me. I don't know why >.<
1. I'm getting married this year

2. I graduated almost a year ago with an BFA in Creative Writing (Someone is doing MFA and I wrote that instead of BFA lol. Maybe someday...)

3. I really don't like snow/cold but live in an area with intense Lake Effect snow on a regular basis

4. I'm currently working on my first novel

5. I'm one heck of a good cook

6. Video games are pretty much my life

7. I'm an avid reader when I actually sit down to read

8. My dream is to build my own house some day

9. I journal very hard. Hobonichi Techo is probably my favorite journal ever, but I love all their line of journal type books

10. I spend more time online than I think should be considered healthy, but I love it so much. So much knowledge!
1. I'm getting married this year

2. I graduated almost a year ago with an BFA in Creative Writing (Someone is doing MFA and I wrote that instead of BFA lol. Maybe someday...)

3. I really don't like snow/cold but live in an area with intense Lake Effect snow on a regular basis

4. I'm currently working on my first novel

5. I'm one heck of a good cook

6. Video games are pretty much my life

7. I'm an avid reader when I actually sit down to read

8. My dream is to build my own house some day

9. I journal very hard. Hobonichi Techo is probably my favorite journal ever, but I love all their line of journal type books

10. I spend more time online than I think should be considered healthy, but I love it so much. So much knowledge!