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TOPIC | Help me get better at writing?
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The best advice I can give is to read, read, read. Read newspapers, read fanfiction, read Tumblr posts, everything you can get your hands on. Imitate styles of writers you like. Notice what styles you like reading, and mimic elements of them.

And at the same time, write, write, write. You don't have to write perfectly all the time. Get the words out. Write blog posts, write forum posts, write tweets, write fanfiction, practice practice practice.

There's an old joke along those lines:

Q. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
A. Practice, man, practice!
The best advice I can give is to read, read, read. Read newspapers, read fanfiction, read Tumblr posts, everything you can get your hands on. Imitate styles of writers you like. Notice what styles you like reading, and mimic elements of them.

And at the same time, write, write, write. You don't have to write perfectly all the time. Get the words out. Write blog posts, write forum posts, write tweets, write fanfiction, practice practice practice.

There's an old joke along those lines:

Q. How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
A. Practice, man, practice!
@DoctorValentine: Good point.

Also, @KaitoBirdie there's a cool game you can get on Steam called Elegy For A Dead World. It's basically a game where you play an astronaut and explore three worlds...and the point of the game is to write. There are writing prompts and grammar exercises you can do, but there's also freeform writing so you can just wander around beautiful worlds and write. It's very easy to understand and pretty fun, and you can publish your writing. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a quick, fun, and easy cure for writer's block.
@DoctorValentine: Good point.

Also, @KaitoBirdie there's a cool game you can get on Steam called Elegy For A Dead World. It's basically a game where you play an astronaut and explore three worlds...and the point of the game is to write. There are writing prompts and grammar exercises you can do, but there's also freeform writing so you can just wander around beautiful worlds and write. It's very easy to understand and pretty fun, and you can publish your writing. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a quick, fun, and easy cure for writer's block.
qvTNuJR.pnglogo16_zps302d6ac7.png Utter Phasma Trash
I don't really have any concrete tips to give here and now, and I am not a very good writer, but I'll give you this link here to a tumblr blog I love!

This blog has many different tags to check out, with a ton of tips and references. c:
I don't really have any concrete tips to give here and now, and I am not a very good writer, but I'll give you this link here to a tumblr blog I love!

This blog has many different tags to check out, with a ton of tips and references. c:
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