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TOPIC | Help me get better at writing?
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Yo! So as a beginner writer planning to write my first book I would love some help from anyone really.

What I'd most be interested in hearing about is phobias mental illnesses and such. I who don't really have any of those things(At least I haven't noticed one yet.) and I wouldn't want to write it incorrectly y'know? So if any of you have anything you want to share is welcome.

How much it hurts to lose limbs would also be nice. The story im going for is kinda game of thrones like so yeaah. How to best describe the surroundings and people's appearence's, things like that.

Anything that you'd see as useful would be greatly appreaciated!
What would catch your interest if you went looking for a book to read?
Yo! So as a beginner writer planning to write my first book I would love some help from anyone really.

What I'd most be interested in hearing about is phobias mental illnesses and such. I who don't really have any of those things(At least I haven't noticed one yet.) and I wouldn't want to write it incorrectly y'know? So if any of you have anything you want to share is welcome.

How much it hurts to lose limbs would also be nice. The story im going for is kinda game of thrones like so yeaah. How to best describe the surroundings and people's appearence's, things like that.

Anything that you'd see as useful would be greatly appreaciated!
What would catch your interest if you went looking for a book to read?
I would work on punctuation placement, spelling, capitalization, and wording.
For example, you are lacking commas and have apostrophes on words that are not supposed to have them. Appearence's should be appearances.
I would work on punctuation placement, spelling, capitalization, and wording.
For example, you are lacking commas and have apostrophes on words that are not supposed to have them. Appearence's should be appearances.
@Mew Ahahah... Yeah sorry about that. Im actually a swede so not all my words are correctly spelled... =w=''

But thanks for the advice and learning me spell appearance's. uv u
@Mew Ahahah... Yeah sorry about that. Im actually a swede so not all my words are correctly spelled... =w=''

But thanks for the advice and learning me spell appearance's. uv u

Oh no, don't be sorry! :) I just hope I helped some.

Oh no, don't be sorry! :) I just hope I helped some.
@KaitoBirdie The more research, the better. It wouldn't hurt if someone with a mental illness agreed to do a private interview with you too. Always do a TON of reading about what you're going to be writing about, even if it's super fantasy. In fact especially if it is more fiction than anything else, the reader will appreciate things being grounded in some well read reality. Read other books that contain your chosen subjects, observe how they're used. If you're unsure of something, look it up.
@KaitoBirdie The more research, the better. It wouldn't hurt if someone with a mental illness agreed to do a private interview with you too. Always do a TON of reading about what you're going to be writing about, even if it's super fantasy. In fact especially if it is more fiction than anything else, the reader will appreciate things being grounded in some well read reality. Read other books that contain your chosen subjects, observe how they're used. If you're unsure of something, look it up.
My writing project.
@KaitoBirdie: I'd suggest looking up things about writing and doing research. Get a few books on mental illness and look at articles online. Find true stories of people with mental illnesses or talk to one if you can. The more authentic you are, the better your story will be.

As for writing, I do know of a Tumblr with resources for writers:

And TV Tropes is a website that catalogs all kinds of fiction tropes and even has some writing guides, which may be useful:

You might also want to look in your local bookstore for specific guides on writing books. I have a book about publishing children's books that my mom got at one time because she wanted to write a children's book and I just recently got a book specifically on writing characters. Maybe those kinds of books will help you too.

Hope that helped, and best of luck on your journey!
@KaitoBirdie: I'd suggest looking up things about writing and doing research. Get a few books on mental illness and look at articles online. Find true stories of people with mental illnesses or talk to one if you can. The more authentic you are, the better your story will be.

As for writing, I do know of a Tumblr with resources for writers:

And TV Tropes is a website that catalogs all kinds of fiction tropes and even has some writing guides, which may be useful:

You might also want to look in your local bookstore for specific guides on writing books. I have a book about publishing children's books that my mom got at one time because she wanted to write a children's book and I just recently got a book specifically on writing characters. Maybe those kinds of books will help you too.

Hope that helped, and best of luck on your journey!
qvTNuJR.pnglogo16_zps302d6ac7.png Utter Phasma Trash
How beginner are you? Have you written short stories before? Fanfic?
How beginner are you? Have you written short stories before? Fanfic?
I understand how it is more interesting if it's based on some reality when it comes to sicknesses and such, I'll be sure to do a lot of research. Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

Thanks for the advice, and those links are really helpful!
''Reference for writers'' is already helping, ehe, and I'll be looking for books like that when I go to the bookstore the next time. ;)

Oh, I've written a few stories, but they are indeed pretty short and im not sure how beginner I am. The stories I've written have been pretty deccent I'd say? What im most lacking in is probably making good descriptions and creating tension.
I understand how it is more interesting if it's based on some reality when it comes to sicknesses and such, I'll be sure to do a lot of research. Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to keep it in mind.

Thanks for the advice, and those links are really helpful!
''Reference for writers'' is already helping, ehe, and I'll be looking for books like that when I go to the bookstore the next time. ;)

Oh, I've written a few stories, but they are indeed pretty short and im not sure how beginner I am. The stories I've written have been pretty deccent I'd say? What im most lacking in is probably making good descriptions and creating tension.
Let me introduce you to our god and savior, The Hemingway Editor.
Just either copy paste or write in anything, and it will notify you of things you might need to change. I would explain further, but it will do a better job of explaining itself than me.
Let me introduce you to our god and savior, The Hemingway Editor.
Just either copy paste or write in anything, and it will notify you of things you might need to change. I would explain further, but it will do a better job of explaining itself than me.
Omg it's amazing. @0@
This will surely be great help! Thanks a lot for showing me this. uvu
Omg it's amazing. @0@
This will surely be great help! Thanks a lot for showing me this. uvu
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