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TOPIC | A small fact about yourself!
Lessee... I don't like to sit with my feet on the ground. It's somewhat uncomfortable for me, so I sit either on my feet, with legs crossed, or with legs kicked out to the side. Or I fold one foot under me and have the opposite knee tucked under the elbow of the same side.
I'm pretty much allergic to nature (pollen, anything with fur or feathers), but despite that I love all of nature minus spiders. I'd really like to get a pet snake, but mom's having none of it. ;_;
Lessee... I don't like to sit with my feet on the ground. It's somewhat uncomfortable for me, so I sit either on my feet, with legs crossed, or with legs kicked out to the side. Or I fold one foot under me and have the opposite knee tucked under the elbow of the same side.
I'm pretty much allergic to nature (pollen, anything with fur or feathers), but despite that I love all of nature minus spiders. I'd really like to get a pet snake, but mom's having none of it. ;_;
I love to read, even though I grew up not enjoying reading. What really sparked my interest in books was Harry Potter, which I only read about 2 or 3 years ago for the first time. Since then I've been absolutely enchanted with books.
I love to read, even though I grew up not enjoying reading. What really sparked my interest in books was Harry Potter, which I only read about 2 or 3 years ago for the first time. Since then I've been absolutely enchanted with books.
My sole motivation for learning how to use chopsticks when I was little was manga.
My sole motivation for learning how to use chopsticks when I was little was manga.
@Mazarbul i had some library books that overdue and then i got a letter saying it was going into debt collection so i finally paid the fines... i like to think of it as having bought three books in the most stress inducing and expensive way possible...

hm something about me... i have chronic fatigue and in high school i slept an average of 18 hours a day (i was only awake at school but also had two class periods free where i just slept) v_v
@Mazarbul i had some library books that overdue and then i got a letter saying it was going into debt collection so i finally paid the fines... i like to think of it as having bought three books in the most stress inducing and expensive way possible...

hm something about me... i have chronic fatigue and in high school i slept an average of 18 hours a day (i was only awake at school but also had two class periods free where i just slept) v_v
A fact about myself...? Uh... One time, when I was seven, I stapled my thumb in class and my very first instinct was to run off to the bathroom and try to write 'Beware' on the mirror with my own blood. Unfortunately, I ran out halfway through the w. Sigh.

Also, @sniff , I feel you. I sleep 18 hours a day too, sigh. (When I was little I was up till dawn every night though, even though I had to get up at 7 for school... I just. Didn't like sleeping when the sun was down. And also I read too much. I feel like my current need to oversleep is making up for that.)
A fact about myself...? Uh... One time, when I was seven, I stapled my thumb in class and my very first instinct was to run off to the bathroom and try to write 'Beware' on the mirror with my own blood. Unfortunately, I ran out halfway through the w. Sigh.

Also, @sniff , I feel you. I sleep 18 hours a day too, sigh. (When I was little I was up till dawn every night though, even though I had to get up at 7 for school... I just. Didn't like sleeping when the sun was down. And also I read too much. I feel like my current need to oversleep is making up for that.)
I frequently take walks without any real idea where I'm going. I'll do this for hours. I always end up going home, but a big part of me wonders what would happen if I just kept going.

I also take buses without knowing the route, getting off in random places in the city. I'm a big believer in fate - if I am somewhere, that's where I was meant to be.

...somehow, I've never actually gotten lost for more than a few minutes. I have a good sense of where I've been, despite having a terrible memory for street names.
I frequently take walks without any real idea where I'm going. I'll do this for hours. I always end up going home, but a big part of me wonders what would happen if I just kept going.

I also take buses without knowing the route, getting off in random places in the city. I'm a big believer in fate - if I am somewhere, that's where I was meant to be.

...somehow, I've never actually gotten lost for more than a few minutes. I have a good sense of where I've been, despite having a terrible memory for street names.
I just sneezed... because I forgot to take my allergy ****. (random, I know.)

HERE'S A RANDOM FACT. Our car broke down yesterday. The front wheel twisted out to the side and a bunch of black liquid came out from under the car... We had to have it towed away.
I just sneezed... because I forgot to take my allergy ****. (random, I know.)

HERE'S A RANDOM FACT. Our car broke down yesterday. The front wheel twisted out to the side and a bunch of black liquid came out from under the car... We had to have it towed away.
I am incredibly boring :x
I am incredibly boring :x
Symmetry rules my life; if i scratch my head on the right, I must sctratch it on the left as well.another example: If my partner kisses my left cheek, he must kiss the right as well, if he doesnt I get restless and I fell really bad and annoyed, he often uses this as a way to pick on me.
and the worst thing is, the numbers also have to be the same, if you poke me once on the left arm and twice on the other i will freak out big time.
Symmetry rules my life; if i scratch my head on the right, I must sctratch it on the left as well.another example: If my partner kisses my left cheek, he must kiss the right as well, if he doesnt I get restless and I fell really bad and annoyed, he often uses this as a way to pick on me.
and the worst thing is, the numbers also have to be the same, if you poke me once on the left arm and twice on the other i will freak out big time.
I have four nipples '-' (And no, this isn't a joke)
I have four nipples '-' (And no, this isn't a joke)