
General Discussion

Discuss your favorites: TV shows, music, games and hobbies.
TOPIC | College kids, report in
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@Brosephiine wow Berkley!!! :O best of luck getting in!!! I'm particularly find of Cultural Anth, but I really love Linguistic Anthro, do you have a favourite??
@Brosephiine wow Berkley!!! :O best of luck getting in!!! I'm particularly find of Cultural Anth, but I really love Linguistic Anthro, do you have a favourite??
College student here too!

I'm studying for a degree in costume design for stage and screen. Just finished first year, three more to go! I'll be 26 when I graduate, though! :P
College student here too!

I'm studying for a degree in costume design for stage and screen. Just finished first year, three more to go! I'll be 26 when I graduate, though! :P
My fascination started in third grade when I attempted to read my mom's old Physical Anthropology textbook. Didn't understand half of it, but I tried. xD I'm really interested in physical and cultural, but physical requires more math and ohmygod I can't do numbers. xD Cultural it is lol.

Linguistic Anthro, wow. I've never actually come across anyone that was interested in that. o: Makes sense to branch into an English teaching position with that though. But I did come across someone who was researching social structure on the internet lol.
My fascination started in third grade when I attempted to read my mom's old Physical Anthropology textbook. Didn't understand half of it, but I tried. xD I'm really interested in physical and cultural, but physical requires more math and ohmygod I can't do numbers. xD Cultural it is lol.

Linguistic Anthro, wow. I've never actually come across anyone that was interested in that. o: Makes sense to branch into an English teaching position with that though. But I did come across someone who was researching social structure on the internet lol.
I am a: Graphic/Web Designer.
I am more then Half way through my Associates Degree
I may go for my Bachelors Degree if a particular Mentor/Instructor asks it of me and helps finance tuition. (I'm that really annoy teachers pet- college style)
I am a: Graphic/Web Designer.
I am more then Half way through my Associates Degree
I may go for my Bachelors Degree if a particular Mentor/Instructor asks it of me and helps finance tuition. (I'm that really annoy teachers pet- college style)
Physical Anthro! Neat :D What does that focus on? the evolution of the human body? I have a few friends that've gotten into archaeology through anthro, rather funny hearing them come back from an excavation and declaring at customs that they have some bones and stuff in their luggage xD

I find Linguistics fascinating, I didn't even realize it until my friends were teasing me about the stuff i've learned; I can write fluently in Scandanavian Runic, Tengwar (the elven alphabet from Lord of the Rings), and I've taken Arabic so I can speak some, read more, and write a lot in that alphabet (one of my favourites, i loved it).
As far as cultural, I have thought about writing a dissertation or essay about the online culture of the internet, and more directly, online gaming. My interest came from hearing about the older Anthropologists doing ethnographies (fieldwork in other cultures) in far away places, and I read one where a woman did an online ethnography, visiting chatrooms, etc.
It made me think about doing something like that on World of Warcraft, which i regularly play, and as a girl, I see the different experiences I have depending on whether or not I play a female or male character, in addition to it being a defaultingly male-oriented game/population. Some cool food for thought anyways, I'll have to see if I really want to write about that >u
Physical Anthro! Neat :D What does that focus on? the evolution of the human body? I have a few friends that've gotten into archaeology through anthro, rather funny hearing them come back from an excavation and declaring at customs that they have some bones and stuff in their luggage xD

I find Linguistics fascinating, I didn't even realize it until my friends were teasing me about the stuff i've learned; I can write fluently in Scandanavian Runic, Tengwar (the elven alphabet from Lord of the Rings), and I've taken Arabic so I can speak some, read more, and write a lot in that alphabet (one of my favourites, i loved it).
As far as cultural, I have thought about writing a dissertation or essay about the online culture of the internet, and more directly, online gaming. My interest came from hearing about the older Anthropologists doing ethnographies (fieldwork in other cultures) in far away places, and I read one where a woman did an online ethnography, visiting chatrooms, etc.
It made me think about doing something like that on World of Warcraft, which i regularly play, and as a girl, I see the different experiences I have depending on whether or not I play a female or male character, in addition to it being a defaultingly male-oriented game/population. Some cool food for thought anyways, I'll have to see if I really want to write about that >u
Yeah that's basically what it focuses on lol. Man, I'd love to get into archaeology too. It'd be so fun. : D I can imagine how bringing bones back in my luggage would make for a hilarious story at some point. xD

Oh man, I was trying to teach myself Sindarin at some point. I think I was in middle school. I learned to say phrases and was trying to get a handle on everything, but there was nothing easy about it lol. Granted I was like, twelve. And I was the only one in the entire school attempting it.

Ahh, yeah I was thinking about it too for the same reasons. c: Pretty much exact same reasons lol. I originally tried for Game Art & Design at the Art Institute, being the only female in the classes was... rather interesting. Particularly the anatomy class lol.
Yeah that's basically what it focuses on lol. Man, I'd love to get into archaeology too. It'd be so fun. : D I can imagine how bringing bones back in my luggage would make for a hilarious story at some point. xD

Oh man, I was trying to teach myself Sindarin at some point. I think I was in middle school. I learned to say phrases and was trying to get a handle on everything, but there was nothing easy about it lol. Granted I was like, twelve. And I was the only one in the entire school attempting it.

Ahh, yeah I was thinking about it too for the same reasons. c: Pretty much exact same reasons lol. I originally tried for Game Art & Design at the Art Institute, being the only female in the classes was... rather interesting. Particularly the anatomy class lol.
(I guess I'm technically a freshman? I just graduated from high school. I hope it's alright that I post here. xD)

I start on September 1st - I'm not going to my top choice school because of financial issues, but I think it'll work out, regardless. I just have to do a little more juggling to get into the areas of study that I want since the University of Minnesota doesn't have much of a film program. I did get some nice scholarships though, so at least I shouldn't be totally drowning in debt when I go on to graduate school - perhaps at Northwestern University, where I was accepted but couldn't attend because yikes, that's a lot of money.

I still have to have my proposal accepted, but I plan to pursue an individualized major (I believe you can combine up to three majors/minors/areas of study for it) focusing on film, writing/english, and disability studies. The aim is to study the representation of disability in film, work towards a career in the industry itself, whether that involves screenwriting, production, direction, or any combination of those things, and hopefully (one day) make my own creative contributions to fair and equal representation of minority groups both on TV and in film.

I'm still tweaking my plans here and there, but I'm pretty set on all of the above. I'm prepared for the possibility of all of it changing, though. I have a wide range of interests that could turn into majors/careers.

...yeah, I've spent the last couple of years thinking about this. xD Was gonna do biology or something, then everything changed in 10th grade when I read a giant book about the film industry and the careers within it (for a project) and I ended up being so incredibly into it - haven't looked back since. Science isn't really my thing anymore, anyway (says the Lightning flight member).
(I guess I'm technically a freshman? I just graduated from high school. I hope it's alright that I post here. xD)

I start on September 1st - I'm not going to my top choice school because of financial issues, but I think it'll work out, regardless. I just have to do a little more juggling to get into the areas of study that I want since the University of Minnesota doesn't have much of a film program. I did get some nice scholarships though, so at least I shouldn't be totally drowning in debt when I go on to graduate school - perhaps at Northwestern University, where I was accepted but couldn't attend because yikes, that's a lot of money.

I still have to have my proposal accepted, but I plan to pursue an individualized major (I believe you can combine up to three majors/minors/areas of study for it) focusing on film, writing/english, and disability studies. The aim is to study the representation of disability in film, work towards a career in the industry itself, whether that involves screenwriting, production, direction, or any combination of those things, and hopefully (one day) make my own creative contributions to fair and equal representation of minority groups both on TV and in film.

I'm still tweaking my plans here and there, but I'm pretty set on all of the above. I'm prepared for the possibility of all of it changing, though. I have a wide range of interests that could turn into majors/careers.

...yeah, I've spent the last couple of years thinking about this. xD Was gonna do biology or something, then everything changed in 10th grade when I read a giant book about the film industry and the careers within it (for a project) and I ended up being so incredibly into it - haven't looked back since. Science isn't really my thing anymore, anyway (says the Lightning flight member).
-back and lurking-
@Brosephiine haha it was in middle school that I taught myself Runic. I haven't learned the phrases so much of Sindarin, I'm looking towards Valyrian or Dothraki when they have more of the vocab and grammar out *u*
Well that physical anthropology seems really, really cool. I've taken some Anthro/Kinesiology classes that dealt with analysing the different illnesses that humans had in ancient times (leprosy, smallpox, malaria, etc.) we got to see skeletal remains and how it the illnesses affected the body, truly fascinating :D
Oh man, anatomy class as the only girl, my heart goes out to you, i can't imagine o_o
@Brosephiine haha it was in middle school that I taught myself Runic. I haven't learned the phrases so much of Sindarin, I'm looking towards Valyrian or Dothraki when they have more of the vocab and grammar out *u*
Well that physical anthropology seems really, really cool. I've taken some Anthro/Kinesiology classes that dealt with analysing the different illnesses that humans had in ancient times (leprosy, smallpox, malaria, etc.) we got to see skeletal remains and how it the illnesses affected the body, truly fascinating :D
Oh man, anatomy class as the only girl, my heart goes out to you, i can't imagine o_o
I totally didn't have the focus for it. I managed to get pretty far, all things considered, but I fell into the teenage routine and gave up on it. :c I might try learning it again, though preferably after I take my linguistic requirement. I'm not learning French AND attempting Sindarin at the same time, I need my sanity. xD Valyrian and Dothraki both sound fun to learn. o: I didn't know they'd actually created the languages for it.

Oh wow, that sounds really interesting! Hee, now I'm jonesing for my first Anthropology classes lol. Cannot wait for August. : D

It was actually really entertaining. The teacher brought in a pretty Asian female for our first session, but most of his models were male. He had to chastise the entire class about ignoring the genitalia in their drawings. xD
I totally didn't have the focus for it. I managed to get pretty far, all things considered, but I fell into the teenage routine and gave up on it. :c I might try learning it again, though preferably after I take my linguistic requirement. I'm not learning French AND attempting Sindarin at the same time, I need my sanity. xD Valyrian and Dothraki both sound fun to learn. o: I didn't know they'd actually created the languages for it.

Oh wow, that sounds really interesting! Hee, now I'm jonesing for my first Anthropology classes lol. Cannot wait for August. : D

It was actually really entertaining. The teacher brought in a pretty Asian female for our first session, but most of his models were male. He had to chastise the entire class about ignoring the genitalia in their drawings. xD
@Brosephiine yeah they've gone hardcore on Valyrian and Dothraki, like the whole nine-yards of developing these languages into the new Klingon. The creator explained it was because he knew how seriously some people would take learning the languages, so he went into crazy detail :)
You're American right?? Have you had any experience in French before?? I can help you out a bit in that department. I'm American/Canadian and (whether i wanted to or not) some French has imbedded in me, and I've had a few years learning it :)
@Brosephiine yeah they've gone hardcore on Valyrian and Dothraki, like the whole nine-yards of developing these languages into the new Klingon. The creator explained it was because he knew how seriously some people would take learning the languages, so he went into crazy detail :)
You're American right?? Have you had any experience in French before?? I can help you out a bit in that department. I'm American/Canadian and (whether i wanted to or not) some French has imbedded in me, and I've had a few years learning it :)
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