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@Arkham you /have/ to try it!! im really upset its only an stl thing because its way up on my fav foods list. i dont eat beef or pork (its a texture issue for me, i would be a vegetarian but i like poultry and venison too much -- i deer hunt too!! typical redneck missourian family got me into it laughs) so i usually get the ones filled with cheese, theyre so good =v=

ive always loved animated stuff and have been saying since i was a kid that i wanted to work with movies and tv shows, and now i finally know more specifically what i want to do :D i really want to be a storyboarder or character designer, the background stuff mostly!!
wasnt even aware they had grants like that omg o: will definitely research those when im applying for financial aid and stuff, thank you!! < 3
@Arkham you /have/ to try it!! im really upset its only an stl thing because its way up on my fav foods list. i dont eat beef or pork (its a texture issue for me, i would be a vegetarian but i like poultry and venison too much -- i deer hunt too!! typical redneck missourian family got me into it laughs) so i usually get the ones filled with cheese, theyre so good =v=

ive always loved animated stuff and have been saying since i was a kid that i wanted to work with movies and tv shows, and now i finally know more specifically what i want to do :D i really want to be a storyboarder or character designer, the background stuff mostly!!
wasnt even aware they had grants like that omg o: will definitely research those when im applying for financial aid and stuff, thank you!! < 3
fr+2 - they/he/she
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There was a huge crusade. "BRONIES DESERVE REPRESENTATION" they screamed, "B STANDS FOR BRONY" they yelled.
There was a huge crusade. "BRONIES DESERVE REPRESENTATION" they screamed, "B STANDS FOR BRONY" they yelled.
23 l she/they l FR+8 l UK
I love cheese ravioli. I like the kind with cheese and spinach inside too, but plain cheese is always the best. 8D
I've been a vegetarian for about 7 years now actually. :'D I never tried venison before I became vegetarian. I wasn't very adventurous with my meat. lol I really only ever ate beef, so it was super easy for me to just stop eating it. Although, I did try buffalo burgers once. They weren't that great, in my opinion. :x

I always thought that character design would be the most fun part of animation. I've been meaning to do one of those 30 day character design challenges where you make a new character each day. I'll probably do it over summer. It's just so much fun.
Here is a small list of scholarships. I haven't looked into all of them, so I don't know if you're eligible for them all, but at least it's somewhere for you to start. c:
That's actually a good site to look for scholarships in general, so you should definitely check out some other categories!
I love cheese ravioli. I like the kind with cheese and spinach inside too, but plain cheese is always the best. 8D
I've been a vegetarian for about 7 years now actually. :'D I never tried venison before I became vegetarian. I wasn't very adventurous with my meat. lol I really only ever ate beef, so it was super easy for me to just stop eating it. Although, I did try buffalo burgers once. They weren't that great, in my opinion. :x

I always thought that character design would be the most fun part of animation. I've been meaning to do one of those 30 day character design challenges where you make a new character each day. I'll probably do it over summer. It's just so much fun.
Here is a small list of scholarships. I haven't looked into all of them, so I don't know if you're eligible for them all, but at least it's somewhere for you to start. c:
That's actually a good site to look for scholarships in general, so you should definitely check out some other categories!
As a bisexual and a brony that is ridiculous. Being a brony is about fandom, not an identity. It has nothing to do with gender or sexuality :/ Seriously why do people in any sort of group, fandom or noy, try to make things more complicated and start yelling at other groups.

I mean it would be like Whovians asking to be part of the acronym or pagans. Sure you could be LGBTQIA and part of any other group, but that doesnt mean we need to merge or something.

Anyways I actually was discussing with my mother today my choice in career which is a sexuality and gender psychologist.. I'm already out to her but she seemed a bit confused but I really didn't feel like explaining other then thr vasics.
As a bisexual and a brony that is ridiculous. Being a brony is about fandom, not an identity. It has nothing to do with gender or sexuality :/ Seriously why do people in any sort of group, fandom or noy, try to make things more complicated and start yelling at other groups.

I mean it would be like Whovians asking to be part of the acronym or pagans. Sure you could be LGBTQIA and part of any other group, but that doesnt mean we need to merge or something.

Anyways I actually was discussing with my mother today my choice in career which is a sexuality and gender psychologist.. I'm already out to her but she seemed a bit confused but I really didn't feel like explaining other then thr vasics.
By. my friend RD
My Hatchery | Furvilla
I love you.

@Everyone else
In case you didn't get it... I'm Vinyl's girlfriend. I am an androgynous lesbian, though not entirely "out" about it all. I've come out to my parents as a lesbian 3 times, but they aren't all that accepting, so I'm staying in the closet about being androgynous for now.
I love you.

@Everyone else
In case you didn't get it... I'm Vinyl's girlfriend. I am an androgynous lesbian, though not entirely "out" about it all. I've come out to my parents as a lesbian 3 times, but they aren't all that accepting, so I'm staying in the closet about being androgynous for now.
Gay/Queer. Agender.
Please use they/them pronouns.
Okay guys, I've finally gotten the chance to respond to everyone, so I'm taking what time I have to do it. Even though I should technically be teaching myself everything I missed from classes a couple weeks ago when I was sick... Eh, oh well.

@Historia (Clawspur) @Reno @Kiira @Taleirrh @Harmony @WatchKeyPhone @TheBurningRose @TigressMin @Carry @Dragonpaw (Neon) @LupisDarkmoon @Klefki @Ningyo @Nicolas @Zrcalo @Ellis @ArcherAnders @Naamah @Jrethel @RingMaster @tilukonfdz @Canidae @Megu @Mousequest @Sylimph @WolfSelkey (Would you like me to add Neutrois to the list, by the way?) @Amphisbaena @Arkham @tellingetienne @cannibalcrunch @rapturesrevenge
@mngwa @Finchy @FlightGal @guro @ErsatzLace @Skip @Kegs @lamia

Nice to meet you all (And nice to speak to you again, for those of whom I've met elsewhere on the site)! I did go through and read your posts, and I must say, I enjoy seeing such a diverse group of people around here. I wish I could respond to each of you individually, but for now, this will have to do. However, any or all of you are more than welcome to keep posting. I promise to respond in a more... Timely manner than before. ;3

I'd be more than happy to~ I'll post them up now, along with your definitions. Thank you for adding to the thread. c: (Adding: I'll be changing up one of your definitions, from a correction by rhianimated today. If you find/fix anything before I do, just let me know.)

Ask, and you shall receive. ^-^ I added the information that Solknots provided, and I'll look up a more in depth definition for transgender, asexual, pansexual, and polysexual for you guys~

Thank you for the information. I've added it to the title, along with the definitions~ ^^ (I used your definition, and cited you on it, but if you'd rather me use the link you posted, that would be fine as well if you let me know.) Also, dear God(s), you're mother is great. :3

@ironriots @bec @Ampharos
Nice to meet you all! I'm terribly sorry that the inclusion of that bothered you. However, I strictly put allies in the second post so that those of whom who are actual allies would feel comfortable enough to post in the thread. Being a lesbian myself, I can't say I know how it feels to be an "ally", but I do know how it feels to not seem... Necessarily wanted somewhere, which is why I included them. If I may point this out, I didn't include allies in the title or actual algorithm, simply a definition for the term for everyone's knowledge. I do completely agree that it bothers me when people automatically assign themselves that term, because no, not all "straight people" are allies, but for those who genuinely are, and out-rightly support the rest of us, I welcome them with open arms and would love for them to post around here. All in all, we're a big family, and we should all be there for each other. ^_^ If it still does discomfort any of you, I'd be willing to remove it from the information section with no problem at all~

My dear, let me first say, I am so sorry for your situation. I can hardly go a day without being able to see the girl I love, so I can't imagine how difficult being suppressed must be for you. I've never understood why some people still find other genders or sexualities "disgusting", as in my opinion, it's what someone else likes/loves, so leave it be. It's really a shame that there is so much hatred and distaste everywhere in the world, and that people are being cast out and unsupported by complete strangers, or their own friends/family. If anything, we, as a community, are here for you, no matter what~ It's pleasing to hear that the other people in your life are indeed supportive though. I sincerely hope that your parents come to have a change of heart.

Well thank you for pointing that out. I'll take a bit of time to research the term myself and see if I can get a new definition. ^^

That should be everyone, with the exception of one very special person who I'll be responding to in just a minute. (She gets her own post. :3)

(Also, if I've forgotten someone on my mass of pings, or thought wrong about you not wanting to be pinged, please let me know. The only reason I would not ping someone is if they obviously weren't interested in staying in the thread for positive reasons, or were just explaining a point to someone, without the intention of staying in the thread.)

Okay guys, I've finally gotten the chance to respond to everyone, so I'm taking what time I have to do it. Even though I should technically be teaching myself everything I missed from classes a couple weeks ago when I was sick... Eh, oh well.

@Historia (Clawspur) @Reno @Kiira @Taleirrh @Harmony @WatchKeyPhone @TheBurningRose @TigressMin @Carry @Dragonpaw (Neon) @LupisDarkmoon @Klefki @Ningyo @Nicolas @Zrcalo @Ellis @ArcherAnders @Naamah @Jrethel @RingMaster @tilukonfdz @Canidae @Megu @Mousequest @Sylimph @WolfSelkey (Would you like me to add Neutrois to the list, by the way?) @Amphisbaena @Arkham @tellingetienne @cannibalcrunch @rapturesrevenge
@mngwa @Finchy @FlightGal @guro @ErsatzLace @Skip @Kegs @lamia

Nice to meet you all (And nice to speak to you again, for those of whom I've met elsewhere on the site)! I did go through and read your posts, and I must say, I enjoy seeing such a diverse group of people around here. I wish I could respond to each of you individually, but for now, this will have to do. However, any or all of you are more than welcome to keep posting. I promise to respond in a more... Timely manner than before. ;3

I'd be more than happy to~ I'll post them up now, along with your definitions. Thank you for adding to the thread. c: (Adding: I'll be changing up one of your definitions, from a correction by rhianimated today. If you find/fix anything before I do, just let me know.)

Ask, and you shall receive. ^-^ I added the information that Solknots provided, and I'll look up a more in depth definition for transgender, asexual, pansexual, and polysexual for you guys~

Thank you for the information. I've added it to the title, along with the definitions~ ^^ (I used your definition, and cited you on it, but if you'd rather me use the link you posted, that would be fine as well if you let me know.) Also, dear God(s), you're mother is great. :3

@ironriots @bec @Ampharos
Nice to meet you all! I'm terribly sorry that the inclusion of that bothered you. However, I strictly put allies in the second post so that those of whom who are actual allies would feel comfortable enough to post in the thread. Being a lesbian myself, I can't say I know how it feels to be an "ally", but I do know how it feels to not seem... Necessarily wanted somewhere, which is why I included them. If I may point this out, I didn't include allies in the title or actual algorithm, simply a definition for the term for everyone's knowledge. I do completely agree that it bothers me when people automatically assign themselves that term, because no, not all "straight people" are allies, but for those who genuinely are, and out-rightly support the rest of us, I welcome them with open arms and would love for them to post around here. All in all, we're a big family, and we should all be there for each other. ^_^ If it still does discomfort any of you, I'd be willing to remove it from the information section with no problem at all~

My dear, let me first say, I am so sorry for your situation. I can hardly go a day without being able to see the girl I love, so I can't imagine how difficult being suppressed must be for you. I've never understood why some people still find other genders or sexualities "disgusting", as in my opinion, it's what someone else likes/loves, so leave it be. It's really a shame that there is so much hatred and distaste everywhere in the world, and that people are being cast out and unsupported by complete strangers, or their own friends/family. If anything, we, as a community, are here for you, no matter what~ It's pleasing to hear that the other people in your life are indeed supportive though. I sincerely hope that your parents come to have a change of heart.

Well thank you for pointing that out. I'll take a bit of time to research the term myself and see if I can get a new definition. ^^

That should be everyone, with the exception of one very special person who I'll be responding to in just a minute. (She gets her own post. :3)

(Also, if I've forgotten someone on my mass of pings, or thought wrong about you not wanting to be pinged, please let me know. The only reason I would not ping someone is if they obviously weren't interested in staying in the thread for positive reasons, or were just explaining a point to someone, without the intention of staying in the thread.)


The whole brony thing was satire. Which is... extremely obvious.

Long story short, they were making a point about things that *dont* relate to sexuality asking to be included in lgbt+ acronym stuff.

Intersex, Ally and two-spirited shouldnt be included in the acronym.

Intersex is not a sexuality, it's physical characteristics.
Ally is not a sexuality.
Two spirited is a term said by natives for natives in their tribe and it is an all encompassing term. not a specific. if 2s is included, then all other synonyms for "queer" across the world should be included as well. which is not feasible.

I'm intersexed, and I am still baffled why intersex is included in the acronym. what you were born with on the outside has no bearings on actual sexuality. That's like putting "vagina" and "penis" on the acronym list.

The whole brony thing was satire. Which is... extremely obvious.

Long story short, they were making a point about things that *dont* relate to sexuality asking to be included in lgbt+ acronym stuff.

Intersex, Ally and two-spirited shouldnt be included in the acronym.

Intersex is not a sexuality, it's physical characteristics.
Ally is not a sexuality.
Two spirited is a term said by natives for natives in their tribe and it is an all encompassing term. not a specific. if 2s is included, then all other synonyms for "queer" across the world should be included as well. which is not feasible.

I'm intersexed, and I am still baffled why intersex is included in the acronym. what you were born with on the outside has no bearings on actual sexuality. That's like putting "vagina" and "penis" on the acronym list.
@Zrcalo Satire isn't funny when it contributes to stuff like bisexual erasure.

@Vinyl While I understand where you're coming from I still don't think that cishet allies deserve or need a place in queer safe spaces. I think that's,,kind of the point of having a safe space? But w/e, if thats not what you were going for.
@Zrcalo Satire isn't funny when it contributes to stuff like bisexual erasure.

@Vinyl While I understand where you're coming from I still don't think that cishet allies deserve or need a place in queer safe spaces. I think that's,,kind of the point of having a safe space? But w/e, if thats not what you were going for.
shadow_them.png fz98ib.gif shadow_them.png

that's the point of satire.
the whole point was the erasure of people that matter into something dumb. like people who take "asexual" to mean "ally".

that's what satire's all about.

you're making fun of the people who are doing it.


if the A for asexuality means "ally" instead..
the B for bisexuality means "brony".

this is totes logic.

that's the point of satire.
the whole point was the erasure of people that matter into something dumb. like people who take "asexual" to mean "ally".

that's what satire's all about.

you're making fun of the people who are doing it.


if the A for asexuality means "ally" instead..
the B for bisexuality means "brony".

this is totes logic.
@Zrcalo Considering that Bronies as a fandom are extremely aggressive in appropriating a television show for teaching little girls about feminine positivity and the power of female friendships, I exceptionally do not ever trust them to make any sort of progressive social statement, they are not needed. Also, I HAVE seen bronies who did NOT participate in that craze in a satirical manner, and have never seen nor heard any evidence of it being satire until now.
@Zrcalo Considering that Bronies as a fandom are extremely aggressive in appropriating a television show for teaching little girls about feminine positivity and the power of female friendships, I exceptionally do not ever trust them to make any sort of progressive social statement, they are not needed. Also, I HAVE seen bronies who did NOT participate in that craze in a satirical manner, and have never seen nor heard any evidence of it being satire until now.
shadow_them.png fz98ib.gif shadow_them.png