[center][size=6]COMPLETE GENE SWATCH DOC[/size]
[i]For use with Adoptables, Art, Breeding, and... Fun![/i]
[size=5][emoji=palette size=1][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1k2OdDU5HgqVws-zdhnb3Z5Q1FG1ma-y0Oe3cqk7aBUU/edit?usp=sharing][b]CLICK HERE FOR SHEET[/b][/url][emoji=palette size=1][/size][/center]
[b]What is this?[/b]
This is going to be a comprehensive color guide to genes on Flight Rising. It's all in one CTRL+F or CMD+F -able google sheet, with all genes regardless of breed planned. They're added alphabetically, primary first. I wanted something that didn't require any downloads or images to use, with text you can simply copy/paste or put into your own art program. I work on an ipad, so transferring tons of images can get pretty annoying, and uses valuable space! This is nice just to have on a separate screen for reference.
Edit 2/20/24: Added a navigation/index page with linked ranges! Clicking takes you right to the gene so you don't have to cmd+f, especially on mobile
[b]What is this not?[/b]
A calculator, a repository of images, nor a linked reference. Plenty of those already exist! I'm just trying to fill the void where I saw one. I want to keep it as streamlined and uncomplicated as possible, it will just be the google sheet with hex codes and colors.
[b]What does (x) mean?[/b]
I kinda use my own shorthand to describe where the colors go. I post the keys in the second post below this one. If you need further explanation, let me know and I'd be happy to illustrate what I mean by something. C:
[b]I see a bug/typo/error/I like the thing![/b]
Please @ me on this thread! I likely won't be subscribed just because I don't want my notifs swamped, so @ ing me is the best course of action
Gotcha covered! I ping when I finish a set of genes:
[b]Finished Genes[/b]
[*] Basic
[*] Arapaima - Arowana
[*] Arc - Loop
[*] Bar - Daub
[*] Boa - Saddle
[*] Boulder - Myrid
[*] Bright - Vivid
[*] Candy - Icing
[*] Candycane - Sugarplum
[*] Caterpillar - Larvae
[*] Chess - Checkers
[*] Cherub - Seraph
[*] Chevron - Arrow
[*] Chorus - Choir
What is this?
This is going to be a comprehensive color guide to genes on Flight Rising. It's all in one CTRL+F or CMD+F -able google sheet, with all genes regardless of breed planned. They're added alphabetically, primary first. I wanted something that didn't require any downloads or images to use, with text you can simply copy/paste or put into your own art program. I work on an ipad, so transferring tons of images can get pretty annoying, and uses valuable space! This is nice just to have on a separate screen for reference.
Edit 2/20/24: Added a navigation/index page with linked ranges! Clicking takes you right to the gene so you don't have to cmd+f, especially on mobile
What is this not?
A calculator, a repository of images, nor a linked reference. Plenty of those already exist! I'm just trying to fill the void where I saw one. I want to keep it as streamlined and uncomplicated as possible, it will just be the google sheet with hex codes and colors.
What does (x) mean?
I kinda use my own shorthand to describe where the colors go. I post the keys in the second post below this one. If you need further explanation, let me know and I'd be happy to illustrate what I mean by something. C:
I see a bug/typo/error/I like the thing!
Please @ me on this thread! I likely won't be subscribed just because I don't want my notifs swamped, so @ ing me is the best course of action
Gotcha covered! I ping when I finish a set of genes:
Finished Genes
- Basic
- Arapaima - Arowana
- Arc - Loop
- Bar - Daub
- Boa - Saddle
- Boulder - Myrid
- Bright - Vivid
- Candy - Icing
- Candycane - Sugarplum
- Caterpillar - Larvae
- Chess - Checkers
- Cherub - Seraph
- Chevron - Arrow
- Chorus - Choir
Critter Adopts
The acorn beckons
[center][size=6]GENE CODE REFERENCES[/size]
[i]To decipher my shorthand[/i]
Arapaima/Arowana on peacock Sandsurge female
Arc/Loop on peacock Veilspun male
This is everything i could have prayed to the dieties for and then some
[quote name="Vabam" date="2023-12-06 21:22:02" ]
This is everything i could have prayed to the dieties for and then some
Second this!
Vabam wrote on 2023-12-06 21:22:02:
This is everything i could have prayed to the dieties for and then some
Second this!
This is great, thank you for sharing
This is great, thank you for sharing
Thanks a bunch for collecting all this data!!! Out of curiosity, how are you getting the colors for this? I've tried to color pick and gather gene colors before, but couldn't get consistent values across all breeds.
Thanks a bunch for collecting all this data!!! Out of curiosity, how are you getting the colors for this? I've tried to color pick and gather gene colors before, but couldn't get consistent values across all breeds.
I am just colorpicking from on-site images! They do vary by a bit, but generally I try to pick from the most opaque, large, and clear spots on a dragon to kinda minimize that change. I generally test the base color out against basic, if it only varies by a couple hue letters, I'll use that breed/age combo.
For veilspun's arc/loop, I'm using adult males for the dark, swirly markings, but I pick from the babies for the weird colorful fade that some colors get, because I can't get an opaque color on the male base.
The fact that breeds vary so much in color tells me that it's not Imperative to get every single color correct, and that this is just as useful since most of these changes aren't really detectable anyways. And many genes have gradients that obscure colors underneath.
Here's where I was picking from for Ara/Aro for example. I stayed consistent every time I picked colors, just to eliminate any other kind of variation
I just have to tell myself that it's never going to be exact down to the code, but I can get it fairly close and that's what matters to me.
I am just colorpicking from on-site images! They do vary by a bit, but generally I try to pick from the most opaque, large, and clear spots on a dragon to kinda minimize that change. I generally test the base color out against basic, if it only varies by a couple hue letters, I'll use that breed/age combo.
For veilspun's arc/loop, I'm using adult males for the dark, swirly markings, but I pick from the babies for the weird colorful fade that some colors get, because I can't get an opaque color on the male base.
The fact that breeds vary so much in color tells me that it's not Imperative to get every single color correct, and that this is just as useful since most of these changes aren't really detectable anyways. And many genes have gradients that obscure colors underneath.
Here's where I was picking from for Ara/Aro for example. I stayed consistent every time I picked colors, just to eliminate any other kind of variation
I just have to tell myself that it's never going to be exact down to the code, but I can get it fairly close and that's what matters to me.
Critter Adopts
The acorn beckons
This is awesome! Good luck :>
This is awesome! Good luck :>
I love this concept so much ^^
I love this concept so much ^^