

Community created guides, helpful strategies, and more.
TOPIC | all fest apparel (list + outfits)

update: there are now more festival items than can fit on one dressing room model, so i'm switching to 2 models per flight, one for the 'small' (40fc) apparel and one for the 'large' (65fc) apparel. additionally, i'm adding the newer in-line item links and i've created a site pinglist for this thread/guide! if you've got any suggestions i'm always keeping an ear out for ways to improve :)

op of the previous thread

update: there are now more festival items than can fit on one dressing room model, so i'm switching to 2 models per flight, one for the 'small' (40fc) apparel and one for the 'large' (65fc) apparel. additionally, i'm adding the newer in-line item links and i've created a site pinglist for this thread/guide! if you've got any suggestions i'm always keeping an ear out for ways to improve :)

op of the previous thread

they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!

large apparel (65fc)

light - large
lightning - large
fire - large
arcane - large
plague - large
earth - large
ice - large
shadow - large
wind - large
water - large
nature - large

small apparel (40fc)

light - small
lightning - small
fire - small
arcane - small
plague - small
earth - small
ice - small
shadow - small
wind - small
water - small
nature - small

large apparel (65fc)

light - large
lightning - large
fire - large
arcane - large
plague - large
earth - large
ice - large
shadow - large
wind - large
water - large
nature - large

small apparel (40fc)

light - small
lightning - small
fire - small
arcane - small
plague - small
earth - small
ice - small
shadow - small
wind - small
water - small
nature - small
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
[center][url=]outfits[/url] | [b][url=]by year[/url][/b] | [url=]by fest[/url][/center] [center][b]13-14:[/b] armbands + emblems + year 1 apparel [columns][img][/img][nextcol][item=illuminated armband][item=illuminated emblem][item=sunchaser jewelry] [item=electrician's armband][item=electrician's emblem][item=electrician's power pack] [item=searing armband][item=searing emblem][item=metallurgist's forgetools] [item=starseer's armband][item=starseer's emblem][item=archivist's spellscroll] [item=infectionist's armband][item=infectionist's emblem][item=boneyard tatters] [item=stonekeeper armband][item=stonekeeper emblem][item=eroded crystalhide] [item=frigid armband][item=frigid emblem][item=frigid fugitive shackles] [item=shady armband][item=shady emblem][item=tricktrouper crown] [item=whirlwind armband][item=whirlwind emblem][item=windbound plumage] [item=diver armband][item=diver emblem][item=thresher flatfins] [item=druidic armband][item=druidic emblem][item=naturalist adornments][nextcol][color=transparent]_[/color][nextcol][gamedb item=924] [gamedb item=935] [gamedb item=973] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=925] [gamedb item=936] [gamedb item=974] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=922] [gamedb item=933] [gamedb item=1223] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=920] [gamedb item=931] [gamedb item=1314] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=927] [gamedb item=938] [gamedb item=1792] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=921] [gamedb item=932] [gamedb item=2128] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=923] [gamedb item=934] [gamedb item=2481] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=928] [gamedb item=939] [gamedb item=2889] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=930] [gamedb item=941] [gamedb item=953] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=929] [gamedb item=940] [gamedb item=954] [color=transparent][size=5][size=7]|[/size][/size][/color] [color=transparent][size=1][size=1]|[/size][/size][/color] [gamedb item=926] [gamedb item=937] [gamedb item=957][/columns] [b]14-15:[/b] sashes + year 2 apparel [item=illuminated sash][item=sunguard chest][item=electrified sash][item=golem gauntlet] [item=searing sash][item=magmatic pauldrons][item=starseer's sash][item=companion comet] [item=infectionist's sash][item=runaway rotclaw][item=stonekeeper sash][item=crystalhide treads] [item=frigid sash][item=chillspike collar][item=shady sash][item=moonglow thorns] [item=whirlwind sash][item=gustborne balloon][item=diver sash][item=seashell mantle] [item=druidic sash][item=leafy gladeboughs] [size=2][gamedb item=4139][gamedb item=4140][gamedb item=4925][gamedb item=4926] [gamedb item=5492][gamedb item=5491][gamedb item=6060][gamedb item=6059] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][/size] [b]15-16:[/b] crowns + year 3 apparel [item=illuminated crown][item=solar blades][item=electrician's crown][item=mesa mechanojets] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=searing crown][item=will o' the ember][item=starseer's crown][item=cosmologist fieldtools] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=infectionist's crown][item=skeletal chimes][item=stonekeeper crown][item=bluffclamber belongings] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=frigid crown][item=chillspike crown][item=shady crown][item=gloomwillow guide] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=whirlwind crown][item=windbound mask][item=diver crown][item=warmwater wanderers] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=druidic crown][item=butterfly's kiss] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]16-17:[/b] year 4 apparel [item=luminous legguards][item=surgestream coat][item=black iron plates][item=starlight cloak] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=scavenger's tatters][item=pyrite pauldrons][item=snowfall robe][item=trickster's magic cards] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=bamboo breeze cape][item=deeprealm trident][item=dryad's guise] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]17-18:[/b] year 5 apparel [item=hewn philosopher's veil][item=highland scavenger][item=welder's mask][item=starwood veil] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=carapace arm][item=gem thief][item=icicle chains][item=bramble mantle] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=map kit][item=fin jewels][item=tree warden's garb] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]18-19:[/b] haloes + year 6 apparel [item=luminous halo][item=luminous sundrapes][item=voltaic halo][item=voltaic stormclaws] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=conflagrant halo][item=conflagrant kilt][item=spellwrought halo][item=spellwrought shardhide] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=contaminated halo][item=contaminated infectalons][item=crystalcourt halo][item=crystalcourt cascades] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=glitterfreeze halo][item=glitterfreeze ice-trolabe][item=murkmirth halo][item=murkmirth tailcoat] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=aerborne halo][item=aerborne gustgather][item=fathomsearch halo][item=fathomsearch spirit jug] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=gladegift halo][item=gladegift garlands] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]19-20:[/b] standards + year 7 apparel [item=standard of the lightweaver][item=brightshine raiments][item=standard of the stormcatcher][item=thundercrack cogspanner] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=standard of the flamecaller][item=flameforger crucible][item=standard of the arcanist][item=starfall crystalcloak] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=standard of the plaguebringer][item=riot hazebeacon][item=standard of the earthshaker][item=cairnstone carry] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=standard of the icewarden][item=glacierguard platemail][item=standard of the shadowbinder][item=shadowstrike] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=standard of the windsinger][item=reedcleft resonance][item=standard of the tidelord][item=current caller raiment] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=standard of the gladekeeper][item=greenskeeper treeshroud] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]20-21:[/b] year 8 apparel [item=daybreak decorations][item=voltvolley implements][item=igneous iguana][item=feathery fallout] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=boneyard bard][item=gemologist's discovery][item=frostfaerie wings][item=void's grasp] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=airborne parchment][item=coral crown][item=nurtured cluster] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]21-22:[/b] charms + year 9 apparel [item=light's charm][item=lustrous mantle][item=lightning's charm][item=trailing storm] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=fire's charm][item=incense mantle][item=arcane's charm][item=bewitching bangles] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=plague's charm][item=proto wings][item=earth's charm][item=fossil facsimile] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=ice's charm][item=rimeplate][item=shadow's charm][item=marshlurker's drape] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=wind's charm][item=mistral mantle][item=water's charm][item=current catch] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=nature's charm][item=foliage blind] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]22-23:[/b] auras + year 10 apparel [item=light aura][item=gilded compass][item=lightning aura][item=powered implants] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=fire aura][item=blaze branches][item=arcane aura][item=starwood embrace] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=plague aura][item=rotted mane][item=earth aura][item=stoneshatter drill] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=ice aura][item=boreal hunter][item=shadow aura][item=dark incense] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=wind aura][item=song of the western wind][item=water aura][item=seashell drapes] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=nature aura][item=blossoming sash] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [b]23-24:[/b] year 11 apparel [item=sunshield cloak][item=timekeeper][item=spires of flame][item=starlit pants] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=boneyard drape][item=crystalclaw sheath][item=winterberry branches][item=trickster's lantern] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=][gamedb item=] [item=mistral bow][item=deepwater fins][item=spiderlily sickle] [gamedb item=][gamedb item=]

13-14: armbands + emblems + year 1 apparel

xXcIGXE.png Illuminated Armband Illuminated Emblem Sunchaser Jewelry
Electrician's Armband Electrician's Emblem Electrician's Power Pack
Searing Armband Searing Emblem Metallurgist's Forgetools
Starseer's Armband Starseer's Emblem Archivist's Spellscroll
Infectionist's Armband Infectionist's Emblem Boneyard Tatters
Stonekeeper Armband Stonekeeper Emblem Eroded Crystalhide
Frigid Armband Frigid Emblem Frigid Fugitive Shackles
Shady Armband Shady Emblem Tricktrouper Crown
Whirlwind Armband Whirlwind Emblem Windbound Plumage
Diver Armband Diver Emblem Thresher Flatfins
Druidic Armband Druidic Emblem Naturalist Adornments
_ Illuminated Armband
Illuminated Emblem
Sunchaser Jewelry
Electrician's Armband
Electrician's Emblem
Electrician's Power Pack
Searing Armband
Searing Emblem
Metallurgist's Forgetools
Starseer's Armband
Starseer's Emblem
Archivist's Spellscroll
Infectionist's Armband
Infectionist's Emblem
Boneyard Tatters
Stonekeeper Armband
Stonekeeper Emblem
Eroded Crystalhide
Frigid Armband
Frigid Emblem
Frigid Fugitive Shackles
Shady Armband
Shady Emblem
Tricktrouper Crown
Whirlwind Armband
Whirlwind Emblem
Windbound Plumage
Diver Armband
Diver Emblem
Thresher Flatfins
Druidic Armband
Druidic Emblem
Naturalist Adornments

14-15: sashes + year 2 apparel

Illuminated Sash Sunguard Chest Electrified Sash Golem Gauntlet
Searing Sash Magmatic Pauldrons Starseer's Sash Companion Comet
Infectionist's Sash Runaway Rotclaw Stonekeeper Sash Crystalhide Treads
Frigid Sash Chillspike Collar Shady Sash Moonglow Thorns
Whirlwind Sash Gustborne Balloon Diver Sash Seashell Mantle
Druidic Sash Leafy Gladeboughs

Illuminated SashSunguard ChestElectrified SashGolem Gauntlet

Searing SashMagmatic PauldronsStarseer's SashCompanion Comet

15-16: crowns + year 3 apparel

Illuminated Crown Solar Blades Electrician's Crown Mesa Mechanojets

Searing Crown Will o' the Ember Starseer's Crown Cosmologist Fieldtools

Infectionist's Crown Skeletal Chimes Stonekeeper Crown Bluffclamber Belongings

Frigid Crown Chillspike Crown Shady Crown Gloomwillow Guide

Whirlwind Crown Windbound Mask Diver Crown Warmwater Wanderers

Druidic Crown Butterfly's Kiss

16-17: year 4 apparel

Luminous Legguards Surgestream Coat Black Iron Plates Starlight Cloak

Scavenger's Tatters Pyrite Pauldrons Snowfall Robe Trickster's Magic Cards

Bamboo Breeze Cape Deeprealm Trident Dryad's Guise

17-18: year 5 apparel

Hewn Philosopher's Veil Highland Scavenger Welder's Mask Starwood Veil

Carapace Arm Gem Thief Icicle Chains Bramble Mantle

Map Kit Fin Jewels Tree Warden's Garb

18-19: haloes + year 6 apparel

Luminous Halo Luminous Sundrapes Voltaic Halo Voltaic Stormclaws

Conflagrant Halo Conflagrant Kilt Spellwrought Halo Spellwrought Shardhide

Contaminated Halo Contaminated Infectalons Crystalcourt Halo Crystalcourt Cascades

Glitterfreeze Halo Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe Murkmirth Halo Murkmirth Tailcoat

Aerborne Halo Aerborne Gustgather Fathomsearch Halo Fathomsearch Spirit Jug

Gladegift Halo Gladegift Garlands

19-20: standards + year 7 apparel

Standard of the Lightweaver Brightshine Raiments Standard of the Stormcatcher Thundercrack Cogspanner

Standard of the Flamecaller Flameforger Crucible Standard of the Arcanist Starfall Crystalcloak

Standard of the Plaguebringer Riot Hazebeacon Standard of the Earthshaker Cairnstone Carry

Standard of the Icewarden Glacierguard Platemail Standard of the Shadowbinder Shadowstrike

Standard of the Windsinger Reedcleft Resonance Standard of the Tidelord Current Caller Raiment

Standard of the Gladekeeper Greenskeeper Treeshroud

20-21: year 8 apparel

Daybreak Decorations Voltvolley Implements Igneous Iguana Feathery Fallout

Boneyard Bard Gemologist's Discovery Frostfaerie Wings Void's Grasp

Airborne Parchment Coral Crown Nurtured Cluster

21-22: charms + year 9 apparel

Light's Charm Lustrous Mantle Lightning's Charm Trailing Storm

Fire's Charm Incense Mantle Arcane's Charm Bewitching Bangles

Plague's Charm Proto Wings Earth's Charm Fossil Facsimile

Ice's Charm Rimeplate Shadow's Charm Marshlurker's Drape

Wind's Charm Mistral Mantle Water's Charm Current Catch

Nature's Charm Foliage Blind

22-23: auras + year 10 apparel

Light Aura Gilded Compass Lightning Aura Powered Implants

Fire Aura Blaze Branches Arcane Aura Starwood Embrace

Plague Aura Rotted Mane Earth Aura Stoneshatter Drill

Ice Aura Boreal Hunter Shadow Aura Dark Incense

Wind Aura Song of the Western Wind Water Aura Seashell Drapes

Nature Aura Blossoming Sash

23-24: year 11 apparel

Sunshield Cloak Timekeeper Spires of Flame Starlit Pants

Boneyard Drape Crystalclaw Sheath Winterberry Branches Trickster's Lantern

Mistral Bow Deepwater Fins Spiderlily Sickle
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
[center][url=]outfits[/url] | [url=]by year[/url] | [b][url=]by fest[/url][/b][/center] [center][img][/img] [item=illuminated armband][item=illuminated emblem][item=sunchaser jewelry][item=illuminated sash][item=sunguard chest][item=illuminated crown][item=solar blades][item=luminous legguards][item=hewn philosopher's veil][item=luminous halo][item=luminous sundrapes][item=standard of the lightweaver][item=brightshine raiments][item=daybreak decorations][item=light's charm][item=lustrous mantle][item=light aura][item=gilded compass][item=sunshield cloak] [columns][color=transparent]_______[/color][nextcol] [b]2013[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=924] [gamedb item=935] [gamedb item=973] [b]2014[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=4139] [gamedb item=4140] [b]2015[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=11211] [gamedb item=11218] [b]2016[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=18599] [b]2017[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=23301] [b]2018[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=26941] [gamedb item=26942] [b]2019[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=30550] [gamedb item=30549] [b]2020[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=35010] [b]2021[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=40094] [gamedb item=40095] [b]2022[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=45794] [gamedb item=45793] [b]2023[/b] [color=transparent]|_ [/color][gamedb item=50999][/columns] [center][outfit=2433542][outfit=2433543] [img][/img] [item=electrician's armband][item=electrician's emblem][item=electrician's power pack][item=electrified sash][item=golem gauntlet][item=electrician's crown][item=mesa mechanojets][item=surgestream coat][item=highland scavenger][item=voltaic halo][item=voltaic stormclaws][item=standard of the stormcatcher][item=thundercrack cogspanner][item=voltvolley implements][item=lightning's charm][item=trailing storm][item=lightning aura][item=powered implants][item=timekeeper] [outfit=2433545][outfit=2433546] [img][/img] [outfit=2433547][outfit=2433548] [item=searing armband][item=searing emblem][item=metallurgist's forgetools][item=searing sash][item=magmatic pauldrons][item=searing crown][item=will o' the ember][item=black iron plates][item=welder's mask][item=conflagrant halo][item=conflagrant kilt][item=standard of the flamecaller][item=flameforger crucible][item=igneous iguana][item=fire's charm][item=incense mantle][item=fire aura][item=blaze branches][item=spires of flame] [img][/img] [outfit=2433549][outfit=2433550] [item=starseer's armband][item=starseer's emblem][item=archivist's spellscroll][item=starseer's sash][item=companion comet][item=starseer's crown][item=cosmologist fieldtools][item=starlight cloak][item=starwood veil][item=spellwrought halo][item=spellwrought shardhide][item=standard of the arcanist][item=starfall crystalcloak][item=feathery fallout][item=arcane's charm][item=bewitching bangles][item=arcane aura][item=starwood embrace][item=starlit pants] [img][/img] [outfit=2433553][outfit=2433555] [item=infectionist's armband][item=infectionist's emblem][item=boneyard tatters][item=infectionist's sash][item=runaway rotclaw][item=infectionist's crown][item=skeletal chimes][item=scavenger's tatters][item=carapace arm][item=contaminated halo][item=contaminated infectalons][item=standard of the plaguebringer][item=riot hazebeacon][item=boneyard bard][item=plague's charm][item=proto wings][item=plague aura][item=rotted mane][item=boneyard drape] [img][/img] [outfit=2433557][outfit=2433558] [item=stonekeeper armband][item=stonekeeper emblem][item=eroded crystalhide][item=stonekeeper sash][item=crystalhide treads][item=stonekeeper crown][item=bluffclamber belongings][item=pyrite pauldrons][item=gem thief][item=crystalcourt halo][item=crystalcourt cascades][item=standard of the earthshaker][item=cairnstone carry][item=gemologist's discovery][item=earth's charm][item=fossil facsimile][item=earth aura][item=stoneshatter drill][item=crystalclaw sheath] [img][/img] [outfit=2433559][outfit=2433560] [item=frigid armband][item=frigid emblem][item=frigid fugitive shackles][item=frigid sash][item=chillspike collar][item=frigid crown][item=chillspike crown][item=snowfall robe][item=icicle chains][item=glitterfreeze halo][item=glitterfreeze ice-trolabe][item=standard of the icewarden][item=glacierguard platemail][item=frostfaerie wings][item=ice's charm][item=rimeplate][item=ice aura][item=boreal hunter][item=winterberry branches] [img][/img] [outfit=2433561][outfit=2433562] [item=shady armband][item=shady emblem][item=tricktrouper crown][item=shady sash][item=moonglow thorns][item=shady crown][item=gloomwillow guide][item=trickster's magic cards][item=bramble mantle][item=murkmirth halo][item=murkmirth tailcoat][item=standard of the shadowbinder][item=shadowstrike][item=void's grasp][item=shadow's charm][item=marshlurker's drape][item=shadow aura][item=dark incense][item=trickster's lantern] [img][/img] [outfit=2433563][outfit=2433564] [item=whirlwind armband][item=whirlwind emblem][item=windbound plumage][item=whirlwind sash][item=gustborne balloon][item=whirlwind crown][item=windbound mask][item=bamboo breeze cape][item=map kit][item=aerborne halo][item=aerborne gustgather][item=standard of the windsinger][item=reedcleft resonance][item=airborne parchment][item=wind's charm][item=mistral mantle][item=wind aura][item=song of the western wind][item=mistral bow] [img][/img] [outfit=2433565][outfit=2433566] [item=diver armband][item=diver emblem][item=thresher flatfins][item=diver sash][item=seashell mantle][item=diver crown][item=warmwater wanderers][item=deeprealm trident][item=fin jewels][item=fathomsearch halo][item=fathomsearch spirit jug][item=standard of the tidelord][item=current caller raiment][item=coral crown][item=water's charm][item=current catch][item=water aura][item=seashell drapes][item=deepwater fins] [img][/img] [outfit=2433567][outfit=2433568] [item=druidic armband][item=druidic emblem][item=naturalist adornments][item=druidic sash][item=leafy gladeboughs][item=druidic crown][item=butterfly's kiss][item=dryad's guise][item=tree warden's garb][item=gladegift halo][item=gladegift garlands][item=standard of the gladekeeper][item=greenskeeper treeshroud][item=nurtured cluster][item=nature's charm][item=foliage blind][item=nature aura][item=blossoming sash][item=spiderlily sickle] [/center]

Illuminated Armband Illuminated Emblem Sunchaser Jewelry Illuminated Sash Sunguard Chest Illuminated Crown Solar Blades Luminous Legguards Hewn Philosopher's Veil Luminous Halo Luminous Sundrapes Standard of the Lightweaver Brightshine Raiments Daybreak Decorations Light's Charm Lustrous Mantle Light Aura Gilded Compass Sunshield Cloak

_______ 2013
|_ Illuminated Armband Illuminated Emblem Sunchaser Jewelry

|_ Illuminated Sash Sunguard Chest

|_ Illuminated Crown Solar Blades

|_ Luminous Legguards

|_ Hewn Philosopher's Veil

|_ Luminous Halo Luminous Sundrapes

|_ Standard of the Lightweaver Brightshine Raiments

|_ Daybreak Decorations

|_ Light's Charm Lustrous Mantle

|_ Light Aura Gilded Compass

|_ Sunshield Cloak

light - large
light - small


Electrician's Armband Electrician's Emblem Electrician's Power Pack Electrified Sash Golem Gauntlet Electrician's Crown Mesa Mechanojets Surgestream Coat Highland Scavenger Voltaic Halo Voltaic Stormclaws Standard of the Stormcatcher Thundercrack Cogspanner Voltvolley Implements Lightning's Charm Trailing Storm Lightning Aura Powered Implants Timekeeper
lightning - large
lightning - small


fire - large
fire - small

Searing Armband Searing Emblem Metallurgist's Forgetools Searing Sash Magmatic Pauldrons Searing Crown Will o' the Ember Black Iron Plates Welder's Mask Conflagrant Halo Conflagrant Kilt Standard of the Flamecaller Flameforger Crucible Igneous Iguana Fire's Charm Incense Mantle Fire Aura Blaze Branches Spires of Flame


arcane - large
arcane - small

Starseer's Armband Starseer's Emblem Archivist's Spellscroll Starseer's Sash Companion Comet Starseer's Crown Cosmologist Fieldtools Starlight Cloak Starwood Veil Spellwrought Halo Spellwrought Shardhide Standard of the Arcanist Starfall Crystalcloak Feathery Fallout Arcane's Charm Bewitching Bangles Arcane Aura Starwood Embrace Starlit Pants


plague - large
plague - small

Infectionist's Armband Infectionist's Emblem Boneyard Tatters Infectionist's Sash Runaway Rotclaw Infectionist's Crown Skeletal Chimes Scavenger's Tatters Carapace Arm Contaminated Halo Contaminated Infectalons Standard of the Plaguebringer Riot Hazebeacon Boneyard Bard Plague's Charm Proto Wings Plague Aura Rotted Mane Boneyard Drape


earth - large
earth - small

Stonekeeper Armband Stonekeeper Emblem Eroded Crystalhide Stonekeeper Sash Crystalhide Treads Stonekeeper Crown Bluffclamber Belongings Pyrite Pauldrons Gem Thief Crystalcourt Halo Crystalcourt Cascades Standard of the Earthshaker Cairnstone Carry Gemologist's Discovery Earth's Charm Fossil Facsimile Earth Aura Stoneshatter Drill Crystalclaw Sheath


ice - large
ice - small

Frigid Armband Frigid Emblem Frigid Fugitive Shackles Frigid Sash Chillspike Collar Frigid Crown Chillspike Crown Snowfall Robe Icicle Chains Glitterfreeze Halo Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe Standard of the Icewarden Glacierguard Platemail Frostfaerie Wings Ice's Charm Rimeplate Ice Aura Boreal Hunter Winterberry Branches


shadow - large
shadow - small

Shady Armband Shady Emblem Tricktrouper Crown Shady Sash Moonglow Thorns Shady Crown Gloomwillow Guide Trickster's Magic Cards Bramble Mantle Murkmirth Halo Murkmirth Tailcoat Standard of the Shadowbinder Shadowstrike Void's Grasp Shadow's Charm Marshlurker's Drape Shadow Aura Dark Incense Trickster's Lantern


wind - large
wind - small

Whirlwind Armband Whirlwind Emblem Windbound Plumage Whirlwind Sash Gustborne Balloon Whirlwind Crown Windbound Mask Bamboo Breeze Cape Map Kit Aerborne Halo Aerborne Gustgather Standard of the Windsinger Reedcleft Resonance Airborne Parchment Wind's Charm Mistral Mantle Wind Aura Song of the Western Wind Mistral Bow


water - large
water - small

Diver Armband Diver Emblem Thresher Flatfins Diver Sash Seashell Mantle Diver Crown Warmwater Wanderers Deeprealm Trident Fin Jewels Fathomsearch Halo Fathomsearch Spirit Jug Standard of the Tidelord Current Caller Raiment Coral Crown Water's Charm Current Catch Water Aura Seashell Drapes Deepwater Fins


nature - large
nature - small

Druidic Armband Druidic Emblem Naturalist Adornments Druidic Sash Leafy Gladeboughs Druidic Crown Butterfly's Kiss Dryad's Guise Tree Warden's Garb Gladegift Halo Gladegift Garlands Standard of the Gladekeeper Greenskeeper Treeshroud Nurtured Cluster Nature's Charm Foliage Blind Nature Aura Blossoming Sash Spiderlily Sickle
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
updated for thundercrack 2022

using this as a scratch pad

updated for thundercrack 2022

using this as a scratch pad

they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
forgot to post that i updated for trickmurk last night
forgot to post that i updated for trickmurk last night
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
im commenting so i can find this again this is very helpful
im commenting so i can find this again this is very helpful
updated for gg
updated for gg
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
@Sleepyleo @shozurei

psst - here's an active/up to date fest apparel guide!
@Sleepyleo @shozurei

psst - here's an active/up to date fest apparel guide!
they/them || if you're pinging me, there's only one 'i' in my username!
Now to make a list of the stuff I really want and then calculate all the monies I need to hoard.
Now to make a list of the stuff I really want and then calculate all the monies I need to hoard.