Before going over turn order, it should be noted that this is against melee enemies. Mages have higher Qck and will go causing the turn order to be slightly different, and mixed packs may have very annoying turn orders due to this. I recommend focusing mages first since they will deal more damage and may not hit your Gauntlet which can drag out the battle.
First Battle:
Gauntlet - Rally (Targeting Glaive)
Gauntlet - Guard (Targeting Glaive)
Glaive - Scratch
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Rally (Targeting Glaive)
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Guard (Targeting Glaive)
Glaive - Elim
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Rally (Targeting Glaive)
Glaive - Elim
Second Battle (3 Enemies):
Gauntlet - Rally (Targeting Glaive)
Gauntlet - Guard (Targeting Glaive)
Glaive - Scratch
Glaive - Elim
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Aid (Targeting whichever needs it)
Glaive - Elim
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Anticipate
Glaive - Scratch
Gauntlet - Aid or Rally
Glaive - Elim
You can 4x Rally + Scratch all enemies. Once the first enemy is down, you will have enough breath for Elim, just remember to Rally + Scratch everything first.
When facing mages, use Guard and Reflect so the enemies don't hit your tank. Remember that Reflect will reflect Aid.
You can leave the last two (melee) enemies alive if you want to farm breath and use Aid, just Scratch them equally so you can take them out at the same time (so that you generate breath faster on your Gauntlet).
Enemy Focus Order:
Hit the mage enemies first, and the melee enemies last. The mage has a chance at charging instead of attacking so you won't generate breath, and magical attacks deal more damage. Use Reflect if you have the breath
Enemies that can apply status effect that skip turns (eg. freeze or petrify) should also be focused quickly.
Sap Usage:
I don't use Sap often, but if you have extra breath on your Glaive, then using Sap instead of Scratch can be useful, especially if you need to use Aid on your Gauntlet or don't have enough breath for Aid.
You can put the fodder's stats into Vit if you want, but I personally don't see a reason to most of the time. The Gauntlet is tanky and fast enough in my opinion.
Dodges shouldn't really affect a run too much, just keep Scratching until enverything's dead. I recommend leaving two enemies, and taking them out together.
If you're low health when you miss an Elim, you might want to reset, but otherwise you should be able to keep going.