ahoy! i posted this offsite & enough people said it was useful i figured i'd post it here. y'know, for fidelity.
also - this is just how i do it! i love the math.
so here we go: you're looking to start leveling dragons for other people, but have no idea how to price, & everyone else's services are kind of all over the place.
well have no fear, your local math nerd is here. i’ve been using this system for the last several dragons i’ve trained for other folks, and it seems to be striking that perfect balance of fair pricing for both client & trainer!
so, first of all, i went to this handy-dandy post that lists the experience required to reach each level. then i made asuper cool spreadsheet:
edit: @soii made an awesome, auto-calculating spreadsheet! check it out HERE!

so the furthest right column, as you can see, lists the % of exp the dragon has gained, assuming your final goal is level 25. which. i don’t know why it wouldn’t be (though see examples below for calculating prices between random levels). I DIGRESS. this ALSO becomes your standard for pricing - figure out how much you’d like to charge for 1-25, and go from there.
example: you want to charge 250,000 treasure for 1-25. someone comes to you with a level 16 dragon and asks how much, because of course, even when you provide a chart in the OP, they want to double check – you check this, see the percentage at 16 is 24.3, and subtract 24.3% from 250,000 to get your price, which would be exactly 189,750 treasure, or…190,000 treasure. ta-da!
example 2: FR finally re-activates the coliseum achievements, so folks are looking to get to 19.9 - or maybe they're looking for high-level fodder. regardless, the principle works similarly. this time, you total up the experience between the starting & finishing levels. again, you're charging 250k for a level 25 dragon. let's say they're looking to go from 11 to 17 - adding up that experience (or, perhaps more simply, subtracting the total at 17 from the total at 11) gives you 305,904. well, the % to 25 (or percentage of 1,363,652 exp) that is = 22.4. this time though, instead of subtracting this percentage from your total price, you just multiply through (so it's the same proportion of the total), which gives you almost exactly 56,000.
a third and final way to do this: calculate out your total, work in the percentages, spreadsheet all that stuff, and then subtract the higher level's price from the lower. boom.
(i know the math stuff can be a bit confusing but i just wanted to show the guts behind the calculations i've shown - because then if i'm wrong someone can correct me!) (if you have any questions about any of this, you can always shoot me a message, also.)
phew. math done.
here's the long and short of this: leveling a dragon to 25 totals out to 1.36 million exp, but it's not spread equally over all the levels, so i've proposed a way to percentage out your total price in proportion to the total exp at each level.
& again, if you have any questions, or if i totally hecked something up, or if you don't wanna type this all out & would prefer to just copy my spreadsheet, please let me know!! i spend way too much time in the coli & LOVE talking shop.
also - this is just how i do it! i love the math.
so here we go: you're looking to start leveling dragons for other people, but have no idea how to price, & everyone else's services are kind of all over the place.
well have no fear, your local math nerd is here. i’ve been using this system for the last several dragons i’ve trained for other folks, and it seems to be striking that perfect balance of fair pricing for both client & trainer!
so, first of all, i went to this handy-dandy post that lists the experience required to reach each level. then i made a
edit: @soii made an awesome, auto-calculating spreadsheet! check it out HERE!

so the furthest right column, as you can see, lists the % of exp the dragon has gained, assuming your final goal is level 25. which. i don’t know why it wouldn’t be (though see examples below for calculating prices between random levels). I DIGRESS. this ALSO becomes your standard for pricing - figure out how much you’d like to charge for 1-25, and go from there.
example: you want to charge 250,000 treasure for 1-25. someone comes to you with a level 16 dragon and asks how much, because of course, even when you provide a chart in the OP, they want to double check – you check this, see the percentage at 16 is 24.3, and subtract 24.3% from 250,000 to get your price, which would be exactly 189,750 treasure, or…190,000 treasure. ta-da!
example 2: FR finally re-activates the coliseum achievements, so folks are looking to get to 19.9 - or maybe they're looking for high-level fodder. regardless, the principle works similarly. this time, you total up the experience between the starting & finishing levels. again, you're charging 250k for a level 25 dragon. let's say they're looking to go from 11 to 17 - adding up that experience (or, perhaps more simply, subtracting the total at 17 from the total at 11) gives you 305,904. well, the % to 25 (or percentage of 1,363,652 exp) that is = 22.4. this time though, instead of subtracting this percentage from your total price, you just multiply through (so it's the same proportion of the total), which gives you almost exactly 56,000.
a third and final way to do this: calculate out your total, work in the percentages, spreadsheet all that stuff, and then subtract the higher level's price from the lower. boom.
(i know the math stuff can be a bit confusing but i just wanted to show the guts behind the calculations i've shown - because then if i'm wrong someone can correct me!) (if you have any questions about any of this, you can always shoot me a message, also.)
phew. math done.
here's the long and short of this: leveling a dragon to 25 totals out to 1.36 million exp, but it's not spread equally over all the levels, so i've proposed a way to percentage out your total price in proportion to the total exp at each level.
& again, if you have any questions, or if i totally hecked something up, or if you don't wanna type this all out & would prefer to just copy my spreadsheet, please let me know!! i spend way too much time in the coli & LOVE talking shop.