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Looks like you already have a xxy cream up top but it says 10kg so I figured I'd throw my old auction up here to let you know it goes waaaaay higher. Was bought for 30kg. (and that beige beauty is going to go for just as much if not more.)
Looks like you already have a xxy cream up top but it says 10kg so I figured I'd throw my old auction up here to let you know it goes waaaaay higher. Was bought for 30kg. (and that beige beauty is going to go for just as much if not more.)

a day or two ago i bought a xyy abyss double for 6.5kg. here's the thread :D

a day or two ago i bought a xyy abyss double for 6.5kg. here's the thread :D
LemonQuartz, of course, I'll let you know! I'll probably end up adding more purples and blues, so anything you have would be great o/

@Eliatrope, it does-thank you!

@Tserin yooo thanks, I'll add them asap o/
LemonQuartz, of course, I'll let you know! I'll probably end up adding more purples and blues, so anything you have would be great o/

@Eliatrope, it does-thank you!

@Tserin yooo thanks, I'll add them asap o/
@Veevi, thanks - was going off of the single auction I'd seen, I've bumped up the price accordingly o7

@Taiyou, awesome, thank you!!
@Veevi, thanks - was going off of the single auction I'd seen, I've bumped up the price accordingly o7

@Taiyou, awesome, thank you!!

just sold a maroon/maroon/buttercup first gen for 5kg

and saw a double metals go for 17.5kg (with a nightshade tert)

i have others, but those are the ones i remember

just sold a maroon/maroon/buttercup first gen for 5kg

and saw a double metals go for 17.5kg (with a nightshade tert)

i have others, but those are the ones i remember
want to learn about project egg? Click HERE!
a guide made by an angel
a guide made by an angel
zB4XaRD.png B8XoohL.png

† Lorem ipsum cogito

† Lorem ipsum cogito

† Lorem ipsum cogito

FR +3
@Draconequis, thanks for the info! If you happen to recall please drop by again o/

@pushpin smooches
@Draconequis, thanks for the info! If you happen to recall please drop by again o/

@pushpin smooches
@Seles, thanks! -- I heard about the sale from a couple friends; I do believe that dragon was underpriced and not entirely accurate of what XXY actually can sell for, so I may not add it to the list
@Seles, thanks! -- I heard about the sale from a couple friends; I do believe that dragon was underpriced and not entirely accurate of what XXY actually can sell for, so I may not add it to the list
@Trapeze This guide is the bomb. Kudos!
@Trapeze This guide is the bomb. Kudos!

I sold a Rose/Rose/Pink for 18kg within the past sixish months C:

I sold a Rose/Rose/Pink for 18kg within the past sixish months C:
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