[center][font=sylfaen]"Complete page composition" challenge aka PROJECT ORGANIZATION
GET ALL 10 PAGES = 97.5% (9.75/10)[/b]
Plans for Lair by Page: [s]Organize dragons by ELEMENT[/s] & then by color
[b]Lair order goes in:[/b]
1) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=1]Water & Shadow[/url]
2) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=2]Shadow, Arcane, & Plague[/url]
3) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=3]Plague, Fire, & Earth[/url]
4) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=4]Earth, Light, & Wind[/url]
5) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=5]Wind & Nature[/url]
6) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=6]Nature & Lightning[/url]
7) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=7]Lightning & Ice + 2 ?? dragons[/url]
8) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=8]Breeding Pairs & Misc Unorganized Dragons[/url]
9) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=9]Sales or Fodder Pg. 1[/url]
10) [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&page=10]Sales or Fodder Pg. 2[/url]
"Complete page composition" challenge aka PROJECT ORGANIZATION
GET ALL 10 PAGES = 97.5% (9.75/10)
Plans for Lair by Page: Organize dragons by ELEMENT & then by color
Lair order goes in:

1) Water & Shadow
2) Shadow, Arcane, & Plague
3) Plague, Fire, & Earth
4) Earth, Light, & Wind
5) Wind & Nature
6) Nature & Lightning
7) Lightning & Ice + 2 ?? dragons
8) Breeding Pairs & Misc Unorganized Dragons
9) Sales or Fodder Pg. 1
10) Sales or Fodder Pg. 2
[font=Sylfaen]"Elemental Super-G1s" challenge
[b][u]This is also part of the LORE challenge![/u][/b]
I am ON THE LOOKOUT to complete these sets - requirement is that their [u]colors match their element[/u], [b]they're unbred and G1[/b]. I honestly don't know what colors I want until I see them :(
In order to be "Complete", each dragon below must have the following criteria finalized;[font=Sylfaen]
[left][font=Sylfaen]1. Character & familiar lore/bio
2. Matching accent
3. "Fully" gened (Basic is okay for primary/secondary but [u]all[/u] colors must be incorporated)
4. Apparel (if necessary)
5. idk but i'm sure i'm forgetting something
6. ??
7. PROFIT!![/left][/quote]
[i][font=Sylfaen]diversity i have failed you...[/i][/quote]
"Elemental Super-G1s" challenge
This is also part of the LORE challenge!
I am ON THE LOOKOUT to complete these sets - requirement is that their colors match their element, they're unbred and G1. I honestly don't know what colors I want until I see them :(
In order to be "Complete", each dragon below must have the following criteria finalized;
1. Character & familiar lore/bio
2. Matching accent
3. "Fully" gened (Basic is okay for primary/secondary but all colors must be incorporated)
4. Apparel (if necessary)
5. idk but i'm sure i'm forgetting something
6. ??
[b][u]This is also part of the LORE challenge![/u][/b]
[u]Challenges to Complete[/u]
1. Primal of each element
2. "The Rain Wilds Chronicles Challenge"
3. "God/Deity Challenge"
4. Chaos G1s
5. Duality G1s
[u]Yokai[/u] is considered a wind demon.
[u]Tangaroa[/u] is considered a sea god.
[u]Jiang[/u] is considered a river demon.
[quote = TBA GODS/DEITYS][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=9231972][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/92320/9231972.png[/img][/url][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=5349497][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/53495/5349497.png[/img][/url][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=9088922][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/avatars/90890/9088922.png[/img][/url]
these dragons have been consumed (in part or whole) by the chaos dragonrune.
Duality G1s
These G1s are a part of a matching set.
This is also part of the LORE challenge!
Challenges to Complete
1. Primal of each element
2. "The Rain Wilds Chronicles Challenge"
3. "God/Deity Challenge"
4. Chaos G1s
5. Duality G1s
these dragons have been consumed (in part or whole) by the chaos dragonrune.

[center]"Get every perma to 25" challenge
(ALSO THE "HOW MANY" Challenge(s))
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=8889192]siavash[/url], [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=9376832]cullen[/url], [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=8649]krikaya[/url], and [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=806094]ingrid[/url] so far
This is the lowest priority atm
[quote]Non G1s - 6 digits and below
"Get every perma to 25" challenge
(ALSO THE "HOW MANY" Challenge(s))
krikaya, and
ingrid so far
This is the lowest priority atm
1. see above G1s
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=27940935][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/279410/27940935p.png?mtime=WkvR2AAANAU.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Lovi the Komodo[/b][/center]
Known for her prowess in battle, a venomous bite and her ability to simply absorb whatever damage is thrown at her, Lovi has earned her title "Komodo" many times over.
Before she came to the Virin clan Lovi was a plague ambassador to the Beastclans, her old clan renowned for their work in toxic "materials". They would trade toxins, poisons, and ?? in exchange for the research and the recipes the beastclans would help create, using it against their rival clans and fortifying their knowledge in order to bring them ever closer to the plaguemother.
Surprisingly, [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=8746838]Jai[/url] and Lovi know each other, having crossed peaceful paths before the old warlords clan was slaughtered. When Lovi showed up right before the exodus Jai welcomed her expertise in biochemistry with open claws. The clan needed someone of her overwhelming skillset as well as her unwavering loyalty and brutal but successful tactics.
No one questioned what happened to her old clan, and she has been here ever since.
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=39255035][img]http://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/392551/39255035p.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Sitch, the Gods Mistake[/b][/center]
It calls itself Sitch, for [b]S-1 Tech[/b].
Lightning flight AI technology that was thought to be a myth. Sightnings have been mostly in the Icewardens domain, but recently there have been rumors of "Sitch" moving towards nature and light flight territory.
It has the ability to meld into the current terrain and wait silently for whatever prey it's programmed to kill - Sitch was built for assassination and camouflage.
However, technology bumbles led to corrupt files - now Sitch think's it's alive (and a guardian) and it's unable to control the climate-acclimation program. Which means it's most recent home - ice territory - is constantly reproduced through it's camouflage computations.
Safety switches were also turned on after a system reboot (to purge the corrupt files - it was unsuccessful) and so now the giant AI is mostly passive. Beastclans and aggressive wildlife are another story though, and if Sitch's "life" is in danger survival "instincts" kick in. Sitch is definitely not harmless.
This has lead to much colder temperatures for Sitch, which ironically allows it to function much better than before. But beware! Licking this behemoth will most likely attach you to him for a short-lived time (it doesn't know how to communicate with dragons yet - it panics easily) and would only be amusing to onlookers.
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=751382][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/7514/751382p.png?mtime=WicN9gAAL6U.png[/img][/url][nextcol][font=sylfaen][center][b][font=sylfaen]Bachul the Clairvoyant[/b][/center]
There are some dragons within the Shadowbinders woods that are born blind - it is seen as a gift from their deity, as their other senses are heightened and the afflicted are much more pragmatic than their shadowkin. While they can't decipher body language the same way most dragons do (through sight), dragons like Bachul listen and feel the ground beneath them, clueing in on the most subtle of breaths and movements. They are absolutely lethal in shadows. Strangers words are utterly transparent to Bachul - the hatchlings know to be truthful to the lumbering behemoth if he throws an inquiry their way.
Dragons that rely on fasle-tendancies in social situations find themselves avoiding Bachul, as he is not one to simply let something slide and will call out anyones transgressions without a second thought - there is always the chance of a physical altercation. Between Bachul and [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=914464]Luna[/url], any visitors that attempt to take advantage of the Virin clan will see themselves in a no-win situation.
This is why [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=74426]Vessen[/url], [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=8685962]Thaeryn[/url], and the Council Ring have given the shadow guardian the task of vetting visitors and new residents. He is also the main arbitrator of the clan - his calm but intimidating prescence tends to bring everyone onto the same page and get to the main points efficiantly and effectively.
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=38181880][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/381819/38181880p.png?mtime=WqS1HQAAKBk.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Thorn the Savant[/b][/center]
Hailing from a well-respected lightning-skydancer family, Thorn was known for his research in [url=http://www.chemistryexplained.com/elements/A-C/Cobalt.html]cobalt[/url] - not a particularly [i]precious[/i] element, but a durable one that was said to reveal and cure certain [url=http://www.mineravita.com/eng/cobalt_medical_treatment.php]illnesses[/url]. Thorn was enticed, theorizing that with enough experimentation he could meld magic with cobalt and create an entirely new element.
He was right and it came at a heavy price. The unfortunate fletchling was discovered headless in what was left of his study. Thought to be dead, his body was thrown out in embarrassment from his close relatives, who when asked about his absence would mutter excuses.
It's quite a surprise to wake up headless, especially when the door to new senses has been thrown wide open.
[u]38181880[/u] translated to binary is [u]100100011010011011111110[/u], which can translate to [b]þ[/b] or [b]Thorn[/b].
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=33546577][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/335466/33546577p.png?mtime=WqqaJQAANAQ.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Rhunes the Venomous[/b][/center]
(still WIP)
Rhunes is well known for his brutish nature and virulent, [i]lethal[/i] agility. Like his plague counterpart [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=27940935]Lovi[/url], Rhunes showed up one day and respectfully requested citizenship. [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=751382]Bachul[/url] was wary at first, but the wildclaw proved a set of skills that set the clan a flutter. He was brutally honest - something the ancient mediator welcomed. Bachul greeting the dragon warmly.
And with that Rhunes was welcomed, immediately taking on the role of re-organizing hunting parties and battle-readying the less-abled dragons. Within weeks the community's food stores were overflowing and Virins defenses had never been more solid.
With wildclaws natural affinity to Nature, Rhunes boasts a rather interesting (and mixed) evolution - he produces a venom that only the most knowledgeable Gladebough healer can remedy. Considering he enjoys experimenting on himself, it can be assumed that he either concocted his bioweapons from stolen plague/nature relics, or he had assistance from [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=38254557]another[/url] who was equally invested.
[center]-- --- --[/center][size=2][font=sylfaen][color=#4D3F2C]
(oml below is a work in progress @_@ pls no judgy)
Many seasons have passed since Rhunes arrival.The combination of Rhunes essence mingling with the latent magic from the water temple mutated the plageling to fit in perfectly with his habitat. Donning his favored wasteland garb had been tricky in the evergreen forests, and so he adapted.
Shedding his bone armor and weapons, the wildclaw rehoned his natural skills. Wings grew layer-like chitin and his ability to kill, survive, and infect [i]blossomed[/i].
([b]note[/b]: he produces [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mycotoxin]Mycotoxins[/url] from his wings/agitating or an individual coming into contact with the chitin. Diet changes the toxicity and abilities of his spores.)
(his combat style is casual, jazz and dance like, earning him the name jitterbug from [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=751382]Bachul[/url].)[/quote]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=6032][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/61/6032p.png?mtime=WrPnmQAAJqI.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Airavata the Fire-Forged[/b][/center]
Born within the Ashfall Waste, Aira has a fiery passion for minerals, ores, and all things metal. He enjoys tinkering with fire and "improving" the Virin clan the only way he knows how - forging legendary armor, weapons, and alloys to assist his allies.
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=8685962]Sythaeryn[/url] did not think kindly of his actions after his prototype hatching armor. Suffice to say the hatchings merely attempted to stand and fall over, too over-encumbered by the weight. Eventually Airavata created a light-weight, defensive armor that improved mobility - any hatchling that comes in contact with Virin has been involuntary swooped up to try on their own set of armor at least once.
The Guardian keeps a close eye on Aira, as he enjoys plucking newborns to try on new variations of his armor - [i]they go completely unharmed and back to their parents[/i], he protests! [i]After all, what would happen to the hatchlings if the clan was attacked?! They need to know how to defend themselves!
He tends to forget where he puts his flameforger tools, absentmindedly setting things on fire in the process. He won't let any dragon or hatchling touch them though, oddly appearing near them whenever adolescent mischief is amok.
He has an adopted [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=131444&tab=dragon&did=13000588]daughter[/url] that he schools in fireforging, much (again) to the dismay of Sythaeryn. Luckily the clan has had an influx of water dragons, so any warning of fire is quickly and quietly met with copious amounts of water magic. [/quote]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=26889014][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/268891/26889014p.png?mtime=WojtTwAANJY.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Viper the Venomous[/b][/center]
She was a tundra once, known for her excellent sense of smell and even more for her skills as an herblist.
She remembers fragments of her life - happy hatchlinghood memories, venturing out to find "her" clan, the lair she so painstakingly helped finally come to fruition and gain clan members. Nursing numerous friends back to health with her skills and falling in love with one of them.
But not all clans were peaceful like hers, a small earth clan that had carved out a well-sized system near Cairnestone Rest. Raiders and other less desired dragons did not dare go near the ancient monoliths, especially the nook Viper's clan had claimed. For it was between two well-known burial grounds - a "safehouse" type of deal, as long as the grounds were left undisturbed. Hatchlings knew the route before they could fly, as well as the other dozen escape routes the clan had meticulously carved.
But some dragons are greedier and more desperate than others, and rumors spread of great riches from Viper's clan, stories of massive, raw gemstones and other strange treasures that came from the second age.
If they only knew how wrong they were, the treasure they desired was in the clutches of skeletal wyrms, who had nestled themselves millennia ago. They would remain dormant until roused, and the ruckess these undesirables made was more than enough. [/quote]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=24355535][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/243556/24355535p.png?mtime=W1P1pwAAL0o.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=sylfaen][b]Tangaroa the Watermage[/b][/center]
Her skills are in knowing the ecosystem, its health, the sources of water, and their stability.
She's also [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=8685962]Indu's[/url] assistant in over-seeing the clans day to day activities.
While she is quiet, Tangaroa is a very talkative and friendly pearlcatcher once you get to know her. Known for her social awkwardness, Tang panics when conversations direct themselves at her as she never really knows what to say.
Most dragons best bet for getting her to talk is to visit her alongside the river and prodding her with conversation starters. Tang has a curious mind and loves hearing about others philosophies and creations and will chat for hours if let be.
But be warned! If you get her on any aquatic topic she will [b]not[/b] stop talking. One too many dragons have fallen into the bottomless hole that is this pearlcatchers knowledge on aquatic animals, plants, and the philosophical.[/quote]
1. see above G1s
Lovi the Komodo
Known for her prowess in battle, a venomous bite and her ability to simply absorb whatever damage is thrown at her, Lovi has earned her title "Komodo" many times over.
Before she came to the Virin clan Lovi was a plague ambassador to the Beastclans, her old clan renowned for their work in toxic "materials". They would trade toxins, poisons, and ?? in exchange for the research and the recipes the beastclans would help create, using it against their rival clans and fortifying their knowledge in order to bring them ever closer to the plaguemother.
Surprisingly, Jai and Lovi know each other, having crossed peaceful paths before the old warlords clan was slaughtered. When Lovi showed up right before the exodus Jai welcomed her expertise in biochemistry with open claws. The clan needed someone of her overwhelming skillset as well as her unwavering loyalty and brutal but successful tactics.
No one questioned what happened to her old clan, and she has been here ever since.
Sitch, the Gods Mistake
It calls itself Sitch, for S-1 Tech.
Lightning flight AI technology that was thought to be a myth. Sightnings have been mostly in the Icewardens domain, but recently there have been rumors of "Sitch" moving towards nature and light flight territory.
It has the ability to meld into the current terrain and wait silently for whatever prey it's programmed to kill - Sitch was built for assassination and camouflage.
However, technology bumbles led to corrupt files - now Sitch think's it's alive (and a guardian) and it's unable to control the climate-acclimation program. Which means it's most recent home - ice territory - is constantly reproduced through it's camouflage computations.
Safety switches were also turned on after a system reboot (to purge the corrupt files - it was unsuccessful) and so now the giant AI is mostly passive. Beastclans and aggressive wildlife are another story though, and if Sitch's "life" is in danger survival "instincts" kick in. Sitch is definitely not harmless.
This has lead to much colder temperatures for Sitch, which ironically allows it to function much better than before. But beware! Licking this behemoth will most likely attach you to him for a short-lived time (it doesn't know how to communicate with dragons yet - it panics easily) and would only be amusing to onlookers.
Bachul the Clairvoyant
There are some dragons within the Shadowbinders woods that are born blind - it is seen as a gift from their deity, as their other senses are heightened and the afflicted are much more pragmatic than their shadowkin. While they can't decipher body language the same way most dragons do (through sight), dragons like Bachul listen and feel the ground beneath them, clueing in on the most subtle of breaths and movements. They are absolutely lethal in shadows. Strangers words are utterly transparent to Bachul - the hatchlings know to be truthful to the lumbering behemoth if he throws an inquiry their way.
Dragons that rely on fasle-tendancies in social situations find themselves avoiding Bachul, as he is not one to simply let something slide and will call out anyones transgressions without a second thought - there is always the chance of a physical altercation. Between Bachul and Luna, any visitors that attempt to take advantage of the Virin clan will see themselves in a no-win situation.
This is why Vessen, Thaeryn, and the Council Ring have given the shadow guardian the task of vetting visitors and new residents. He is also the main arbitrator of the clan - his calm but intimidating prescence tends to bring everyone onto the same page and get to the main points efficiantly and effectively.
Thorn the Savant
Hailing from a well-respected lightning-skydancer family, Thorn was known for his research in cobalt - not a particularly precious element, but a durable one that was said to reveal and cure certain illnesses. Thorn was enticed, theorizing that with enough experimentation he could meld magic with cobalt and create an entirely new element.
He was right and it came at a heavy price. The unfortunate fletchling was discovered headless in what was left of his study. Thought to be dead, his body was thrown out in embarrassment from his close relatives, who when asked about his absence would mutter excuses.
It's quite a surprise to wake up headless, especially when the door to new senses has been thrown wide open.
38181880 translated to binary is 100100011010011011111110, which can translate to þ or Thorn.
Rhunes the Venomous
(still WIP)
Rhunes is well known for his brutish nature and virulent, lethal agility. Like his plague counterpart Lovi, Rhunes showed up one day and respectfully requested citizenship. Bachul was wary at first, but the wildclaw proved a set of skills that set the clan a flutter. He was brutally honest - something the ancient mediator welcomed. Bachul greeting the dragon warmly.
And with that Rhunes was welcomed, immediately taking on the role of re-organizing hunting parties and battle-readying the less-abled dragons. Within weeks the community's food stores were overflowing and Virins defenses had never been more solid.
With wildclaws natural affinity to Nature, Rhunes boasts a rather interesting (and mixed) evolution - he produces a venom that only the most knowledgeable Gladebough healer can remedy. Considering he enjoys experimenting on himself, it can be assumed that he either concocted his bioweapons from stolen plague/nature relics, or he had assistance from another who was equally invested.
-- --- --
(oml below is a work in progress @_@ pls no judgy)
Many seasons have passed since Rhunes arrival.The combination of Rhunes essence mingling with the latent magic from the water temple mutated the plageling to fit in perfectly with his habitat. Donning his favored wasteland garb had been tricky in the evergreen forests, and so he adapted.
Shedding his bone armor and weapons, the wildclaw rehoned his natural skills. Wings grew layer-like chitin and his ability to kill, survive, and infect blossomed.
(note: he produces Mycotoxins from his wings/agitating or an individual coming into contact with the chitin. Diet changes the toxicity and abilities of his spores.)
(his combat style is casual, jazz and dance like, earning him the name jitterbug from Bachul.)
Airavata the Fire-Forged
Born within the Ashfall Waste, Aira has a fiery passion for minerals, ores, and all things metal. He enjoys tinkering with fire and "improving" the Virin clan the only way he knows how - forging legendary armor, weapons, and alloys to assist his allies.
Sythaeryn did not think kindly of his actions after his prototype hatching armor. Suffice to say the hatchings merely attempted to stand and fall over, too over-encumbered by the weight. Eventually Airavata created a light-weight, defensive armor that improved mobility - any hatchling that comes in contact with Virin has been involuntary swooped up to try on their own set of armor at least once.
The Guardian keeps a close eye on Aira, as he enjoys plucking newborns to try on new variations of his armor - they go completely unharmed and back to their parents, he protests! After all, what would happen to the hatchlings if the clan was attacked?! They need to know how to defend themselves!
He tends to forget where he puts his flameforger tools, absentmindedly setting things on fire in the process. He won't let any dragon or hatchling touch them though, oddly appearing near them whenever adolescent mischief is amok.
He has an adopted daughter that he schools in fireforging, much (again) to the dismay of Sythaeryn. Luckily the clan has had an influx of water dragons, so any warning of fire is quickly and quietly met with copious amounts of water magic.
Viper the Venomous
She was a tundra once, known for her excellent sense of smell and even more for her skills as an herblist.
She remembers fragments of her life - happy hatchlinghood memories, venturing out to find "her" clan, the lair she so painstakingly helped finally come to fruition and gain clan members. Nursing numerous friends back to health with her skills and falling in love with one of them.
But not all clans were peaceful like hers, a small earth clan that had carved out a well-sized system near Cairnestone Rest. Raiders and other less desired dragons did not dare go near the ancient monoliths, especially the nook Viper's clan had claimed. For it was between two well-known burial grounds - a "safehouse" type of deal, as long as the grounds were left undisturbed. Hatchlings knew the route before they could fly, as well as the other dozen escape routes the clan had meticulously carved.
But some dragons are greedier and more desperate than others, and rumors spread of great riches from Viper's clan, stories of massive, raw gemstones and other strange treasures that came from the second age.
If they only knew how wrong they were, the treasure they desired was in the clutches of skeletal wyrms, who had nestled themselves millennia ago. They would remain dormant until roused, and the ruckess these undesirables made was more than enough.
Tangaroa the Watermage
Her skills are in knowing the ecosystem, its health, the sources of water, and their stability.
She's also Indu's assistant in over-seeing the clans day to day activities.
While she is quiet, Tangaroa is a very talkative and friendly pearlcatcher once you get to know her. Known for her social awkwardness, Tang panics when conversations direct themselves at her as she never really knows what to say.
Most dragons best bet for getting her to talk is to visit her alongside the river and prodding her with conversation starters. Tang has a curious mind and loves hearing about others philosophies and creations and will chat for hours if let be.
But be warned! If you get her on any aquatic topic she will not stop talking. One too many dragons have fallen into the bottomless hole that is this pearlcatchers knowledge on aquatic animals, plants, and the philosophical.
[center][size=7][font=sylfaen]NOTE: MOVED THIS TO ITS OWN THREAD [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2430691]HERE[/url][/size]
[img]https://i.imgur.com/HtocRIk.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/BppFtDc.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Kyy8SVo.png[/img]
[url=https://youtu.be/uzpxrx7NZBA]New Zealand Ascending in 8K - Excellent Example Video[/url] ]
[url=https://youtu.be/ltQOvXNuWyU]Hossa National Park[/url]
[center][size=6][u][font=sylfaen]User-Made Skin/Accent Collection[/u][/size]
[font=sylfaen]because it would be nice to see what I actually have instead of just staring at DRAGONS
("[i]I don't really think I have that many[/i]" she said, before attempting a list...)
this is nowhere near complete
[quote][font=sylfaen]Imperial - Male
[quote][font=sylfaen]Imperial - Female
[quote][font=sylfaen][font=sylfaen]Skydancer - Female
[quote][font=sylfaen]Skydancer - Male
[font=sylfaen]"Skyclaw Vessen" is a one-copy custom.[/quote]
[quote][font=sylfaen][font=sylfaen]Wildclaw - Male
[quote][font=sylfaen][font=sylfaen]Ridgeback - Female
[quote][font=sylfaen][font=sylfaen]Ridgeback - Male
[quote][font=sylfaen]Guardian - Male
[font=sylfaen]"Trauernder Kriegsherr" is a one copy custom.[/quote]
[quote][font=sylfaen][font=sylfaen]Pearlcatcher - Male
[quote][font=sylfaen][font=sylfaen]Wildclaw - Female
User-Made Skin/Accent Collection
because it would be nice to see what I actually have instead of just staring at DRAGONS
("I don't really think I have that many" she said, before attempting a list...)
this is nowhere near complete
Wildclaw - Female
[center][font=sylfaen]Pairing Beastclan Allies with the Proper Dragon
[item=Giant White Toridae][item=Terra Tortoise][item=Wood Ear Deer][item=Ophiotaurus][item=Spiney Whale][item=Silvermane Barbtail][item=Stormclaw Showman][item=Raptorik Ringmaster][item=Stonewatch Prince][item=Raptorik Warrior][item=Serthis Archivist][item=Serthis Loremaster][item=Venomblade Assassin][item=Waveswell Sorcerer][item=Oceansurf Magus][item=Maren Spearmaiden][item=Maren Defender][item=Maren Shark Hunter][item=Maren Currentfinder][item=Barkskin Watcher][item=Spotted Faun][item=Grove Piper][item=Longneck Hunter][item=Wintermane Spearman][item=Painted Centaur][item=Wintermane Bowman][item=Centaur Archer][item=Dappled Dunhoof][item=Dunhoof Ambassador][item=Longneck Scholar][/quote]
Beastclans Matched
[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/13436.png[/img][item=clearwater oracle]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/636.png[/img][item=Dappled Dunhoof][/quote]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/14547.png[/img][item=Blueband duelist][/quote]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/4353.png[/img][item=Maren Ambusher][/quote]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/6332.png[/img][item=Serthis Potionmaster][/quote]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/16486.png[/img][item=Greybeak Reaper][/quote]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/21419.png[/img][item=Flamerest Fiendcat]
[i]hey[/i], who said you can't have sentient flaming kitties in a world of dragons?[/quote]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/21427.png[/img][item=Firemane Manticore]
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[img]http://flightrising.com/images/cms/familiar/art/1293.png[/img][item=Sunspot Clouddancer]
another exception because this familiars like the dog of the clan
Pairing Beastclan Allies with the Proper Dragon
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