
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Not Having fun :T
[quote name="Achaius" date="2024-05-07 23:56:15" ] nah I think it's valid - when I was new to the game, I also had the same question of "okay, what do I do?" it took a while before I really settled in (mostly scrying/hanging out in Dragon Share, but also some coli grinding/fodder training) there are a lot of aspects of "things to do" that are not necessarily obvious right off the bat - breeding projects/challenges, forum games, art games, UMA design - so I think it makes sense to ask [/quote] I am reticent to add to the circular angst that these kinds of posts always end up generating, but I think it's worth pointing out that there is not actually a question anywhere in the original post. There wasn't a request for advice on what might make the game more fun. Their account creation date was hardly a day ago at the time of making the post. No one has to like any game, it personally took me a few years and a lot of breaks to get going on here, but this is hardly a discussion starter lol.
Achaius wrote on 2024-05-07 23:56:15:
nah I think it's valid - when I was new to the game, I also had the same question of "okay, what do I do?" it took a while before I really settled in (mostly scrying/hanging out in Dragon Share, but also some coli grinding/fodder training)

there are a lot of aspects of "things to do" that are not necessarily obvious right off the bat - breeding projects/challenges, forum games, art games, UMA design - so I think it makes sense to ask

I am reticent to add to the circular angst that these kinds of posts always end up generating, but I think it's worth pointing out that there is not actually a question anywhere in the original post. There wasn't a request for advice on what might make the game more fun. Their account creation date was hardly a day ago at the time of making the post.

No one has to like any game, it personally took me a few years and a lot of breaks to get going on here, but this is hardly a discussion starter lol.
It's a bit like Animal Crossing. It's a slowburn type game that you're not supposed to do everything super fast or there's only so much you CAN do in a day if you only focus on the smaller daily tasks if you don't want to (or can't) do the more grindy things. I found starting out I did a lot of reading of guides, how does baldwin work how does the breeding system work to get what I want.. what do I even want/like? I spent a lot of time in the scrying workshop and playing around with different ideas and trying to figure out what I wanted in a dragon. (This of course lead to very many half finished projects when I got to the 'get the dragons' step lol) I did also spend a ton of time just staring at the Auction House looking at cheap dragons that I thought were pretty. (and quickly filled up my lair. It IS a game about collecting dragons after all. lol) Then I had to figure out how to earn currency to afford projects and expansions. I found once I settled in and got into a routine I did kinda get a little bored, so I set up a long term breeding project for myself by handing the scrying workshop to my husband and telling him to make a dragon for me to try to breed for. This would keep me busy for quite a while. In between these I'd work on other gening projects- either for new breeding pairs to earn currency with or for personal fun ideas- like I made a dragon look like [url=]the gummy shark candy[/url] because I could. lol Nowadays if I'm feeling a little bored I go hang out in Dragon Share and scry other people's dragons- I get the dragon planning experience while also hopefully being helpful to someone else. Dragon Share is also really great for just sharing your dragons in general (I know right?) and you can meet similar minded folk. Some folks do breeding/gene projects like that. Some folks collect g1 dragons to gene up. Some folks like to use their dragons to as inspiration for their own creative projects and write up long expansive novels about them. Some folks just entertain themselves with the economy aspects. Some folks like the grind and enjoy the Coliseum. Sadly it's not really like neopets where there's a minigame to play every 5 clicks or like lorewolf where everything's on a few minute timer. Hopefully this gave you some ideas? If not.... well it's not going to entertain everyone and it's fine if you don't stick with it. [emoji=aberration happy size=1][emoji=aberration laughing size=1] edit: grammar/missing words.
It's a bit like Animal Crossing. It's a slowburn type game that you're not supposed to do everything super fast or there's only so much you CAN do in a day if you only focus on the smaller daily tasks if you don't want to (or can't) do the more grindy things.

I found starting out I did a lot of reading of guides, how does baldwin work how does the breeding system work to get what I want.. what do I even want/like? I spent a lot of time in the scrying workshop and playing around with different ideas and trying to figure out what I wanted in a dragon. (This of course lead to very many half finished projects when I got to the 'get the dragons' step lol) I did also spend a ton of time just staring at the Auction House looking at cheap dragons that I thought were pretty. (and quickly filled up my lair. It IS a game about collecting dragons after all. lol) Then I had to figure out how to earn currency to afford projects and expansions.

I found once I settled in and got into a routine I did kinda get a little bored, so I set up a long term breeding project for myself by handing the scrying workshop to my husband and telling him to make a dragon for me to try to breed for. This would keep me busy for quite a while. In between these I'd work on other gening projects- either for new breeding pairs to earn currency with or for personal fun ideas- like I made a dragon look like the gummy shark candy because I could. lol Nowadays if I'm feeling a little bored I go hang out in Dragon Share and scry other people's dragons- I get the dragon planning experience while also hopefully being helpful to someone else. Dragon Share is also really great for just sharing your dragons in general (I know right?) and you can meet similar minded folk.

Some folks do breeding/gene projects like that. Some folks collect g1 dragons to gene up. Some folks like to use their dragons to as inspiration for their own creative projects and write up long expansive novels about them. Some folks just entertain themselves with the economy aspects. Some folks like the grind and enjoy the Coliseum. Sadly it's not really like neopets where there's a minigame to play every 5 clicks or like lorewolf where everything's on a few minute timer. Hopefully this gave you some ideas? If not.... well it's not going to entertain everyone and it's fine if you don't stick with it.

edit: grammar/missing words.

Hjönk Hjönk Am Goose
actuallyadinosaur a tiny doodle of a small goose like dinosaur with yellow beak white feathers and red eyes
As someone who's sort of felt the same way when I started, I completely understand the sentiment. Flight Rising is a lot more enjoyable when you give yourself a goal and treat it as something to check once in a while. Personally I love sticking to one theme and writing my own lore, so most of my dragons match together thematically unless stated otherwise.

It does take a bit to get into the swing of things, but once you're into it it's extremely relaxing! I suggest starting off by earning treasures and doing daily activities and whatnot. There are many guides and resources to help you understand the fundamentals and make your experience a lot more easier.
As someone who's sort of felt the same way when I started, I completely understand the sentiment. Flight Rising is a lot more enjoyable when you give yourself a goal and treat it as something to check once in a while. Personally I love sticking to one theme and writing my own lore, so most of my dragons match together thematically unless stated otherwise.

It does take a bit to get into the swing of things, but once you're into it it's extremely relaxing! I suggest starting off by earning treasures and doing daily activities and whatnot. There are many guides and resources to help you understand the fundamentals and make your experience a lot more easier.
~ W Y R M
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~

tbh when I first started I immediately threw myself into the roleplay forums, and that's how I entertained myself for my first few months and wrote lore for my dragons. I was super into writing and roleplay at the time, so that kept me hooked for hour. ;w;

I know my younger self didn't have the patience to play the game how I'm doing rn. They also had no idea how to make money. It took a long time for me to figure out how to even use a mire flyer...

Add-on: I think flight rising is a very, very slow game when you start out. The forum games section was definitely one of those things that kept me interested early on.
tbh when I first started I immediately threw myself into the roleplay forums, and that's how I entertained myself for my first few months and wrote lore for my dragons. I was super into writing and roleplay at the time, so that kept me hooked for hour. ;w;

I know my younger self didn't have the patience to play the game how I'm doing rn. They also had no idea how to make money. It took a long time for me to figure out how to even use a mire flyer...

Add-on: I think flight rising is a very, very slow game when you start out. The forum games section was definitely one of those things that kept me interested early on.
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • i'm actually the prettiest yiny princess
That’s fair, if you’re not connecting with the game, you’re not obligated to keep playing. Your account will always be there if you want to come back and give it another shot, you won’t lose anything.
That’s fair, if you’re not connecting with the game, you’re not obligated to keep playing. Your account will always be there if you want to come back and give it another shot, you won’t lose anything.
When I first started the game I kinda felt the same thing you're describing here, it took me a two month break before I came back and started having fun. At first there were so many options that I didn't explore because they made me feel overwhelmed and I didn't understand them for a bit and it got boring for a while, some already gave a bit of suggestions (playing coliseum, exploring the forums, etc.) so maybe that can help you have fun in the site! Although noy every game is for everyone, don't feel pressured to have fun when you don't!
When I first started the game I kinda felt the same thing you're describing here, it took me a two month break before I came back and started having fun. At first there were so many options that I didn't explore because they made me feel overwhelmed and I didn't understand them for a bit and it got boring for a while, some already gave a bit of suggestions (playing coliseum, exploring the forums, etc.) so maybe that can help you have fun in the site! Although noy every game is for everyone, don't feel pressured to have fun when you don't!
J2vNoME.gif > FR time +4
> Artfol
> Avatar dragon
> PING ME. I love getting silly notifs
> This will be prettier someday
It's normal to feel a little lost/frustrated at the start of playing FR. I remember when I was very new, I was frustrated by how long everything took and how expensive (and out of reach) all the genes in the MP seemed. FR is a pretty slow-paced game (and oftentimes rather grindy) in my opinion unless you can afford to purchase large quantities of gems and/or are a very popular artist. I typically go through long periods of grinding and doing daily "chores", inter-spaced by short bursts of purchasing items and dragons.

It's normal to feel a little lost/frustrated at the start of playing FR. I remember when I was very new, I was frustrated by how long everything took and how expensive (and out of reach) all the genes in the MP seemed. FR is a pretty slow-paced game (and oftentimes rather grindy) in my opinion unless you can afford to purchase large quantities of gems and/or are a very popular artist. I typically go through long periods of grinding and doing daily "chores", inter-spaced by short bursts of purchasing items and dragons.

- G1s for sale
- LF any combo of abyss, copper, spruce
imho, dont play if you don't have fun. doesnt need to be more complicated then that
imho, dont play if you don't have fun. doesnt need to be more complicated then that
Mooncake Festival 2024 - Light ConquestDom WatchPublic BuyIlluminartiMooncake Festival 2024 - Light Conquest
It's okay to not like things. You also don't have to play like others, I don't.
It's okay to not like things. You also don't have to play like others, I don't.
I can respect your feelings. When I first started I was lovingly encouraged by some very eager friends to try it. It's safe to say that initially I was sceptical because I wasn't sure this was my type of game, and I was pretty confident about that; but I gave it a go anyway, despite my hesitation. My initial impressions weren't much different, and I thought for sure I'd quit and delete my account. However I wasn't quick to give up, and after a week or so I did a complete 180°. Now I love the game, and check in throughout the day, everyday! It gives me a healthy outlet to collect characters without spending any money. However like others have said it takes time to find your own groove, and build up resources to make the game more fun for yourself. I have taken a few longer breaks already despite my short time on the site, and only now am I starting to feel like I'm really settling in.

I say don't worry if the game isn't for you. It's not for everyone, and that's okay. I will say that if it wasn't for my interest in character collecting, worldbuilding, as well as just being an artist and a writer in my free time in general to add to my enjoyment, I probably wouldn't be into this game either. But I do encourage people to try it just long enough to feel the site out and what it offers, because once you start peeking around you can find a lot of fun ways to entertain yourself and make it your own experience. Then after you've given it some time if you feel it's still not for you, that's alright. At least you tried. <3
I can respect your feelings. When I first started I was lovingly encouraged by some very eager friends to try it. It's safe to say that initially I was sceptical because I wasn't sure this was my type of game, and I was pretty confident about that; but I gave it a go anyway, despite my hesitation. My initial impressions weren't much different, and I thought for sure I'd quit and delete my account. However I wasn't quick to give up, and after a week or so I did a complete 180°. Now I love the game, and check in throughout the day, everyday! It gives me a healthy outlet to collect characters without spending any money. However like others have said it takes time to find your own groove, and build up resources to make the game more fun for yourself. I have taken a few longer breaks already despite my short time on the site, and only now am I starting to feel like I'm really settling in.

I say don't worry if the game isn't for you. It's not for everyone, and that's okay. I will say that if it wasn't for my interest in character collecting, worldbuilding, as well as just being an artist and a writer in my free time in general to add to my enjoyment, I probably wouldn't be into this game either. But I do encourage people to try it just long enough to feel the site out and what it offers, because once you start peeking around you can find a lot of fun ways to entertain yourself and make it your own experience. Then after you've given it some time if you feel it's still not for you, that's alright. At least you tried. <3