
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Opinions on the new breed?
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Very bland and uninspired. And quite disappointing that they don't really break the modern 'mold'. I find their genes to be quite lackluster as well. They might just make their way all the way to the top of my most disliked breeds list.

At least the hatchling sprite is pretty cute.
Very bland and uninspired. And quite disappointing that they don't really break the modern 'mold'. I find their genes to be quite lackluster as well. They might just make their way all the way to the top of my most disliked breeds list.

At least the hatchling sprite is pretty cute.
So they ARE pangolins! Love them sm
So they ARE pangolins! Love them sm
Give a like if you think they're cool--->86520977.png93331792.png84977690.png
Feels weird how many people are saying that they wanted the dragons to be less cute and more insectoid. I mean, I can't blame them, but my only hopes are for the light ancients to look more like Lightweaver and for the wind ancients to be all frilly without being Spirals.

I like these guys, whether or not they seem like Earth or if they could be the ancient counterparts of Bogsneaks. I like them, they're like my 5th favorite breed.
Feels weird how many people are saying that they wanted the dragons to be less cute and more insectoid. I mean, I can't blame them, but my only hopes are for the light ancients to look more like Lightweaver and for the wind ancients to be all frilly without being Spirals.

I like these guys, whether or not they seem like Earth or if they could be the ancient counterparts of Bogsneaks. I like them, they're like my 5th favorite breed.
forum games: ignore fodder and outpost/unassorted, levelees are fine
i do like them for the most part, but not gonna lie, it does feel like something's missing. they feel like the first draft which still needs unique features added, than an actual completed design. would've definitely benefitted from more plating or a shell. as someone pointed out, a long snout would make way more sense for them as a burrowing breed too.

it's like all their features are cute on their own, but when you put them together, they lose all cohesion. bit of a shame. still, i hope i'll get used to them soon!
i do like them for the most part, but not gonna lie, it does feel like something's missing. they feel like the first draft which still needs unique features added, than an actual completed design. would've definitely benefitted from more plating or a shell. as someone pointed out, a long snout would make way more sense for them as a burrowing breed too.

it's like all their features are cute on their own, but when you put them together, they lose all cohesion. bit of a shame. still, i hope i'll get used to them soon!
Really dissapointed, nothing about the design is really interesting or rather it has nice ideas but with the same wings and head design, same anatomical legs and body (the claws are great!) It just feels were treading the same track over and over.

There's so so many critters irl that u could've used for inspiration to get a more unique design but instead they went with a safe and rather bland option.
Really dissapointed, nothing about the design is really interesting or rather it has nice ideas but with the same wings and head design, same anatomical legs and body (the claws are great!) It just feels were treading the same track over and over.

There's so so many critters irl that u could've used for inspiration to get a more unique design but instead they went with a safe and rather bland option.
Truly do not enjoy
Why do they have wings when armor was the perfect opportunity for showing of secondary genes without them. (And now this concept has bee done so we will likely not get a breed that actually has secondary armor)
Truly do not enjoy
Why do they have wings when armor was the perfect opportunity for showing of secondary genes without them. (And now this concept has bee done so we will likely not get a breed that actually has secondary armor)
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I'm ok with them! They're not my favourite breed, but they aren't at the bottom of my list either.

I like the tail A LOT, it's probably my favourite part. Some of the genes are gorgeous too (hoping that we can have them on other breeds soon!), I'll probably have a few in my lair just to show off the genes. The claws are a nice touch too!

As others have said before, what bothers me the most is how smooth they look. Considering they're ancients and therefore won't have apparel, it's a bit of a bummer because it'll be harder to cover up. The first thing I noticed was the baldness and the short face, wish they had a snout and looked a little bit more rugged. The wings seem unnecessary to me, since they just cover up what could've been a shell or something, but I don't mind them either. Also the female pose is kind of meh, I definitely like the male one more.

All in all I'll probably keep the one's I hatched! One of them is a multi-gaze and I really like the colours, so they have lots of potential :) Can't wait for skins!

Edit: after working on some scries, I think the male pose has grown on me. With the right genes I can get over the baldness/smoothness and the movement is so dynamic that the primary genes look really good! I still don't like the female pose though :/

I'm ok with them! They're not my favourite breed, but they aren't at the bottom of my list either.

I like the tail A LOT, it's probably my favourite part. Some of the genes are gorgeous too (hoping that we can have them on other breeds soon!), I'll probably have a few in my lair just to show off the genes. The claws are a nice touch too!

As others have said before, what bothers me the most is how smooth they look. Considering they're ancients and therefore won't have apparel, it's a bit of a bummer because it'll be harder to cover up. The first thing I noticed was the baldness and the short face, wish they had a snout and looked a little bit more rugged. The wings seem unnecessary to me, since they just cover up what could've been a shell or something, but I don't mind them either. Also the female pose is kind of meh, I definitely like the male one more.

All in all I'll probably keep the one's I hatched! One of them is a multi-gaze and I really like the colours, so they have lots of potential :) Can't wait for skins!

Edit: after working on some scries, I think the male pose has grown on me. With the right genes I can get over the baldness/smoothness and the movement is so dynamic that the primary genes look really good! I still don't like the female pose though :/

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Their heads are a bit odd to me. The shape is a little funky. But they’re cute.
Their heads are a bit odd to me. The shape is a little funky. But they’re cute.
They're fun and new. I think I'm going to wait to hatch mine though, I just have a weird feeling that I'll get a good hatch in a couple days.
They're fun and new. I think I'm going to wait to hatch mine though, I just have a weird feeling that I'll get a good hatch in a couple days.
I see why people like these guys, but they're just not for me. The baldness is just so offputting- mainly because it feels like there should be SOMETHING there that for some reason is not there. It feels like the starting point for horns or a crest or something that just isn't present.

Its also not very visually interesting like many other ancients. No impressive crests, extra wings or limbs, no wings, anything that puts them apart from a modern. These guys really look like they could have been a working modern design! They even have thick tails like Snappers!

I see the concept but it could have been pushed so much more into a fancier, more ancient looking design that showed off. Armor, plating, impressive horn crests, etc. These poor guys look unfinished without linebreaking genes.

I see why people like these guys, but they're just not for me. The baldness is just so offputting- mainly because it feels like there should be SOMETHING there that for some reason is not there. It feels like the starting point for horns or a crest or something that just isn't present.

Its also not very visually interesting like many other ancients. No impressive crests, extra wings or limbs, no wings, anything that puts them apart from a modern. These guys really look like they could have been a working modern design! They even have thick tails like Snappers!

I see the concept but it could have been pushed so much more into a fancier, more ancient looking design that showed off. Armor, plating, impressive horn crests, etc. These poor guys look unfinished without linebreaking genes.

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