
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | What should I do with my clan?
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[ The issue ]

So there are multiple ways I can go about my lore, and the goal is to build an elaborate and detailed story, with my dragons completes with the desired genetics, outfits, scene, familiar, etc. Then I will sell everything I own except what is being worn by the dragons, and have their bios be a source of information of the world of flight rising, from the perspective of the dragons. Though the story aspect is what is most important to me. There's the issue, it could be any one of the following.

[ Plot One : The Usual ]
Your average story with the big challenge and overcoming it. In this case, it would likely be an attempt to overthrow Jax, and would probably be led by either one of my less flashy dragons or such.

the only challenges being obtaining about 200 dragons, seeing as that's the minimum number of dragons I would like to have, obtaining all the apparel and making bios, etc. Basically just more and more lore on top of lore.

[ Plot Two : Apocalypse ]
This one would probably make use of my research regiment, and it could either be the Neroma Research Center or my plant scientists with a fungi probably. This one would probably be very interesting and would require a lot of different skins showing nerve decay, mindlessness, etc.

Challenges are looking for a good zombie-like skin for practically every breed and gender, along with that the main focus would be on the virus / fungus / whatever the cause ends up being, instead of the actual characters and lore.

[ Plot Three : Technological Era ]
This would require a lot of apparel and skins, all of which would be robotic. There isn't to much to this and could probably be a subplot even.

Challenges are also finding skins or accents with technology, but we get to have apparel that can make it easier and make it match for the most part so it'll cost way less.

[ Plot Four : Hive mind ]
This one is simple, All my dragons will probably get some sort of apparel that covers their eyes, or even add a fungus that hijacks their minds to just eat and it'll feed off the host more like a parasite. Though this concept comes dangerously close to the zombies.

This is my backup plan incase all else fails. This one is a bit easier, because their only real purpose will be to survive. This way, i can also try to get a sort of shock factor at the bad ending.

[ Plot Five : Purge ]
Similar to the zombies except I just get rid of my dragons and start new. Not entirely, but for the most part. (If I did sell my dragons, which ones would you be interested in? A lot have custom simple bios.)

Only one issue, i tend to get emotionally connected to my dragons.

[ Plot Six : Beast clans ]
This one seems more unique in terms of what I find in other peoples lore, giving the beast clans lore and involving them or making your own little collection hidden in the bio of a dragon with the invisibility cloak.

This one is cool as **** but invisibility cloaks are so expensive, and i am poor. Also i'm tempted to recolor the harpies and give them all their own lore instead of dragons , or even make skins that are literally just beast clans instead of the dragon

[ Notes: ]

Please leave suggestions, new ideas and your opinions here, as I don't know what I want to do and want to think it all through before I really commit.

[ The issue ]

So there are multiple ways I can go about my lore, and the goal is to build an elaborate and detailed story, with my dragons completes with the desired genetics, outfits, scene, familiar, etc. Then I will sell everything I own except what is being worn by the dragons, and have their bios be a source of information of the world of flight rising, from the perspective of the dragons. Though the story aspect is what is most important to me. There's the issue, it could be any one of the following.

[ Plot One : The Usual ]
Your average story with the big challenge and overcoming it. In this case, it would likely be an attempt to overthrow Jax, and would probably be led by either one of my less flashy dragons or such.

the only challenges being obtaining about 200 dragons, seeing as that's the minimum number of dragons I would like to have, obtaining all the apparel and making bios, etc. Basically just more and more lore on top of lore.

[ Plot Two : Apocalypse ]
This one would probably make use of my research regiment, and it could either be the Neroma Research Center or my plant scientists with a fungi probably. This one would probably be very interesting and would require a lot of different skins showing nerve decay, mindlessness, etc.

Challenges are looking for a good zombie-like skin for practically every breed and gender, along with that the main focus would be on the virus / fungus / whatever the cause ends up being, instead of the actual characters and lore.

[ Plot Three : Technological Era ]
This would require a lot of apparel and skins, all of which would be robotic. There isn't to much to this and could probably be a subplot even.

Challenges are also finding skins or accents with technology, but we get to have apparel that can make it easier and make it match for the most part so it'll cost way less.

[ Plot Four : Hive mind ]
This one is simple, All my dragons will probably get some sort of apparel that covers their eyes, or even add a fungus that hijacks their minds to just eat and it'll feed off the host more like a parasite. Though this concept comes dangerously close to the zombies.

This is my backup plan incase all else fails. This one is a bit easier, because their only real purpose will be to survive. This way, i can also try to get a sort of shock factor at the bad ending.

[ Plot Five : Purge ]
Similar to the zombies except I just get rid of my dragons and start new. Not entirely, but for the most part. (If I did sell my dragons, which ones would you be interested in? A lot have custom simple bios.)

Only one issue, i tend to get emotionally connected to my dragons.

[ Plot Six : Beast clans ]
This one seems more unique in terms of what I find in other peoples lore, giving the beast clans lore and involving them or making your own little collection hidden in the bio of a dragon with the invisibility cloak.

This one is cool as **** but invisibility cloaks are so expensive, and i am poor. Also i'm tempted to recolor the harpies and give them all their own lore instead of dragons , or even make skins that are literally just beast clans instead of the dragon

[ Notes: ]

Please leave suggestions, new ideas and your opinions here, as I don't know what I want to do and want to think it all through before I really commit.

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All of them at once in different tabs
All of them at once in different tabs
Professional Grump

I live for memes

Well considering that if I were to go with the first ones I'd prefer a minimum of 200 dragons, thats going to take a while XD

Well considering that if I were to go with the first ones I'd prefer a minimum of 200 dragons, thats going to take a while XD

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Being from plague I vote Apocalypse or Hivemind

Which why is Hivemind your last choice btw?

You could have half your clan fighting it and the other half infected
Being from plague I vote Apocalypse or Hivemind

Which why is Hivemind your last choice btw?

You could have half your clan fighting it and the other half infected
[ @Panarow ]

Hivemind is only last because it'll be the easiest to put into my lore, and acts as more of an enhancement. Examples being technological era, say theres some sort of AI, or an actual dragon hacking (though the AI is a cooler concept) and the technology will basically act as a controller to the body, creating a digital hive-mind. Another way to intigrate this is by going with Apocalypse and having the zombies be the hive-mind. Or with the beast clans, it could be a parasite released onto the dragons, or the beastclans. And it could have been a biological warfare tactic or accident. Seeing as it's so easy to manipulate into any scenario, i'd like to keep it as a backup plan.
[ @Panarow ]

Hivemind is only last because it'll be the easiest to put into my lore, and acts as more of an enhancement. Examples being technological era, say theres some sort of AI, or an actual dragon hacking (though the AI is a cooler concept) and the technology will basically act as a controller to the body, creating a digital hive-mind. Another way to intigrate this is by going with Apocalypse and having the zombies be the hive-mind. Or with the beast clans, it could be a parasite released onto the dragons, or the beastclans. And it could have been a biological warfare tactic or accident. Seeing as it's so easy to manipulate into any scenario, i'd like to keep it as a backup plan.

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If you go beastclan, you could also go the route of having some beastclan being able to transform into dragons. Instead of buying the invisibility cloak.

Also the cloak is going to be just 50kt starting next year. Gonna be much more affordable.

For #1 I don't think you necessarily need 200 dragons. Most stories just have 1-2 main characters and maybe 3-4 supporting characters after all. I'd say if you go with a straightforward story, start with the main plot beats and core dragons.
If you go beastclan, you could also go the route of having some beastclan being able to transform into dragons. Instead of buying the invisibility cloak.

Also the cloak is going to be just 50kt starting next year. Gonna be much more affordable.

For #1 I don't think you necessarily need 200 dragons. Most stories just have 1-2 main characters and maybe 3-4 supporting characters after all. I'd say if you go with a straightforward story, start with the main plot beats and core dragons.
Come visit my lore lair! It's a fun time here.

Something strange is happening on Sornieth. All across the world, dragons have begun to be born with multiple elements. How? Why? As dragons all across Sornieth takes notice, the wheel of fate begins to turn, as one fae's search for her mysterious origins leads her down a path that could change Sornieth forever.

That is actually a really cool idea! That way I'd be able to put the familiar skins and accents to good use too. This may actually be the route I decide to take now that you mention it, seeing as many dragons lore-wise are very close to some of the beast clan familiars. Only thing that bums me out a bit is how you can only have one of each familiar actively bonded to a dragon, so if there were two wandering harpies i'd have one set to the side of a dragon, but the other will have to be in its bio or something. Thankfully I'm trying to get used to adding a section for their beastclan friends, and that way i can give them a higher role than 'familiar' considering they're at about the same level as dragons.

I just realized i gave a lot of unnecessary information but i don't want to type it out for nothing so here you go stranger :3

That is actually a really cool idea! That way I'd be able to put the familiar skins and accents to good use too. This may actually be the route I decide to take now that you mention it, seeing as many dragons lore-wise are very close to some of the beast clan familiars. Only thing that bums me out a bit is how you can only have one of each familiar actively bonded to a dragon, so if there were two wandering harpies i'd have one set to the side of a dragon, but the other will have to be in its bio or something. Thankfully I'm trying to get used to adding a section for their beastclan friends, and that way i can give them a higher role than 'familiar' considering they're at about the same level as dragons.

I just realized i gave a lot of unnecessary information but i don't want to type it out for nothing so here you go stranger :3

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Lore-wise the beastclans idea is really interesting! But I almost went to plague when I joined and I love the idea of a zombie apocalypse! I have a friend that has some zombie dragons in their lair, desppite their lore not being centered on it, just surviving in the wastes. I think it all depends of what will both inspire you to write their lore and keep you going when you finish :) I like to write a more domestic (despite all the magic powow that happens in my clan) clan lore, its what helps me going and inspiring me to write more ^^
Lore-wise the beastclans idea is really interesting! But I almost went to plague when I joined and I love the idea of a zombie apocalypse! I have a friend that has some zombie dragons in their lair, desppite their lore not being centered on it, just surviving in the wastes. I think it all depends of what will both inspire you to write their lore and keep you going when you finish :) I like to write a more domestic (despite all the magic powow that happens in my clan) clan lore, its what helps me going and inspiring me to write more ^^
honestly though the hivemind one sounds interesting totally not me having a bias for weird creepy stuff without going into full horror territory
honestly though the hivemind one sounds interesting totally not me having a bias for weird creepy stuff without going into full horror territory
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these are all suuuper cool! but i will say for the sake of the beastclan one, the invis cloaks are about to get way cheaper come next april~! they'll only be 50kt a pop!
these are all suuuper cool! but i will say for the sake of the beastclan one, the invis cloaks are about to get way cheaper come next april~! they'll only be 50kt a pop!
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@ me with a zero
not an o!
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