
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Cursed dragon hybrids thread
I NEED that Tunsneak so hecking badly. Please devs!! D:
I NEED that Tunsneak so hecking badly. Please devs!! D:
Always buying
Gen Ones.
Feel free to PM 8.png
*Art Shop
[quote name="HenryTheArcher" date="2020-10-04 05:43:41" ] ... [/quote]
HenryTheArcher wrote on 2020-10-04 05:43:41:
These are astonishingly well done, for being nightmare-inducing fever dreams lol
These are astonishingly well done, for being nightmare-inducing fever dreams lol
Kavryn [ Kav-r-y-n ] | » Level 25 Lair Challenge « | » G1 Sales «
[center][quote name=NoonAlt] [img][/img] [/quote][/center] [center][b]I want him. I actually want this beast.[/b][/center]
NoonAlt wrote:
I want him. I actually want this beast.
A bottle of Dasani (water)
Please drink water.

Step away if things get heated.
13.7 billion years ago the universe was born in a sudden unfathomably vast expansion. 400 thousand years later everything cooled enough that the cosmic background background radiation could start to shine. The first generation of stars was born, and their deaths spread heavy elements through out the galaxy. 4.5 billion years ago our solar system formed in a cloud hydrogen and of these heavy elements, the dying breaths of one of those early stellar giants. Less then a billion years later life had already formed on Earth, and over the next four billion years that early life multiplied and mutated into the life we know today. Into humanity. In the blink of a cosmic eye we built technology, from spears to wheels and bridges to engines that powered cars and made electricity, we made computers. We made the internet. All of this has been leading up to this point. It's all been leading up... to Tundsneak.
13.7 billion years ago the universe was born in a sudden unfathomably vast expansion. 400 thousand years later everything cooled enough that the cosmic background background radiation could start to shine. The first generation of stars was born, and their deaths spread heavy elements through out the galaxy. 4.5 billion years ago our solar system formed in a cloud hydrogen and of these heavy elements, the dying breaths of one of those early stellar giants. Less then a billion years later life had already formed on Earth, and over the next four billion years that early life multiplied and mutated into the life we know today. Into humanity. In the blink of a cosmic eye we built technology, from spears to wheels and bridges to engines that powered cars and made electricity, we made computers. We made the internet. All of this has been leading up to this point. It's all been leading up... to Tundsneak.
[quote name="ZipperLocks" date="2020-10-04 06:33:57" ] [center][quote name=NoonAlt] [img][/img] [/quote][/center] [center][b]I want him. I actually want this beast.[/b][/center] [/quote] Lowkey me too bro
ZipperLocks wrote on 2020-10-04 06:33:57:
NoonAlt wrote:
I want him. I actually want this beast.

Lowkey me too bro

I ... I actually love the tundsneak ?!?!?
and I’m glad I’m not the only one!
I ... I actually love the tundsneak ?!?!?
and I’m glad I’m not the only one!
The Ridgoler looks like it eats children. Thanks, I hate it.
The Ridgoler looks like it eats children. Thanks, I hate it.
autumn • +3 fr time
@azhdrake [img][/img]


I love these ahaha Y'know the bows they put on small dogs? Here's some fanart [img][/img]
I love these ahaha
Y'know the bows they put on small dogs?

Here's some fanart
62f3af8f9c30ad46fdb41be086b0831afd120d29.png I live in a fae-rytale.