
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Hoard Worth
Hey Does anyone ever stop and just count how much your entire hoard is worth? I did that and it came to a whopping 54441 gold. Not counting Familiars. or anything attached to the dragons.
Hey Does anyone ever stop and just count how much your entire hoard is worth? I did that and it came to a whopping 54441 gold. Not counting Familiars. or anything attached to the dragons.
I.... can't be bothered to count.
I.... can't be bothered to count.
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I did.... a few years ago, going by LAH prices for everything worth more than 100kt

I couldn't be bothered too nowadays, that'd take way too much boring math for my attention span to handle
I did.... a few years ago, going by LAH prices for everything worth more than 100kt

I couldn't be bothered too nowadays, that'd take way too much boring math for my attention span to handle
My hoard is a bunch of random junk im transmuting and coli drops so it's not worth much. My vault on the other hand..
My hoard is a bunch of random junk im transmuting and coli drops so it's not worth much. My vault on the other hand..
No. My hoard is a mess. All the stuff just exist in there and waiting for the Hoard/Vault update. My vault is all right. There are only quivers.
No. My hoard is a mess. All the stuff just exist in there and waiting for the Hoard/Vault update. My vault is all right. There are only quivers.
In the same boat as Henry here minus the quivers. I'm a chronic hoarder and can never find anything in there. I've got 20+ pages of materials, food, "Other", and I've got enough '13-'14 fest apparel that it would be hard to try to find LAH for all of it.
In the same boat as Henry here minus the quivers. I'm a chronic hoarder and can never find anything in there. I've got 20+ pages of materials, food, "Other", and I've got enough '13-'14 fest apparel that it would be hard to try to find LAH for all of it.
they/them • 27 • FR+0

did Atropos even know you had a name?
or when she'd cut the line, that it would leave half my tale untold?

how could you leave half a tale untold?
"A lot"
"A lot"
Once a year I hoardsell anything (materials/other) not used for Baldwin/Swipp/Hibden and it usually gets me around 1.5 million treasure. So. Uhm. I have a lot of stuff.

As for familiars and skins, I bet that's worth A TON since I have so much random trash from playing for 5 years. I keep all of my skins just in case I want to use them eventually unless I have duplicates so. Yeah.
Once a year I hoardsell anything (materials/other) not used for Baldwin/Swipp/Hibden and it usually gets me around 1.5 million treasure. So. Uhm. I have a lot of stuff.

As for familiars and skins, I bet that's worth A TON since I have so much random trash from playing for 5 years. I keep all of my skins just in case I want to use them eventually unless I have duplicates so. Yeah.
Art Shop

i used to hoardsell obsessively but now i just let it sit there because maaaybe my hoard items will be used in swipp in the future.

also because i can't be bothered LOL
i used to hoardsell obsessively but now i just let it sit there because maaaybe my hoard items will be used in swipp in the future.

also because i can't be bothered LOL
kMxWaq5.png LOL > Formerly BORKBEAN
> FRT +0 | He/Him
When I do count I only count the baldwin mats... and I only count for gems... last time i counted (almost a year ago) irrc it came out to around 5k gems... I never did sell any of it... I don't want to count it up again... I fear what it'll come out to now since I compulsively melt things down every 30 mins daily...
When I do count I only count the baldwin mats... and I only count for gems... last time i counted (almost a year ago) irrc it came out to around 5k gems... I never did sell any of it... I don't want to count it up again... I fear what it'll come out to now since I compulsively melt things down every 30 mins daily...