
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Things you like about your flight’s...
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Eggs. What are some things you enjoy about your flights eggs? I like nature eggs because they look like lil coconuts. Are the eggs just as hard as coconuts? If so it could protect the hatchlings from herbivores(mostly.) The smol leaves growing out of them aren’t safe though.
Eggs. What are some things you enjoy about your flights eggs? I like nature eggs because they look like lil coconuts. Are the eggs just as hard as coconuts? If so it could protect the hatchlings from herbivores(mostly.) The smol leaves growing out of them aren’t safe though.
Redwood Log +2 hours ahead of FR time

Bakery is open! >

i like how the arcane eggs can float :)))
(the rings are also a nice touch)
i like how the arcane eggs can float :)))
(the rings are also a nice touch)
currently bored | wlw she/her
i hope you can pop the bubbles on shadows eggs.
because i would.
i hope you can pop the bubbles on shadows eggs.
because i would.
9fbec014932d0afc30da6fd2c36bc2ad26496952.png ePOliyb.png
conveniently available lightbulbs
conveniently available lightbulbs
I like how fire eggs are literally just earth eggs set on fire.
I like how fire eggs are literally just earth eggs set on fire.
Earth eggs just look like big lumpy rocks and I love it.
Earth eggs just look like big lumpy rocks and I love it.
968.png ...| #145955 |
...| She/Her |
...| INFP |
...| 23 |
...| FR+3 |
Not my flight but I like to imagine fire hatchlings not knowing any better and playing hot potato with their siblings' eggs
Not my flight but I like to imagine fire hatchlings not knowing any better and playing hot potato with their siblings' eggs
tumblr_inline_p81uu9TKgf1tsrqpm_75sq.gif » Felox
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They float and look unique
They float and look unique
-V e r i d i s Q u o-
Brazil | EN/PT/RUS |time-flight-icon-very-tiny.png

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Synesthetic - Artist - Style flexible
• They/Them - He/Him/It • Prev. Solifugespace
i love the windy eggs colors! so cute!
i love the windy eggs colors! so cute!
I like to imagine that the glow of Shadow eggs reacts when their caretakers are close. They might fade for safety if the nest is left alone for a while, flicker a signal in recognition when the caretaker returns, and emit a brighter glow while being incubated / snuggled.
I like to imagine that the glow of Shadow eggs reacts when their caretakers are close. They might fade for safety if the nest is left alone for a while, flicker a signal in recognition when the caretaker returns, and emit a brighter glow while being incubated / snuggled.
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