
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | [HUB] Thundercrack Carnivale 2018
[center][img][/img] [b]Main[/b] | [url=]Events[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Signatures[/url] | [url=]Thanks[/url] [i]It was sudden, the change. Unexpected even by the greatest scientists of the Tempest Spire, statisticians hurriedly attempting to account for the anomaly in their probability calculations: their hypothesis tests never having shown such a phenomenon possible in the time. The Lightning Farm is the third subregion of the Shifting Expanse, and it is one of the least busy, hosting those lairs classed as ‘Venerable’. Split into multiple sectors to host the lairs best to discipline, it was odd when in one small, unoccupied segment of the sector of the business discipline, a puff of smoke appeared. It was unprecedented and instantly the alarms went off as sentries alerted the security division. When the smoke did clear, however, what they saw befuddled the minds of investigators. A mysterious marketplace had appeared in the ruins, and what was more, the dragons running the stalls had never before been recognised in the database of the current residents of the Shifting Expanse. It wasn’t long before the scientists began to explore what the mysterious merchants had to offer: bits of strange machinery, sparking and static-emitting curios, lost relics from forgotten endeavors, alchemists selling their services, techno-mages hawking cursed oddities and trinkets, scientists bartering droids, hooded figures handing out maps of leylines. It was a young intern who had just gotten promoted to bring Stormcatcher his coffee that suggested the novel idea: why not invite the other flights to also enjoy the benefits of the market for this festival? The god agreed, for the legend their archivists had just managed to extract revealed the circumstances behind the Emporium - as their archivists have named it. It appears randomly in the Expanse every millenium for seven days before disappearing without a trace on the seventh day, and the conferences put together by Lightning’s greatest scientists have never managed to discover its origins, the merchants or the goods. Perhaps, this year, one lucky dragon will be able to...[/i][/center]

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It was sudden, the change. Unexpected even by the greatest scientists of the Tempest Spire, statisticians hurriedly attempting to account for the anomaly in their probability calculations: their hypothesis tests never having shown such a phenomenon possible in the time.

The Lightning Farm is the third subregion of the Shifting Expanse, and it is one of the least busy, hosting those lairs classed as ‘Venerable’. Split into multiple sectors to host the lairs best to discipline, it was odd when in one small, unoccupied segment of the sector of the business discipline, a puff of smoke appeared.

It was unprecedented and instantly the alarms went off as sentries alerted the security division. When the smoke did clear, however, what they saw befuddled the minds of investigators.

A mysterious marketplace had appeared in the ruins, and what was more, the dragons running the stalls had never before been recognised in the database of the current residents of the Shifting Expanse.

It wasn’t long before the scientists began to explore what the mysterious merchants had to offer: bits of strange machinery, sparking and static-emitting curios, lost relics from forgotten endeavors, alchemists selling their services, techno-mages hawking cursed oddities and trinkets, scientists bartering droids, hooded figures handing out maps of leylines.

It was a young intern who had just gotten promoted to bring Stormcatcher his coffee that suggested the novel idea: why not invite the other flights to also enjoy the benefits of the market for this festival?

The god agreed, for the legend their archivists had just managed to extract revealed the circumstances behind the Emporium - as their archivists have named it. It appears randomly in the Expanse every millenium for seven days before disappearing without a trace on the seventh day, and the conferences put together by Lightning’s greatest scientists have never managed to discover its origins, the merchants or the goods.

Perhaps, this year, one lucky dragon will be able to...

[center][img][/img] [url=]Main[/url] | [b]Events[/b] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Signatures[/url] | [url=]Thanks[/url] [size=3]OTA = Open To All; IF = In-Flight; OOF = Out-of-Flight[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @KairyuDee | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Open | [i]July 15th to July 28th[/i] An odd entity has popped up in a large, separated tent in the strange marketplace. Multiple merchants are congregated, all strangely familiar yet all offering similar items. Peering closer, you see drawings, scrawls... and what is that in the corner? The green Tundra nudges you. "All for any able-bodied dragons we can get!" [size=2]Drawings/writings for fodder![/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @Pripyat @ShadowRising | IF/[b]OOF[/b]/OTA | Closed | [i]July 15th to July 21st[/i] The blue Pearlcatcher nudges you, seeing your confusion at the piles of money and items stacked against the wall of the tent in one very large, precariously balanced pile. "All for any able-bodied dragons we can get... well, not really, you pull it out and if it doesn't fall on you, you get it! Otherwise the next dragon in line does." "Hand over the dragons to one of our travellers," They say, indicating several shady looking dragons in a corner. "And make sure you're not from Lightning!" [size=2]Out of flight raffle; money and prizes for fodder![/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @RowanofRohan | [b]IF[/b]/OOF/OTA | Closed | [i]July 15th to July 21st[/i] A red Fae comes up to you. "Lightning flight? Don't you worry, we've got a nice event all lined up for you here! Send as many able-bodied dragons as you can for some sweet prizes!" [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @RowanofRohan | [b]IF[/b]/OOF/OTA | Closed | [i]July 15th to July 21st[/i] The red Fae from before nudges you, seeing your confusion at the piles of money and items stacked against the wall of another tent in one very large, precariously balanced pile. "All for any able-bodied dragons we can get... well, not really, you pull it out and if it doesn't fall on you, you get it! Otherwise the next dragon in line does." "And make sure you're from Lightning!" [size=2]In flight raffle; money and prizes for fodder![/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @Firra @akitcougar | [b]OOF[/b] [size=2](IF get no raffle tickets)[/size] | Open | [i]July 22nd to July 28th[/i] You arrived to join the festivities just before the sun set, draping the sprawling market in long shadows that never seemed to stay in the same place between one glance and the next. You didn’t know what expect out of the Shifting Emporium, maybe find a good deal on some magical items. Well, you certainly found a magical item, but this very far from a good deal. [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @kirkfan2255 @Arelia @Tsaiah | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Ongoing | [i]July 21st to July 28th[/i] A shrouded alley in the market is home to a particular group of merchants. Their wares may look ordinary, but these merchants have a secret...their love for murder and intrigue with their friends! Join as these merchants play the ultimate party game of deception, death, and deductive skills: Mafia! [img][/img] Host: @cypris | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Open | [i]July 22nd to July 28th[/i] As part of Thundercrack Carnivale (TCC), it's a Lightning Flight tradition to distribute Sparkbombs to lairs all across Sornieth. We create packs of Lightning-esque materials, food and other items and send them as random surprises during the week of TCC. [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @Snek | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Open | [i]July 22nd to July 28th[/i] Grab a leyline map of dubious authenticity, rent a robot to help you dig where the flight's magic is said to be at its strongest, and head out in search of secret treasures! Rumor has it the luckiest dragons might even see Lightning strike twice in the same spot... [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @SkyDagger | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Full | [i]July 22nd to July 28th[/i] Each day during the week of Thundercrack Carnival, you will have 24 hours to write a brief bio or story about a dragon vendor working in the Shifting Emporium. There are only 15 slots available so be sure to sign up early! Sign-ups will run from July 15 - 21. The event will run from July 22 - 28. [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @Snek | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Open | [i]July 15th to July 28th[/i] An unusual machine sits tucked into a hidden corner of the Shifting Emporium, and its owner keeps making wild claims about literally turning one dragon's trash into another dragon's treasures. Why not test it out yourself? You never know what Mainframe has up his scientific sleeve... and the bump contests don't hurt either! [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @Niesse | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Open | [i]July 22nd to July 28th[/i] The Emporium isn't the only thing that's shifting... These dragons are going to shapeshift into new forms. Come suggest what those forms should be, and maybe one of them will come home with you! [url=][img][/img][/url] Host: @jaxstronomy | IF/OOF/[b]OTA[/b] | Open | [i]July 22nd to July 28th[/i] From inside a tent bedecked with stars, a Pearlcatcher beckons, her pearl set on the table, mists swirling inside. Through the mists, dragons fly, storms roil, empires rise and fall. "Care for me to tell your fortune?" she asks. "I could cast bones, or read the visions in my pearl, or... no, you don't want that. You want me to read the cards. Come in." She starts shuffling her deck, cards slipping between nimble claws. "What will the cards reveal to you? True love, fortune, or calamity? I'll tell you... for a price." [/center]

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OTA = Open To All; IF = In-Flight; OOF = Out-of-Flight


Host: @KairyuDee | IF/OOF/OTA | Open | July 15th to July 28th

An odd entity has popped up in a large, separated tent in the strange marketplace. Multiple merchants are congregated, all strangely familiar yet all offering similar items. Peering closer, you see drawings, scrawls... and what is that in the corner?

The green Tundra nudges you. "All for any able-bodied dragons we can get!"
Drawings/writings for fodder!


Host: @Pripyat @ShadowRising | IF/OOF/OTA | Closed | July 15th to July 21st

The blue Pearlcatcher nudges you, seeing your confusion at the piles of money and items stacked against the wall of the tent in one very large, precariously balanced pile. "All for any able-bodied dragons we can get... well, not really, you pull it out and if it doesn't fall on you, you get it! Otherwise the next dragon in line does."

"Hand over the dragons to one of our travellers," They say, indicating several shady looking dragons in a corner. "And make sure you're not from Lightning!"

Out of flight raffle; money and prizes for fodder!


Host: @RowanofRohan | IF/OOF/OTA | Closed | July 15th to July 21st

A red Fae comes up to you. "Lightning flight? Don't you worry, we've got a nice event all lined up for you here! Send as many able-bodied dragons as you can for some sweet prizes!"


Host: @RowanofRohan | IF/OOF/OTA | Closed | July 15th to July 21st

The red Fae from before nudges you, seeing your confusion at the piles of money and items stacked against the wall of another tent in one very large, precariously balanced pile. "All for any able-bodied dragons we can get... well, not really, you pull it out and if it doesn't fall on you, you get it! Otherwise the next dragon in line does."

"And make sure you're from Lightning!"

In flight raffle; money and prizes for fodder!


Host: @Firra @akitcougar | OOF (IF get no raffle tickets) | Open | July 22nd to July 28th

You arrived to join the festivities just before the sun set, draping the sprawling market in long shadows that never seemed to stay in the same place between one glance and the next. You didn’t know what expect out of the Shifting Emporium, maybe find a good deal on some magical items. Well, you certainly found a magical item, but this very far from a good deal.


Host: @kirkfan2255 @Arelia @Tsaiah | IF/OOF/OTA | Ongoing | July 21st to July 28th

A shrouded alley in the market is home to a particular group of merchants. Their wares may look ordinary, but these merchants have a secret...their love for murder and intrigue with their friends! Join as these merchants play the ultimate party game of deception, death, and deductive skills: Mafia!


Host: @cypris | IF/OOF/OTA | Open | July 22nd to July 28th

As part of Thundercrack Carnivale (TCC), it's a Lightning Flight tradition to distribute Sparkbombs to lairs all across Sornieth. We create packs of Lightning-esque materials, food and other items and send them as random surprises during the week of TCC.


Host: @Snek | IF/OOF/OTA | Open | July 22nd to July 28th

Grab a leyline map of dubious authenticity, rent a robot to help you dig where the flight's magic is said to be at its strongest, and head out in search of secret treasures! Rumor has it the luckiest dragons might even see Lightning strike twice in the same spot...


Host: @SkyDagger | IF/OOF/OTA | Full | July 22nd to July 28th

Each day during the week of Thundercrack Carnival, you will have 24 hours to write a brief bio or story about a dragon vendor working in the Shifting Emporium. There are only 15 slots available so be sure to sign up early!

Sign-ups will run from July 15 - 21. The event will run from July 22 - 28.


Host: @Snek | IF/OOF/OTA | Open | July 15th to July 28th

An unusual machine sits tucked into a hidden corner of the Shifting Emporium, and its owner keeps making wild claims about literally turning one dragon's trash into another dragon's treasures. Why not test it out yourself? You never know what Mainframe has up his scientific sleeve... and the bump contests don't hurt either!


Host: @Niesse | IF/OOF/OTA | Open | July 22nd to July 28th

The Emporium isn't the only thing that's shifting...
These dragons are going to shapeshift into new forms. Come suggest what those forms should be, and maybe one of them will come home with you!


Host: @jaxstronomy | IF/OOF/OTA | Open | July 22nd to July 28th

From inside a tent bedecked with stars, a Pearlcatcher beckons, her pearl set on the table, mists swirling inside. Through the mists, dragons fly, storms roil, empires rise and fall.

"Care for me to tell your fortune?" she asks. "I could cast bones, or read the visions in my pearl, or... no, you don't want that. You want me to read the cards. Come in."

She starts shuffling her deck, cards slipping between nimble claws.

"What will the cards reveal to you? True love, fortune, or calamity? I'll tell you... for a price."

[center][img][/img] [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Events[/url] | [b]Pinglist[/b] | [url=]Signatures[/url] | [url=]Thanks[/url] [quote=All Events] @Illyrael @Disillusionist @CharlieWeasleyy @jbapple @JinxMoonstone @Bluecupcake52 @Starsoul @Mnkn10 @Katsuokai @chatoyant @OpalNova @felistopaz @Cheshly @KairinRose @Quintillion @Saristar @Hinumi @Chessboard @Kapara @Eialyne @birdfairy @Lundlaeva [/quote] [quote=Prodartivity] @Hinumi @Afazeria @DeltaDarklight @LostSketchbook @Rosewing @humanityxpeople [/quote][/center]
[center][img][/img] [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Events[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [b]Signatures[/b] | [url=]Thanks[/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code][/center]

Main | Events | Pinglist | Signatures | Thanks





[center] [img][/img] [url=]Main[/url] | [url=]Events[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Signatures[/url] | [b]Thanks[/b] A big thank you to the other hosts: @ShadowRising and @Firra, for helping out with ideas, passing along correspondence, handling graphics and arts, and much of the like that could not be compressed into words. Thank you to the event hosts: @kirkfan2255 @Tsaiah @Snek @SkyDagger @cypris @Niesse @jaxstronomy @Firra @akitcougar for hosting the events! Thank you for bearing with my pings and I hoped you had fun planning out all those events! Thank you to @Firra for leading the graphics design this time around, @Purveyor for making our main banner into a gif, @seadolph for the main design of our banner, and @Actaeon and @AtticSaltStorms for finalising the main graphics needs for everyone![/center]

Main | Events | Pinglist | Signatures | Thanks

A big thank you to the other hosts: @ShadowRising and @Firra, for helping out with ideas, passing along correspondence, handling graphics and arts, and much of the like that could not be compressed into words.

Thank you to the event hosts: @kirkfan2255 @Tsaiah @Snek @SkyDagger @cypris @Niesse @jaxstronomy @Firra @akitcougar for hosting the events! Thank you for bearing with my pings and I hoped you had fun planning out all those events!

Thank you to @Firra for leading the graphics design this time around, @Purveyor for making our main banner into a gif, @seadolph for the main design of our banner, and @Actaeon and @AtticSaltStorms for finalising the main graphics needs for everyone!