
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | how to draw fae
A NEW SERIES BY YOUR HOST me. a primer on how to draw the most ALIEN of the FR breeds, the FAES! Created by the Arcanist himself, these lil [s]creepy[/s] charming dragons are a plentiful breed, and are often seen coming out of the gen 1 eggs people like to buy and then put up for 5kt on the auction house when it's not an xyy. But some people keep faes and that's good too! [img][/img] first, we start with a circle for the head, and circles for the eyes. yes, [i]EYES[/i]. did you know fae eyes bulge out of their sockets? i did. you should emphasize that. i'm pretty sure their eye size compared to head size is a bigger ratio than spiral eyes. [img][/img] Define those eyes. faes have eyes that pierce through your soul. they're like cats, you can't stop staring! oh yeah, add a lil bump to represent the muzzle. [img][/img] here we add lines to represent the frills that are on the fae. start with the big ones and add some teardrops at the end of them [s]to represent the tears the fae licks off of your eyes when you cry[/s] and lay out the ears! they're small and round, like 1/2 of the fae. (the other half is sharpness.) give your fae a smile, even though we ALL know faes don't smile. we're just kidding ourselves. [img][/img] [i]add the NECK.[/i] you all know what the deal is with fae necks. i'm not going to rehash it. just draw it. draw the rest of the frills going down the back of the fae's NECK and on their cheeks. [img][/img] finish up the frills and give your fae some neck scales! YEAH!!!!!!!!! [img][/img] LINE THAT FAE. GIVE THAT FAE SOME LINES. and dont forget the smile[s] even though its canon that faes dont smile and they just stare at you creepily while they flap their frills at you to somehow convey emotion[/s] and that's how you draw faes! I'd love to see everyone here attempt to draw a fae with my advice!


a primer on how to draw the most ALIEN of the FR breeds, the FAES! Created by the Arcanist himself, these lil creepy charming dragons are a plentiful breed, and are often seen coming out of the gen 1 eggs people like to buy and then put up for 5kt on the auction house when it's not an xyy. But some people keep faes and that's good too!


first, we start with a circle for the head, and circles for the eyes. yes, EYES. did you know fae eyes bulge out of their sockets? i did. you should emphasize that. i'm pretty sure their eye size compared to head size is a bigger ratio than spiral eyes.


Define those eyes. faes have eyes that pierce through your soul. they're like cats, you can't stop staring! oh yeah, add a lil bump to represent the muzzle.


here we add lines to represent the frills that are on the fae. start with the big ones and add some teardrops at the end of them to represent the tears the fae licks off of your eyes when you cry and lay out the ears! they're small and round, like 1/2 of the fae. (the other half is sharpness.) give your fae a smile, even though we ALL know faes don't smile. we're just kidding ourselves.


add the NECK. you all know what the deal is with fae necks. i'm not going to rehash it. just draw it. draw the rest of the frills going down the back of the fae's NECK and on their cheeks.


finish up the frills and give your fae some neck scales! YEAH!!!!!!!!!


LINE THAT FAE. GIVE THAT FAE SOME LINES. and dont forget the smile even though its canon that faes dont smile and they just stare at you creepily while they flap their frills at you to somehow convey emotion

and that's how you draw faes! I'd love to see everyone here attempt to draw a fae with my advice!
24 | they/them
*slow clap*

best thread ever

in all honestly that’s also a great drawing!!
*slow clap*

best thread ever

in all honestly that’s also a great drawing!!
Its adorable
Its adorable
rollover at 3:00 AM for me
On mobile often
Mostly inactive

Thats how I draw them c:
Thats how I draw them c:
"He he he... Crazy? Cicero?
He he he he! That's... madness..." ot3gL.gif
That's a really good fae! I might end up using this as practice since I can't draw a fae to save my life lol
That's a really good fae! I might end up using this as practice since I can't draw a fae to save my life lol
Lantern-1.png *Despite everything, it's still you.
My pfp dragon (clicky)
Instructions unclear.

Ended up at Starbucks with a chair.
Instructions unclear.

Ended up at Starbucks with a chair.
I love pings! Don't be afraid to ping me; I tend to miss a lot of replies, even if they're right after my own post, so please, please ping if you want me to see!
  • FR+0 Time
Cute! I've only drawn faes a couple times and I just drew the frills as these odd looking shapes that were kind of like three teardrops connected at the base
I need to learn how to actually draw fins
Cute! I've only drawn faes a couple times and I just drew the frills as these odd looking shapes that were kind of like three teardrops connected at the base
I need to learn how to actually draw fins
an animated feraligatr sprite from pokemon crystal > call me mantis
> they / she
> fr +2
> art dump
w the nonbinary flag and the word nonbinary
the asexual flag and the word asexual
the lesbian flag and the word lesbian
free buttons
ee > reply hazy,
try again... blinking_cursor.gif
Wow! That's a really good drawing!
Wow! That's a really good drawing!
instructions not clear hand stuck in toaster

anyways this is actually pretty helpful, ty!!
instructions not clear hand stuck in toaster

anyways this is actually pretty helpful, ty!!

| hello
| becca | she/her |
| FR +2
thanks everyone! i hope to continue this series. I also really want to see everyone elses faes!
thanks everyone! i hope to continue this series. I also really want to see everyone elses faes!
24 | they/them