
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | Flight Cuisine headcanons?
@cynictis @dunkarooba
Your guys headcanons are the closest to mine! Though I tend to agree with @deathtoll on that meat pineapple. That looks like the ultimate nature food to me LOL.
@cynictis @dunkarooba
Your guys headcanons are the closest to mine! Though I tend to agree with @deathtoll on that meat pineapple. That looks like the ultimate nature food to me LOL.
Ice dragons probably have a super limited diet. I'd imagine it includes a lot of things like the following - [item=Spotted Seal][item=Dried Jerky][item=Arctic Scrub][item=Sardines][item=Jumbo Shrimp][item=Snowshoe Rabbit] Lots of seafood and meat, plants and insects are a rarity among rarities in the Southern Icefield... They don't use any spices (it's not necessary - food is too cold to spoil). I'd imagine there's also a few more adventurous dragons who bake bread - very flat, tasteless bread that's more for not feeling hungry than it is for nutrition or taste. If you're lucky, your clan can afford imported dried fruits from the Starfall Isles and the Windswept Plateau, but otherwise... Nothing tastes good in the Icefield... it's all dry unseasoned meat and tough, tasteless scrub. :(
Ice dragons probably have a super limited diet. I'd imagine it includes a lot of things like the following -

Spotted Seal Dried Jerky Arctic Scrub Sardines Jumbo Shrimp Snowshoe Rabbit

Lots of seafood and meat, plants and insects are a rarity among rarities in the Southern Icefield... They don't use any spices (it's not necessary - food is too cold to spoil). I'd imagine there's also a few more adventurous dragons who bake bread - very flat, tasteless bread that's more for not feeling hungry than it is for nutrition or taste. If you're lucky, your clan can afford imported dried fruits from the Starfall Isles and the Windswept Plateau, but otherwise...

Nothing tastes good in the Icefield... it's all dry unseasoned meat and tough, tasteless scrub. :(
Ice- snow cones made with the blood of their enemies or, when not available, cherry or blue raspberry syrup
Nature- filet mignon with crushed garlic and bran bread
Arcane- they probably get sustenance from sniffing paint
Plague- mushrooms and blood
Shadow- mushrooms and nightmares
Earth- stone soup made with the help of neighboring flights. Earth provides the stones
Water- seaweed and invisibility potions
Lightning- blue bubblegum ice cream and fish
Wind- dumplings, bamboo rice, and matcha tea
Light- curry, naan and pudding
Fire- barbecue, fried chicken, and charcoal. just straight up charcoal. yum yum
Ice- snow cones made with the blood of their enemies or, when not available, cherry or blue raspberry syrup
Nature- filet mignon with crushed garlic and bran bread
Arcane- they probably get sustenance from sniffing paint
Plague- mushrooms and blood
Shadow- mushrooms and nightmares
Earth- stone soup made with the help of neighboring flights. Earth provides the stones
Water- seaweed and invisibility potions
Lightning- blue bubblegum ice cream and fish
Wind- dumplings, bamboo rice, and matcha tea
Light- curry, naan and pudding
Fire- barbecue, fried chicken, and charcoal. just straight up charcoal. yum yum
[quote name="anika" date=2016-05-19 19:03:23] Water- seaweed and invisibility potions [/quote] Beautiful
anika wrote on 2016-05-19:
Water- seaweed and invisibility potions
Earth - farmgrown foods, wholesome and filling meals. Though the produce may be lacking some size, it's still mediocre, for the most part. the kind of meals your mom would make for you when you take a break from work and come home for a bit. Everything is savory and not too salty, coated with sugar or honey. earth likes their sweets, even if the cakes are a bit... lumpy.

Fire - stereotypically spicy spicy SPICY. lots of sauces and piled with different spices. small portions. fire feasts are pretty extravagant, but sloppy. no fine dining here. fire has a knack for stews.

Water - mostly seafood, but very fishy. Funny enough, even non-water related foods turn out tasting fishy in one way or another in the water flight. they're not so picky with slimy and things coated in something gooey, even if they don't know WHAT's covering it. pretty tasteless.

Wind - their food is pretty diverse, mostly orienting from their extensive travels. strange foods are presented as not a delicacy, but a social norm in wind clans, such as harpy eggs, croaker legs, and roots and claws. Food culture changes all the time, morphing as new trends come and go. They're always ready to take upon a challenge, even if that dish smells a little funky. the tamer side of wide is mostly subtle spices, and light, airy foods.

Lightning - They don't mean to brag, or anything, but Lightning food is real good. Over time, the constant flow or work and science needed to be done has forced dragons in a lightning clan to obtain food quickly (and cheaply) and could be picked up easily. Tourists or outsiders refer to it as 'Flash food' due to it's obtainability being 'lightning quick' when ordered, and how convenient it is to grab a bite. Sloppy joes and other sandwich like meals are only some of the cuisine available.

Ice - Many would expect ice cuisine to be tasteless and bland, but it's quite the oppsite, it's just usually served at less-that-room-temperature. The meals consist of soups and stews, watery with a wide variety of warm toned-down spices that blend nicely together. Strips of pork or beastclan meat will be tossed in for the nutritional value, and to enrich the taste of the meal. Blood is commonly found in the stews too, due to it's richness. Warm and heartening caffeinated teas are also made, served at boiling temperatures and expected to be consumed quickly. Coffee is greatly appreciated.

Nature - If you thought Earth was green, you should see nature. The lifestyle of many suitors in Nature is actually more vegan and vegetarian than you'd might expect, despite the wildclaw population. Over a period of time, the species has become incredibly tolerant of the lifestyle, and actually incorporate it in their meals. Large, extensive farms produce all food, and the grocery is very farmer's market-esque. Flowers, leaves, roots, and other variants of plant growth are sold cheaply and in great bulk. Light herbal teas are served often.

Plague - It's like a butcher's paradise. Like Earth, often the meat has a glazed tint to it, but it's usually because of the quality of the meat served (On the edge of rotting, perhaps?). In plague clans it's not uncommon to see grubs and other insects served with daily meals, either inside of the dish or an appetizer itself. Instead of simply slicing off muscle and carving around the fat, Plague clans use all parts of a carcass; brain, heart, eyes, etc.

Arcane - Junk food and candy galore. Bad eating habits develop fast when you accidentally go into a explosion-induced coma and wake up a few (weeks? months? years?) later and your so stressed out that you didn't finish your calculations for the last experiment and oh my arcanist my mentor is going to be ******. You know what they say; Eat your feelings away. Arcane territory is praised for it's large amount of sugar-shops, and the extensive amounts of sweets available.

Shadow - Like wind, Shadow clans are fond of a little bit of everything, and similar to Plague, shadow dragons won't hesitate to use every part available to them, As tricksters and misfits, they take advantage of every opportunity that arises, whether it's stumbling on a harpy nest, or finding a colony of strange unidentifiable mushrooms. Most food is served raw with little prep, and shadow dragons have been reported to take a resistance to poisonous food as it is routinely eaten. Food poisoning is common. While not eaten as a source of nutrition, it's not surprising to see the abundant use of hallucinogens scattered throughout meals.

Light - In a hoity toity society of scholars, it's only expected that Light dragons have high standards. If you've got treasure to spend, head on to the sunbeam ruins for the grandest meal of your life. Renowned for their small portions of food, each meal, whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, is crafted beautifully and carefully with just the right amount of spice and sweetness, by a chef's claw. It's not uncommon to have a meal served with different juices and purees as a refresher.

Earth - farmgrown foods, wholesome and filling meals. Though the produce may be lacking some size, it's still mediocre, for the most part. the kind of meals your mom would make for you when you take a break from work and come home for a bit. Everything is savory and not too salty, coated with sugar or honey. earth likes their sweets, even if the cakes are a bit... lumpy.

Fire - stereotypically spicy spicy SPICY. lots of sauces and piled with different spices. small portions. fire feasts are pretty extravagant, but sloppy. no fine dining here. fire has a knack for stews.

Water - mostly seafood, but very fishy. Funny enough, even non-water related foods turn out tasting fishy in one way or another in the water flight. they're not so picky with slimy and things coated in something gooey, even if they don't know WHAT's covering it. pretty tasteless.

Wind - their food is pretty diverse, mostly orienting from their extensive travels. strange foods are presented as not a delicacy, but a social norm in wind clans, such as harpy eggs, croaker legs, and roots and claws. Food culture changes all the time, morphing as new trends come and go. They're always ready to take upon a challenge, even if that dish smells a little funky. the tamer side of wide is mostly subtle spices, and light, airy foods.

Lightning - They don't mean to brag, or anything, but Lightning food is real good. Over time, the constant flow or work and science needed to be done has forced dragons in a lightning clan to obtain food quickly (and cheaply) and could be picked up easily. Tourists or outsiders refer to it as 'Flash food' due to it's obtainability being 'lightning quick' when ordered, and how convenient it is to grab a bite. Sloppy joes and other sandwich like meals are only some of the cuisine available.

Ice - Many would expect ice cuisine to be tasteless and bland, but it's quite the oppsite, it's just usually served at less-that-room-temperature. The meals consist of soups and stews, watery with a wide variety of warm toned-down spices that blend nicely together. Strips of pork or beastclan meat will be tossed in for the nutritional value, and to enrich the taste of the meal. Blood is commonly found in the stews too, due to it's richness. Warm and heartening caffeinated teas are also made, served at boiling temperatures and expected to be consumed quickly. Coffee is greatly appreciated.

Nature - If you thought Earth was green, you should see nature. The lifestyle of many suitors in Nature is actually more vegan and vegetarian than you'd might expect, despite the wildclaw population. Over a period of time, the species has become incredibly tolerant of the lifestyle, and actually incorporate it in their meals. Large, extensive farms produce all food, and the grocery is very farmer's market-esque. Flowers, leaves, roots, and other variants of plant growth are sold cheaply and in great bulk. Light herbal teas are served often.

Plague - It's like a butcher's paradise. Like Earth, often the meat has a glazed tint to it, but it's usually because of the quality of the meat served (On the edge of rotting, perhaps?). In plague clans it's not uncommon to see grubs and other insects served with daily meals, either inside of the dish or an appetizer itself. Instead of simply slicing off muscle and carving around the fat, Plague clans use all parts of a carcass; brain, heart, eyes, etc.

Arcane - Junk food and candy galore. Bad eating habits develop fast when you accidentally go into a explosion-induced coma and wake up a few (weeks? months? years?) later and your so stressed out that you didn't finish your calculations for the last experiment and oh my arcanist my mentor is going to be ******. You know what they say; Eat your feelings away. Arcane territory is praised for it's large amount of sugar-shops, and the extensive amounts of sweets available.

Shadow - Like wind, Shadow clans are fond of a little bit of everything, and similar to Plague, shadow dragons won't hesitate to use every part available to them, As tricksters and misfits, they take advantage of every opportunity that arises, whether it's stumbling on a harpy nest, or finding a colony of strange unidentifiable mushrooms. Most food is served raw with little prep, and shadow dragons have been reported to take a resistance to poisonous food as it is routinely eaten. Food poisoning is common. While not eaten as a source of nutrition, it's not surprising to see the abundant use of hallucinogens scattered throughout meals.

Light - In a hoity toity society of scholars, it's only expected that Light dragons have high standards. If you've got treasure to spend, head on to the sunbeam ruins for the grandest meal of your life. Renowned for their small portions of food, each meal, whether it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, is crafted beautifully and carefully with just the right amount of spice and sweetness, by a chef's claw. It's not uncommon to have a meal served with different juices and purees as a refresher.

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Shadow cuisine glows since a lot of the native flora/fauna are bioluminescent. For some reason I get the feeling they eat bugs a lot. Soups are very popular. Dragons from other flights might find them disgusting though. Together with nature, shadow is partially immune to poison (of the native plants) so a lot of their dishes will cause a stomach ache to out-of-flight dragons.

Plague is partially immune to bacteria and can eat rotten flesh. They have a food that's like "meat cheese", where they let the meat rot for a long while and turn it into a cheese-like substance. Cheese meat is lethal to non-plagues, due to the diseases it carries.

Lightning's cuisine is fast and efficient. They avoid soups, stews and large chunks of meat (as they take too long to cook) and instead focus on nutritional shakes, insects and artificially-made foods they make themselves. They have an alcoholic beverage that consists of cactus juice, mashed meal moths and "a shot of vodka" (it's more than a shot). Rumors say their cuisine is rather bland.
Shadow cuisine glows since a lot of the native flora/fauna are bioluminescent. For some reason I get the feeling they eat bugs a lot. Soups are very popular. Dragons from other flights might find them disgusting though. Together with nature, shadow is partially immune to poison (of the native plants) so a lot of their dishes will cause a stomach ache to out-of-flight dragons.

Plague is partially immune to bacteria and can eat rotten flesh. They have a food that's like "meat cheese", where they let the meat rot for a long while and turn it into a cheese-like substance. Cheese meat is lethal to non-plagues, due to the diseases it carries.

Lightning's cuisine is fast and efficient. They avoid soups, stews and large chunks of meat (as they take too long to cook) and instead focus on nutritional shakes, insects and artificially-made foods they make themselves. They have an alcoholic beverage that consists of cactus juice, mashed meal moths and "a shot of vodka" (it's more than a shot). Rumors say their cuisine is rather bland.
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Wind flight food is party food: bite sized dumplings with dipping sauce, tasty things on sticks, tiny sandwiches.
Wind flight food is party food: bite sized dumplings with dipping sauce, tasty things on sticks, tiny sandwiches.
Contraily, I would think Nature would be strictly carnivourous, Gladekeeper amde the Wildclaws, of course. And who would want to DARE eat the Gladekeeper’s precious plants. You monster!
Contraily, I would think Nature would be strictly carnivourous, Gladekeeper amde the Wildclaws, of course. And who would want to DARE eat the Gladekeeper’s precious plants. You monster!
Light harvests oranges and makes marmalade . They even have a festival of the oranges lol

Light harvests oranges and makes marmalade . They even have a festival of the oranges lol

Earth would have Korean based foods, lots of seafood and veggies, dishes that tend to be on the spicy side.
Earth would have Korean based foods, lots of seafood and veggies, dishes that tend to be on the spicy side.