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TOPIC | Tank Build for Coli?
Yeah, I know they're totally not worth it. Yes, I have a ton of glass cannons and a few quick heal mages (for GW). Yes, I made a tank anyway. I paired my tank with one of my quick heal Lightning mages meant for the Golem Workshop, with a bit of a tweak. And I think it works? Granted, I'm not 100% sure I have the best stats, since I already had the mage statted for GW, and I just sorta threw stats on the tank and ran with it, but with their current stone sets I've taken them as far as the Mire. And survived two battles in a row with mostly full health. No, I haven't tested them extensively. I didn't meet any bosses besides a Yeti (they handled that well, mostly because super-lighning-magic = bye-bye Ice enemies) and only one four-group (in the Harpy's Roost, first battle, bit rough but survived and healed up/beat the next round w/full health), but I feel confident enough to share it. Fair warning, this build is for people who like odd-ball builds and have no care for efficiency. Why? Because using this build is slow as molasses. Seriously. No kidding. (Stats listed are without the buff from the stones) First up: my tank, Tyrna: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] STR 45, INT5, AGI 5, VIT 35, DEF 69, MND 69, QCK 41 Anticipate Clobber, Shred, Concentration, Guard Berserker x3 Ambush x2 Then the mage, Idlin: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] STR 5, INT86, AGI 5, VIT 5, DEF 5, MND 5, QCK 86 Meditate Contuse, Shock, Regeneration, Haste Scholar x3 Ambush x2 The general goal is to always have Guard active on the mage. At battle start, Haste the tank. Have the tank Concentrate and Guard the mage, then Anticipate. From there it's a matter of keeping Guard up, Anticipating when possible, and dealing most of the damage with Contuse or the large elemental spell. Regeneration (or if you'd like, you can toss potions) is your healing for the tank, since it seems Guard triggers [i]most[/i] of the time. Make sure your mage has over 40 breath at the end of a round and, after the first battle, use Regenerate on the tank on the second turn of the mage before the first round of enemy attacks come in. If you have to, Regenerate the mage as well, since if you've been keeping Guard up, you should be able to heal sufficiently. As far as enemies go, focusing on one at a time is good. If you're feeling overwhelmed and can spare the breath (and Guard is up on the mage,) you can have the tank Clobber something to stun it (95% of the time, sometimes it doesn't trigger) and have to endure a little less before you can deal more damage. This is just what I've come up with, anyone else messed around with Tanks? Just curious.
Yeah, I know they're totally not worth it. Yes, I have a ton of glass cannons and a few quick heal mages (for GW). Yes, I made a tank anyway.

I paired my tank with one of my quick heal Lightning mages meant for the Golem Workshop, with a bit of a tweak. And I think it works? Granted, I'm not 100% sure I have the best stats, since I already had the mage statted for GW, and I just sorta threw stats on the tank and ran with it, but with their current stone sets I've taken them as far as the Mire. And survived two battles in a row with mostly full health.

No, I haven't tested them extensively. I didn't meet any bosses besides a Yeti (they handled that well, mostly because super-lighning-magic = bye-bye Ice enemies) and only one four-group (in the Harpy's Roost, first battle, bit rough but survived and healed up/beat the next round w/full health), but I feel confident enough to share it.

Fair warning, this build is for people who like odd-ball builds and have no care for efficiency. Why? Because using this build is slow as molasses. Seriously. No kidding.

(Stats listed are without the buff from the stones)

First up: my tank, Tyrna:


STR 45, INT5, AGI 5, VIT 35, DEF 69, MND 69, QCK 41
Clobber, Shred, Concentration, Guard
Berserker x3
Ambush x2

Then the mage, Idlin:


STR 5, INT86, AGI 5, VIT 5, DEF 5, MND 5, QCK 86
Contuse, Shock, Regeneration, Haste
Scholar x3
Ambush x2

The general goal is to always have Guard active on the mage. At battle start, Haste the tank. Have the tank Concentrate and Guard the mage, then Anticipate. From there it's a matter of keeping Guard up, Anticipating when possible, and dealing most of the damage with Contuse or the large elemental spell. Regeneration (or if you'd like, you can toss potions) is your healing for the tank, since it seems Guard triggers most of the time. Make sure your mage has over 40 breath at the end of a round and, after the first battle, use Regenerate on the tank on the second turn of the mage before the first round of enemy attacks come in. If you have to, Regenerate the mage as well, since if you've been keeping Guard up, you should be able to heal sufficiently.

As far as enemies go, focusing on one at a time is good. If you're feeling overwhelmed and can spare the breath (and Guard is up on the mage,) you can have the tank Clobber something to stun it (95% of the time, sometimes it doesn't trigger) and have to endure a little less before you can deal more damage.

This is just what I've come up with, anyone else messed around with Tanks? Just curious.
ijSltiY.png OsScJdH.gif Y6PXVHf.gif IDpiM0V.gif

Thank you for posting a tank build. I collect build ideas and I've been waiting since April of last year for someone to level up a tank and report back with the stats they used. I hang out on the Help board and every time I get someone asking for a tank build I have to gently break it to them why they aren't common here. I'll be quoting it the next time someone asks.

What are the other two builds in your regular GW team? I've been trying to find the time to do time trials of the Mire/129 pair vs. the 129 pair and 105 INT mage vs. the 133 pair and 129 INTmage. Since I'm doing that I'm trying to find out the other successful team builds to see which one/s run fastest for me.

Thanks for experimenting!

Thank you for posting a tank build. I collect build ideas and I've been waiting since April of last year for someone to level up a tank and report back with the stats they used. I hang out on the Help board and every time I get someone asking for a tank build I have to gently break it to them why they aren't common here. I'll be quoting it the next time someone asks.

What are the other two builds in your regular GW team? I've been trying to find the time to do time trials of the Mire/129 pair vs. the 129 pair and 105 INT mage vs. the 133 pair and 129 INTmage. Since I'm doing that I'm trying to find out the other successful team builds to see which one/s run fastest for me.

Thanks for experimenting!
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
@Nightwind - Good to know it might come in handy!

For GW, I actually use a slightly differently statted mage; Idlin was an early version and in subsequent training I got it down to something I like.

Mage: (w/out stone buffs)
STR 5, INT 105, AGI 9, VIT 5, DEF 5, MND 5, QCK 61
Contuse, Shock, Aid, Haste
Scholar x3
Ambush x2

She goes in the first slot so that she can Haste both the others and eat the bugged turn

For the other two I just use a standard 129 Culex build with Rally equipped on both.
@Nightwind - Good to know it might come in handy!

For GW, I actually use a slightly differently statted mage; Idlin was an early version and in subsequent training I got it down to something I like.

Mage: (w/out stone buffs)
STR 5, INT 105, AGI 9, VIT 5, DEF 5, MND 5, QCK 61
Contuse, Shock, Aid, Haste
Scholar x3
Ambush x2

She goes in the first slot so that she can Haste both the others and eat the bugged turn

For the other two I just use a standard 129 Culex build with Rally equipped on both.
ijSltiY.png OsScJdH.gif Y6PXVHf.gif IDpiM0V.gif
@Hummbirds Yesss, high-five for oddball tanks! I want to experiment with different Coli builds other than the standard glass cannons, so I'm really glad I saw this post! I don't care about efficiency, I care about lore and having fun, and to me, glass cannons are just boring to fight with. That's just my opinion, no offense to the people who wrote those guides! I'm gonna bookmark this so I can test out your build once I start leveling my chosen tanks. I don't have any tanks yet, but I do have some other oddball builds in mind. For starters, I want to stat a healer tank. I want a healer that can just sit there and take nearly any hit while building up breath to keep the less robust fighters on their feet. Imagine it: "Ow, hey! What was that? Did you just try to attack me? That wasn't very nice. Excuse me, I have to go heal my mage here." I also want to stat a fighter mage-- a dragon that can use both physical and magical attacks. My progens, Myst and Falcon, are my current attempts. Right now I'm grinding them in the Delta with my lvl15 for Trickmurk loot, and they're doing pretty well, despite being lvl8 themselves and technically below the Delta's level. I may tincture them again at some point to try to refine the balance of stats, but if you check out their pages you'll see how I have them. Myst [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Falcon [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Hummbirds Yesss, high-five for oddball tanks! I want to experiment with different Coli builds other than the standard glass cannons, so I'm really glad I saw this post! I don't care about efficiency, I care about lore and having fun, and to me, glass cannons are just boring to fight with. That's just my opinion, no offense to the people who wrote those guides! I'm gonna bookmark this so I can test out your build once I start leveling my chosen tanks.

I don't have any tanks yet, but I do have some other oddball builds in mind. For starters, I want to stat a healer tank. I want a healer that can just sit there and take nearly any hit while building up breath to keep the less robust fighters on their feet. Imagine it: "Ow, hey! What was that? Did you just try to attack me? That wasn't very nice. Excuse me, I have to go heal my mage here."

I also want to stat a fighter mage-- a dragon that can use both physical and magical attacks. My progens, Myst and Falcon, are my current attempts. Right now I'm grinding them in the Delta with my lvl15 for Trickmurk loot, and they're doing pretty well, despite being lvl8 themselves and technically below the Delta's level. I may tincture them again at some point to try to refine the balance of stats, but if you check out their pages you'll see how I have them.





If I hadn't tinctured my last rehab I could show you what happens when you evenly distribute to STR and INT.

You might check out this guide and use Sylvandyr's coli tool. You can preview stat allocations at any level and see how it stacks up against the stats of the monsters in the various venues:

Sylvandyr's Stat Tool

If I hadn't tinctured my last rehab I could show you what happens when you evenly distribute to STR and INT.

You might check out this guide and use Sylvandyr's coli tool. You can preview stat allocations at any level and see how it stacks up against the stats of the monsters in the various venues:

Sylvandyr's Stat Tool
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
@AyalaAtreides - Sounds intriguing! The only real issue with tanks is that you can only have Guard active on one dragon at a time. I'd love to add another mage to the mix to make things quicker, but it's harder to manage health.

actually, no that's a lie, I mostly kept my team to two because of their personal lore, Idlin is Tyrna's charge and there's a reason she has no elemental attacks
@AyalaAtreides - Sounds intriguing! The only real issue with tanks is that you can only have Guard active on one dragon at a time. I'd love to add another mage to the mix to make things quicker, but it's harder to manage health.

actually, no that's a lie, I mostly kept my team to two because of their personal lore, Idlin is Tyrna's charge and there's a reason she has no elemental attacks
ijSltiY.png OsScJdH.gif Y6PXVHf.gif IDpiM0V.gif
@Hummbirds That's true, and you can't choose which dragon gets attacked. But I guess that uncertainty adds to the fun? XD
@Hummbirds That's true, and you can't choose which dragon gets attacked. But I guess that uncertainty adds to the fun? XD
I love tank builds.
I love tank builds.
I'm still trying to figure out how to make magic/melee dragon for my team, and I'm not sure how it will work out. The thing I've noticed about it is that your points are more divided if you do that which can be bad and good. The good thing is that if you enemies are weak to your element, but if their not then you can take them out with physical attacks. The bad part is that you are weaker in general in both INT and STR.
I'm still trying to figure out how to make magic/melee dragon for my team, and I'm not sure how it will work out. The thing I've noticed about it is that your points are more divided if you do that which can be bad and good. The good thing is that if you enemies are weak to your element, but if their not then you can take them out with physical attacks. The bad part is that you are weaker in general in both INT and STR.