
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | FR creepypasta
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@Silverpelt60 [i]Three months later[/i] One night, you have a dream. The headless pocket mouse is searching for you. You see its sharp claws. Baldwin and Pinkerton's voices are whispering something. You only catch some words. [i]You monster, how could you of done this, I...[/i] The dream ends with you in a cube of jelly. You wake up. Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. But your mind keeps on going back to what happened three months ago... You didn't tell anyone about it. But somehow, people [i]know[/i]. You decide to go on Flight Rising. Perhaps a visit to your favourite website will help. You have a message. And, although usually you get loads of pings from your art shop, you have none. A click on the alerts shows that you never interacted with the community at all. You click on messages. [i]Re: Re: Would you like some art? [quote=Person on your Friends List]Uhh, sorry, I just realised that I... don't have enough gems! I, uhh, spent them all on sprites! Sorry! Bye![/quote] Strange. You go to your profile. You didn't notice it before, but your avatar looks ill, and she has slime on her face. Your clan description is just letters made out of goop. [size=5][color=green]GO NOW. DO NOT MAKE MY MISTAKE.[/color][/size] You never posted on the forums, and your friends list is empty. The only comment on your profile is from a user called 'Baldwin and Pinkerton' with the spaces. Their avatar is half of Baldwin's face and half of Pinkerton's face. The comment was posted three months ago... [quote=Baldwin and Pinkerton]You monster, how could you of done this? We trusted you. Before, you always put in a bit of fur, a feather, a bit of a claw. Never an entire head. And, then, when you transmuted that spirit. Now, the Headless Mouse is on the loose. Go away. Never return. For your own good. You're not going to do it now, are you? GO.[/quote] They're right. You [i]did[/i] transmute a Ghostly Aura. You click on their profile. Their description is normal [quote=Description] Hey, traveler. So, my sister over yonder... she's got this collection problem. She keeps clogging our lair with a bunch of useless junk. I'm trying to curb her... "enthusiasm" by giving away some things behind her back. You want something random? Greetings, apprentice! Some dragons say that alchemy is a science, but I know that it's an art, and that the best art is spontaneous! That's where you come in. This brew is nearing completion, but it needs a[i] little something[/i] to give it an extra kick! [/quote] Their comments are just people thanking them for items and asking for extra luck. Their only forum post is on a thread named 'DO NOT TRANSMUTE RODENTS!' You click on it. It's three months old. You immediately click away, but you click onto your lair. Bad choice. Goop is everywhere, and your dragons all look ill. Their eyes are focused on you. For no real reason, you turn volume on. They're all speaking. "How could you of done this?" "Not even a beastclan would do this!" "We hate you! WE. HATE. YOU." "Go away." As soon as that last line is spoken, all is silent. "Sleep." Your dragons drop down dead. Except for two. Two who you didn't have before. Their names are Baldwin and Pinkerton. Suddenly, the volume is off again. You move your mouse towards it, but a pop-up appears. [quote]Stop. You'll drop down dead, too.[/quote] Instead, you click on 'Ok' and then on Baldwin's- Wait, the dragons are moving. Pinkerton, who is to the right of Baldwin, slowly moves into him until they're both the same dragon. Baldwin's name changes to 'Baldwin and Pinkerton'. You click on them. Their familiar is... The Headless Mouse. Its description is [i]You monster.[/i] Those are the last words you read. It seems to leap out of the screen. A moment it's there, the next moment it's not. Then, all is silent. Until it leaps. You feel blood on your head and claws digging into your neck. Then, it attacks you. It's all dark. All you saw was a headless pocket mouse.
Three months later

One night, you have a dream.

The headless pocket mouse is searching for you. You see its sharp claws. Baldwin and Pinkerton's voices are whispering something. You only catch some words. You monster, how could you of done this, I... The dream ends with you in a cube of jelly.

You wake up. Just a dream. Just a dream. Just a dream. But your mind keeps on going back to what happened three months ago... You didn't tell anyone about it. But somehow, people know.

You decide to go on Flight Rising. Perhaps a visit to your favourite website will help. You have a message. And, although usually you get loads of pings from your art shop, you have none. A click on the alerts shows that you never interacted with the community at all. You click on messages.

Re: Re: Would you like some art?
Person on your Friends List wrote:
Uhh, sorry, I just realised that I... don't have enough gems! I, uhh, spent them all on sprites! Sorry! Bye!

Strange. You go to your profile. You didn't notice it before, but your avatar looks ill, and she has slime on her face. Your clan description is just letters made out of goop.


You never posted on the forums, and your friends list is empty. The only comment on your profile is from a user called 'Baldwin and Pinkerton' with the spaces. Their avatar is half of Baldwin's face and half of Pinkerton's face. The comment was posted three months ago...
Baldwin and Pinkerton wrote:
You monster, how could you of done this? We trusted you. Before, you always put in a bit of fur, a feather, a bit of a claw. Never an entire head. And, then, when you transmuted that spirit. Now, the Headless Mouse is on the loose. Go away. Never return. For your own good. You're not going to do it now, are you? GO.

They're right. You did transmute a Ghostly Aura. You click on their profile. Their description is normal
Description wrote:
Hey, traveler. So, my sister over yonder... she's got this collection problem. She keeps clogging our lair with a bunch of useless junk. I'm trying to curb her... "enthusiasm" by giving away some things behind her back. You want something random?

Greetings, apprentice! Some dragons say that alchemy is a science, but I know that it's an art, and that the best art is spontaneous! That's where you come in. This brew is nearing completion, but it needs a little something to give it an extra kick!

Their comments are just people thanking them for items and asking for extra luck. Their only forum post is on a thread named 'DO NOT TRANSMUTE RODENTS!' You click on it. It's three months old. You immediately click away, but you click onto your lair. Bad choice. Goop is everywhere, and your dragons all look ill. Their eyes are focused on you. For no real reason, you turn volume on. They're all speaking.

"How could you of done this?"
"Not even a beastclan would do this!"
"We hate you! WE. HATE. YOU."
"Go away."

As soon as that last line is spoken, all is silent.


Your dragons drop down dead. Except for two. Two who you didn't have before. Their names are Baldwin and Pinkerton. Suddenly, the volume is off again. You move your mouse towards it, but a pop-up appears.
Stop. You'll drop down dead, too.

Instead, you click on 'Ok' and then on Baldwin's- Wait, the dragons are moving. Pinkerton, who is to the right of Baldwin, slowly moves into him until they're both the same dragon. Baldwin's name changes to 'Baldwin and Pinkerton'. You click on them. Their familiar is... The Headless Mouse. Its description is You monster. Those are the last words you read. It seems to leap out of the screen. A moment it's there, the next moment it's not. Then, all is silent. Until it leaps. You feel blood on your head and claws digging into your neck. Then, it attacks you. It's all dark. All you saw was a headless pocket mouse.
Altered version of the 'Fancy Rat' item, edited to have a more blue colour scheme, grey/white husky colouring, and a pair of blue-tipped black crow wings + matching tail feathers. crow, they/them, fr+8
Pixel badges: Rat OwnerFallen London fandom
Rain World fandomGoth

current icon
[quote name="Rosarian" date=2017-05-21 19:04:49] You gaze at the scroll, nervously awaiting the changes to come. You're a Fae, with a rather unique XXY combo of Smoke, Smoke, and Stonewash. With your Petals and Butterfly, you're perfect. Almost perfect. Instead of the Glimmer you should have been born with, you ended up with Thylacine. It ruined you. You wanted to be beautiful, but was something like this really worth it? At first, the changing is slow and quiet. Your unsightly stripes seem to fade and grow a bit thinner. Your soft underbelly tightens. Your stomach turns. Your wings shiver. Suddenly, a violent tension wracks you- your tiny Fae scales uproot and flake, disappearing in the air and leaving your skin bare. The raw, red flesh is covered in new scales instantaneously. It's like getting needles jabbed into your skin, and it doesn't go away. You take your breaths in between the new scales growing and the old scales leaving. Your organs all clench, and for a terrifying second, your heart stops. Your breathing is cut off. You're frantically opening and closing your jaw in the air. The terrible pressure leaves, and you can breath again. You cry instead. You try to stand, and fall over again. Your underbelly is heavy, so heavy that it causes you to hunch over. It'll take months to get used to. It shimmers in the light. You're beautiful now. You're free. No sooner do you unfurl your battered wings than another scroll rolls in front of you. "We're not done. You're going to be made a Coatl, too." [/quote] This one wins.
Rosarian wrote on 2017-05-21:
You gaze at the scroll, nervously awaiting the changes to come.

You're a Fae, with a rather unique XXY combo of Smoke, Smoke, and Stonewash. With your Petals and Butterfly, you're perfect. Almost perfect. Instead of the Glimmer you should have been born with, you ended up with Thylacine. It ruined you. You wanted to be beautiful, but was something like this really worth it?

At first, the changing is slow and quiet. Your unsightly stripes seem to fade and grow a bit thinner. Your soft underbelly tightens. Your stomach turns. Your wings shiver.

Suddenly, a violent tension wracks you- your tiny Fae scales uproot and flake, disappearing in the air and leaving your skin bare. The raw, red flesh is covered in new scales instantaneously. It's like getting needles jabbed into your skin, and it doesn't go away. You take your breaths in between the new scales growing and the old scales leaving.

Your organs all clench, and for a terrifying second, your heart stops. Your breathing is cut off. You're frantically opening and closing your jaw in the air. The terrible pressure leaves, and you can breath again. You cry instead.

You try to stand, and fall over again. Your underbelly is heavy, so heavy that it causes you to hunch over. It'll take months to get used to. It shimmers in the light. You're beautiful now. You're free.

No sooner do you unfurl your battered wings than another scroll rolls in front of you. "We're not done. You're going to be made a Coatl, too."
This one wins.
Oh, but can't you feel it?! The void, it's calling me- Calling all of us! It wants to eat our souls, so that we never ascend to the heavens, it wants to absorb us! It needs sustenance, so that it may expand and envelop this whole useless world! All that muck and grime, the ooze, it will fill every crevice of reality, and it will change the world into a paradise! All you have to do is live to see it!
And why aren't I scared? Because the void is the afterlife, and I am its Grim Reaper!
@Averat the pocket mouse head stories give me an almost Lord of the Flies-type vibe >:D very interesting plot ^-^

Also I just spent about three consecutive nights rereading this whole thread O_o it was interesting to see how it evolved to the current point (and also seeing the username evolutions was kindof fun too XD)
For some reason yesterday the site was very laggy, and so as the pages tried to load, it looked like there was a single post with no text on them, which was kindof creepy... I wasn't fast enough to get screenshots, unfortunately, but it definitely added an even more odd vibe to this thread ;)
@Averat the pocket mouse head stories give me an almost Lord of the Flies-type vibe >:D very interesting plot ^-^

Also I just spent about three consecutive nights rereading this whole thread O_o it was interesting to see how it evolved to the current point (and also seeing the username evolutions was kindof fun too XD)
For some reason yesterday the site was very laggy, and so as the pages tried to load, it looked like there was a single post with no text on them, which was kindof creepy... I wasn't fast enough to get screenshots, unfortunately, but it definitely added an even more odd vibe to this thread ;)
Just a little something I came up with. :)

Okay, I believe this is the 'Help' forum, so, uh, here I go.

*takes a deep breath* Hello community of Flight Rising. I don't know what your playing at, but you certainly all are a sick bunch of individuals. Driving my daughter to the point of suicide, I don't even know how you can bear to call yourselves a child's game. Perhaps I should explain, or else you might try to deny what your doing. So, my daughter had told me about this game, a wonderful, colorful game that was fun for most anyone. She showed me a game full of cutesy-wutsey dragons, or as she called them. I was happy for her, she seemed so happy. My daughter had been horrendously bullied for years, and I had never seen her smile so wide as when she showed me this game. So I let her play. Soon enough, I noticed changes in her behavior. She wasn't as happy to play the game, and always seemed hesitant to get on. She never let me see what she was doing anymore, and when I asked her to get off, she only silently nodded and abandoned the computer. Previously, when I asked her to get off, she would bicker with me until the cows came home, and that was the first warning. Soon, she was becoming more cautious. She was old enough to be left home alone, and every time I announced that I would be leaving, she would nod, and then rush up to her room. I pretty sure she even locked the doors every time, but I wouldn't know. She had never done so before. One night, I called her and told her I would be late, and that she could make herself something to eat. One hour later, when I returned home, she came rushing out of her room to meet me. She was starving. Then, what had started as unusual behavior blossomed into a downward spiral of deteriorating health. She never got any sleep anymore; she refused to stay in the dark. She rarely ate, for she could get sick soon afterwards. I don't know if it was unintentional or if she was making herself throw up, but she began to grow deathly skinny. She never opened closed doors without someone to watch her, she jumped at every slight noise. I tried to unplug the computer, but the next day she was playing it again. Finally, I had had enough. Cornering her, I demanded her to stop playing that unholy game. I can still remember exactly what she said. "No! I can't stop playing it!" she had screamed at me. "And I can't let you watch me, either! If you see it, it will kill you! I have to finish what I started, I was the one who released it!" I tried to make sense of her words, but she refused to explain. Finally, I sent her to her room. Severing the computers wires, I though the trouble was finally done. But I had forgotten that my daughter still had her phone. I had left house to grab some fast food so we could have a long talk over a meal of her favorite burgers, but when I returned... I called her name, but there was no answer. I walked upstairs to her room... and there she was. My beautiful girl, gone. Her right wrist was slashed, and in her left hand she held the knife. Some sort of black liquid was bubbling out of her mouth, and her throat was torn wide open. I barely noticed the **** bottle on the bed, I only had eyes for my daughter. Only later did I see the words "The Shade has Risen" scrawled in blood upon her bedroom wall. So do you see now what you've done to my daughter?! Making her believe in some fictional character, doing who knows what to make her fear for her life and drive her to insanity? What even is this Shade, and why did youtytj5jjjy5jq5hereuherk



Just a little something I came up with. :)

Okay, I believe this is the 'Help' forum, so, uh, here I go.

*takes a deep breath* Hello community of Flight Rising. I don't know what your playing at, but you certainly all are a sick bunch of individuals. Driving my daughter to the point of suicide, I don't even know how you can bear to call yourselves a child's game. Perhaps I should explain, or else you might try to deny what your doing. So, my daughter had told me about this game, a wonderful, colorful game that was fun for most anyone. She showed me a game full of cutesy-wutsey dragons, or as she called them. I was happy for her, she seemed so happy. My daughter had been horrendously bullied for years, and I had never seen her smile so wide as when she showed me this game. So I let her play. Soon enough, I noticed changes in her behavior. She wasn't as happy to play the game, and always seemed hesitant to get on. She never let me see what she was doing anymore, and when I asked her to get off, she only silently nodded and abandoned the computer. Previously, when I asked her to get off, she would bicker with me until the cows came home, and that was the first warning. Soon, she was becoming more cautious. She was old enough to be left home alone, and every time I announced that I would be leaving, she would nod, and then rush up to her room. I pretty sure she even locked the doors every time, but I wouldn't know. She had never done so before. One night, I called her and told her I would be late, and that she could make herself something to eat. One hour later, when I returned home, she came rushing out of her room to meet me. She was starving. Then, what had started as unusual behavior blossomed into a downward spiral of deteriorating health. She never got any sleep anymore; she refused to stay in the dark. She rarely ate, for she could get sick soon afterwards. I don't know if it was unintentional or if she was making herself throw up, but she began to grow deathly skinny. She never opened closed doors without someone to watch her, she jumped at every slight noise. I tried to unplug the computer, but the next day she was playing it again. Finally, I had had enough. Cornering her, I demanded her to stop playing that unholy game. I can still remember exactly what she said. "No! I can't stop playing it!" she had screamed at me. "And I can't let you watch me, either! If you see it, it will kill you! I have to finish what I started, I was the one who released it!" I tried to make sense of her words, but she refused to explain. Finally, I sent her to her room. Severing the computers wires, I though the trouble was finally done. But I had forgotten that my daughter still had her phone. I had left house to grab some fast food so we could have a long talk over a meal of her favorite burgers, but when I returned... I called her name, but there was no answer. I walked upstairs to her room... and there she was. My beautiful girl, gone. Her right wrist was slashed, and in her left hand she held the knife. Some sort of black liquid was bubbling out of her mouth, and her throat was torn wide open. I barely noticed the **** bottle on the bed, I only had eyes for my daughter. Only later did I see the words "The Shade has Risen" scrawled in blood upon her bedroom wall. So do you see now what you've done to my daughter?! Making her believe in some fictional character, doing who knows what to make her fear for her life and drive her to insanity? What even is this Shade, and why did youtytj5jjjy5jq5hereuherk



plague_bibling_by_cicide76536-dciw231.gif plague_acebling_by_cicide76536-dciw235.gif Rvkn9sD.png

Wow.. Your creepypasta is great!

Wow.. Your creepypasta is great!

Thanks! Just something I came up with on the spot!

Thanks! Just something I came up with on the spot!
plague_bibling_by_cicide76536-dciw231.gif plague_acebling_by_cicide76536-dciw235.gif Rvkn9sD.png
Can someone give me more things to write about?
Can someone give me more things to write about?
Altered version of the 'Fancy Rat' item, edited to have a more blue colour scheme, grey/white husky colouring, and a pair of blue-tipped black crow wings + matching tail feathers. crow, they/them, fr+8
Pixel badges: Rat OwnerFallen London fandom
Rain World fandomGoth

current icon

Tomo, Swipp, how Joxar uses festival currency, hatchlings?

Tomo, Swipp, how Joxar uses festival currency, hatchlings?
[quote name="SnowdinTown" date=2017-06-02 12:58:21] @Averat hatchlings? [/quote] Maybe exalted hatchlings. I can't remember if anyone did something for them
SnowdinTown wrote on 2017-06-02:
Maybe exalted hatchlings. I can't remember if anyone did something for them

i've done one on exalted hatchlings xD

i've done one on exalted hatchlings xD
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