
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Coli Color Challenge (ccc)
[center][size=7] Are you bored of endlessly coli grinding with no fun? Well, look no further![/size][/center] The coli color challenge is a fun way to spice up your festival grinding, training, really anything to do with the coli. ~Steps~ 1. Pick three colors. [i]I will pick yelow, red, and blue[/i] 2. Start at the training fields. 3.[u]You have to keep battling in that place until you get at least one thing that is mostly the colors you picked.[/u] [i]In the training fields, this is what I got:[/i] Red: [item=tiny feathers] Blue: [item=carpenter wax] Yellow: [item= glowing pocket bauble] You can change your colors for each venue if you want to. Make sure to have fun! If you want more of a challenge, add on four or five colors! [size=5][color=red]Ready?[/size] [size=6][color=yellow]Steady?[/size] [size=7][color=green] Go![/size][/color]
Are you bored of endlessly coli grinding with no fun? Well, look no further!
The coli color challenge is a fun way to spice up your festival grinding, training, really anything to do with the coli.

1. Pick three colors.
I will pick yelow, red, and blue

2. Start at the training fields.

3.You have to keep battling in that place until you get at least one thing that is mostly the colors you picked.
In the training fields, this is what I got:
Red: Tiny Feathers
Blue: Carpenter Wax
Yellow: Glowing Pocket Bauble

You can change your colors for each venue if you want to.
Make sure to have fun!
If you want more of a challenge, add on four or five colors!
Ooh, looks like fun! I'll try it with the (approximate) colors of my fighters- black, white, and red. Training Fields: [item=Meal Moth][item=Sparrow Skull][item=Tiny Feathers] Woodland Path: [item=Micro Deer][item=Bamboo Phytocat][item=Red Maple Leaf] Scorched Forest: [item=Zeeba Horn][item=Leather Centaur Quiver][item=tiny feathers] @Becsprite so I don't lose it!
Ooh, looks like fun! I'll try it with the (approximate) colors of my fighters- black, white, and red.

Training Fields:
Meal Moth Sparrow Skull Tiny Feathers

Woodland Path:
Micro Deer Bamboo Phytocat Red Maple Leaf

Scorched Forest:
Zeeba Horn Leather Centaur Quiver Tiny Feathers

@Becsprite so I don't lose it!
He/his. Hoards urchins, pocket watches, and FR headcanons.
This looks fun! i just did my own color themed coli challenge, so why not? [center]Green[emoji=green vial size=1]Blue[emoji=blue gem size=1]Yellow[emoji=star size=1][/center] [u][b]Training Fields.[/b][/u] [item=fine filament][item=bluelight chipskink tail][item=honeycomb fragment] [u][b]Woodland Path[/b][/u] [item=venus flytrap][item=river wiggler][item=dust slither] [u][b]Scorched Forest[/b][/u] [item=emerald shiners][item=centaur nut mix][item=centaur ration pouch] [u][b]Sanswept delta[/b][/u] [item=fragrant orchid][item=reflective fish scales][item=cheerful chime] [u][b]Blooming Grove[/b][/u] [item=garden tender][item=myosotis][item=pilco segments] [u][b]forgotten cave[/b][/u] [item=venomspite invader][item=dwarf mushroom][item=bioluminescent tail] [u][b]Bamboo falls[/b][/u] [item=feverfew][item=dreamwaker][item=fishscale basket] [u][b]Thunderhead Savahana[/b][/u] [item=hardened clodcakes][item=groundfrost grasses][item=catfeather loop] [u][b]Redrock Cove[/b][/u] [item=giant kelp][item=snowflake eel][item=murkbottom kelp] [u][b]Waterway[/b][/u] [item=water lettuce][item=bluelipped thresh][item=dayglo thresh] [u][b]Arena[/b][/u] [item=senecio haworthii][item=balloon belly magi][item=celestial horn] [u][b]volcanic vents[/b][/u] [item=sweet potato vine][item=anubias nana][item=carpenter's bane] [u][b]rainsong jungle[/b][/u] [item=writhing treesnake][item=vibrant flutterer][item=petalwing matriarch] [u][b]Boreal Wood[/b][/u] [item=brussels sprouts][item=soft muff][item=ivory tusk]? [u][b]Crystal Pools[/b][/u] [item=jade peacock][item=madame snapdragon][item=crystalplate wasp] [u][b]Harpy's Roost[/b][/u] [item=seeker brooch][item=seeker orb][item=sunspot clouddancer hide] [u][b]Ghostlight Ruins[/b][/u] [item=aer sprite][item=haunting houndskull][item=aged carcass] [u][b]-[/b][/u] [item=][item=][item=] [u][b]-[/b][/u] [item=][item=][item=] [u][b]-[/b][/u] [item=][item=][item=]
This looks fun! i just did my own color themed coli challenge, so why not?
Training Fields.
Fine Filament Bluelight Chipskink Tail Honeycomb Fragment

Woodland Path
Venus Flytrap River Wiggler Dust Slither

Scorched Forest
Emerald Shiners Centaur Nut Mix Centaur Ration Pouch

Sanswept delta
Fragrant Orchid Reflective Fish Scales Cheerful Chime

Blooming Grove
Garden Tender Myosotis Pilco Segments

forgotten cave
Venomspite Invader Dwarf Mushroom Bioluminescent Tail

Bamboo falls
Feverfew Dreamwaker Fishscale Basket

Thunderhead Savahana
Hardened Clodcakes Groundfrost Grasses Catfeather Loop

Redrock Cove
Giant Kelp Snowflake Eel Murkbottom Kelp

Water Lettuce Bluelipped Thresh Dayglo Thresh

Senecio Haworthii Balloon Belly Magi Celestial Horn

volcanic vents
Sweet Potato Vine Anubias Nana Carpenter's Bane

rainsong jungle
Writhing Treesnake Vibrant Flutterer Petalwing Matriarch

Boreal Wood
Brussels Sprouts Soft Muff Ivory Tusk ?

Crystal Pools
Jade Peacock Madame Snapdragon Crystalplate Wasp

Harpy's Roost
Seeker Brooch Seeker Orb Sunspot Clouddancer Hide

Ghostlight Ruins
Aer Sprite Haunting Houndskull Aged Carcass



WrgYpBp.png jKk46zQ.png(/^u^)/ Hello! \(ouo\) FRlostbadgever3.pngunknown.png
@wufflesnuff ping myself for later
@wufflesnuff ping myself for later
[center]Sounds fun! I'll do it. [center][b]The Colors[/b][/center] [u]Orange[/u][b]-[/b][u]Blue[/u][b]-[/b][u]Purple[/u][/center] [center][b]Training fields[/b][/center] [center][item=Chipskink Tail][item=Worn Pincushion][item=Satin Violets][/center] [center][b]Woodland Path[/b][/center] [center][item=Red Maple Leaf][item=Lovebirds Towel][item=Flycatcher][/center] [center][b]Scorched Forest[/b][/center] [center][item=Pineapple Shiners][item=Lovebirds Dried Tea][item=Zebra Cricket][/center] [center][b]Sandswept Delta[/b][/center] [center][item=Banded Rattlesnake][item=Iridescent Cloth][item=Reflective Fish Scales][/center] [center][b]Blooming Grove[/b][/center] [center][item=Golden Betta][item=Myosotis][item=Glowing Mushroom Cap][/center] [center][b]Forgotten Cave[/b][/center] [center][item=Reefsnail Egg][item=Dwarf Mushroom][item=Shroud][/center] [center][b]Bamboo Falls[/b][/center] [center][item=Puddlehopper][item=Dried Anchovies][item=Umbral Yarn][/center] [center][b]Thunderhead Savanna[/b][/center] [center][item=Common Locust][item=Livewire Endlers][item=Sparklers][/center] [center][b]Redrock Cove[/b][/center] [center][item=Scaleskin Marlin][item=Oceansurf Magus][item=Sorceress' Loopbelt][/center] [center][b]Waterway[/b][/center] [center][item=Amber Algae][item=Rainbow Mussels][item=Subterranean Goldfish][/center] [center][b]Arena[/b][/center] [center][item=Tattered Interloper Scrap][item=Goldbelly Dragonfish][item=Steel Longneck Helmet][/center] [center][b]Volcanic Vents[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Rainsong Jungle[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Boreal Wood[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Crystal Pools[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Harpy's Roost[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Ghostlight Ruins[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Mire[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Kelp Beds[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Golem Workshop[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] [center][b]Forbidden Portal[/b][/center] [center][item=][item=][item=][/center] Some of these I have no hope of completing, but let's try anyways :').
Sounds fun! I'll do it.
The Colors
Training fields
Chipskink Tail Worn Pincushion Satin Violets
Woodland Path
Red Maple Leaf Lovebirds Towel Flycatcher
Scorched Forest
Pineapple Shiners Lovebirds Dried Tea Zebra Cricket
Sandswept Delta
Banded Rattlesnake Iridescent Cloth Reflective Fish Scales
Blooming Grove
Golden Betta Myosotis Glowing Mushroom Cap
Forgotten Cave
Reefsnail Egg Dwarf Mushroom Shroud
Bamboo Falls
Puddlehopper Dried Anchovies Umbral Yarn
Thunderhead Savanna
Common Locust Livewire Endlers Sparklers
Redrock Cove
Scaleskin Marlin Oceansurf Magus Sorceress' Loopbelt
Amber Algae Rainbow Mussels Subterranean Goldfish
Tattered Interloper Scrap Goldbelly Dragonfish Steel Longneck Helmet
Volcanic Vents
Rainsong Jungle
Boreal Wood
Crystal Pools
Harpy's Roost
Ghostlight Ruins
Kelp Beds
Golem Workshop
Forbidden Portal

Some of these I have no hope of completing, but let's try anyways :').
hey! i'm w1llyn1lly! want to read my about me? it's here ==>yo!
remember to hydrate and take a break every once in a while! oh, and stretch your wrists, wrist pain sucks.
There's a quests and challenges forum for this kind of thing btw
There's a quests and challenges forum for this kind of thing btw
art of a yellow winged cat standing on a book, linking to the thread the badge was froma fake item ribbon with trans and rainbow flag colors linking to a thread with more ribbons/art of a traveling Light flight Spiral dragon linking to the artist
Blue Green Yellow!
Training fields:
Fragile Antler Dwarf Fawn

Woodland Path
Strangling Vine Strangler Seeds
Blue Green Yellow!
Training fields:
Fragile Antler Dwarf Fawn

Woodland Path
Strangling Vine Strangler Seeds
On the Subject of Griffons
[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [font= Copperplate]Black [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color= E22D17]Red[/color] [color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxx[/color][color= FFB43B ]Yellow[/color][/font][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Training Fields — 1:05 [/font] [center][item= Fragile Antler] [item= Ruby Brooch] [item= Beeswax][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Woodland Path — 4:08 [/font] [center][item= Hardy Antler] [item= Red Maple Leaf] [item= Daddy Longlegs][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Scorched Forest — 1:31 [/font] [center][item= Owlcat Journal] [item= Tiny Feathers] [item= Forest Field Guide][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Sandswept Delta — 1:24 [/font] [center][item= Dancer's Bell] [item= Minor Health Potion] [item= Barbed Tail][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Blooming Grove — 3:38 [/font] [center][item= Tarnished Cerdae Necklace] [item= Heart Rose] [item= Flax Fiber][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Forgotten Cave — 1:09 [/font] [center][item= Bark Centipede] [item= Berserker's Belt] [item= Bioluminescent Tail][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Bamboo Falls — 1:24 [/font] [center][item= Black Hainu Collar] [item= Intricate Weaving] [item= Wispy Foxtail][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Thunderhead Savanna — 6:46 [/font] [center][item= Discarded Nest Material] [item= Lost Lute] [item= Yellow Canary][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Redrock Cove — 1:51 [/font] [center][item= Mirage Puffer Spines] [item= Redfin Eel] [item= Health Potion][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Waterway — Time [/font] [center][item=] [item=] [item=][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Arena — Time [/font] [center][item=] [item=] [item=][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Volcanic Vents — Time [/font] [center][item=] [item=] [item=][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Rainsong Jungle — Time [/font] [center][item=] [item=] [item=][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Boreal Wood — Time [/font] [center][item=] [item=] [item=][/center] [img][/img] [font= Copperplate]Crystal Pools — Time [/font] [center][item=] [item=] [item=][/center]
27745622.png 33913557.png34972188.png

Black xxxxxxxxxxRed xxxxxxxxxxYellow


Training Fields — 1:05
Fragile Antler Ruby Brooch Beeswax

Woodland Path — 4:08
Hardy Antler Red Maple Leaf Daddy Longlegs

Scorched Forest — 1:31
Owlcat Journal Tiny Feathers Forest Field Guide

Sandswept Delta — 1:24
Dancer's Bell Minor Health Potion Barbed Tail

Blooming Grove — 3:38
Tarnished Cerdae Necklace Heart Rose Flax Fiber

Forgotten Cave — 1:09
Bark Centipede Berserker's Belt Bioluminescent Tail

Bamboo Falls — 1:24
Black Hainu Collar Intricate Weaving Wispy Foxtail

Thunderhead Savanna — 6:46
Discarded Nest Material Lost Lute Yellow Canary

Redrock Cove — 1:51
Mirage Puffer Spines Redfin Eel Health Potion

Waterway — Time

Arena — Time

Volcanic Vents — Time

Rainsong Jungle — Time

Boreal Wood — Time

Crystal Pools — Time
OH btw you can be even more specific now! Just go to the Database, look up the gene colours of items and vibe [img][/img]
OH btw you can be even more specific now! Just go to the Database, look up the gene colours of items and vibe

Link to art shopLink to skin shopImage depicting a large blue crab carrying produce on their back, its purpose being a background element for the signatureLink to a personal log thread containing various different links, information and sources
[center][b][color=purple]Okay, thanks LOST for sending me to my new addiction. Since the 4th is coming up, I chose Red, White and Blue.[/color][/b] [item=Vampire Eel][item=White Wooly Coat][item=Bluefin Charger Fin][/center]
Okay, thanks LOST for sending me to my new addiction.
Since the 4th is coming up, I chose Red, White and Blue.

Vampire Eel White Wooly Coat Bluefin Charger Fin