
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Item Caption Contest 3
1 2 ... 168 169 170 171 172 ... 183 184
Starfall Blossom
Legend says that fallen stars planted the seeds for these lovely flowers.
Starfall Blossom
Legend says that fallen stars planted the seeds for these lovely flowers.
[img][/img] [b]Name: [/b]Citrus Lionfish [b]Caption:[/b] No Vitamin-D on this fish's nutrition label, but plenty of Vitamin-Sea. [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Unfinished Painting [b]Caption: [/b]Professor Crastinator should have stuck to teaching. [img][/img] [b]Name[/b]: Glowing Tail [b]Caption:[/b] The first owner of this tail claimed to be a lightning bug on steroids. Thank you!
Name: Citrus Lionfish
Caption: No Vitamin-D on this fish's nutrition label, but plenty of Vitamin-Sea.

Name: Unfinished Painting
Caption: Professor Crastinator should have stuck to teaching.

Name: Glowing Tail
Caption: The first owner of this tail claimed to be a lightning bug on steroids.

Thank you!
[item=citrus lionfish] [b]Name:[/b] Citrus Lionfish [b]Caption:[/b] Fish with lemon zest is a superb dinner for your hungry dragon... now if only you could find a lemon. [item=venomspite Invader] [b]Name:[/b] Venomspite Invader [b]Caption:[/b] Like a little kick with your fish? Well your sure to get one if not careful with this venomous little guy. [item=forestpath rooster] [b]Name:[/b] Forestpath rooster [b]Caption:[/b] Just like Grandma use to make for you as a hatchling.
Citrus Lionfish

Name: Citrus Lionfish
Caption: Fish with lemon zest is a superb dinner for your hungry dragon... now if only you could find a lemon.

Venomspite Invader

Name: Venomspite Invader
Caption: Like a little kick with your fish? Well your sure to get one if not careful with this venomous little guy.

Forestpath Rooster

Name: Forestpath rooster
Caption: Just like Grandma use to make for you as a hatchling.

[item=Rusty Pickaxe] [b]Name:[/b] Rusty Pickaxe [b]Caption:[/b] To be honest, scared to find out what caused its owner to abandon it. [item=Bioluminescent Tail] [b]Name: [/b]Bioluminescent Tail [b]Caption: [/b] I swear it moves every third flicker. [item=Forestpath Rooster] [b]Name: [/b]Forestpath Rooster [b]Caption: [/b]CockADoodle-Do you [i]really[/i] want to fight a Cockatrice just for this tasty treat?
Rusty Pickaxe
Name: Rusty Pickaxe
Caption: To be honest, scared to find out what caused its owner to abandon it.

Bioluminescent Tail
Name: Bioluminescent Tail
Caption: I swear it moves every third flicker.

Forestpath Rooster
Name: Forestpath Rooster
Caption: CockADoodle-Do you really want to fight a Cockatrice just for this tasty treat?
bury me as it pleases you, lover. at sea, or deep within the catacombs.
[item=Engaging Still Life] [b]Name:[/b] Engaging Still Life [b]Description:[/b] This artist has finally mastered the realism of procrastination. [item=Pickaxe] [b]Name:[/b] Pickaxe [b]Description:[/b] After a few mountainous piles of sand, this upgrade to your dragon's digging skills could finally result in a Manticore... or a couple more piles. [item=Forestpath Rooster] [b]Name: (Optional)[/b] Vile Rooster [b]Description:[/b] Is often seen cocking its head due to constant offerings of protective eyewear.
Engaging Still Life
Name: Engaging Still Life
Description: This artist has finally mastered the realism of procrastination.

Name: Pickaxe
Description: After a few mountainous piles of sand, this upgrade to your dragon's digging skills could finally result in a Manticore... or a couple more piles.

Forestpath Rooster
Name: (Optional) Vile Rooster
Description: Is often seen cocking its head due to constant offerings of protective eyewear.

Hello there! ^^

Wow, I feel so bad for being about a month late, let alone the 9 months since you commissioned me. Luckily, I have some good news. The Rei-Q accent is done, as long as it's to your liking :)

I also have the bases/layout of Eva02 and Eva00, upon which I will add details/shading/etc. if you think they'll work for you.

And... I can't recall exactly what you were looking for for Mari. Would you like her hair and headset or some additions of her plugsuit as well?

Again, I am so, SO sorry for such a delay. Hopefully FR will accept all of them right off the bat. Otherwise, I'll try my best to complete them to the site's (and your) liking by the end of this week.

ALSO, if you're still up for Shinji (and you haven't lost faith in my working skills yet, haha XD) I'd be happy to complete him as well. Let's just hope I can do it in less than a month... possibly setting a new personal record... ^^;
[img][/img] Name: Starfall Daffodil Description: This daffodil is out of this world! [img][/img] Name: Game Fowl Description: This fowl seems to have met its match. [img][/img] Name: Engaging Still-life Description: The fruits in this appear to be moving! Wait..are they?
Name: Starfall Daffodil
This daffodil is out of this world!

Name: Game Fowl
Description: This fowl seems to have met its match.

Name: Engaging Still-life
Description: The fruits in this appear to be moving! Wait..are they?
[item=citrus lionfish] [b]Name:[/b] Citrus Lionfish [b]Description[/b]: Named not for its color, but rather for the "lemon face" dragons make when eating it. [item=venomspite invader] [b]Name:[/b] Venomspite Invader [b]Description[/b]: Failing to fold down the spines before swallowing will result in venomous spines invading your gums. [item=forestpath rooster] [b]Name: [/b] Forestpath Rooster [b]Description: [/b] Instead of crowing at dawn, this rooster crows directly before attacking intruders.
Citrus Lionfish

Name: Citrus Lionfish

Description: Named not for its color, but rather for the "lemon face" dragons make when eating it.

Venomspite Invader

Name: Venomspite Invader

Description: Failing to fold down the spines before swallowing will result in venomous spines invading your gums.

Forestpath Rooster

Name: Forestpath Rooster

Description: Instead of crowing at dawn, this rooster crows directly before attacking intruders.
Image by geistlich
Spoiled Landcape can be renamed to Soiled Landscape


Granite Chunk

Wow, the most useless stone!

Venomspite Invader

That's one scary name for one small fish!

Unfinished Painting

Thanks Obama.
Spoiled Landcape can be renamed to Soiled Landscape


Granite Chunk

Wow, the most useless stone!

Venomspite Invader

That's one scary name for one small fish!

Unfinished Painting

Thanks Obama.
[img][/img] Name: Daffodil Description: Roses are red, violets are blue, daffodils are yellow. [img][/img] Name: Granite Chunk Description: I'm igneous. Don't take me for granite. [img][/img] Name: Forestpath Rooster Description: I suspect fowl play.
Name: Daffodil
Description: Roses are red, violets are blue, daffodils are yellow.

Name: Granite Chunk
Description: I'm igneous. Don't take me for granite.

Name: Forestpath Rooster
Description: I suspect fowl play.

[item=Glowing Tail] Name: Glowing Tail Caption: No nightlight? This would be a good substitute…I think. [item=Citrus Lionfish] Name: Citrus Lionfish Caption:Sadly does not make your mouth pucker when you eat it. [item=Engaging Still Life] Name: Engaging Still Life Caption:Perhaps a little too engaging…you didn't move it over there, did you?
Glowing Tail

Name: Glowing Tail
Caption: No nightlight? This would be a good substitute…I think.

Citrus Lionfish

Name: Citrus Lionfish
Caption:Sadly does not make your mouth pucker when you eat it.

Engaging Still Life

Name: Engaging Still Life
Caption:Perhaps a little too engaging…you didn't move it over there, did you?

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