
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
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Everything's racist when you want it to be.
Everything's racist when you want it to be.
@Z4KURO America's history is a result of the European colonizers who 'founded' it
@Lightscales I'm not really sure what this has to do with the thread topic
@Z4KURO America's history is a result of the European colonizers who 'founded' it
@Lightscales I'm not really sure what this has to do with the thread topic
~celestial bodies don't care if you screw up~

This entire argument is about how its parallels to the real world and how its bad and evil and how its blah blah blah. Its getting ridiculous. Not everything is a parallel to the real world and not everything has to be forced into an analytical limbo where it doesn't belong for the sake of finding issue with it.

This entire argument is about how its parallels to the real world and how its bad and evil and how its blah blah blah. Its getting ridiculous. Not everything is a parallel to the real world and not everything has to be forced into an analytical limbo where it doesn't belong for the sake of finding issue with it.
@Lightscales I don't think you quite understand- I was never saying it was racist, although I accidentley implied it early on. I was simply mentioning that I found the similarity to how the dragons (admittedly unintentionally) damaged multiple cultures similar (not alike) to how Europeans treated the rest of the world. There was no intention for it to become a discussion of racism, more I was freaking out over the connection. It isn't evil to examine how real life issues can get reflected back at you in fantasy games-other games do similar things all the time.
@Lightscales I don't think you quite understand- I was never saying it was racist, although I accidentley implied it early on. I was simply mentioning that I found the similarity to how the dragons (admittedly unintentionally) damaged multiple cultures similar (not alike) to how Europeans treated the rest of the world. There was no intention for it to become a discussion of racism, more I was freaking out over the connection. It isn't evil to examine how real life issues can get reflected back at you in fantasy games-other games do similar things all the time.
~celestial bodies don't care if you screw up~
[quote name="Lightscales" date="2014-10-06 08:59:01"]@InkSphynx This entire argument is about how its parallels to the real world and how its bad and evil and how its blah blah blah. Its getting ridiculous. Not everything is a parallel to the real world and not everything has to be forced into an analytical limbo where it doesn't belong for the sake of finding issue with it.[/quote] If you don't want to participate in the ridiculous discussion, I'm pretty sure no one is making you. I'm getting really tired of seeing the words "pixel dragon game." (Not in Lightscales' post, just in general.) Not just here and on this particular subject. It just seems like such a sneering way to shut people up. Somebody's saying stuff you don't agree with or don't want to listen to? "Just a pixel dragon game, stop talking about ____ like it's important." Reminds me of how my Dad sometimes gets annoyed with me and my sibs for wanting to talk about movies for more than five minutes after we leave the theater. I dunno, man, maybe some people want to talk about ____. So long as everyone can be civil to each other, it's all good, right?
Lightscales wrote on 2014-10-06 08:59:01:

This entire argument is about how its parallels to the real world and how its bad and evil and how its blah blah blah. Its getting ridiculous. Not everything is a parallel to the real world and not everything has to be forced into an analytical limbo where it doesn't belong for the sake of finding issue with it.

If you don't want to participate in the ridiculous discussion, I'm pretty sure no one is making you.

I'm getting really tired of seeing the words "pixel dragon game." (Not in Lightscales' post, just in general.) Not just here and on this particular subject. It just seems like such a sneering way to shut people up. Somebody's saying stuff you don't agree with or don't want to listen to? "Just a pixel dragon game, stop talking about ____ like it's important."

Reminds me of how my Dad sometimes gets annoyed with me and my sibs for wanting to talk about movies for more than five minutes after we leave the theater.

I dunno, man, maybe some people want to talk about ____. So long as everyone can be civil to each other, it's all good, right?
(Please don't ping me in the Suggestions Forum).

Did you read the same update I did? This is a religious/territorial war, not at all colonialism. Dragonkind and Beastclans are arguing over the rights to land, and both have legitimate claims: the Beastclans were here habituating the land when the gods were manifested in the pillar (save for three), and as such have ancestry there and basically 'called dibs'.

On the other hand, the gods are the ones that shaped and created the world - it is their creation to do with what they will, and they created dragons to fill it when the pillar crumbled. Living, breathing entities that are responsible for the world's existence have gifted the right to dragons because the dragons are their army being forged and bred to fight the Shade.

It has nothing to do with plain old colonialism and to compare everything that's a slight conflict to that is so unbelievably Amerocentric/Eurocentric and just plain wrong, given the context.
Did you read the same update I did? This is a religious/territorial war, not at all colonialism. Dragonkind and Beastclans are arguing over the rights to land, and both have legitimate claims: the Beastclans were here habituating the land when the gods were manifested in the pillar (save for three), and as such have ancestry there and basically 'called dibs'.

On the other hand, the gods are the ones that shaped and created the world - it is their creation to do with what they will, and they created dragons to fill it when the pillar crumbled. Living, breathing entities that are responsible for the world's existence have gifted the right to dragons because the dragons are their army being forged and bred to fight the Shade.

It has nothing to do with plain old colonialism and to compare everything that's a slight conflict to that is so unbelievably Amerocentric/Eurocentric and just plain wrong, given the context.
@Z4KURO America's history is a result of the European colonizers who 'founded' it

thats like saying, If i go on a killing spree, my mother is to blame for the deaths of those people.

America has an independence day and its responsible for its own bad choices and bad results.
They are two different entities and even as such Its actions werent exactly outclassing europeans.

America is just as bad or worse in some instances, I dont think you ought to out down a whole continent of people just because you dislike some update here.
@Z4KURO America's history is a result of the European colonizers who 'founded' it

thats like saying, If i go on a killing spree, my mother is to blame for the deaths of those people.

America has an independence day and its responsible for its own bad choices and bad results.
They are two different entities and even as such Its actions werent exactly outclassing europeans.

America is just as bad or worse in some instances, I dont think you ought to out down a whole continent of people just because you dislike some update here.
Wrong, racism is being prejudiced against a race. It does not have to be backed up by institutions or the government. Enough of the Tumblr definitions, you are wrong. Find my telling you you're wrong "offensive" all you like. I am sick to my stomach thinking there are people like you out there who think Tumblr/SJW definitions are correct and okay.

Racism is being prejudiced against a race. End of story.
Wrong, racism is being prejudiced against a race. It does not have to be backed up by institutions or the government. Enough of the Tumblr definitions, you are wrong. Find my telling you you're wrong "offensive" all you like. I am sick to my stomach thinking there are people like you out there who think Tumblr/SJW definitions are correct and okay.

Racism is being prejudiced against a race. End of story.
That "Tumblr/SJW definition" of racism has been used by academia for over 40 years, and people who have actively fought for change for even longer. When people in ivory towers are more progressive than people on the ground, it's baffling for me (as a former academic that knows those towers are still mostly filled with the same type of people, and some of the same people, as 40 years ago).

A dictionary can't tell you everything about a carrot, it certainly can't tell us everything about something as complex as institutional social structures. A dictionary is also merely a record of usage (and almost all of them will include the usage of structural power imbalance inherently needed in an oppression structure like racism) not a divine record, one shouldn't be going to them to tell them everything on anything or on very much after their school years.
That "Tumblr/SJW definition" of racism has been used by academia for over 40 years, and people who have actively fought for change for even longer. When people in ivory towers are more progressive than people on the ground, it's baffling for me (as a former academic that knows those towers are still mostly filled with the same type of people, and some of the same people, as 40 years ago).

A dictionary can't tell you everything about a carrot, it certainly can't tell us everything about something as complex as institutional social structures. A dictionary is also merely a record of usage (and almost all of them will include the usage of structural power imbalance inherently needed in an oppression structure like racism) not a divine record, one shouldn't be going to them to tell them everything on anything or on very much after their school years.
@Trix Yeah, I'm getting that vibe too
@Amaterasu Yes I know-if you read my comments on this thread you'll find that I mostly used the European comparison because the dragons, like Europe, came into a place and messed it up for whoever lived there. That is where the similarities end, but it was a close enough connection combined with some of the effects of the dragons appearing to look similar to events witnessed in history.
@Z4KURO I'm not talking about most of what you said, but I thought that I'd point out the America being mentioned was the USA, which is one country in North America, not a continent. :)
@Podzol Racism IS being prejudiced against a race, but if you go and look it up you'll find that people do have issues with the Oxford definition of racism-they feel it lacks nuance among other things. The fact is, racism plays out by the majority wielding unfair power against the minority, so while a majority chinese ethnic group can be racist towards a minority ethnic group, white people in general are racist towards all chinese, due to the power they gained over them through unfair deals, wars, etc and so forth. White people colonized most of the world and they gain advantages, whether they know it or not, over other races. I'm not saying you're offensive, but you seem overly hostile over this, which doesn't really make sense.
Also, why do you keep bringing up tumblr? This isn't tumblr?
@Trix Yeah, I'm getting that vibe too
@Amaterasu Yes I know-if you read my comments on this thread you'll find that I mostly used the European comparison because the dragons, like Europe, came into a place and messed it up for whoever lived there. That is where the similarities end, but it was a close enough connection combined with some of the effects of the dragons appearing to look similar to events witnessed in history.
@Z4KURO I'm not talking about most of what you said, but I thought that I'd point out the America being mentioned was the USA, which is one country in North America, not a continent. :)
@Podzol Racism IS being prejudiced against a race, but if you go and look it up you'll find that people do have issues with the Oxford definition of racism-they feel it lacks nuance among other things. The fact is, racism plays out by the majority wielding unfair power against the minority, so while a majority chinese ethnic group can be racist towards a minority ethnic group, white people in general are racist towards all chinese, due to the power they gained over them through unfair deals, wars, etc and so forth. White people colonized most of the world and they gain advantages, whether they know it or not, over other races. I'm not saying you're offensive, but you seem overly hostile over this, which doesn't really make sense.
Also, why do you keep bringing up tumblr? This isn't tumblr?
~celestial bodies don't care if you screw up~
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