
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Holiday Dominance Wars [Opinion Poll]
Lightning retiree, Dom Dormer
I say keep. It lends a nice rhythm to things and plenty of weeks don't seem to have a significant battle anyway (or hatchlings would always be like they were a week ago). Nothing about having a holiday week stops any flight from pushing any of the other 3 weeks of the month, I'm not sure why those scant 11 weeks are just so tempting.
I say keep. It lends a nice rhythm to things and plenty of weeks don't seem to have a significant battle anyway (or hatchlings would always be like they were a week ago). Nothing about having a holiday week stops any flight from pushing any of the other 3 weeks of the month, I'm not sure why those scant 11 weeks are just so tempting.
Keep the tradition. It promotes friendliness and goodwill between the different flights, and gives the non-holiday flights a chance to recharge and focus on the holiday itself, rather than a dominance war.
Keep the tradition. It promotes friendliness and goodwill between the different flights, and gives the non-holiday flights a chance to recharge and focus on the holiday itself, rather than a dominance war.
Kat's Hatchery l Tumblr l Twinseer Breed
I say keep the tradition, it really shows companionship as dragons come together to celebrate each individual flight, and respect as well, imo. I wouldn't suggest flights growing lax that week though, pushes are always fun, and all the raffles and such. I feel, at least in nature, that these big pushes and just all around planning and talking really bring us together as a flight.
I say keep the tradition, it really shows companionship as dragons come together to celebrate each individual flight, and respect as well, imo. I wouldn't suggest flights growing lax that week though, pushes are always fun, and all the raffles and such. I feel, at least in nature, that these big pushes and just all around planning and talking really bring us together as a flight.
My vote goes with Keep The Tradition. I personally think this shouldn't even be an issue. It's just a few people just trying to start some sort of drama and be a total jerk. I've no idea why there's suddenly something wrong with having common decency and respect for others all in the name of a dominance war.
My vote goes with Keep The Tradition. I personally think this shouldn't even be an issue. It's just a few people just trying to start some sort of drama and be a total jerk. I've no idea why there's suddenly something wrong with having common decency and respect for others all in the name of a dominance war.
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I'm all for keeping the tradition. I don't see the harm in eleven weeks of the year going to a more-or-less guaranteed winner, because there are over forty other weeks to fight it out on. I love that the community came together to create a tradition based on politeness and friendliness towards one another, and since Flight Rising already sees its fair share of drama as it is... I don't see why we'd want to stir up more over this. I don't think there's anything wrong with sticking to tradition, particularly when said tradition is based on courtesy towards our fellow players. :)
I'm all for keeping the tradition. I don't see the harm in eleven weeks of the year going to a more-or-less guaranteed winner, because there are over forty other weeks to fight it out on. I love that the community came together to create a tradition based on politeness and friendliness towards one another, and since Flight Rising already sees its fair share of drama as it is... I don't see why we'd want to stir up more over this. I don't think there's anything wrong with sticking to tradition, particularly when said tradition is based on courtesy towards our fellow players. :)
@LazyKat I dunno I think it has to do with people wanting to encourage dominance wars all the time because of the lore?

@Dragoness @Drakel That is a very good point! I feel like if the flight wasn't exerting effort at all to take dominance then they shouldn't have it JUST handed to them, but so long as they're obviously preparing for a big celebration (raffle, maybe game sign ups, whatever) then it shows that they care about their holiday.

@Mattydogg http://*******.com/pujp72m shows the dominance tallies up until the riot of rot. I'm certain there's other people who have kept track of who has had dominance when, but it looks like for the first few months of FR's existence, Wind only attained dominance once.
@LazyKat I dunno I think it has to do with people wanting to encourage dominance wars all the time because of the lore?

@Dragoness @Drakel That is a very good point! I feel like if the flight wasn't exerting effort at all to take dominance then they shouldn't have it JUST handed to them, but so long as they're obviously preparing for a big celebration (raffle, maybe game sign ups, whatever) then it shows that they care about their holiday.

@Mattydogg http://*******.com/pujp72m shows the dominance tallies up until the riot of rot. I'm certain there's other people who have kept track of who has had dominance when, but it looks like for the first few months of FR's existence, Wind only attained dominance once.
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Keep the tradition.
Keep the tradition.
@Kanagosa There are people who really really enjoy dominance battles, and there's some people who would love to fight for dominance for their holiday week. That doesn't mean they're jerks, they're just people who really enjoy dominance.

And I suppose on the same vein as that statement is that dominance wars DO inflate the economy a TON
I mean, just the last two dom wars had hatchlings skyrocket in value so that 15k hatchlings were getting sold as exalt fodder. So some people like dominance wars because of that flavor.
@Kanagosa There are people who really really enjoy dominance battles, and there's some people who would love to fight for dominance for their holiday week. That doesn't mean they're jerks, they're just people who really enjoy dominance.

And I suppose on the same vein as that statement is that dominance wars DO inflate the economy a TON
I mean, just the last two dom wars had hatchlings skyrocket in value so that 15k hatchlings were getting sold as exalt fodder. So some people like dominance wars because of that flavor.
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Keep it! It's one of the few times a year when less dominance-oriented Flights like Arcane and Wind can be in control. But that doesn't mean we can't give them a run for their money! ;D
Keep it! It's one of the few times a year when less dominance-oriented Flights like Arcane and Wind can be in control. But that doesn't mean we can't give them a run for their money! ;D
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