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TOPIC | pick a door!
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Ooo, door 3! .0.

Ooo, door 3! .0.
FR +3 ~ She/Her or They/Them ~ Profile Dragon

~ My funky wishlist :]

~ My Cheap Art shop! :D
@cloudwhist Door 1 please!
@cloudwhist Door 1 please!

I'll put my faith in door 2! :D

I'll put my faith in door 2! :D
1: @Dragonraven21 You twist the doorknob again, fully this time, and back away slightly as you hear machinery working behind the door. It seems the doorknob activated the gears. Slowly but surely, the door opens- revealing a wide steampunk-esque room. When you enter, you notice a set of apparel laying on the floor- goggles, a scarf, a vest and some spats. You quickly take them, walking out of the room happily. [item=Brass Steampunk Goggles] [item=Brass Steampunk Spats] [item=Brass Steampunk Vest] [item=Brass Steampunk Scarf] 2: @Sitruuna You walk towards the hot door, already regretting it as you feel the heat becoming stronger. Quickly, you grab the doorknob and shove the door open, being met with… a box of crayons and a tiny aberration. You looked down at them, and saw that they were doodling messily on a small scrap of paper. The aberration then looks up, faces breaking into huge smiles as they spot you. “Hi! Do you like my drawing?” The aberration takes their drawing and holds it up to your face. It was a drawing of a volcano and a few birds flying by. The aberration doesn't wait for a response however, and hops on your back. Seems like they want to go with you! [url=][img][/img][/url] 3: @Krltime Upon spotting the grass beneath the door, you decide to open it. You are met with a wide valley, with hills as far as the eyes can see. Though, once you go through the door, you're interrupted by a scorchpaw prowler blocking your path. Assuming it's threatening you, you try to back away from it. But it stops you with its paw and nudges a basket towards your legs. Inside the basket was a daisy wing garland, and some fresh strawberries! [item=Daisy Wing Garland] [item=White Strawberry Harvest] [item=Scorchpaw Prowler]
You twist the doorknob again, fully this time, and back away slightly as you hear machinery working behind the door. It seems the doorknob activated the gears. Slowly but surely, the door opens- revealing a wide steampunk-esque room. When you enter, you notice a set of apparel laying on the floor- goggles, a scarf, a vest and some spats. You quickly take them, walking out of the room happily.
Brass Steampunk Goggles Brass Steampunk Spats Brass Steampunk Vest Brass Steampunk Scarf

You walk towards the hot door, already regretting it as you feel the heat becoming stronger. Quickly, you grab the doorknob and shove the door open, being met with… a box of crayons and a tiny aberration. You looked down at them, and saw that they were doodling messily on a small scrap of paper. The aberration then looks up, faces breaking into huge smiles as they spot you. “Hi! Do you like my drawing?” The aberration takes their drawing and holds it up to your face. It was a drawing of a volcano and a few birds flying by. The aberration doesn't wait for a response however, and hops on your back. Seems like they want to go with you!
Upon spotting the grass beneath the door, you decide to open it. You are met with a wide valley, with hills as far as the eyes can see. Though, once you go through the door, you're interrupted by a scorchpaw prowler blocking your path. Assuming it's threatening you, you try to back away from it. But it stops you with its paw and nudges a basket towards your legs. Inside the basket was a daisy wing garland, and some fresh strawberries!
Daisy Wing Garland White Strawberry Harvest Scorchpaw Prowler

At first glance, the door appears remarkably average; a simple four-paneled door, crafted from old, near-cracking rosewood. However, upon further inspection, you spot something oozing through the fissures, gently trickling down the door and creating an iridescent pool onto the floor below. You run a claw through one of the cracks, scooping up a small sample to inspect; it's gooey, disgustingly so, and uncomfortably sticky. The light cyan color of the substance would've been charming if not for the way it stained your talons with its hue.

With a decisive huff, you wipe the remaining residue onto the floor. Whatever was behind this door must've been truly horrid to leave such squalid muck everywhere. Perhaps one of Baldwin's machinations escaped the brew?


The door is constructed out of a pale ashwood, and you can make out hundreds of tiny symbols scorched into the doorframe. You squint at them, attempting to decipher their meaning, but find yourself ultimately stumped. They don't match any of the runes your clan has utilized before, so you presume they must instead be written in one of the Beastclan's tongues.

You then try pressing against the door, lightly at first, if only not to disturb whatever may be inside, but the silence urges you closer. Closer yet closer, you find yourself utterly raptured by the quiet. Truly, there is naught but silence beyond the door, but not the comforting kind. It's not the sort of quiet that one might find during the lull of conversation, or when pondering oneself, but the kind found only in the stillness of death. Perhaps this door is better left closed...


This door is rather different in its presentation. Unlike the previous two, this door is made of solid stone. Etched deep into the rock are magical wards, some familiar, and some not. The ones you can recognize are clear in their intent; consisting of protection charms and force fields. Indeed, whoever cast these must've really wanted to protect whatever was inside... Or maybe they wanted to keep something in?

Perhaps it was some sort of tomb? That could prove a very fine haul of treasure to bring back to the clan, moral bankruptcy aside... Still, it would be quite challenging to break the seals covering the door, but you were confident in your ability; if not in magic, then in brute force.

At first glance, the door appears remarkably average; a simple four-paneled door, crafted from old, near-cracking rosewood. However, upon further inspection, you spot something oozing through the fissures, gently trickling down the door and creating an iridescent pool onto the floor below. You run a claw through one of the cracks, scooping up a small sample to inspect; it's gooey, disgustingly so, and uncomfortably sticky. The light cyan color of the substance would've been charming if not for the way it stained your talons with its hue.

With a decisive huff, you wipe the remaining residue onto the floor. Whatever was behind this door must've been truly horrid to leave such squalid muck everywhere. Perhaps one of Baldwin's machinations escaped the brew?


The door is constructed out of a pale ashwood, and you can make out hundreds of tiny symbols scorched into the doorframe. You squint at them, attempting to decipher their meaning, but find yourself ultimately stumped. They don't match any of the runes your clan has utilized before, so you presume they must instead be written in one of the Beastclan's tongues.

You then try pressing against the door, lightly at first, if only not to disturb whatever may be inside, but the silence urges you closer. Closer yet closer, you find yourself utterly raptured by the quiet. Truly, there is naught but silence beyond the door, but not the comforting kind. It's not the sort of quiet that one might find during the lull of conversation, or when pondering oneself, but the kind found only in the stillness of death. Perhaps this door is better left closed...


This door is rather different in its presentation. Unlike the previous two, this door is made of solid stone. Etched deep into the rock are magical wards, some familiar, and some not. The ones you can recognize are clear in their intent; consisting of protection charms and force fields. Indeed, whoever cast these must've really wanted to protect whatever was inside... Or maybe they wanted to keep something in?

Perhaps it was some sort of tomb? That could prove a very fine haul of treasure to bring back to the clan, moral bankruptcy aside... Still, it would be quite challenging to break the seals covering the door, but you were confident in your ability; if not in magic, then in brute force.
@sitruuna door 3 please
@sitruuna door 3 please
@sitruuna could I claim door 2?
@sitruuna could I claim door 2?
@sitruuna door 1 please
@sitruuna door 1 please
@ProcrastinatDerg 1: With a tired sigh, you push against the door, grimacing at the way the ooze stuck to your talons. Despite the door being covered in that awful substance, it took surprisingly little to push open. With the door open, you took the time to examine the contents of the room, only to be met with nothing... nothing, aside from what appeared to be bones? You tilted your head, surely that couldn't be it? You step closer, inspecting the bones, and your eyes widen at the site. They're [i]dragon's[/i] bones, and, based on the thinness and small size, they were presumably those of a [i]hatchling[/i]. The bones sat atop a large puddle of that fetid residue, and for a moment you wondered if it was the ooze that killed the hatchling. It seemed unlikely, but either way, you supposed it didn't matter now... Still, you decide to gather the bones, it would be rather impolite if they didn't receive something resembling a burial. As you step closer to the puddle, the bones suddenly shake and begin sinking into the slime below. Stunned, you watch the ooze submerge the bones inch by inch, and as the last bone is consumed, a small claw reaches out from the ooze, scratching for purchase against the floor. As the creature pulls itself out, you take note of the dragon shape it acquired, and if you squint, you can make out the hatchling's bones suspended within its form... how horrific. [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] @WindsOfChange 2: Though something in your gut warns you to stop, to simply leave the door be, you decidedly ignore it. The silence, ever entrancing, proved that there was nothing behind the door. Surely, there could be no harm in opening it? The door opens with relative ease, only getting stuck a few times due to disuse, and reveals the room inside. The room itself can only be described as dead; the air is stale, and the plants that littered the room, once lush and green, are a wilted brown, sitting forever slumped in their pots. You can even make out various bird skulls scattered around the room. Maybe the previous occupant had a fascination with birds? Or perhaps they had a cat of sorts? If so, you certainly hoped that the occupant had taken the supposed cat with them, if not the plants. How rotten would it be to leave your animal companion to rot? Surely, you would never... Looking around, there appeared to be nothing much of value, so you simply scoop up the bird skulls to take back with you. If anything, they can at least be made into some interesting apparel. As you leave the room, you pointedly decide to ignore the eyes boring into your back, and the feeling of something silently trailing after you... [center][item=Somber Spirit][item=Purple Birdskull Armband][item=Purple Birdskull Headdress][item=Purple Birdskull Legband][item=Purple Birdskull Necklace][/center] @ElusiveNarwhal 3: You're proven correct in your assumption that it would be a challenge to break the seals, but you had not predicted the sheer difficulty that it actually entailed. Still, though, you remained persistent, or perhaps stubborn was the better word? Either way, given enough time, you managed to break through the wards guarding the door! With great effort, you sluggishly push the stone door aside. Panting from exertion, you take a moment to rest, glancing around at the contents of the room as you do so. The room, much like the door, is made of cobbled stone and consists entirely of slightly different shades of the same bleak grey. In the center of the room, however, is where the real prize is... Sitting as the centerpiece is a tomb, and you can't help but scurry over at the sight. Treasure is practically at your fingertips! You heft the lid of the great tomb of the coffin, marveling at what's inside. There's a great heap of expensive jewelry, treasure, and gems, and in the center of it all appears to be the mummified remains of a dragon, and resting beside it is the curled up corpse of a hound. You suppose it wanted to be buried alongside its master, how poetic. It almost made you feel bad about stealing from the tomb. Keyword, almost. You snatch up the riches from the tomb, too distracted by the gold to notice the hound's twitching body as its eyes lit up with a vengeful blue flame. You're nearly out the door by the time you hear it, the ghostly growl of a Wraith Hound, seeking to take back the wealth you stole from its master. [center][item=Wraith Hound][item=Basket of Treasure][item=Ornate Gold Necklace][item=Ornate Gold Bracelet][item=Golden Arm Silks][/center] All items will be sent shortly!


With a tired sigh, you push against the door, grimacing at the way the ooze stuck to your talons. Despite the door being covered in that awful substance, it took surprisingly little to push open.

With the door open, you took the time to examine the contents of the room, only to be met with nothing... nothing, aside from what appeared to be bones? You tilted your head, surely that couldn't be it? You step closer, inspecting the bones, and your eyes widen at the site. They're dragon's bones, and, based on the thinness and small size, they were presumably those of a hatchling. The bones sat atop a large puddle of that fetid residue, and for a moment you wondered if it was the ooze that killed the hatchling. It seemed unlikely, but either way, you supposed it didn't matter now... Still, you decide to gather the bones, it would be rather impolite if they didn't receive something resembling a burial.

As you step closer to the puddle, the bones suddenly shake and begin sinking into the slime below. Stunned, you watch the ooze submerge the bones inch by inch, and as the last bone is consumed, a small claw reaches out from the ooze, scratching for purchase against the floor. As the creature pulls itself out, you take note of the dragon shape it acquired, and if you squint, you can make out the hatchling's bones suspended within its form... how horrific.



Though something in your gut warns you to stop, to simply leave the door be, you decidedly ignore it. The silence, ever entrancing, proved that there was nothing behind the door. Surely, there could be no harm in opening it?

The door opens with relative ease, only getting stuck a few times due to disuse, and reveals the room inside. The room itself can only be described as dead; the air is stale, and the plants that littered the room, once lush and green, are a wilted brown, sitting forever slumped in their pots. You can even make out various bird skulls scattered around the room. Maybe the previous occupant had a fascination with birds? Or perhaps they had a cat of sorts? If so, you certainly hoped that the occupant had taken the supposed cat with them, if not the plants. How rotten would it be to leave your animal companion to rot? Surely, you would never...

Looking around, there appeared to be nothing much of value, so you simply scoop up the bird skulls to take back with you. If anything, they can at least be made into some interesting apparel. As you leave the room, you pointedly decide to ignore the eyes boring into your back, and the feeling of something silently trailing after you...
Somber Spirit Purple Birdskull Armband Purple Birdskull Headdress Purple Birdskull Legband Purple Birdskull Necklace



You're proven correct in your assumption that it would be a challenge to break the seals, but you had not predicted the sheer difficulty that it actually entailed. Still, though, you remained persistent, or perhaps stubborn was the better word? Either way, given enough time, you managed to break through the wards guarding the door!

With great effort, you sluggishly push the stone door aside. Panting from exertion, you take a moment to rest, glancing around at the contents of the room as you do so. The room, much like the door, is made of cobbled stone and consists entirely of slightly different shades of the same bleak grey. In the center of the room, however, is where the real prize is... Sitting as the centerpiece is a tomb, and you can't help but scurry over at the sight. Treasure is practically at your fingertips!

You heft the lid of the great tomb of the coffin, marveling at what's inside. There's a great heap of expensive jewelry, treasure, and gems, and in the center of it all appears to be the mummified remains of a dragon, and resting beside it is the curled up corpse of a hound. You suppose it wanted to be buried alongside its master, how poetic. It almost made you feel bad about stealing from the tomb.

Keyword, almost. You snatch up the riches from the tomb, too distracted by the gold to notice the hound's twitching body as its eyes lit up with a vengeful blue flame. You're nearly out the door by the time you hear it, the ghostly growl of a Wraith Hound, seeking to take back the wealth you stole from its master.
Wraith Hound Basket of Treasure Ornate Gold Necklace Ornate Gold Bracelet Golden Arm Silks

All items will be sent shortly!
Sorry this is so late.

Door 1: a large metal door, cold to the touch.

Door 2: ???? <that's it, that's the door

Door 3: looks more like a laundry chute than an actual door.
Sorry this is so late.

Door 1: a large metal door, cold to the touch.

Door 2: ???? <that's it, that's the door

Door 3: looks more like a laundry chute than an actual door.
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