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ID#: 16389192
Age: 9 years
Parents: Mysti, Lagoo
Primary Gene: Sky Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Caribbean Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Maize Smoke
Eye Type: Shadow Common
Diet: Seafood
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Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 19535139
Age: 9 years
Parents: Adansonia, Liliiflora
Primary Gene: Ivory Tiger
Secondary Gene: Leaf Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: White Underbelly
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
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Skydancer Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 19574927
Age: 9 years
Parents: Chariot, Venice
Primary Gene: Ivory Crystal
Secondary Gene: Gold Facet
Tertiary Gene: Sunshine Glimmer
Eye Type: Nature Common
Diet: Insects, Plants
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ID#: 24803106
Age: 8 years
Parents: Darkcrystal, Crystalia
Primary Gene: White Tiger
Secondary Gene: Twilight Facet
Tertiary Gene: Splash Basic
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Plants
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Tundra Female
Lvl 4
ID#: 27606170
Age: 8 years
Parents: Miyu, Dawn
Primary Gene: Cinnamon Piebald
Secondary Gene: Cinnamon Paint
Tertiary Gene: White Underbelly
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Plants
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Imperial Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 31772186
Age: 7 years
Parents: Robin, Valentina
Primary Gene: Seafoam Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Tangerine Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Buttercup Underbelly
Eye Type: Arcane Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
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Snapper Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 33075456
Age: 7 years
Parents: Arc, Honey
Primary Gene: Honeydew Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Cerise Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Aqua Glimmer
Eye Type: Earth Common
Diet: Plants, Seafood
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ID#: 38341600
Age: 7 years
Parents: Farbauti, Laufey
Primary Gene: Seafoam Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Spearmint Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Spearmint Spines
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
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Snapper Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 38876636
Age: 7 years
Parents: CottonCandy, Grace
Primary Gene: Sky Tapir
Secondary Gene: Rose Striation
Tertiary Gene: White Underbelly
Eye Type: Water Common
Diet: Plants, Seafood
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Gaoler Female
Lvl 20
ID#: 53347023
Age: 5 years
Parents: Lumina, Belladonna
Primary Gene: Periwinkle Basic
Secondary Gene: Lead Basic
Tertiary Gene: Phthalo Basic
Eye Type: Water Unusual
Diet: Meat, Plants
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ID#: 53511189
Age: 5 years
Parents: First Generation
Primary Gene: Berry Skink
Secondary Gene: Caribbean Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Goldenrod Basic
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Insects
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Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 55351447
Age: 5 years
Parents: Aris, Harmony
Primary Gene: Ivory Iridescent
Secondary Gene: White Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Maize Underbelly
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
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ID#: 57512467
Age: 5 years
Parents: Cheshire, Mintu
Primary Gene: Mint Lionfish
Secondary Gene: Mint Noxtide
Tertiary Gene: Pistachio Firefly
Eye Type: Water Common
Diet: Seafood
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Wildclaw Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 58863804
Age: 5 years
Parents: Leoven, Calendula
Primary Gene: Ginger Petals
Secondary Gene: Buttercup Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: Banana Glimmer
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Meat
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Tundra Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 58890385
Age: 5 years
Parents: Grumbler, SunsetRose
Primary Gene: Berry Piebald
Secondary Gene: Tomato Bee
Tertiary Gene: Plum Firefly
Eye Type: Water Rare
Diet: Plants
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Wildclaw Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 58984586
Age: 5 years
Parents: Ortoros, Lizotte
Primary Gene: Aqua Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Sky Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Peridot Smoke
Eye Type: Ice Uncommon
Diet: Meat
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Pearlcatcher Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 59569771
Age: 5 years
Parents: Alexander, Aphrodite
Primary Gene: Mint Speckle
Secondary Gene: Aqua Spinner
Tertiary Gene: Turquoise Underbelly
Eye Type: Arcane Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
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ID#: 59729937
Age: 5 years
Parents: Kestrel, Fern
Primary Gene: Robin Metallic
Secondary Gene: Periwinkle Butterfly
Tertiary Gene: White Glimmer
Eye Type: Water Common
Diet: Seafood
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Spiral Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 59811691
Age: 5 years
Parents: Lanrik, Cordelia
Primary Gene: Grey Skink
Secondary Gene: White Alloy
Tertiary Gene: Flaxen Runes
Eye Type: Wind Common
Diet: Insects, Meat
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Pearlcatcher Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 59848460
Age: 4 years
Parents: Loltun, Xkeken
Primary Gene: Clay Poison
Secondary Gene: Clay Toxin
Tertiary Gene: Cyan Contour
Eye Type: Fire Common
Diet: Plants, Insects
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Imperial Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 60260340
Age: 4 years
Parents: Trans, Rights
Primary Gene: Sky Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Rose Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: White Underbelly
Eye Type: Lightning Common
Diet: Seafood, Meat, Plants, Insects
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Spiral Female
Lvl 1
ID#: 60364305
Age: 4 years
Parents: Winterdawn, Exodus
Primary Gene: Cornflower Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Cream Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: White Ghost
Eye Type: Lightning Uncommon
Diet: Insects, Meat
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ID#: 60696523
Age: 4 years
Parents: Vaz, Cruor
Primary Gene: Grey Fade
Secondary Gene: Berry Blend
Tertiary Gene: Tan Firefly
Eye Type: Ice Common
Diet: Plants
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ID#: 60796359
Age: 4 years
Parents: Professor, Lodi
Primary Gene: Midnight Skink
Secondary Gene: Midnight Toxin
Tertiary Gene: Ultramarine Runes
Eye Type: Water Common
Diet: Plants
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Spiral Male
Lvl 1
ID#: 81055343
Age: 2 years
Parents: Frolian, Techila
Primary Gene: Denim Iridescent
Secondary Gene: Cantaloupe Shimmer
Tertiary Gene: Buttercup Runes
Eye Type: Light Common
Diet: Insects, Meat
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