Hey, @FoxScara ? Might want to keep talk about what's going on in the game to the Google Doc, since you're dead and all. Save things like that for the Medium.

TOPIC | Night of the Werewolf[ OOC Thread ]

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Hey, @FoxScara ? Might want to keep talk about what's going on in the game to the Google Doc, since you're dead and all. Save things like that for the Medium.
Well, I'm sorry, but what you're doing right there is still kinda breaking the game, you being dead. Maybe talk to @Oxyzee and figure something out?
Well, I'm sorry, but what you're doing right there is still kinda breaking the game, you being dead. Maybe talk to @Oxyzee and figure something out?
Before I forget, your only allowed to talk to the medium on the google doc. I know you said your having issues getting it opened.
If anybody has any ideas how to fix the issue, please tell us what it is! I'm trying my best to figure out what to do.
Before I forget, your only allowed to talk to the medium on the google doc. I know you said your having issues getting it opened.
If anybody has any ideas how to fix the issue, please tell us what it is! I'm trying my best to figure out what to do.
Before I forget, your only allowed to talk to the medium on the google doc. I know you said your having issues getting it opened.
If anybody has any ideas how to fix the issue, please tell us what it is! I'm trying my best to figure out what to do.
Before I forget, your only allowed to talk to the medium on the google doc. I know you said your having issues getting it opened.
If anybody has any ideas how to fix the issue, please tell us what it is! I'm trying my best to figure out what to do.
Pfft...the thought that I would make such an obvious attack is completely ridiculous...
If I had the knife or wolf paws, there would have been a 100% chance that 3 people would have died instead of 2 because your death was pretty much guaranteed the moment you went after me for little to no reason...
If I had the knife or wolf paws, there would have been a 100% chance that 3 people would have died instead of 2 because your death was pretty much guaranteed the moment you went after me for little to no reason...
Pfft...the thought that I would make such an obvious attack is completely ridiculous...
If I had the knife or wolf paws, there would have been a 100% chance that 3 people would have died instead of 2 because your death was pretty much guaranteed the moment you went after me for little to no reason...
If I had the knife or wolf paws, there would have been a 100% chance that 3 people would have died instead of 2 because your death was pretty much guaranteed the moment you went after me for little to no reason...

Actually, I could just tell you to PM the medium for whatever you need to talk about. Would that work?
Actually, I could just tell you to PM the medium for whatever you need to talk about. Would that work?
Actually, I could just tell you to PM the medium for whatever you need to talk about. Would that work?
Actually, I could just tell you to PM the medium for whatever you need to talk about. Would that work?
@oxyzee yes!that would be fine,@rugaqwarrcall hey,my person can't have kids and abpots and you made dusk her new kid cry so she went mama bear,she warned you.it was your fault!
@oxyzee yes!that would be fine,@rugaqwarrcall hey,my person can't have kids and abpots and you made dusk her new kid cry so she went mama bear,she warned you.it was your fault!

Friendly reminder not to talk to anybody on here. Saying that you could deal with PMing the medium was fine, but discussing things on here about the game isn't. I'll PM you who the medium is now so you can PM them. I'll tell them about it as well.
Friendly reminder not to talk to anybody on here. Saying that you could deal with PMing the medium was fine, but discussing things on here about the game isn't. I'll PM you who the medium is now so you can PM them. I'll tell them about it as well.
Friendly reminder not to talk to anybody on here. Saying that you could deal with PMing the medium was fine, but discussing things on here about the game isn't. I'll PM you who the medium is now so you can PM them. I'll tell them about it as well.
Friendly reminder not to talk to anybody on here. Saying that you could deal with PMing the medium was fine, but discussing things on here about the game isn't. I'll PM you who the medium is now so you can PM them. I'll tell them about it as well.

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