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TOPIC | If You Were a Dragon...
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Forgive me if there is already a game like this. So basically, what you do is go the Scry Workshop and create a dragon that reminds you of yourself/your personality. Also share what familiar you would have, and what you would be named. Write a short description as to why this dragon, familiar, and name are like you/your personality. I guess I'll go first... [img][/img] [item=Opposing Forces] [b]Name:Gwenyth[/b] I though this dragon is like me because it has a sort of deep sea theme to it, and I love the water. But, I am in the Fire flight because I felt my personality connected with that more, that's why my spiral has Fire Runes. The whole Fire and Water thing is also why I chose the Opposing Forces familiar. I chose the name Gwyneth because my middle name is similar to that, and I really like my middle name.
Forgive me if there is already a game like this. So basically, what you do is go the Scry Workshop and create a dragon that reminds you of yourself/your personality. Also share what familiar you would have, and what you would be named. Write a short description as to why this dragon, familiar, and name are like you/your personality.
I guess I'll go first...
Opposing Forces
I though this dragon is like me because it has a sort of deep sea theme to it, and I love the water. But, I am in the Fire flight because I felt my personality connected with that more, that's why my spiral has Fire Runes. The whole Fire and Water thing is also why I chose the Opposing Forces familiar. I chose the name Gwyneth because my middle name is similar to that, and I really like my middle name.
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[img][/img] Palontra this dragon literally appeared in my dream and I'm scared of him even if he sacrificed himself for me in my dream, what if he means something in dreams Anyways, I really want to hug him again, please brain [img][/img] literally my cat and I would die to get 20 clones of him

this dragon literally appeared in my dream and I'm scared of him even if he sacrificed himself for me in my dream, what if he means something in dreams
Anyways, I really want to hug him again, please brain
literally my cat and I would die to get 20 clones of him
[center][img][/img] [b]Name // Jade[/b] [b]Familiar //[/b] [item=Charoite Burrower] [b]Description //[/b] I, first of all, love coatls. I consider them a favorite. The reason it's a hatchling is because I'm pretty short and tiny. The name Jade is a name that I envy and is also the color of the primary. The eyes are wind because I'm in the wind flight. The cyan wings is my love for neon colors. The ringlets represent my love for elegant and complex patterns. The familiar is just my hoard of shiny collectables. (Sorry, had too much fun making this.)[/center]
Name // Jade
Familiar // Charoite Burrower
Description // I, first of all, love coatls. I consider them a favorite. The reason it's a hatchling is because I'm pretty short and tiny. The name Jade is a name that I envy and is also the color of the primary. The eyes are wind because I'm in the wind flight. The cyan wings is my love for neon colors. The ringlets represent my love for elegant and complex patterns. The familiar is just my hoard of shiny collectables.

(Sorry, had too much fun making this.)
art shop | fr + 2 | she/her
[img][/img] Simplest explanation is that this is basically the closest I can get to the gal I originally designed a looooong time ago as a sort of alter ego and keep creating more and more stories for... [Item=bubble nymph] This familiar since she's the strongest water mage in her kingdom, and can communicate with fey creatures

Simplest explanation is that this is basically the closest I can get to the gal I originally designed a looooong time ago as a sort of alter ego and keep creating more and more stories for...

Bubble Nymph
This familiar since she's the strongest water mage in her kingdom, and can communicate with fey creatures
[img][/img] Name: Aster I've been told I'm kind but emotional and I often enjoy getting people stuff, and in spite of the heat, I do love my hometown and would feel sad if I ever left it (thus the Coatl breed), my favorite color is purple (thus the primary and tertiary), and my hair is ash brown (hence the secondary), Light Rare for the eye color because my eyes are brown, but I chose Light Rare over Earth...anything...because I have a general love for Light as an element (my Faith being a contributing factor), name is really no more than just my online alias and it happens to be my favorite flower. Familiar: [item=Spiney Whale] Because orcas are my favorite my username probably gave away. ^_^;
Name: Aster
I've been told I'm kind but emotional and I often enjoy getting people stuff, and in spite of the heat, I do love my hometown and would feel sad if I ever left it (thus the Coatl breed), my favorite color is purple (thus the primary and tertiary), and my hair is ash brown (hence the secondary), Light Rare for the eye color because my eyes are brown, but I chose Light Rare over Earth...anything...because I have a general love for Light as an element (my Faith being a contributing factor), name is really no more than just my online alias and it happens to be my favorite flower.
Familiar: Spiney Whale
Because orcas are my favorite my username probably gave away. ^_^;
*insert future art shop plug or FFVIII reference here*
[img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Athena I absolutely love Calico patterned animals (as you can tell by my pfp, even my Discord pfp is a Calico cat), and I thought this would fit me very well. My eye color is a Green-blueish, hence the eye color of the dragon. I'm short irl so I made it a hatchling. [b]Familiar:[/b] [item=Harvest Floracat] [img][/img] I love cats.
Name: Athena
I absolutely love Calico patterned animals (as you can tell by my pfp, even my Discord pfp is a Calico cat), and I thought this would fit me very well. My eye color is a Green-blueish, hence the eye color of the dragon. I'm short irl so I made it a hatchling.
Harvest Floracat
I love cats.
[img][/img] It's a hatchling because you can't tell what gender they are, a fae because I'm bad at talking, the colour black because sometimes people say I'm edgy but I disagree, freckle because nobody likes that gene, hypnotic because I'm often confused about everything, the blood colour because I like horror things sometimes, ghost because it's my favorite gene and I kinda wish I didn't have a corporeal body, amber because of my name, light because I'm usually honest and multigaze because I like knowing what's going on around me. I don't know what to name them. I'd choose a [item=permafrost impaler] familiar just because they're my favorite familiars.
It's a hatchling because you can't tell what gender they are, a fae because I'm bad at talking, the colour black because sometimes people say I'm edgy but I disagree, freckle because nobody likes that gene, hypnotic because I'm often confused about everything, the blood colour because I like horror things sometimes, ghost because it's my favorite gene and I kinda wish I didn't have a corporeal body, amber because of my name, light because I'm usually honest and multigaze because I like knowing what's going on around me. I don't know what to name them.
I'd choose a Permafrost Impaler familiar just because they're my favorite familiars.
Skin: Euphorbia
[center][img][/img] Name: Eon Definitely a mirror dragon; I don't talk very much and I'd rather use gestures to convey my thoughts like giving someone a meaningful gift instead. I'm a bit of a prickly person and I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not the easiest to approach on most days, hence the Spines. Blue is currently my favorite color, so that was a must. I do like spending time with people, just not complete strangers which also ties into the Mirror and coincidentally the Earth alignment and how the Earthshaken was broken hearted about his family leaving him. Family means a lot to me, even if I'm not the most outspoken person about it. The dream eater would probably be my chosen familiar since I lucid dream a lot. [item=Dreameater]

Name: Eon

Definitely a mirror dragon; I don't talk very much and I'd rather use gestures to convey my thoughts like giving someone a meaningful gift instead. I'm a bit of a prickly person and I'll be the first one to admit that I'm not the easiest to approach on most days, hence the Spines.

Blue is currently my favorite color, so that was a must. I do like spending time with people, just not complete strangers which also ties into the Mirror and coincidentally the Earth alignment and how the Earthshaken was broken hearted about his family leaving him. Family means a lot to me, even if I'm not the most outspoken person about it.

The dream eater would probably be my chosen familiar since I lucid dream a lot.

[img][/img] Me as a dragon. Vaguely nature-y without actually trying too hard because I am insanely lazy and prone to procrastination. A hodge-podge of traits that don't quite fit together, but enjoying doing my own thing regardless. My familiar would be a Barkskin Watcher because someone has to keep me from getting myself into too much trouble.

Me as a dragon. Vaguely nature-y without actually trying too hard because I am insanely lazy and prone to procrastination. A hodge-podge of traits that don't quite fit together, but enjoying doing my own thing regardless.

My familiar would be a Barkskin Watcher because someone has to keep me from getting myself into too much trouble.
[center][img][/img][/center] A snapper because I am short and stout, I am longwinded as they are and will spend hours researching something if someone asks me a question I don't know the answer to. My 3 favorite colors in order are gray, black, and white hence the monochrome color scheme. I chose ghost as a tert because I'm often times overlooked and forgotten since I tend to be quiet when I'm uncomfortable, I only really talk when I have to or if I'm with my friends. The nature eyes are because I love nature so much, Which is the reason i'm in nature flight to begin with even though the colors i like would suggest shadow or light. ~ [item= Black Wolf] would be my familiar, because someday I want to have a scary looking dog and name him Pud.

A snapper because I am short and stout, I am longwinded as they are and will spend hours researching something if someone asks me a question I don't know the answer to. My 3 favorite colors in order are gray, black, and white hence the monochrome color scheme. I chose ghost as a tert because I'm often times overlooked and forgotten since I tend to be quiet when I'm uncomfortable, I only really talk when I have to or if I'm with my friends. The nature eyes are because I love nature so much, Which is the reason i'm in nature flight to begin with even though the colors i like would suggest shadow or light. ~

Black Wolf would be my familiar, because someday I want to have a scary looking dog and name him Pud.
"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" ~Banksy
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