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TOPIC | Joke Of The Day Thread
[center][font=Palatino Linotype][color=orange][size=7][b]Welcome[/size] to the [size=6]Joke of the Day[/b][/size][/color] [img][/img] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=5]Everyone needs a good laugh now and then! So I decided to open up a "Joke A Day" Thread![/size] [quote][size=4][color=orange]Self-edit pinglist {[url=][b]Here[/b][/url]}[color=transparent] -[/color][b]l[/b][color=transparent]-[/color] Submit your joke {[url=][b]Here[/b][/url]}[/size][/quote] [columns][color=transparent]__- -__[/color] [nextcol][font=Palatino Linotype][size=5][center][b]Terms Of Service / Rules[/b][/size] [size=4]- These jokes/riddles are not mine (unless otherwise stated) and are pulled from friends, family, the Submission Forum, and other third-party sources. Rights go to the original creators - I will try my best to keep the jokes/riddles clean and appropriate! - You are more than welcome to discuss and comment in the forum, but please be courteous and think before you post! Others do read the comments - If you feel as though I or another user are in the wrong, then please[u] contact me![/u] I am working to keep this thread as safe as I can - If you have any questions or concerns, Just ask!! - If you want to be on the pinglist, [b]Please[/b] add yourself[/center] [nextcol][color=transparent]__- -__[/color] [/columns] [quote][size=4][color=orange]Also, welcome to the new thread! This is the updated version. Old thread can be found {[url=]HERE[/url]}[/quote] [/center]
to the
Joke of the Day


Everyone needs a good laugh now and then! So I decided to
open up a "Joke A Day" Thread!

Self-edit pinglist {Here} -l- Submit your joke {Here}
__- -__
Terms Of Service / Rules
- These jokes/riddles are not mine (unless otherwise stated) and are pulled from friends, family, the Submission Forum, and other third-party sources. Rights go to the original creators
- I will try my best to keep the jokes/riddles clean and appropriate!
- You are more than welcome to discuss and comment in the forum, but please be courteous and think before you post! Others do read the comments
- If you feel as though I or another user are in the wrong, then please contact me! I am working to keep this thread as safe as I can
- If you have any questions or concerns, Just ask!!
- If you want to be on the pinglist, Please add yourself
__- -__
Also, welcome to the new thread! This is the updated version.
Old thread can be found {HERE}
[quote][center][size=4][color=orange]Staring out our new thread with post [b]630[/b]![/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][font=Palatino Linotype] pinglist snip [quote] [font=Palatino Linotype][size=4][color=grey][b]Joke of the Day[/b] [i]- April 23 -[/i][/color] [img][/img] [b][u]Monday Weekly Riddle[/u][/b] RIDDLE [color=transparent]OH! You found me! Paste 'shark' in the riddle forum to possibly win~[/color] [i]Submit your guess {[url=]Here[/url]}[/i] [/quote] [font=Palatino Linotype][color=orange]Self-edit pinglist {[url=][b]Here[/b][/url]}[color=transparent] -[/color][b]l[/b][color=transparent]-[/color] Submit your joke {[url=][b]Here[/b][/url]} [/center]
Staring out our new thread with post 630!
ico_silence.png pinglist snip

Joke of the Day
- April 23 -

Monday Weekly Riddle

OH! You found me! Paste 'shark' in the riddle forum to possibly win~

Submit your guess {Here}

Self-edit pinglist {Here} -l- Submit your joke {Here}

…am I missing something?
…am I missing something?
i love this one the most
i love this one the most
I'm so confused..
I'm so confused..
coconut_drink.pngPM me if you want to use max lvl cauldron or a wind nest.
New thread :D
New thread :D
ah, Riddle.... the greatest riddle of all

But oh wow! New thread new facelift, how exciting!
Lookit all the snazziness :0
ah, Riddle.... the greatest riddle of all

But oh wow! New thread new facelift, how exciting!
Lookit all the snazziness :0
love the new thread. ♥
love the new thread. ♥
O4GfGsU.gif    liluye
she/they | fr+17 | sales
Woo! Pretty new thread. The riddle is eluding me though. >.>
Woo! Pretty new thread. The riddle is eluding me though. >.>