
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Flightrising Adventures -Closed-
[center] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=7][font=century gothic]Coming to a forum near you![/size=7] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=5]About the Game[/size=5] [font=century gothic][b]Name[/b]: Flightrising Adventures [b]Type[/b]: RPG, Interactive, Path Choosing[/font=century gothic] [font=century gothic][b]Description[/b]: Welcome to a word where humans and dragons co-exist as tamer and Dragon. It is almost every child's dream to grow up and become a great tamer, and you are one of the lucky few that have friends in high places. Journey through this world, taming dragons of all breeds and flights while you look for the three greatest tamers of the Age, and fulfill your dream in becoming not just a tamer, but a Dragon Master![/font=century gothic] [b][font=century gothic]Goals[/b]: [font=century gothic]There are 3 goals in the game. However, you only have to complete one of them to win. [LIST=1] [*][font=century gothic]Train your dragons to a max level of 3. [*][font=century gothic]Catch 10 dragons. [*][font=century gothic]Hatch and raise at least 3 eggs. [/LIST] [font=century gothic]The ultimate goal is obvious, guess who the three greatest tamers are! [b][font=century gothic]Events[/b]: [font=century gothic]There are all kinds of little mini-events that will appear in my posts. [LIST] [*][font=century gothic]Battles with Beast Clans and Untamed Dragons [*][font=century gothic]Scavenge for Eggshell Shards [*][font=century gothic]Encounter changes in weather [*][font=century gothic]Receive a Blessing/Curse from your deity [*][font=century gothic]And much much more! [/LIST] [b][font=century gothic]Cost[/b]? [font=century gothic]No, there is no cost to register for this game save for the time spent playing it. [b][font=century gothic]Rewards[/b]? [font=century gothic]No, there is no reward except for this bit of pleasure.[/center] [center][size=5][font=century gothic]Extra[/size=5][/center] [u][font=century gothic]Don't want to play but still think this game sounds fun?[/u] [font=century gothic]No worries, I love to hear that the game I'm developing is catching people's attention either way. <3 [u][font=century gothic]Feeling inspired to create your own game like this?[/u] [font=century gothic]GO AHEAD! But I want to know 070! [u][font=century gothic]Is there any deeper meaning or plot to this game?[/u] [font=century gothic]No... not really, but the NPCs have a story of their own to tell. :) I am forbidden from saying anymore! [u][font=century gothic]Is this really all you have for the game?[/u] [font=century gothic]Yes and no, I wanted to make this a simple and very easy game for me to host and for people to play. I may add more NPCs, add a limitation or expand one on the goals, etc. [center][size=5]Registration Slots[/size=5][/center] [font=century gothic]There is only a few slots for this game as I am the only one working it and path choosing games are a bit difficult to handle if not given enough restrictions and air to breath. [size=4][font=century gothic]Game 1 (CURRENT)[/size=4] [font=century gothic][b]Slot 1[/b]: [i][url=]BirdofParadise[/url][/i] - Nature - (1) Dragon [font=century gothic][b]Slot 2[/b]: [i][url=]VelcrowC[/url][/i] - Wind - (1) Hatchling [font=century gothic][b]Slot 3[/b]: [i][url=]asianbirb[/url][/i] - Arcane - (1) Dragon [size=4][font=century gothic]Game 2[/size=4] [font=century gothic][b]Slot 1[/b]: [i]Player Name[/i] [font=century gothic][b]Slot 2[/b]: [i]Player Name[/i] [font=century gothic][b]Slot 3[/b]: [i]Player Name[/i]
Coming to a forum near you!

About the Game
Name: Flightrising Adventures
Type: RPG, Interactive, Path Choosing

Welcome to a word where humans and dragons co-exist as tamer and Dragon. It is almost every child's dream to grow up and become a great tamer, and you are one of the lucky few that have friends in high places. Journey through this world, taming dragons of all breeds and flights while you look for the three greatest tamers of the Age, and fulfill your dream in becoming not just a tamer, but a Dragon Master!

There are 3 goals in the game. However, you only have to complete one of them to win.
  1. Train your dragons to a max level of 3.
  2. Catch 10 dragons.
  3. Hatch and raise at least 3 eggs.

The ultimate goal is obvious, guess who the three greatest tamers are!

There are all kinds of little mini-events that will appear in my posts.
  • Battles with Beast Clans and Untamed Dragons
  • Scavenge for Eggshell Shards
  • Encounter changes in weather
  • Receive a Blessing/Curse from your deity
  • And much much more!
No, there is no cost to register for this game save for the time spent playing it.
No, there is no reward except for this bit of pleasure.

Don't want to play but still think this game sounds fun?
No worries, I love to hear that the game I'm developing is catching people's attention either way. <3
Feeling inspired to create your own game like this?
GO AHEAD! But I want to know 070!
Is there any deeper meaning or plot to this game?
No... not really, but the NPCs have a story of their own to tell. :) I am forbidden from saying anymore!
Is this really all you have for the game?
Yes and no, I wanted to make this a simple and very easy game for me to host and for people to play. I may add more NPCs, add a limitation or expand one on the goals, etc.

Registration Slots
There is only a few slots for this game as I am the only one working it and path choosing games are a bit difficult to handle if not given enough restrictions and air to breath.

Game 1 (CURRENT)
Slot 1: BirdofParadise - Nature - (1) Dragon
Slot 2: VelcrowC - Wind - (1) Hatchling
Slot 3: asianbirb - Arcane - (1) Dragon

Game 2
Slot 1: Player Name
Slot 2: Player Name
Slot 3: Player Name
[center][size=5]Rules[size=5][/center] [b]1.[/b] Please follow all Flightrising rules. [b]2.[/b] Remember, you are the Tamer, NOT the Dragon(s). Please do not act out any actions for them. [b]3.[/b] There is one big rule... please keep to the choices I give you! Any path changing actions you post will be [b]ignored[/b]. This may make the game seem frustrating and boring, but there are many actions that your 'Tamer' can do without changing or going against any options I give you. [b]Example[/b] You are in the thickest part of the forst... and hear a large snap behind you and see an Adult Snapper dragon! What do you do?! [LIST] [*]Run for your life!!! [*]Stand your ground! [*]Stay calm, try to talk to it. [/LIST] (This is NOT what you should do...) You... Stand your ground and try to capture the dragon with a dragon net I grab from my bag! "You're mind~!" (This is unrealistic because I have not stated how you will catch your dragons, but with how large these dragons are... nets aren't going to do the thing nor are those giant nets going to fit in your backpack...) (This is what you CAN do) You... Stand your ground and try to make yourself look big and strong. Stomping around and flailing your arms like a mad-man, working up a good sweat as you grunt and growl. ME... The Snapper dragon tilts his mighty head at you before beginning to jump, stomp and twirl around whilst flapping his wings, mimicking you! It seems... you just learned something new about dragons... they have friendship dances... [quote]YOU HAVE OBTAINED Snapper, Lv-, Male, - Element[/quote]
1. Please follow all Flightrising rules.

2. Remember, you are the Tamer, NOT the Dragon(s). Please do not act out any actions for them.

3. There is one big rule... please keep to the choices I give you! Any path changing actions you post will be ignored. This may make the game seem frustrating and boring, but there are many actions that your 'Tamer' can do without changing or going against any options I give you.

Example You are in the thickest part of the forst... and hear a large snap behind you and see an Adult Snapper dragon! What do you do?!
  • Run for your life!!!
  • Stand your ground!
  • Stay calm, try to talk to it.

(This is NOT what you should do...) You... Stand your ground and try to capture the dragon with a dragon net I grab from my bag! "You're mind~!"
(This is unrealistic because I have not stated how you will catch your dragons, but with how large these dragons are... nets aren't going to do the thing nor are those giant nets going to fit in your backpack...)

(This is what you CAN do) You... Stand your ground and try to make yourself look big and strong. Stomping around and flailing your arms like a mad-man, working up a good sweat as you grunt and growl.

ME... The Snapper dragon tilts his mighty head at you before beginning to jump, stomp and twirl around whilst flapping his wings, mimicking you! It seems... you just learned something new about dragons... they have friendship dances...
YOU HAVE OBTAINED Snapper, Lv-, Male, - Element
[center][size=5]NPCs[/size=5] [u][b][size=4]Yoko the Wanderer[/size=4][/b][/u] [color=grey][i]"Ooooh~! You are a new face around here~ I'm Yoko, what can I do for you today kid?"[/i][/color=grey] One might take him as a hobo at first, with his dirty appearance and all. (Patched up and torn clothing, no shoes, messy, unkept and unshaven, he even smells awful!!! YUCK!!!) But don't let his appearance fool you, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.[/center] [quote]This NPC is available at the start of the game. You will encounter him randomly as you travel! You may... [LIST] [*]Trade [b]Eggshell Shards[/b] for [b]Dragon Eggs[/b]. [*]Check with the Yoko the Weatherman. [*]Ask Yoko what flights and dragon species are the most active today. [/LIST][/quote] [center][u][b][size=4]Mrs. Lovel[/size=4][/b][/u] [i][color=grey]"Mmmm~ I like that fire in your eyes, you must be a Tamer. So, you found an egg have you? Well you've come to the right place."[/color=grey][/i] This busty, ravishing, beautiful, and happily married woman is nicknamed the dragon matchmaker. Want advise on how to care for an egg or how to breed a dragon? She's your woman![/center] [quote]This NPC is available when you have obtained an [b]Egg[/b]. You will encounter her in Towns only. You may... [LIST] [*]Leave an [b]Egg [/b]for Mrs. Lovel to care for, temporarily. [*]Ask Mrs. Lovel which dragons are in season. [*]See which dragons Mrs. Lovel has up for breeding. [/LIST][/quote] [center][u][b][size=4]Mr. Stone[/size=4][/b][/u] [color=grey][i]"Hmm? I see you have yourself a full-grown dragon! If you don't start training it now, your dragon will never respect nor obey you if you don't! I'll teach you everything you need to know."[/i][/color=gray] This heavy-built man glares down at you, his gaze intimidating, you can really feel the pressure of it... It's almost as if he is hammering you into the ground, making you shrink! Don't wanna mess with this guy, nuuuu-uuuuuh![/center] [quote]This NPC is available when you have obtained an [b]Adult Dragon[/b]. You will encounter him at the Coliseums only. You may... [LIST] [*]Leave an [b]Adult Dragon[/b] for Mr. Stone to train, temporarily. [*]Request Beast Clan activity Report. [*]Ask Mr. Stone how strong the Untamed Dragons are currently. [/LIST][/quote] [center][size=4][b][u]Mad Maddy[/b][/u][/size=4] [color=grey][i]"Now, now, this won't hurt a bit! You did want a dragon's tail right? What?! No?! *sigh* alright, alright..."[/i][/color=grey] [/center] [quote]This NPC is available automatically at the start of the game. You will encounter her in Towns only. You may... [LIST] [*]Change Breed of one [b]Adult Dragon[/b]. [*]Add/Remove/Replace one gene. [*]Take on a [b]*Quest[/b]! [/LIST] * = A [b]Quest [/b]is a mini-event your Tamer can do in exchange for [b]Eggshell Shards[/b] which can be used to trade for Gene Mutation at Mad Maddy's or for [b]Dragon Eggs[/b] from Yoko the Wanderer.[/quote]

Yoko the Wanderer
"Ooooh~! You are a new face around here~ I'm Yoko, what can I do for you today kid?"

One might take him as a hobo at first, with his dirty appearance and all. (Patched up and torn clothing, no shoes, messy, unkept and unshaven, he even smells awful!!! YUCK!!!) But don't let his appearance fool you, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.
This NPC is available at the start of the game. You will encounter him randomly as you travel!
You may...
  • Trade Eggshell Shards for Dragon Eggs.
  • Check with the Yoko the Weatherman.
  • Ask Yoko what flights and dragon species are the most active today.

Mrs. Lovel
"Mmmm~ I like that fire in your eyes, you must be a Tamer. So, you found an egg have you? Well you've come to the right place."

This busty, ravishing, beautiful, and happily married woman is nicknamed the dragon matchmaker. Want advise on how to care for an egg or how to breed a dragon? She's your woman!
This NPC is available when you have obtained an Egg. You will encounter her in Towns only.
You may...
  • Leave an Egg for Mrs. Lovel to care for, temporarily.
  • Ask Mrs. Lovel which dragons are in season.
  • See which dragons Mrs. Lovel has up for breeding.
Mr. Stone
"Hmm? I see you have yourself a full-grown dragon! If you don't start training it now, your dragon will never respect nor obey you if you don't! I'll teach you everything you need to know."

This heavy-built man glares down at you, his gaze intimidating, you can really feel the pressure of it... It's almost as if he is hammering you into the ground, making you shrink! Don't wanna mess with this guy, nuuuu-uuuuuh!
This NPC is available when you have obtained an Adult Dragon. You will encounter him at the Coliseums only.
You may...
  • Leave an Adult Dragon for Mr. Stone to train, temporarily.
  • Request Beast Clan activity Report.
  • Ask Mr. Stone how strong the Untamed Dragons are currently.

Mad Maddy
"Now, now, this won't hurt a bit! You did want a dragon's tail right? What?! No?! *sigh* alright, alright..."
This NPC is available automatically at the start of the game. You will encounter her in Towns only.
You may...
  • Change Breed of one Adult Dragon.
  • Add/Remove/Replace one gene.
  • Take on a *Quest!
* = A Quest is a mini-event your Tamer can do in exchange for Eggshell Shards which can be used to trade for Gene Mutation at Mad Maddy's or for Dragon Eggs from Yoko the Wanderer.

How to Start
  1. "Choose your Flight Element" --This will determine what your starting dragon's flight will be and which of the Eleven shall Bless or Curse you based on your actions.
  2. "Choose your Dragon Egg" --First come first serve (I will give no description of the dragon eggs, just numbered), your dragon's appearance shall be randomized, as well as your dragon's age.
Egg 1 - Available
Egg 2 - Available
Egg 3 - Available


You've Chosen your Flight and Egg, now what?

I make the dragon of course! Here is how I do it...
I use a random number generator to choose what is on which dragon. Everything is random and fair!
Species (14 total - number generator)
Gender (2 - number generator)
Flight (11 total - number generator)
Colors (x3) (177 total - number generator)

Markings? Y/N (number gen.) (x3)
Primary 23 total
Secondary 23 total
Tertiary 20 total.

Let's go!
Now you have your Flight and your dragon! Let's pop on into Dragonhome to start!

Yes, Dragonhome is our Starter Area! This will give you the choice to look for dragons throughout continents of Flightrising, or even gradually explore the continent you are in.

Ping List
@VelcrowC @asianbirb @Crickycrick, @BirdOfParadise, @RainbowWolfy

To see if you are playing the game look at the Original Post under "Register Slots"

How to Start
  1. "Choose your Flight Element" --This will determine what your starting dragon's flight will be and which of the Eleven shall Bless or Curse you based on your actions.
  2. "Choose your Dragon Egg" --First come first serve (I will give no description of the dragon eggs, just numbered), your dragon's appearance shall be randomized, as well as your dragon's age.
Egg 1 - Available
Egg 2 - Available
Egg 3 - Available


You've Chosen your Flight and Egg, now what?

I make the dragon of course! Here is how I do it...
I use a random number generator to choose what is on which dragon. Everything is random and fair!
Species (14 total - number generator)
Gender (2 - number generator)
Flight (11 total - number generator)
Colors (x3) (177 total - number generator)

Markings? Y/N (number gen.) (x3)
Primary 23 total
Secondary 23 total
Tertiary 20 total.

Let's go!
Now you have your Flight and your dragon! Let's pop on into Dragonhome to start!

Yes, Dragonhome is our Starter Area! This will give you the choice to look for dragons throughout continents of Flightrising, or even gradually explore the continent you are in.

Ping List
@VelcrowC @asianbirb @Crickycrick, @BirdOfParadise, @RainbowWolfy

To see if you are playing the game look at the Original Post under "Register Slots"
May I join?
May I join?
Hello i am fibsh
I'll join!
I'll join!
vDUk7Wn.png used to be asianbirb

Could I join? This seems like a lot of fun!

Could I join? This seems like a lot of fun!

I see my name in the players slots, am I in for the game or not right now?

I see my name in the players slots, am I in for the game or not right now?

I'm not sure I'll be able to fully commit as a player at this point in time (with real life events) but I'd love to follow along somehow, to see how this works in case you do a second batch when I have the time? Is there some form of pinglist I can be added to? Perhaps for second lot of slots? I'd like to see the game in action before I decide to make any commitments. :)

I'm not sure I'll be able to fully commit as a player at this point in time (with real life events) but I'd love to follow along somehow, to see how this works in case you do a second batch when I have the time? Is there some form of pinglist I can be added to? Perhaps for second lot of slots? I'd like to see the game in action before I decide to make any commitments. :)
@VelcrowC @asianbirb

Both of you will be added to the game!

You are added into Game 1, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was waiting for two other willing parties to join in the game before starting one.

I'm not sure how to make a ping list but I tried to make one on the last post I edited.

I'm sorry to tell you that all 3 slots are now filled, I will add you to a ping list for when Game 1 ends.
@VelcrowC @asianbirb

Both of you will be added to the game!

You are added into Game 1, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you I was waiting for two other willing parties to join in the game before starting one.

I'm not sure how to make a ping list but I tried to make one on the last post I edited.

I'm sorry to tell you that all 3 slots are now filled, I will add you to a ping list for when Game 1 ends.