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TOPIC | Dung. Expl. (Shadow)
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((Oh thank god, I just had an exam today too so I could only respond now OTL)) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Those glowy stones look exactly like what Anye should be avoiding. Eyeing them with suspicion, he approaches the desk, squinting between the journal and the binder full of paper. The journal is right beside the stones, so he figures it would contain information about them, maybe working observations or something; however, the binder looks more like it would be used for official notes. As he deliberates between the two, he notices the other dragon that entered with him eyeing the journal. He tilts his head. No reason they can't work together, right? "If you want to look through the journal, I'll [b]check through the binder[/b]," he offers, breaking the silence. Sharing information would make this go much faster, he thinks. "I'm Anye. It's nice to meet you." @Blizzardwing
((Oh thank god, I just had an exam today too so I could only respond now OTL))


Those glowy stones look exactly like what Anye should be avoiding. Eyeing them with suspicion, he approaches the desk, squinting between the journal and the binder full of paper. The journal is right beside the stones, so he figures it would contain information about them, maybe working observations or something; however, the binder looks more like it would be used for official notes.

As he deliberates between the two, he notices the other dragon that entered with him eyeing the journal. He tilts his head. No reason they can't work together, right? "If you want to look through the journal, I'll check through the binder," he offers, breaking the silence. Sharing information would make this go much faster, he thinks. "I'm Anye. It's nice to meet you."

EASS%20button.png Ltb63I.pngjw9Tj1h.gifJmf0QJy.gif
(lucky for me too, struck down for a day by illness rip) ------- @brokenstone @Rinjichan13 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Pinguia nods back to the nocturne who had entered the room with her. But in her distraction glancing around at the medical bays interior, she finds herself beat to conversation with Selnith. Concluding that she will simply listen in to their conversation, Pinguia idly begins to [b]check the storage closet.[/b] Certainly knowing what aid is available will help if the mission turns sour, she muses to herself.
(lucky for me too, struck down for a day by illness rip)

@brokenstone @Rinjichan13


Pinguia nods back to the nocturne who had entered the room with her. But in her distraction glancing around at the medical bays interior, she finds herself beat to conversation with Selnith.

Concluding that she will simply listen in to their conversation, Pinguia idly begins to check the storage closet. Certainly knowing what aid is available will help if the mission turns sour, she muses to herself.
(Sorry for the late post, but this took me longer than I thought to code in) @icystorm2 You open the door and enter the testing facility. You notice a table with an odd block of stone that shimmers with an odd light, as well as a few dark stones scattered on the floor around the table. There are a number of devices on other tables, some flashing lights and others remaining still. Do you choose to investigate the block of stone, pick up some of the dark stones, investigate a device flashing lights, go out and enter the research center, computer center, or generator room, or go back up to the lobby? @Ragnaroc You read the journal. [quote=Alina's journal] Entry 164: For some reason, those stones the explorers brought back with them give me an uneasy feeling. I know I've never seen them before, but something about them makes me feel uncertain about the experiment they're running soon. I still think it's unwise for them to be bringing those stones anywhere close to the black rock they found in the rocket facility, judging by how reactive they seem to be near each other, or so Moondust says. I told her to be cautious, but sometimes she can get too excited about new discoveries. Entry 165: Today's the day they're going to do it. Thankfully it's going to be within the testing facility, so anything that might go wrong will probably be contained by our security measures. I'm joining LightningClaw in the computer center to help record what happens, even though I still think it's a bad idea. I'm bringing my survival kit with me just in case something does go south. [/quote] Do you investigate the binder of paper, investigate the closed closet, go to another office, or head back to the lobby? @MagicJade @CrystalBones There's absolutely nothing in the boxes; it seems they're here for recycling. Do you choose to investigate the garbage cans, or go back down to the lobby? @Rinjichan13 [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]"There are 5 members of HQ that work here; me, Moondust, LightningClaw, Kullervo, and Alina. At the moment, all four other members are missing. I can't do much to assist, as I don't know what's going on, but it might be related to the experiment they were planning on doing today. I don't know what they were planning to do, but they might have some notes in their offices. If you need any medical assistance though, I'm available to help."[/columns] Do you investigate the storage closet, talk with Selnith more, or go back to the lobby? @Lainer Munching on the snacks, you read the papers. [quote=Sign in sheet] Moondust: Clock in: 6am Clock out: Kullervo: Clock in: 6am Clock out: Alina: Clock in: 6:30am Clock out: LightningClaw: Clock in: 7am Clock out: Selnith: Clock in: 11am Clock out:[/quote] Do you choose to go down to the basement, go up to the rooftop, go to one of the offices, or go to the medical bay? (If you pick office, say who's office) @BadboyJesus @Desphiria You both read the journal. [quote=Moondust's journal] Entry 98: The new materials we discovered at the rocket facility are very fascinating to study. The light stones don't seem to do anything at all when near the block, but the dark stones seem to generate increasing amounts of power unlike any we've recorded before the closer they get to the block. Further testing needs to be done. Entry 99: It seems that solid material does nothing in reducing the amount of power generated. No matter the amount of wall we put between the dark stones and the block, there is an exponential growth in power level the closer they get. Liquid mediums seem to work slightly, but I'm willing to bet that radiation for some reason serves to inhibit the power level, not that we're willing to work with that here. Those working at the rocket facility must have been trying to contain this power level to power up those rockets. Unfortunately it seems they were unsuccessful for some reason. Entry 100: Today is when we're going to finally bring the dark stones and the block touching each other. So far we've noticed no adverse effect this power is acting upon us, so it should be safe to do so. I'm anticipating some sort of breakthrough on how this much power is being generated, yet not affecting anything besides the sensors that read it. Hopefully none of the sensors we have explode or something; LightningClaw would have my head for breaking them.[/quote] Do you choose to investigate the binder of paper, investigate a filing cabinet, go to another office, or head back to the lobby? @Chiscakes You manage to find a switch and power the desk on. Unfortunately, it looks like LightningClaw put a passcode on his...desk. Do you choose to investigate a machine, go to another office, or head back to the lobby? @Hkomygf You enter the computer center and you immediately feel some sort of [u]presence[/u] in the room. You can't place your claw on it, but it feels like there's something in the room even though you can't see anything. This must be the [u]presence[/u] that Selnith was talking about. You see that the computer center had basic controls for everything within the facility in case emergencies broke out. This is also probably where Selnith activated the emergency broadcast. Do you choose to investigate a computer terminal, enter the research center, testing facility, or generator rooms, or go back up to the lobby? @Blizzardwing You read the journal. [quote=Kullervo's journal] Entry 43: This is the first time I've ever encountered these stones before, and I must say I'm intrigued. These are the first rocks I haven't been able to identify before, and currently I am dubbing them 'Light rocks' and 'Dark rocks' as one seems to shine without any apparent source and the other glows with a dark light even when shined upon. The 'Light rocks' apparently don't do anything to the other unknown block of material they have down in the lab, so Moondust allowed me to have them to investigate, as they don't seem to have any harmful effects. Entry 44: Even putting them in darkness doesn't seem to put these 'Light stones' out; they glow with some sort of inner light. Shining a flashlight on them just makes them shine brighter; I've given up on trying to identify what these things are. I'm pretty sure they're not from Sorneith. I heard that LightningClaw has been frustrated at his inability to control some sort of power being generated by the 'Dark stones', and I suggested to him that maybe they weren't from Sorneith, and so couldn't be harnessed by any of the methods we have here. Which served to only further frustrate him. Entry 45: Today Moondust is apparently going to have a 'Dark stone' touch the block to see what happens. I'm also a bit intrigued, as I am confident these did not originate here on Sorneith. I'm trusting Moondust in that there is no side effects of this power being created due to "the relative dispersion of forces between that of the stones and the block", but I'm no arcane whizz. I am willing to bet though that [u]something[/u] unexpected is going to happen though.[/quote] Do you choose to investigate the bright stones, investigate the binder of paper, go to another office, or head back to the lobby? @DaybreakStorm You read the binder of paper. [quote=Kullervo's binder] 'Light stones' Test 1-20: Material Strength Conclusion: Apparently it's impervious to nearly any type of force. The only thing that can actually 'break' it per say is extreme heat, which just melts it, as most rocks tend to do. Test 21-24: Light factor Conclusion: Putting it in darkness does not seem to change how bright it is. Shining a light on it makes it brighter, although it goes back to its normal brightness once the light is removed. Test 25: Contact Conclusion: It feels like a very smooth rock, much like the 'Dark stones' did. Test 26-28: Arcana Conclusion: I had Moondust help with this one. Apparently anything arcane just seems to 'slide off', as Moondust put it. Noting down 'resistance to magical influence'. Test 29: Bounciness Conclusion: I'm running out of ideas here. It bounces like a normal rock. It feels like a normal rock. Nothing about it indicates that it's anything [u]but[/u] a rock besides how strong it is, but I can just tell it does not originate from Sorneith. Ending further tests, as nothing new could possibly be gained from this.[/quote] Do you choose to investigate the bright stones, investigate the journal, go to another office, or head back to the lobby? @BrazenIron You hear Selnith speaking with the other explorer as you look through the storage closet. However, it seems that Selnith already has the majority of it out while he's sorting through them, putting some health potions in his satchel. There are some health potions sitting in a corner of the closet though, which (I presume) you scoop up for potential later use. Do you talk with Selnith, or go back to the lobby? @StormDreamer Seeing nothing of interest here, you head back down to the lobby. Do you choose to investigate the front counter, go down to the basement, go back up to the rooftop, go right to the medical bay, or enter one of the HQ member's office? (For those who want a slightly deeper understanding of what's going on, I recommend looking through the 'Volcano Dungeon' and seeing what happened there, as its events tie somewhat to the current dungeon's events. Also, at the moment, if you don't respond to the choices given, but you're not in the lobby, you will be moved to the lobby and given one more chance to make your choice. If you're in the lobby and miss your choice, you will become a Lost Adventurer. This is subject to change though~) (Also, there is no harm in looking at other player's paths, aka the quotes. This just serves to further expand the storyline so that everyone understands what's going on and the option to choose what a previous player chose before is just to maintain a consistency in the game)
(Sorry for the late post, but this took me longer than I thought to code in)


You open the door and enter the testing facility. You notice a table with an odd block of stone that shimmers with an odd light, as well as a few dark stones scattered on the floor around the table. There are a number of devices on other tables, some flashing lights and others remaining still. Do you choose to investigate the block of stone, pick up some of the dark stones, investigate a device flashing lights, go out and enter the research center, computer center, or generator room, or go back up to the lobby?


You read the journal.
Alina's journal wrote:
Entry 164:
For some reason, those stones the explorers brought back with them give me an uneasy feeling. I know I've never seen them before, but something about them makes me feel uncertain about the experiment they're running soon. I still think it's unwise for them to be bringing those stones anywhere close to the black rock they found in the rocket facility, judging by how reactive they seem to be near each other, or so Moondust says. I told her to be cautious, but sometimes she can get too excited about new discoveries.

Entry 165:
Today's the day they're going to do it. Thankfully it's going to be within the testing facility, so anything that might go wrong will probably be contained by our security measures. I'm joining LightningClaw in the computer center to help record what happens, even though I still think it's a bad idea. I'm bringing my survival kit with me just in case something does go south.
Do you investigate the binder of paper, investigate the closed closet, go to another office, or head back to the lobby?

@MagicJade @CrystalBones

There's absolutely nothing in the boxes; it seems they're here for recycling. Do you choose to investigate the garbage cans, or go back down to the lobby?


"There are 5 members of HQ that work here; me, Moondust, LightningClaw, Kullervo, and Alina. At the moment, all four other members are missing. I can't do much to assist, as I don't know what's going on, but it might be related to the experiment they were planning on doing today. I don't know what they were planning to do, but they might have some notes in their offices. If you need any medical assistance though, I'm available to help."
Do you investigate the storage closet, talk with Selnith more, or go back to the lobby?


Munching on the snacks, you read the papers.
Sign in sheet wrote:
Moondust: Clock in: 6am Clock out:
Kullervo: Clock in: 6am Clock out:
Alina: Clock in: 6:30am Clock out:
LightningClaw: Clock in: 7am Clock out:
Selnith: Clock in: 11am Clock out:
Do you choose to go down to the basement, go up to the rooftop, go to one of the offices, or go to the medical bay? (If you pick office, say who's office)

@BadboyJesus @Desphiria

You both read the journal.
Moondust's journal wrote:
Entry 98:
The new materials we discovered at the rocket facility are very fascinating to study. The light stones don't seem to do anything at all when near the block, but the dark stones seem to generate increasing amounts of power unlike any we've recorded before the closer they get to the block. Further testing needs to be done.

Entry 99:
It seems that solid material does nothing in reducing the amount of power generated. No matter the amount of wall we put between the dark stones and the block, there is an exponential growth in power level the closer they get. Liquid mediums seem to work slightly, but I'm willing to bet that radiation for some reason serves to inhibit the power level, not that we're willing to work with that here. Those working at the rocket facility must have been trying to contain this power level to power up those rockets. Unfortunately it seems they were unsuccessful for some reason.

Entry 100:
Today is when we're going to finally bring the dark stones and the block touching each other. So far we've noticed no adverse effect this power is acting upon us, so it should be safe to do so. I'm anticipating some sort of breakthrough on how this much power is being generated, yet not affecting anything besides the sensors that read it. Hopefully none of the sensors we have explode or something; LightningClaw would have my head for breaking them.
Do you choose to investigate the binder of paper, investigate a filing cabinet, go to another office, or head back to the lobby?


You manage to find a switch and power the desk on. Unfortunately, it looks like LightningClaw put a passcode on his...desk. Do you choose to investigate a machine, go to another office, or head back to the lobby?


You enter the computer center and you immediately feel some sort of presence in the room. You can't place your claw on it, but it feels like there's something in the room even though you can't see anything. This must be the presence that Selnith was talking about. You see that the computer center had basic controls for everything within the facility in case emergencies broke out. This is also probably where Selnith activated the emergency broadcast. Do you choose to investigate a computer terminal, enter the research center, testing facility, or generator rooms, or go back up to the lobby?


You read the journal.
Kullervo's journal wrote:
Entry 43:
This is the first time I've ever encountered these stones before, and I must say I'm intrigued. These are the first rocks I haven't been able to identify before, and currently I am dubbing them
'Light rocks' and 'Dark rocks' as one seems to shine without any apparent source and the other glows with a dark light even when shined upon. The 'Light rocks' apparently don't do anything to the other unknown block of material they have down in the lab, so Moondust allowed me to have them to investigate, as they don't seem to have any harmful effects.

Entry 44:
Even putting them in darkness doesn't seem to put these 'Light stones' out; they glow with some sort of inner light. Shining a flashlight on them just makes them shine brighter; I've given up on trying to identify what these things are. I'm pretty sure they're not from Sorneith. I heard
that LightningClaw has been frustrated at his inability to control some sort of power being generated by the 'Dark stones', and I suggested to him that maybe they weren't from Sorneith, and so couldn't be harnessed by any of the methods we have here. Which served to only further frustrate him.

Entry 45:
Today Moondust is apparently going to have a 'Dark stone' touch the block to see what happens. I'm also a bit intrigued, as I am confident these did not originate here on Sorneith. I'm trusting Moondust in that there is no side effects of this power being created due to "the relative dispersion of forces between that of the stones and the block", but I'm no arcane whizz. I am willing to bet though that something unexpected is going to happen though.
Do you choose to investigate the bright stones, investigate the binder of paper, go to another office, or head back to the lobby?


You read the binder of paper.
Kullervo's binder wrote:
'Light stones'
Test 1-20: Material Strength
Conclusion: Apparently it's impervious to nearly any type of force. The only thing that can actually 'break' it per say is extreme heat, which just melts it, as most rocks tend to do.
Test 21-24: Light factor
Conclusion: Putting it in darkness does not seem to change how bright it is. Shining a light on it makes it brighter, although it goes back to its normal brightness once the light is removed.
Test 25: Contact
Conclusion: It feels like a very smooth rock, much like the 'Dark stones' did.
Test 26-28: Arcana
Conclusion: I had Moondust help with this one. Apparently anything arcane just seems to 'slide off', as Moondust put it. Noting down 'resistance to magical influence'.
Test 29: Bounciness
Conclusion: I'm running out of ideas here. It bounces like a normal rock. It feels like a normal rock. Nothing about it indicates that it's anything but a rock besides how strong it is, but I can just tell it does not originate from Sorneith. Ending further tests, as nothing new could possibly be gained from this.
Do you choose to investigate the bright stones, investigate the journal, go to another office, or head back to the lobby?


You hear Selnith speaking with the other explorer as you look through the storage closet. However, it seems that Selnith already has the majority of it out while he's sorting through them, putting some health potions in his satchel. There are some health potions sitting in a corner of the closet though, which (I presume) you scoop up for potential later use. Do you talk with Selnith, or go back to the lobby?


Seeing nothing of interest here, you head back down to the lobby. Do you choose to investigate the front counter, go down to the basement, go back up to the rooftop, go right to the medical bay, or enter one of the HQ member's office?

(For those who want a slightly deeper understanding of what's going on, I recommend looking through the 'Volcano Dungeon' and seeing what happened there, as its events tie somewhat to the current dungeon's events. Also, at the moment, if you don't respond to the choices given, but you're not in the lobby, you will be moved to the lobby and given one more chance to make your choice. If you're in the lobby and miss your choice, you will become a Lost Adventurer. This is subject to change though~)
(Also, there is no harm in looking at other player's paths, aka the quotes. This just serves to further expand the storyline so that everyone understands what's going on and the option to choose what a previous player chose before is just to maintain a consistency in the game)
@DaybreakStorm [url=] [img][/img][/url] Cipher blinks and looks up from the journal at the other dragon's words. Her pure white eyes appear glazed over. "Yeah, fine." She sighed. "Cipher," she muttered as an introduction. "I'm fairly certain this all might have something to do with these glowing stones. I'm going to examine them more closely." Her mind began to spin as she thought about what might have occured.


Cipher blinks and looks up from the journal at the other dragon's words. Her pure white eyes appear glazed over. "Yeah, fine." She sighed. "Cipher," she muttered as an introduction. "I'm fairly certain this all might have something to do with these glowing stones. I'm going to examine them more closely." Her mind began to spin as she thought about what might have occured.

@brokenstone "Come on there's nothing here, let's go back down to the lobby." Algarum says to Anguis. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
"Come on there's nothing here, let's go back down to the lobby." Algarum says to Anguis.



| Jade |
| She/Her |
| INTJ |
Zanti looks over at the two faes. "Mind if I join you? It's lonely here." She says to them following them down to the lobby.
Zanti looks over at the two faes. "Mind if I join you? It's lonely here." She says to them following them down to the lobby.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Walpurgis nods after reading the log, information noted. She then [b]goes to examine the binder.[/b] Even as she does the thoughts of the closet Heavy on her mind. What Could be Inside.


Walpurgis nods after reading the log, information noted. She then goes to examine the binder. Even as she does the thoughts of the closet Heavy on her mind. What Could be Inside.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Blizzardwing "These rocks don't have any harmful effects?" That directly contradicts what Anye was warned about, but if the researchers were working on these rocks, quite extensively he might add, then he trusts that the rocks probably don't have an adverse effect. At least, not on their own. He approaches them cautiously. "I think you're right," he tells Cipher, frowning. "These stones are probably what caused this entire mess. It seems that the Dark rocks touching their unknown block is the issue... maybe a Light stone could help reverse it." Whatever the case, Anye figures having a rock that's arcane-resistant would be useful. He goes to [b]investigate the bright stones[/b], hoping to pick one up and bring it with him.



"These rocks don't have any harmful effects?" That directly contradicts what Anye was warned about, but if the researchers were working on these rocks, quite extensively he might add, then he trusts that the rocks probably don't have an adverse effect. At least, not on their own. He approaches them cautiously. "I think you're right," he tells Cipher, frowning. "These stones are probably what caused this entire mess. It seems that the Dark rocks touching their unknown block is the issue... maybe a Light stone could help reverse it."

Whatever the case, Anye figures having a rock that's arcane-resistant would be useful. He goes to investigate the bright stones, hoping to pick one up and bring it with him.
EASS%20button.png Ltb63I.pngjw9Tj1h.gifJmf0QJy.gif
Joan finishes reading the journal with immense difficulty. Whew. Glad those recent reading lessons paid off. She wants to take a look at the binder, but unfortunately she now has a headache. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @Desphiria Joan decides to investigate the filing cabinet instead, and steals a look at the mirror next to her. "It looketh like the stones art the key to solving this mystery. What say thee?"
Joan finishes reading the journal with immense difficulty. Whew. Glad those recent reading lessons paid off.
She wants to take a look at the binder, but unfortunately she now has a headache.



Joan decides to investigate the filing cabinet instead, and steals a look at the mirror next to her.
"It looketh like the stones art the key to solving this mystery. What say thee?"

mx91000.png zj1KpgF.png mrGmJvh.png
@brokenstone @Rinjichan13 @MagicJade [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Having found a few health potions still tucked in the corner of the storage closet, Pinguia makes the decision to keep hold of them. Afterall, she figures two dragons carrying aid in the facility has got to be better than just one, and on a more personal note she does feel safer carrying them. Assuming she wouldn't get any information from Selnith that Valentine hadn't already gotten, she nods again to both dragons in the room and [b]heads back into the lobby. [/b] She continues the nodding trend, in greeting the two Faes that had also just entered the lobby.
@brokenstone @Rinjichan13 @MagicJade


Having found a few health potions still tucked in the corner of the storage closet, Pinguia makes the decision to keep hold of them. Afterall, she figures two dragons carrying aid in the facility has got to be better than just one, and on a more personal note she does feel safer carrying them.

Assuming she wouldn't get any information from Selnith that Valentine hadn't already gotten, she nods again to both dragons in the room and heads back into the lobby.

She continues the nodding trend, in greeting the two Faes that had also just entered the lobby.
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