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TOPIC | Let's Write a Fanfiction together :)
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The Snowman sighs wistfully
The Snowman sighs wistfully
"I'll take you," she whispered.
"I'll take you," she whispered.
When fall is over and the old gods shed their skin,
I’ll tear down this house of fire
and build it up again.
"Would you do that for....
"Would you do that for....
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
me?" his coals somehow shining.
me?" his coals somehow shining.
Caught between the mundanely awkward and the existentially impossible.
-Alice Isn't Dead, Part 2, chapter 4, 11:55

"Yes. Across the seas and-"
"Yes. Across the seas and-"
Arcane Space Pirate and Drifter
Beyond the burning hot lands."
Beyond the burning hot lands."
When fall is over and the old gods shed their skin,
I’ll tear down this house of fire
and build it up again.
"Then take a piece of....
"Then take a piece of....
Libra, He/Him +1 FR time
me and take it with
me and take it with
You. Don't let go until-
You. Don't let go until-
: +3
: Yes

you reach the end.
you reach the end.
When fall is over and the old gods shed their skin,
I’ll tear down this house of fire
and build it up again.
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