
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Fandom Hunger Games (CLOSED)
Wow The Lion King did really well.
I guess the Neko Atsume cats weren't feral enough to last very long.

I've already decided who I'm gonna enter next game and I'm excited~
Wow The Lion King did really well.
I guess the Neko Atsume cats weren't feral enough to last very long.

I've already decided who I'm gonna enter next game and I'm excited~
@LadyPlague Is it already known which theme might be used in the next game?
The problem is i might not have tomorow acces to a computer again so i would like to choose the characters now when i am able to pick theyr images
@LadyPlague Is it already known which theme might be used in the next game?
The problem is i might not have tomorow acces to a computer again so i would like to choose the characters now when i am able to pick theyr images

I mean, I could yell about Ashfur and Scourge, but whatever.

Hey fellow Danganronpa fans, wanna team up? Or should I enter Battle for Dream Island? IF WE DO TEAM I CALL THE DESPAIR TEAM OF MONOKUMA AND JUNKO BECAUSE I LOVE THEM BOTH.

I mean, I could yell about Ashfur and Scourge, but whatever.

Hey fellow Danganronpa fans, wanna team up? Or should I enter Battle for Dream Island? IF WE DO TEAM I CALL THE DESPAIR TEAM OF MONOKUMA AND JUNKO BECAUSE I LOVE THEM BOTH.
Previously Icystorm2! || Mech/Mechy || I use He/It pronouns!!

Danganronpa was a fandom that might've been rolled anyway, so why not?

Danganronpa was a fandom that might've been rolled anyway, so why not?
Seems like Danganronpa is creating an army.

I'd join it if I didn't already have plans involving dragons from a fandom that I believe hasn't been entered before.
Seems like Danganronpa is creating an army.

I'd join it if I didn't already have plans involving dragons from a fandom that I believe hasn't been entered before.

Vanilla round. So there's no character restrictions.

Vanilla round. So there's no character restrictions.
In which I chsnge my mind YET AGAIN.

I'm kinda torn between FR (redemption?), Pokémon (want one to win or redemption?), or The Familiars (entering them is waaaaay overdue). Thoughts?
In which I chsnge my mind YET AGAIN.

I'm kinda torn between FR (redemption?), Pokémon (want one to win or redemption?), or The Familiars (entering them is waaaaay overdue). Thoughts?

He/him | FRT+1 x

Go for The Familiars. It'll be a nice change of pace!

Go for The Familiars. It'll be a nice change of pace!
Oh by the way, I thought of another theme:
The Fandom Hunger Games! UNDERWATER!
*Markiplier shouts of disapproval in the distance*
Oh by the way, I thought of another theme:
The Fandom Hunger Games! UNDERWATER!
*Markiplier shouts of disapproval in the distance*
Congratulations to both the winners!

Sorry for all the poor critters that didn't make it, though. :,(
Congratulations to both the winners!

Sorry for all the poor critters that didn't make it, though. :,(