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^involved with the fr community
>kinda hungry
vlikes puppy breath
^involved with the fr community
>kinda hungry
vlikes puppy breath

^ probably not good at this game
> woke up at 2:30 PM yikes
v likes staying up late?

^ probably not good at this game
> woke up at 2:30 PM yikes
v likes staying up late?
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Yep, I'm a night owl

^ A member of the plague flight
> Annoyed because just bred a pair of dragons and only got one egg
v Is about to have dinner?
Yep, I'm a night owl

^ A member of the plague flight
> Annoyed because just bred a pair of dragons and only got one egg
v Is about to have dinner?
FR Time +3
nah its only 4 PM here
^ bad luck with breeding (me too bud)
> just had some canned spaghetti
v not a vegetarian?
nah its only 4 PM here
^ bad luck with breeding (me too bud)
> just had some canned spaghetti
v not a vegetarian?
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Yep! I love sushi. And BBQ chicken.


> Is wondering if I should start a Star Wars discussion thread

v Has like 5,000 tabs open right now?
Yep! I love sushi. And BBQ chicken.


> Is wondering if I should start a Star Wars discussion thread

v Has like 5,000 tabs open right now?

Nope! Only FR ^^

^ Get lost in thought often. Also, probably has 1000 tabs open now haha
> I'm listening to some chill music ~
v Have you ever liked a band/artist that you never thought you would?

Nope! Only FR ^^

^ Get lost in thought often. Also, probably has 1000 tabs open now haha
> I'm listening to some chill music ~
v Have you ever liked a band/artist that you never thought you would?
> Meias <
she | her

The old Anchorage
A Water & Wind Clan

Well duh. Yes. I never thought I would like emo music but now I LOVE Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco.

^ Listening to awesome music.

> Actually only has 2 tabs open right now.

v Likes sci-fi movies?

Well duh. Yes. I never thought I would like emo music but now I LOVE Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco.

^ Listening to awesome music.

> Actually only has 2 tabs open right now.

v Likes sci-fi movies?
EDIT: ninja'd.
@nightassasin most of the time, yeah.
^Has eaten at least one bucket of chicken.

@Meias No, not yet at least

> currently trying to enjoy myself and find something to do /\(' _')/\
v Is hungry?
EDIT: ninja'd.
@nightassasin most of the time, yeah.
^Has eaten at least one bucket of chicken.

@Meias No, not yet at least

> currently trying to enjoy myself and find something to do /\(' _')/\
v Is hungry?

Fr time +2 I think
Nope, more like having a pop tart induced stomach ache
^ Likes memes
> Should really be sleeping right now...
v Has played Undertale?
Nope, more like having a pop tart induced stomach ache
^ Likes memes
> Should really be sleeping right now...
v Has played Undertale?
L O A D I N G . . .
nope i hate undertale whoops

^ my fren
> constantly in need of more skins and treasure ahaaha
v likes overwatch?
nope i hate undertale whoops

^ my fren
> constantly in need of more skins and treasure ahaaha
v likes overwatch?
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