
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Open the Door~
Door 1- [emoji=pink gem 2 size=1] Door- [emoji=peacock feather size=1] Door 3-[emoji=deer skull size=1]
Door 1-
Door 3-
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@BroadwayBound door 3 please!
@BroadwayBound door 3 please!
"What- you, the father of all skepticism, worried?"


"Just because I don't think it happened doesn't mean I can't be worried."

door 1 X3c

door 1 X3c
image-3-2.png xxxpuppymedes | call me puppy!
xxlxit/she/silly | fr +19

xxxx» avatar dragon
xxxx» forum vista
xxxx» wishlist

xxxxsuper-fast melting service
xxxxcoming soon!
xxxxcoming soon!




(probably got the durg on this one, but thats fine.:P)


(probably got the durg on this one, but thats fine.:P)
"Oddeeae uodd'uoee!"
(Hello people!)

Door 1- @puppypaw [columns][item=Sweetheart Swan] [/columns] Door 2-@Endtroid187 YOU GOT THE DRAGON!!! (I can’t get the picture to go rn so I’m sorry[emoji=sandsurge scared size=1]) Door 3- @Achromaticism [columns][item=Vista: Sunparched Prowl] [nextcol] [item=Vile Bolt] [/columns]
Door 1- @puppypaw
Sweetheart Swan
Door 2-@Endtroid187
YOU GOT THE DRAGON!!! (I can’t get the picture to go rn so I’m sorry)
Door 3- @Achromaticism
Vista: Sunparched Prowl Vile Bolt
Looking to trade Sandsurge's? Visit my Sandsurge Give/Get Forum!
I did this before and it was fun so I'm going to do it again. [center][b][color=red]Want to play a game of doors? Have fun!!![/b] [img][/img][/center]
I did this before and it was fun so I'm going to do it again.

Want to play a game of doors?
Have fun!!!

"Oddeeae uodd'uoee!"
(Hello people!)

@Endtroid187 Door 1 please!
@Endtroid187 Door 1 please!
maGaaTX.png Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.
-Revelation 4: 8b
Door 2, please!
Door 2, please!
Living Stones she/her,

I'll take the very scary door, please. :))

I'll take the very scary door, please. :))
•He/Him || They/Them
•Fr +9
Favourite dragon
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@Aluna You walk to the door marked as "NOT SCARY AT ALL". At first you fumbled with the door handle but you eventually managed to turn it. Once you did, you opened the door to find a cute little hatchling staring up blinking at you. You think how cute it is before it flinches its neck into an extremely unnatural angle with a sickening [i]crack[/i]. Then it did again with its back, right elbow, left shoulder, jaw, until it became a mangled amalgamation. You were frozen in fear at the sight of this transformation until it turns its head toward you with empty dark eye sockets. You then scream and slam the door on it before it could grab you. Now what? [url=][img][/img][/url] @Ainlif You walk to the door marked as "SCARY". At first you fumbled with the door handle but you eventually managed to turn it. Once you do, you see a fairly decent sized cave with a lake of a strange black substance. You then notice some ripples from the lake moving your direction. You did not stir for your curiosity has you stay put. Finally the ripples stop in front of you, a second later a dark gray horse head with red eyes pops up in front of you. Then the neck followed, then the body, until the horse was completely in view. Despite it's zombie like a appearance, it did not scare you. It even allowed you to pet its snout. Now you have a ride out of this nightmarish place. [Item=swamphaunt kelpie][item=black slime] @LumeDeus You walk to the door marked as "VARY SCARY". At first you fumbled with the door handle but you eventually managed to turn it. Once you do, you open up to a crystal cave. Flying around the cave are wisps of different colors. They fly by playful as you stare at them with amazement. You asked them if they can help you find a way out and they joyfully obliged. You then venture further following the playful spirits. [item=juvenile starsweeper][item=lesser wisp]
You walk to the door marked as "NOT SCARY AT ALL". At first you fumbled with the door handle but you eventually managed to turn it. Once you did, you opened the door to find a cute little hatchling staring up blinking at you. You think how cute it is before it flinches its neck into an extremely unnatural angle with a sickening crack. Then it did again with its back, right elbow, left shoulder, jaw, until it became a mangled amalgamation. You were frozen in fear at the sight of this transformation until it turns its head toward you with empty dark eye sockets. You then scream and slam the door on it before it could grab you. Now what?

You walk to the door marked as "SCARY". At first you fumbled with the door handle but you eventually managed to turn it. Once you do, you see a fairly decent sized cave with a lake of a strange black substance. You then notice some ripples from the lake moving your direction. You did not stir for your curiosity has you stay put. Finally the ripples stop in front of you, a second later a dark gray horse head with red eyes pops up in front of you. Then the neck followed, then the body, until the horse was completely in view. Despite it's zombie like a appearance, it did not scare you. It even allowed you to pet its snout. Now you have a ride out of this nightmarish place.
Swamphaunt Kelpie Black Slime

You walk to the door marked as "VARY SCARY". At first you fumbled with the door handle but you eventually managed to turn it. Once you do, you open up to a crystal cave. Flying around the cave are wisps of different colors. They fly by playful as you stare at them with amazement. You asked them if they can help you find a way out and they joyfully obliged. You then venture further following the playful spirits.
Juvenile Starsweeper Lesser Wisp
"Oddeeae uodd'uoee!"
(Hello people!)
