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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
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@Gemmi Ooooh who is this handsome dude? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Petra admired the graceful Spiral from a distance. His slender form and bright scales were like a beacon in the wretched Shaodw Terriorty. Sighing, she stretched out her body and lazily made her way toward the Jade colored Spiral, attempting to look casual. Her tiny feet slunk around branches, rocks, and trees until she appeared in front of him. She too, looked out of place, but in that “light amongst the gloom” sort of way. Just like him. Their bright green eyes locked, and for a a second she felt like this was her place in the world, and she dreamed of staying here for eternity. They stayed staring for a full minute. A stream foamed noisily in the back and bits of purple plant material floated down amongst the bleak environment. Finally, Petra spoke. “I’m lost, could you help me find my way?” But she knew she wasn’t lost, not with him. (Sorry Petra I think that guy is taken, but you are still really sweet, RIP Petra’s heart) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Ooooh who is this handsome dude?


Petra admired the graceful Spiral from a distance. His slender form and bright scales were like a beacon in the wretched Shaodw Terriorty. Sighing, she stretched out her body and lazily made her way toward the Jade colored Spiral, attempting to look casual. Her tiny feet slunk around branches, rocks, and trees until she appeared in front of him. She too, looked out of place, but in that “light amongst the gloom” sort of way. Just like him. Their bright green eyes locked, and for a a second she felt like this was her place in the world, and she dreamed of staying here for eternity. They stayed staring for a full minute. A stream foamed noisily in the back and bits of purple plant material floated down amongst the bleak environment. Finally, Petra spoke. “I’m lost, could you help me find my way?” But she knew she wasn’t lost, not with him.

(Sorry Petra I think that guy is taken, but you are still really sweet, RIP Petra’s heart)

@CitrusSeeds [url=] [img][/img] [/url][i]Your Echosoul catches the eye of my... [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Friedrich. ...Unfortunately.[/i] --- Desperation drives Friedrich to grave-robbing, which is not itself unusual for such an apathetic nihilist. When the skull of an ancient monarch splinters in his grasp, he doesn't flinch as he pries its teeth, modified in life to be precious gems by magickry or by industry, one by one from their root beds. It's negligible wealth, and tartar-covered besides. He'll have to get in touch with that acid-refluxive pearlcatcher for deep cleaning later. The problem was the site and the hour: he was at Ghostlight Ruins, alone, at near-dusk to meet yet another large order due at dusk. The clan's new rulers were running his boss ragged and himself along with her, but what could a simple candlemaker like himself do against them? The spiral scowls at the skull he still holds, its jaw dislocated into an eternal crooked scream. In the distance a light--a green light, gruesome and malevolent--appears and a chorus of tengu cackling interrupts his solitude. He sighs...and suddenly, inhales incense. This is not the sharp cinnamon and nutmeg of his own candleguard, but the lure of a blooming orchard. Perhaps a more experienced candlemage was mining the ruins, same as he, and he might bargain for safe passage. A more experienced mage, maybe, but not a...[i]procurer[/i]. *** Friedrich finds the imperial bowed at the foot of a headstone with an offering of plums and plush petals. Both fruit and flowers wilt before his eyes, received by the spirits with an extraplanar gasp of satisfaction. As they wind gratefully around his antlers, the imperial smiles closed-eyed and mirroring their contentment. He is definitely interrupting something, but feels, to his surprise, similarly interrupted by the ritualist's expression. A ritualist with dueling wraps, he notes. A monk, maybe. The spirits shimmer and ripple across the imperial's hide, making the skink-blues of his patterning and his alchemist's tools glow more brilliantly than before. With a liquid rush, they enter the glowing spheres strapped to his pack and the imperial exits his trance. "Oh," Friedrich says. "Not a candle-mage--an echosoul. That's rare." The greater dragon turns to regard him with a puzzled look and, seized by his own spirit of inquiry, Friedrich dares a leer to test his theory. The imperial's ears stand like a startled deer's and he snorts, narrowing his eyes. "That is not a wise...transference." Friedrich laughs. "It's not! But who has fun being wise, eh?" He grins and all his teeth are quite black from his own enduring curse, which is revolting on a good day. "A Malevolent Spirit has a bone to pick with you and your Disorients, Echosoul." The imperial swears and clasps one of the alchemical orbs at his side while Friedrich jangles the Spirit's stolen teeth, considering their value over his continued survival. He [i]could[/i] toss them. But dragons that suffered together, stayed together. They'd be friends by nightfall if they weren't both dead. --- [b]ETA:[/b] Oh, right! My lair officially ends after Lucid on page 4. Please don't romance any of my fodder breeders, lol.

Your Echosoul catches the eye of my...

Friedrich. ...Unfortunately.


Desperation drives Friedrich to grave-robbing, which is not itself unusual for such an apathetic nihilist. When the skull of an ancient monarch splinters in his grasp, he doesn't flinch as he pries its teeth, modified in life to be precious gems by magickry or by industry, one by one from their root beds. It's negligible wealth, and tartar-covered besides. He'll have to get in touch with that acid-refluxive pearlcatcher for deep cleaning later.

The problem was the site and the hour: he was at Ghostlight Ruins, alone, at near-dusk to meet yet another large order due at dusk. The clan's new rulers were running his boss ragged and himself along with her, but what could a simple candlemaker like himself do against them? The spiral scowls at the skull he still holds, its jaw dislocated into an eternal crooked scream.

In the distance a light--a green light, gruesome and malevolent--appears and a chorus of tengu cackling interrupts his solitude. He sighs...and suddenly, inhales incense. This is not the sharp cinnamon and nutmeg of his own candleguard, but the lure of a blooming orchard. Perhaps a more experienced candlemage was mining the ruins, same as he, and he might bargain for safe passage.

A more experienced mage, maybe, but not a...procurer.


Friedrich finds the imperial bowed at the foot of a headstone with an offering of plums and plush petals. Both fruit and flowers wilt before his eyes, received by the spirits with an extraplanar gasp of satisfaction. As they wind gratefully around his antlers, the imperial smiles closed-eyed and mirroring their contentment.

He is definitely interrupting something, but feels, to his surprise, similarly interrupted by the ritualist's expression. A ritualist with dueling wraps, he notes. A monk, maybe. The spirits shimmer and ripple across the imperial's hide, making the skink-blues of his patterning and his alchemist's tools glow more brilliantly than before. With a liquid rush, they enter the glowing spheres strapped to his pack and the imperial exits his trance.

"Oh," Friedrich says. "Not a candle-mage--an echosoul. That's rare."

The greater dragon turns to regard him with a puzzled look and, seized by his own spirit of inquiry, Friedrich dares a leer to test his theory.

The imperial's ears stand like a startled deer's and he snorts, narrowing his eyes. "That is not a wise...transference."

Friedrich laughs. "It's not! But who has fun being wise, eh?" He grins and all his teeth are quite black from his own enduring curse, which is revolting on a good day. "A Malevolent Spirit has a bone to pick with you and your Disorients, Echosoul." The imperial swears and clasps one of the alchemical orbs at his side while Friedrich jangles the Spirit's stolen teeth, considering their value over his continued survival.

He could toss them. But dragons that suffered together, stayed together. They'd be friends by nightfall if they weren't both dead.


ETA: Oh, right! My lair officially ends after Lucid on page 4. Please don't romance any of my fodder breeders, lol.
[center][size=2]@heavylobster [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The lovely Makai has caught the eye of a rather toxic flower... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Samael reluctantly would admit he missed his old home; a land full of glowing blooms and shadowed marshes where beams of sunlight barely dust across the darkened grass and the moon seems to shine eternally. Mostly he missed the plant life; the blooms and spores that popped up among the twisted brambles. With a displeased sigh he peeled his eyes away from the bugs zipping across the landscape in search or something to eat or someone to spread their infection to, they tended to avoid the toxic coatl. The fae known simply as the baroness had long since wandered off to have a nice chat with a spiral who was visiting from another clan. If he was to be blunt, he shared no interest in their conversations or why someone with his job might be visiting the two lonely dragons nestled with the scarred wastes. Perhaps it was to pick up a couple bottles of toxins, usually that's what visitors seeked; simple a bottle of glowing ooze with a skull sticker on it. [i]Marvelous,[/i] He thought, pulling some of the red dust from under his sharpened claws. Cynical thoughts were interrupted whenever he saw an unfamiliar sight among the wastes; A sight which caused a sharp breath and years of memories to flood through the coatl in a matter of seconds. Feelings he had not experienced since his fingers had been used to nurture blossoms and his lungs had inhaled morning dew and early morning blooms. The retired mercenary raised his head to study the beautiful thing who seemed to be inspecting the blooms around Audire's abode. The spiral who adorned her scales with flowers seemed pleased with the colorful array that seemed to thrive in the blighted, crack soil of the scarred wastes. Silently he approached, unsure of what to say until the spiral suddenly whipped around to face him. She was quite a bit pretty up close, now that he had ample time to look at her as she stared with wide eyes. With a small smile the coatl bowed his head. "I couldn't help but notice my flowers had caught your gaze, it is a pity I cannot make the blooms blossom as beautifully as your scales do." The coatl smiled at her and watched as the flowers swayed in the wind, now the gust carried the sweet scents instead of the stale contagion the wastes tended to smell like. It was a pleasant scent. With a faint chuckle the coatl picked a few of the blooms which stood out most in the bed and began to weave them together, stems twisting underneath his careful fingertips. "It's remarkable really, to see such a beautiful dragon out here in the place of scars and false appearances. It's an honor to meet such a breath of life in this land of rotten death," He hands the small bracelet to her with a soft grin, though it was obscured by the mask the dark purple hues shined. He heard his name being called from the nest of toxins and simply bowed once again, looking over his should to mutter a faint, "Perhaps now that my flowers have such a lovely muse they will strive to develop into flora that defies all words of beauty, much as you do." And with that he left to spiral to contemplate the run in, a pip in his step as he slithered up next to the fae to listen to her cruel demands. ----- [size=2]I apologize for the wait! I got rather busy with some work stuff and couldn't finish writing it out till now ^^ [b]My permas end with Conduit ^^[/b]


The lovely Makai has caught the eye of a rather toxic flower...


Samael reluctantly would admit he missed his old home; a land full of glowing blooms and shadowed marshes where beams of sunlight barely dust across the darkened grass and the moon seems to shine eternally. Mostly he missed the plant life; the blooms and spores that popped up among the twisted brambles. With a displeased sigh he peeled his eyes away from the bugs zipping across the landscape in search or something to eat or someone to spread their infection to, they tended to avoid the toxic coatl.

The fae known simply as the baroness had long since wandered off to have a nice chat with a spiral who was visiting from another clan. If he was to be blunt, he shared no interest in their conversations or why someone with his job might be visiting the two lonely dragons nestled with the scarred wastes. Perhaps it was to pick up a couple bottles of toxins, usually that's what visitors seeked; simple a bottle of glowing ooze with a skull sticker on it.

Marvelous, He thought, pulling some of the red dust from under his sharpened claws. Cynical thoughts were interrupted whenever he saw an unfamiliar sight among the wastes; A sight which caused a sharp breath and years of memories to flood through the coatl in a matter of seconds.

Feelings he had not experienced since his fingers had been used to nurture blossoms and his lungs had inhaled morning dew and early morning blooms. The retired mercenary raised his head to study the beautiful thing who seemed to be inspecting the blooms around Audire's abode. The spiral who adorned her scales with flowers seemed pleased with the colorful array that seemed to thrive in the blighted, crack soil of the scarred wastes.

Silently he approached, unsure of what to say until the spiral suddenly whipped around to face him. She was quite a bit pretty up close, now that he had ample time to look at her as she stared with wide eyes. With a small smile the coatl bowed his head.

"I couldn't help but notice my flowers had caught your gaze, it is a pity I cannot make the blooms blossom as beautifully as your scales do." The coatl smiled at her and watched as the flowers swayed in the wind, now the gust carried the sweet scents instead of the stale contagion the wastes tended to smell like. It was a pleasant scent.

With a faint chuckle the coatl picked a few of the blooms which stood out most in the bed and began to weave them together, stems twisting underneath his careful fingertips. "It's remarkable really, to see such a beautiful dragon out here in the place of scars and false appearances. It's an honor to meet such a breath of life in this land of rotten death," He hands the small bracelet to her with a soft grin, though it was obscured by the mask the dark purple hues shined.

He heard his name being called from the nest of toxins and simply bowed once again, looking over his should to mutter a faint, "Perhaps now that my flowers have such a lovely muse they will strive to develop into flora that defies all words of beauty, much as you do." And with that he left to spiral to contemplate the run in, a pip in his step as he slithered up next to the fae to listen to her cruel demands.

I apologize for the wait! I got rather busy with some work stuff and couldn't finish writing it out till now ^^

My permas end with Conduit ^^

Chipped Blackened Legbones Fascinator Greystone Deer
[center]@Lurch [img][/img] and [img][/img] "Mister Vincenzo, your body is in need of a rest. Overworking it can cause damage to both mind and body." A monotone voice comments, dragging the nocturne's focus away from the work at hand. The male looked to the android ridgeback, both of their gazes locking in a silent battle. Work or to not work. After a minute, Conduit blinked, signalling to the ridgeback that they had won this battle. So, with ease, the ridgeback lifted him up and carried him to a pile of pillows. With an almost smug look, the android rested himself beside the nocturne. "I get it, you won Atlantis. Also, stop calling me Vincenzo! It's easier to call me Conduit!" The nocturne snaps, seemingly annoyed by the smug look. The ridgeback nodded, taking note of it. "I shall keep that noted, Mister Conduit." "Good! Don't forget it!" Yes, the ridgeback was not fully dragon, but he could still feel emotions. So, as he watched the nocturne get huffy about not being allowed to work, a chuckle left him. Atlantis cared about Conduit, he wasn't going to allow him to overwork himself. Sometimes, it was nice to give others a push in the right direction... His direction. ------- [b]Lair ends at Maia Not all dragons have their lore typed in yet so if you want, you can ask about them[/b][/center]

29989524.png and 42230113.png

"Mister Vincenzo, your body is in need of a rest. Overworking it can cause damage to both mind and body." A monotone voice comments, dragging the nocturne's focus away from the work at hand. The male looked to the android ridgeback, both of their gazes locking in a silent battle. Work or to not work.

After a minute, Conduit blinked, signalling to the ridgeback that they had won this battle. So, with ease, the ridgeback lifted him up and carried him to a pile of pillows. With an almost smug look, the android rested himself beside the nocturne.

"I get it, you won Atlantis. Also, stop calling me Vincenzo! It's easier to call me Conduit!" The nocturne snaps, seemingly annoyed by the smug look. The ridgeback nodded, taking note of it.

"I shall keep that noted, Mister Conduit."

"Good! Don't forget it!"

Yes, the ridgeback was not fully dragon, but he could still feel emotions. So, as he watched the nocturne get huffy about not being allowed to work, a chuckle left him. Atlantis cared about Conduit, he wasn't going to allow him to overwork himself. Sometimes, it was nice to give others a push in the right direction... His direction.

Lair ends at Maia
Not all dragons have their lore typed in yet so if you want, you can ask about them
I got no idea what I'm doing, I'm just some lost idiot
@CaffieneAddict [url=] [img][/img] [/url] catches the eye of [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- Arcanity was having an odd day. Though the events were quite mediocre compared to some circumstances of her past, she could not fathom how one wrong turn would lead her directly to the heart of Ice's Cloudscrape Crags. It was truly baffling. She was trying to get to Earth -- that was basically in the opposite direction! Sure, she might have dozed off a few times, the bird she may have been following was [i]really[/i] distracting... and, well, it's not like she had much better to do, anyway. The spiral perked, ears swiveling as pink eyes gazed upon a flash of black against the arctic snow. Though it moved too quickly, and within moments, the shape disappeared. Arcanity turned around, looking once more. It may have been prey, and the long flight to the Ice territory had left her rather famished. ...There! As the shape paused, faced away from herself, Arcanity realized that it was a fellow Spiral... a rather handsome one, too. She found herself blushing as her eyes raked his form, giggling as she realized that he was nearly a meter longer than her. He would make a perfect mate. So, ever so slowly, she flew towards him, grabbing his attention with a beat of her comparatively large wings. Her maw began to twist into a small smile. "Hey! You come here often?" Yes, he would do nicely... ----- Lair ends at the first row! (The rest will be sold/exalted at a later date, apologies!) Feel free to assume personalities by their appearances.


catches the eye of


Arcanity was having an odd day.
Though the events were quite mediocre compared to some circumstances of her past, she could not fathom how one wrong turn would lead her directly to the heart of Ice's Cloudscrape Crags. It was truly baffling. She was trying to get to Earth -- that was basically in the opposite direction! Sure, she might have dozed off a few times, the bird she may have been following was really distracting... and, well, it's not like she had much better to do, anyway.

The spiral perked, ears swiveling as pink eyes gazed upon a flash of black against the arctic snow. Though it moved too quickly, and within moments, the shape disappeared.

Arcanity turned around, looking once more. It may have been prey, and the long flight to the Ice territory had left her rather famished.

...There! As the shape paused, faced away from herself, Arcanity realized that it was a fellow Spiral... a rather handsome one, too. She found herself blushing as her eyes raked his form, giggling as she realized that he was nearly a meter longer than her. He would make a perfect mate.

So, ever so slowly, she flew towards him, grabbing his attention with a beat of her comparatively large wings. Her maw began to twist into a small smile.

"Hey! You come here often?"

Yes, he would do nicely...

Lair ends at the first row! (The rest will be sold/exalted at a later date, apologies!) Feel free to assume personalities by their appearances.
link || wink || skink
Duis efficitur quis turpis non posuere. Fusce mi diam, sollicitudin elementum justo ut, vulputate dignissim magna. Quisque nisi tellus, feugiat eget eleifend at, varius sit amet magna. Duis efficitur quis turpis non posuere. Fusce mi diam, sollicitudin elementum justo ut, vulputate dignissim magna. Quieugiat eget eleifend at, varius sit amet magna.
as u can tell from the Lorem Ipsum, my entire life is a basically WIP. thanks
@monotonous [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Your Arcanity has piqued the interest of my Ijona! [center]——————————[/center] The Pearlcatcher shuffled through her messy desk, sorting through knick-knacks and papers scattered atop it. She looked up as a noise alerted her to the new customer. Ijona paused her tidying up to gawk at the iridescent Spiral that trot through her door. The black markings of the long dragon stood out on her soft pink pelt, and the spiral’s eyes with striking. Ijona felt her mane fluff up and her face redden. What an attractive stranger. Ijona shook her head, setting down one of the several crystal balls she owned. This dragon was a customer, likely seeking to get closure with the deceased. The medium often wished her job wasn’t so solemm all the time. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, then rose to greet the stranger. “Please have a seat. What brings you here today?” (Sorry it’s not much of a flirt, but I think it turned out ok! Your dragons are all so pretty.) [center]——————————[/center] Next person: any adult dragon with a name and familiar is free to flirt with!



Your Arcanity has piqued the interest of my Ijona!
The Pearlcatcher shuffled through her messy desk, sorting through knick-knacks and papers scattered atop it. She looked up as a noise alerted her to the new customer. Ijona paused her tidying up to gawk at the iridescent Spiral that trot through her door. The black markings of the long dragon stood out on her soft pink pelt, and the spiral’s eyes with striking. Ijona felt her mane fluff up and her face redden. What an attractive stranger.

Ijona shook her head, setting down one of the several crystal balls she owned. This dragon was a customer, likely seeking to get closure with the deceased. The medium often wished her job wasn’t so solemm all the time. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, then rose to greet the stranger.

“Please have a seat. What brings you here today?”

(Sorry it’s not much of a flirt, but I think it turned out ok! Your dragons are all so pretty.)
Next person: any adult dragon with a name and familiar is free to flirt with!
@SmolSnek Hmmmmmmmm...... [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Things were becoming complicated within Nightmare's current [url=]host[/url] and she knew it wouldn't be long before something drastic happened. She already had some control over that foolish [url=]boy[/url], but he proved smarter and warier of her than she anticipated; she would have to look elsewhere, hence her current location. Nightmare watched in amusement as a silvery nocturne discussed his plans with his loyal followers; the gleam for power was evident in his eyes and she soaked it in. She was already aware of Zivis' failed coup, but the fact that he was planning another caught Nightmare's interest. However, she narrowed her eyes in contemplation, their progress was...slow and now was not the time to make her presence known. For now, she will watch with interest and wait for the opportune moment to lend her powers...for a price. [i]Next person: Anyone with a familiar is fair game.[/i]




Things were becoming complicated within Nightmare's current host and she knew it wouldn't be long before something drastic happened. She already had some control over that foolish boy, but he proved smarter and warier of her than she anticipated; she would have to look elsewhere, hence her current location.

Nightmare watched in amusement as a silvery nocturne discussed his plans with his loyal followers; the gleam for power was evident in his eyes and she soaked it in. She was already aware of Zivis' failed coup, but the fact that he was planning another caught Nightmare's interest. However, she narrowed her eyes in contemplation, their progress was...slow and now was not the time to make her presence known.

For now, she will watch with interest and wait for the opportune moment to lend her powers...for a price.

Next person: Anyone with a familiar is fair game.
@BloodSentry [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Somehow; someway a Merchant/Pirate was able to make a demon fall for them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ------------- How did this happen? How COULD this even happen? Shuck was suppose to be living up to his namesake, not ogling some prirate selling things. The demon was meant to be causing havoc & yet here he was; hiding in the shadows of the alleyway, staring at a sea blue merchant. For godsake at this point Shuck just wonders if he should roll over & be these mortals pet, because this certainly wasn't normal demon behavior. Demons aren't meant to be lovey-dovey & all that mushy stuff. [i]I wonder.[/i] Shuck thought to himself. Maybe he could get rid of this feeling by just meeting the guy. It was worth a shot, right? Yeah that should do it. If Shuck was to meet this guy face to face then he'd have to realize that this love stuff isn't for him. [i]Oh how very wrong he was.[/i] Shuck sat in the shadows of the gloomy sky; lightning crackling every so often, waiting for his prince charming to walk down this path to go home. He had seen glances of the dragon before, but never did Shuck ever had the chance to study the blue dove like he'd done at the docks earlier today. Shuck had to be very familiar with every step in each land to make sure he didn't slip up & this included watching how others traveled through their day to day life. Memorizing their routines. It wouldn't be long now before that sea bound dragon walked passed. Right on cue Shuck saw his sweetheart passing by. Shuck had to force his limbs to move as his legs became as stiff as sticks when he saw the Merchant. "Hello there." Shuck wished he could sound more intimidating. What was happening to him? Why was he such a nervous wreck all of a sudden? "There is something you & I need to discuss." Shuck could feel the merchants eyes studying him as he worked up the courage to say it. "A demon should not being feeling any type of love, but somehow you've managed to swoon me. How?" Shuck asked the Merchant, confusion in his voice. ======= Shuck is very confused about soft feelings. Forgive him please.


Somehow; someway a Merchant/Pirate was able to make a demon fall for them.


How did this happen? How COULD this even happen? Shuck was suppose to be living up to his namesake, not ogling some prirate selling things. The demon was meant to be causing havoc & yet here he was; hiding in the shadows of the alleyway, staring at a sea blue merchant. For godsake at this point Shuck just wonders if he should roll over & be these mortals pet, because this certainly wasn't normal demon behavior. Demons aren't meant to be lovey-dovey & all that mushy stuff. I wonder. Shuck thought to himself. Maybe he could get rid of this feeling by just meeting the guy. It was worth a shot, right? Yeah that should do it. If Shuck was to meet this guy face to face then he'd have to realize that this love stuff isn't for him. Oh how very wrong he was.

Shuck sat in the shadows of the gloomy sky; lightning crackling every so often, waiting for his prince charming to walk down this path to go home. He had seen glances of the dragon before, but never did Shuck ever had the chance to study the blue dove like he'd done at the docks earlier today. Shuck had to be very familiar with every step in each land to make sure he didn't slip up & this included watching how others traveled through their day to day life. Memorizing their routines. It wouldn't be long now before that sea bound dragon walked passed. Right on cue Shuck saw his sweetheart passing by. Shuck had to force his limbs to move as his legs became as stiff as sticks when he saw the Merchant. "Hello there." Shuck wished he could sound more intimidating. What was happening to him? Why was he such a nervous wreck all of a sudden? "There is something you & I need to discuss." Shuck could feel the merchants eyes studying him as he worked up the courage to say it. "A demon should not being feeling any type of love, but somehow you've managed to swoon me. How?" Shuck asked the Merchant, confusion in his voice.
Shuck is very confused about soft feelings. Forgive him please.
I collect 17499.png 16443.png
If you ever find me in a HeadCanon game; Prepare for lore.
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