
Forum Games

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TOPIC | ABC fictional characters
Keep naming fictional characters in alphabetical order, at the end, start again from A

Aida (Ascension)
Keep naming fictional characters in alphabetical order, at the end, start again from A

Aida (Ascension)
6R7AJ1z.png4SVfFPD.pngtTe9se4.pngykhFm7u.pngHJLIYn4.pngZ33buiu.png47kGAHG.pngaC86tUH.png q3Me7tJ.png5iXiC8z.pngH2jRHgT.pngNQ1Ze0S.pngB1biG2b.pngSYiQlxK.pngsxmoj5E.png8GgdVkW.pngqeWy3Ik.pngopVnnIs.pngIgxj6v7.pngiJZWqi6.pngqJFAY9h.pngQ984qU5.png1fpzX0w.png
Balthier (Final Fantasy 12)
Balthier (Final Fantasy 12)
Claire McLeod (McLeod's Daughters)
Claire McLeod (McLeod's Daughters)

Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it

You can't have a rainbow without a little rain
Daichi Sawamura (Haikyuu!!)
Daichi Sawamura (Haikyuu!!)
Elrond (LOTR)
Elrond (LOTR)
Credit: MythicalViper
Fang (Harry Potter)
Fang (Harry Potter)
6R7AJ1z.png4SVfFPD.pngtTe9se4.pngykhFm7u.pngHJLIYn4.pngZ33buiu.png47kGAHG.pngaC86tUH.png q3Me7tJ.png5iXiC8z.pngH2jRHgT.pngNQ1Ze0S.pngB1biG2b.pngSYiQlxK.pngsxmoj5E.png8GgdVkW.pngqeWy3Ik.pngopVnnIs.pngIgxj6v7.pngiJZWqi6.pngqJFAY9h.pngQ984qU5.png1fpzX0w.png
Gandalf (LOTR)
Gandalf (LOTR)
oops ninja'd

Hawke (Dragon Age)
oops ninja'd

Hawke (Dragon Age)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
The Jackal (Bravely Default)
The Jackal (Bravely Default)