
Forum Games

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TOPIC | --Canceled for now-- :C
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Feel better soon! @CaptainFleeper!
Feel better soon! @CaptainFleeper!
@CaptainFleeper ouch! Sounds painful. Feel better soon :)
@CaptainFleeper ouch! Sounds painful. Feel better soon :)

Aww don't run because of him
He's actually never won any contests I've entered him in before haha


So sorry to hear about your injury, ouch that sounds painful
Rest up and heal and feel better soon!

Aww don't run because of him
He's actually never won any contests I've entered him in before haha


So sorry to hear about your injury, ouch that sounds painful
Rest up and heal and feel better soon!

Hopefully you feel better :(
Hopefully you feel better :(
Take care, @captainfleeper, we'll be here when you're healed!
Take care, @captainfleeper, we'll be here when you're healed!
Aww ;; I hope it heals well, feel better soon @CaptainFleeper !
Aww ;; I hope it heals well, feel better soon @CaptainFleeper !

PLEASE heal soon! No hurry with the contest at all, you healing is more important!

PLEASE heal soon! No hurry with the contest at all, you healing is more important!
@Fleeper Hey, I saw this at the near back of the forum, and I wanna see if you're still willing to bring it back!

Also, just a bonp for the thread
@Fleeper Hey, I saw this at the near back of the forum, and I wanna see if you're still willing to bring it back!

Also, just a bonp for the thread
Toast/Dragon ~ he/xe ~ panromantic demisexual ~ 21+
avid roleplayer ~ just doin my best
attempting at arting ~ i had a void era
cat and snake owner ~ transgender mess
0 hours+ FR time ~ no longer active on the daily- pings usually answered!
"thank you Craig for ratting us out"
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