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TOPIC | [Night 15] Blind to the Truth
(I deleted my message and rewrote it ~ @akal It's okay! I really don't mind 8''DDD) @SoulSorbet @brain4puzzles When Saana finally arrived to the fountain, he looked around - maybe there were familiar faces. Squeeze? Wasn't she just with Toaziwatl..? Well what ever, the spiral cleared his throat. [img][/img] Hey wait! I'm coming too. Saana informed and flied next to Squeeze, he wasn't sure did he remember who all the others were. But at the moment he really didn't care what their names would be, as long as they weren't the enemy.
(I deleted my message and rewrote it ~ @akal It's okay! I really don't mind 8''DDD)


When Saana finally arrived to the fountain, he looked around - maybe there were familiar faces.
Squeeze? Wasn't she just with Toaziwatl..? Well what ever, the spiral cleared his throat.

269434p_zpsba8cce69.png Hey wait! I'm coming too.
Saana informed and flied next to Squeeze, he wasn't sure did he remember who all the others were. But at the moment he really didn't care what their names would be, as long as they weren't the enemy.