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TOPIC | [Night 15] Blind to the Truth
@kahvinporo @akal @brain4puzzles [b]-Dorms-[/b] [i]The pupils that were focused on the group dilated. STOP? WHY SHOULD I STOP THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED TOAZIWATL YOU AND ALL THE OTHERS Toaziwatl wasn't sure of what to think with this horrid ringing in her ears. This wasn't what she wanted at all. Who could ever wish for a situation like this?[/i] . . . [b]-Shelter-[/b] [i]Pako's eyes narrowed behind his goggles as he flew to the top of a stone and looked forward.[/i] [img][/img] Hmm... I can't really see Skyclaw from here, but I suppose we might as well. I know its just some small cuts, but... try to keep up with us okay? Ma 'n I will try to fly a little bit slower, just for you. [i]Etzli thought that Pako was mocking him at first, but then he realized that the skydancer wasn't kidding. These two really knew how to fly despite the weight of the haze.[/i] . . . [b]-Shadow Fountain-[/b] [b]BGM [url=][X][/url][/b] [img][/img] [i]Murtaugh frowned as Scurra confronted her, the last of her tears dripping down the guardian's chin. The saltiness must have stung through those bandages, Murtaugh thought. Not as much as her betrayal, of course...[/i] " I..." [i]The snapper could feel tears collecting in her own eyes, but she fought to keep them inside with no success.[/i] "I was... only carrying out orders as we normally would have. After I... learned the truth, that is." [i]Orders? The truth..?! Scurra was sick and tired of everything by this point. She had been ecstatic to see her friend safe not long ago, and now she had just learned of her betrayal.[/i] "[i]Austerus[/i]..." [i]Murtaugh shakily sighed. She felt ashamed at having to mutter his name in front of Scurra at a time like this.[/i] "He... it was my fault. Austerus was taken away from us... because I didn't listen. You were almost taken away too, Scurra. I... I had no choice..."


The pupils that were focused on the group dilated.





Toaziwatl wasn't sure of what to think with this horrid ringing in her ears. This wasn't what she wanted at all.

Who could ever wish for a situation like this?

. . .


Pako's eyes narrowed behind his goggles as he flew to the top of a stone and looked forward.

YxGwNQ1.png Hmm... I can't really see Skyclaw from here, but I suppose we might as well. I know its just some small cuts, but... try to keep up with us okay? Ma 'n I will try to fly a little bit slower, just for you.

Etzli thought that Pako was mocking him at first, but then he realized that the skydancer wasn't kidding. These two really knew how to fly despite the weight of the haze.

. . .

-Shadow Fountain-



Murtaugh frowned as Scurra confronted her, the last of her tears dripping down the guardian's chin. The saltiness must have stung through those bandages, Murtaugh thought. Not as much as her betrayal, of course...

" I..."

The snapper could feel tears collecting in her own eyes, but she fought to keep them inside with no success.

"I was... only carrying out orders as we normally would have. After I... learned the truth, that is."

Orders? The truth..?!

Scurra was sick and tired of everything by this point. She had been ecstatic to see her friend safe not long ago, and now she had just learned of her betrayal.


Murtaugh shakily sighed. She felt ashamed at having to mutter his name in front of Scurra at a time like this.

"He... it was my fault. Austerus was taken away from us... because I didn't listen. You were almost taken away too, Scurra. I... I had no choice..."
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@SoulSorbet [i]Even after all she had done, it was crushing to see Murtaugh cry. Scurra felt tired and sad and everything hurt, but the persistent burn of anger was still there. On top of that, her headache seemed to have returned. She bared her teeth at Murtaugh. [/i] [img][/img]"Don't you...Don't you say his name, don't you DARE--" [i] Scurra jerked her arm back, as if to hit Murtaugh, but then brought it hard down on the ground instead. She dug her claws so hard into the paving, the force would shatter either them or the tiles below. The flagstones made a very satisfying crack as they broke. Scurra forced her muscles to relax, withdrawing her claws from the ruined tiles. Crap, now she was bleeding from her paw too, how fricking great. Something was tugging at the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite focus on it. There was something she should have known, something that had something to do with what Murtaugh had said, but it slipped out of her reach every time she tried to catch it.[/i] [img][/img]"What's this grand truth then, that we others seem to be so blind to?"

Even after all she had done, it was crushing to see Murtaugh cry. Scurra felt tired and sad and everything hurt, but the persistent burn of anger was still there. On top of that, her headache seemed to have returned. She bared her teeth at Murtaugh.

o7rH7UI.png"Don't you...Don't you say his name, don't you DARE--"

Scurra jerked her arm back, as if to hit Murtaugh, but then brought it hard down on the ground instead. She dug her claws so hard into the paving, the force would shatter either them or the tiles below.
The flagstones made a very satisfying crack as they broke. Scurra forced her muscles to relax, withdrawing her claws from the ruined tiles. Crap, now she was bleeding from her paw too, how fricking great.

Something was tugging at the back of her mind, but she couldn't quite focus on it. There was something she should have known, something that had something to do with what Murtaugh had said, but it slipped out of her reach every time she tried to catch it.

o7rH7UI.png"What's this grand truth then, that we others seem to be so blind to?"
@SoulSorbet @kahvinporo @Soulwing @Akal [b]~Dorms~[/b] [img][/img] Toaziwatl dragged at her memory. [i]What I wanted? Sonia mixing potion to help restore memory. No idea how I got to weird location. Why? Where is my lair? [/i] [i]Only one chance to make it stop? Too much talking and my brain will start bleeding from his pressure. What about Saana and the others?[/i] [i]Don't deny. Takes too much time. Focus on stopping ritual.[/i] [b]"Grima, I no longer want this ritual to take place, and I am willing to speak for all the others. I will take the blame. What can we do to stop this ritual?"[/b] ----- [b] ~Main Altar~[/b] [img][/img] [i]*Wheeze!*[/i] Eztli just gasped as he sat between the altar and the fountain. [i]*Wheeze*[/i] He [s]walked[/s] staggered over to the fountain. He dipped in his paws and washed his face. [i]Is SkyClaw here yet with that book?[/i] ----- [b]~Castle~[/b] [img][/img] No-one was volunteering to go back to the room. No way did Squeeze want to either. However, the muttering caught her attention. As always, Squeeze is good at hearing conversations of others. [i] Orders? Truth? [/i]



Toaziwatl dragged at her memory. What I wanted? Sonia mixing potion to help restore memory. No idea how I got to weird location. Why? Where is my lair?

Only one chance to make it stop? Too much talking and my brain will start bleeding from his pressure. What about Saana and the others?

Don't deny. Takes too much time. Focus on stopping ritual.

"Grima, I no longer want this ritual to take place, and I am willing to speak for all the others. I will take the blame. What can we do to stop this ritual?"

~Main Altar~


*Wheeze!* Eztli just gasped as he sat between the altar and the fountain. *Wheeze*

He walked staggered over to the fountain. He dipped in his paws and washed his face. Is SkyClaw here yet with that book?



No-one was volunteering to go back to the room. No way did Squeeze want to either.

However, the muttering caught her attention. As always, Squeeze is good at hearing conversations of others. Orders? Truth?


The more Toaziwatl tried to dig into her memory, the worse her headache seemed to get. All she knew now was that she wanted this to stop, and she was sure all the others did too.


Despite being unable to move, Toaziwatl felt as though she were being sucked in by the shadows spreading from the walls and into the doorway. Saana felt the same, as the voice now boomed within his own eardrums.




Was Grima... referring to Lioth?

. . .

-Main Altar-

Etzli hardly cared that the water in the fountain seemed less... pristine this time around. He was apparently dead, anyway, so the fae doubted that he was going to come down with any strange illnesses.

Skyclaw approached him while raising an eyebrow. Was the fae all right? And why was his paw so messily bandaged up?

She wasn't sure where to begin with this book. It had practically been writhing in her grasp when she flew to the altar. Skyclaw hadn't heard any responses from Lioth in the time she carried it... hopefully he was okay.

. . .

-Shadow Fountain-

Having been Scurra's companion for some time, Murtaugh knew to tread lightly when the guardian was upset. That was also the best time for honesty.

Scurra could barely understand what Murtaugh was muttering to herself. She ground her claws into the cracked tiles as a sign of irritation, drawing Squeeze's attention to the conversation. Murtaugh took a deep breath before continuing.

"...It's us. It's been us all this time. Why... why were we so foolish?"

She drew a trinket out from the bandanna around her neck. It was etched in the form of a wildclaw's skull. Scurra recognized it: she remembered finding one in her room back at the dorms.

"We were... followers. I do not know for how long, but these are proof. I... can't remember how we came to follow Grima, anyhow. Very few of us have their memories still intact."


The more Toaziwatl tried to dig into her memory, the worse her headache seemed to get. All she knew now was that she wanted this to stop, and she was sure all the others did too.


Despite being unable to move, Toaziwatl felt as though she were being sucked in by the shadows spreading from the walls and into the doorway. Saana felt the same, as the voice now boomed within his own eardrums.




Was Grima... referring to Lioth?

. . .

-Main Altar-

Etzli hardly cared that the water in the fountain seemed less... pristine this time around. He was apparently dead, anyway, so the fae doubted that he was going to come down with any strange illnesses.

Skyclaw approached him while raising an eyebrow. Was the fae all right? And why was his paw so messily bandaged up?

She wasn't sure where to begin with this book. It had practically been writhing in her grasp when she flew to the altar. Skyclaw hadn't heard any responses from Lioth in the time she carried it... hopefully he was okay.

. . .

-Shadow Fountain-

Having been Scurra's companion for some time, Murtaugh knew to tread lightly when the guardian was upset. That was also the best time for honesty.

Scurra could barely understand what Murtaugh was muttering to herself. She ground her claws into the cracked tiles as a sign of irritation, drawing Squeeze's attention to the conversation. Murtaugh took a deep breath before continuing.

"...It's us. It's been us all this time. Why... why were we so foolish?"

She drew a trinket out from the bandanna around her neck. It was etched in the form of a wildclaw's skull. Scurra recognized it: she remembered finding one in her room back at the dorms.

"We were... followers. I do not know for how long, but these are proof. I... can't remember how we came to follow Grima, anyhow. Very few of us have their memories still intact."
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He didn't want to hear more of this. What followers? What was going on?

He slowly approached Scurra and left a torn cloth by her side to wrap her claw.

"I'm heading back to that room of corpses. Whoever that wants to come, come. I'm going to try to bring the smaller ones back first." He walked out of the courtyard, head hung low.

He only wished Crux was here with him. She helped him keep his mind away from the depressing things all this while.

Stepping back in the room, he gazed at the dead dragons.


"Is it possible to tell the fae something? Squeeze told me almost everyone's location..." Clearing her throat, a list came out.

"Skyclaw - main altar
Squeeze - castle
Fortuna - castle
Echo & Paco - shelter
Exlti - shelter

Thanks! It'll be great if you can do it. I'd appreciate it."

The air steeped into silent. Hopefully the ridgeback was willing to help.

'Urgh, why is diplomats thrusted upon me? It's more fitting for Volkan.' Crux thought.

He didn't want to hear more of this. What followers? What was going on?

He slowly approached Scurra and left a torn cloth by her side to wrap her claw.

"I'm heading back to that room of corpses. Whoever that wants to come, come. I'm going to try to bring the smaller ones back first." He walked out of the courtyard, head hung low.

He only wished Crux was here with him. She helped him keep his mind away from the depressing things all this while.

Stepping back in the room, he gazed at the dead dragons.


"Is it possible to tell the fae something? Squeeze told me almost everyone's location..." Clearing her throat, a list came out.

"Skyclaw - main altar
Squeeze - castle
Fortuna - castle
Echo & Paco - shelter
Exlti - shelter

Thanks! It'll be great if you can do it. I'd appreciate it."

The air steeped into silent. Hopefully the ridgeback was willing to help.

'Urgh, why is diplomats thrusted upon me? It's more fitting for Volkan.' Crux thought.

@SoulSorbet [i]Scurra couldn’t help but stare at Murtaugh in confusion. She felt disoriented and the pounding in her head didn't exactly help. Noticing the piece of cloth Volkan had kindly left for her, she picked it up and started to dazedly wrap it around her paw. [/i] [i]No one in their group seemed like the kind of dragons that could follow someone as twisted as the dark dragon. Scurra couldn’t imagine Squeeze murdering her friends nor Volkan gleefully stabbing a helpless dragon. Nothing made sense anymore. If they really were followers of the dark dragon, how could they have forgotten something like that? What had made them forget? Her headache was getting worse. [/i] [img][/img]“So you’re saying...All the time we were the ones who...But that’s not possible, I don’t remember murdering anyone! We couldn’t have done all the cursing and killing, we don’t even know how the curses work!” [i] This had to be some kind of trick.[/i]

Scurra couldn’t help but stare at Murtaugh in confusion. She felt disoriented and the pounding in her head didn't exactly help.
Noticing the piece of cloth Volkan had kindly left for her, she picked it up and started to dazedly wrap it around her paw.

No one in their group seemed like the kind of dragons that could follow someone as twisted as the dark dragon. Scurra couldn’t imagine Squeeze murdering her friends nor Volkan gleefully stabbing a helpless dragon. Nothing made sense anymore. If they really were followers of the dark dragon, how could they have forgotten something like that? What had made them forget? Her headache was getting worse.

o7rH7UI.png“So you’re saying...All the time we were the ones who...But that’s not possible, I don’t remember murdering anyone! We couldn’t have done all the cursing and killing, we don’t even know how the curses work!”

This had to be some kind of trick.
@suzukiayako @akal [b]-Herzen Castle-[/b] [i]Volkan would have taken a deep breath to calm his nerves, but the stench of the bodies was too much for him. They harbored no intent of harming him, as far as the tundra could tell. The ones who still had eyes focused solely on him, while others lay on the floor due to broken limbs. Volkan couldn't help but pity them. Had they really been responsible for harming other dragons, like this?[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Much to his surprise, a pair of ridgebacks were within the crowd. If they were supposed to work for the owner of this castle, then what were they doing here dead?[/i] . . . [b]-Flower Fields-[/b] [i]Franziska slowly nodded in agreement. Hopefully Lioth would happen to come by her again, at some point. Crux wasn't sure of what to do or where to go now though. She tried to keep the possibility of night creatures from crawling after her out of her head.[/i] . . . [b]-Shadow Fountain-[/b] [i]Murtaugh shook her head sadly.[/i] "That's what I thought too. The dragon of light must have wiped our memories, for whatever reason. I don't remember killing anyone either, but... it would explain all the other bodies that are within the room we just passed." [i]She tossed the necklace she was holding onto the ground and stomped on it.[/i] "...but all is not yet lost. That is... why Elinor must have brought you here. I understand, now. We need to find the light dragon's disciple and destroy the dark dragon's own. I doubt they will come forward, but we don't have much of a choice Scurra."

-Herzen Castle-

Volkan would have taken a deep breath to calm his nerves, but the stench of the bodies was too much for him. They harbored no intent of harming him, as far as the tundra could tell. The ones who still had eyes focused solely on him, while others lay on the floor due to broken limbs. Volkan couldn't help but pity them.

Had they really been responsible for harming other dragons, like this?



Much to his surprise, a pair of ridgebacks were within the crowd.

If they were supposed to work for the owner of this castle, then what were they doing here dead?

. . .

-Flower Fields-

Franziska slowly nodded in agreement.

Hopefully Lioth would happen to come by her again, at some point. Crux wasn't sure of what to do or where to go now though. She tried to keep the possibility of night creatures from crawling after her out of her head.

. . .

-Shadow Fountain-

Murtaugh shook her head sadly.

"That's what I thought too. The dragon of light must have wiped our memories, for whatever reason. I don't remember killing anyone either, but... it would explain all the other bodies that are within the room we just passed."

She tossed the necklace she was holding onto the ground and stomped on it.

"...but all is not yet lost. That is... why Elinor must have brought you here. I understand, now. We need to find the light dragon's disciple and destroy the dark dragon's own. I doubt they will come forward, but we don't have much of a choice Scurra."
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@SoulSorbet @suzukiayako @gamzeemakara @kahvinporo [b]~Dark Fountain~[/b] [img][/img] Squeeze did not like, at all, the idea that she had been a disciple of a dark dragon, or that she had consented to murdering someone. In distress, she turned her head and saw Volkan walking back up the stairs. [img][/img] [i] Some change of location, yes![/i] Forgetting the location at the top of the stairs was just as bad as the one she was in, she bounded up after him. "Oh, yes. Poor dead dragons." She looked at Volkan. "Toaziwatl said that the souls might reunite to bodies if they got by the flames. Um, here's a little dragon." [img][/img] She pointed at Vesta. Although the skydancer was larger than either of them, she was at least smaller than the wildclaws and imperials around her. "Come, Vesta, let us take you down to see the pretty flames." Squeeze tried her best to make the fountain sound inviting. [i]Please, let someone get that poor bleeding dragon out of the fountain![/i] ----- [b]~Dorms~[/b] [img][/img] [i] Was Grima referring to Lioth? Did any other dragons survive? Child of what? Light? Dark?[/i] Toaziwatl stumbled back a step, fearing she was going to pass out. Her back claw brushed Saana. Somehow the pressure eased. [i]A friend, she had a friend in this darkeness.[/i] [b]"To which child do you refer? What will happen at the castle? We will not kill any dragons. The killing must stop."[/b] Toaziwatl sank to her haunches. One more exchange with Grima and she was going to faint. The darkness was almost complete. ----- [b]~Sacred Fountain~[/b] [img][/img] Eztli looked at Skyclaw, wrestling with the book. [img][/img] [b]"Are you ready to put the book in the fountain?" [/b] he asked her.

~Dark Fountain~


Squeeze did not like, at all, the idea that she had been a disciple of a dark dragon, or that she had consented to murdering someone. In distress, she turned her head and saw Volkan walking back up the stairs.


Some change of location, yes!
Forgetting the location at the top of the stairs was just as bad as the one she was in, she bounded up after him.

"Oh, yes. Poor dead dragons." She looked at Volkan. "Toaziwatl said that the souls might reunite to bodies if they got by the flames. Um, here's a little dragon."


She pointed at Vesta. Although the skydancer was larger than either of them, she was at least smaller than the wildclaws and imperials around her. "Come, Vesta, let us take you down to see the pretty flames." Squeeze tried her best to make the fountain sound inviting. Please, let someone get that poor bleeding dragon out of the fountain!



Was Grima referring to Lioth? Did any other dragons survive? Child of what? Light? Dark?
Toaziwatl stumbled back a step, fearing she was going to pass out. Her back claw brushed Saana. Somehow the pressure eased. A friend, she had a friend in this darkeness.

"To which child do you refer? What will happen at the castle? We will not kill any dragons. The killing must stop."

Toaziwatl sank to her haunches. One more exchange with Grima and she was going to faint. The darkness was almost complete.

~Sacred Fountain~


Eztli looked at Skyclaw, wrestling with the book.


"Are you ready to put the book in the fountain?" he asked her.
@brain4puzzles @SoulSorbet (Sorry that I didn't answer yesterday, I was feeling a bit down ;w; But now I'm okay!) For a long time Saana had just stood still and looked the eyes, feeling like hypnotized. But feeling Toaziwatls claw brushing him he came back to his senses and shook his head, to clear his thoughts. The spiral glanced at the wildclaw and gently touched her shoulder, like telling that he was there for her. Saana also creeped out by all this but tried not to show it. [img][/img] [i]Toaziwatl...[/i]
(Sorry that I didn't answer yesterday, I was feeling a bit down ;w; But now I'm okay!)

For a long time Saana had just stood still and looked the eyes, feeling like hypnotized. But feeling Toaziwatls claw brushing him he came back to his senses and shook his head, to clear his thoughts.

The spiral glanced at the wildclaw and gently touched her shoulder, like telling that he was there for her. Saana also creeped out by all this but tried not to show it.

269434p_zpsba8cce69.png Toaziwatl...

He nodded at Squeeze, and the two lifted the body up carefully. They tried their best to bring Vesta down the stairs carefully, altought it wasn't much as they were smalled than the skydancer.

"Squeeze, there seems to be ridgebacks back in that room. If I'm not wrong, they seem to be guards of the castle. Want to question them later?"

After pondering for a while, she decided to head back to the Main Altar. She thanked the ridgeback again, and made her way back.

She found out about Volkan's location, and quickly headed to the castle to meet up. It seemed years since they last met.

He nodded at Squeeze, and the two lifted the body up carefully. They tried their best to bring Vesta down the stairs carefully, altought it wasn't much as they were smalled than the skydancer.

"Squeeze, there seems to be ridgebacks back in that room. If I'm not wrong, they seem to be guards of the castle. Want to question them later?"

After pondering for a while, she decided to head back to the Main Altar. She thanked the ridgeback again, and made her way back.

She found out about Volkan's location, and quickly headed to the castle to meet up. It seemed years since they last met.
