(specifically Cantaloupe/Purple/Cantaloupe but that doesn't fit in the subject lol)
So, I got it in my mind that I wanted a very specific dragon. An XYX, Cantaloupe/Purple/Cantaloupe, with Arcane eyes. This shouldn't be too hard, I said to myself, I see purple/orange dragons all the time, especially around Halloween. Even if they aren't Arcane, I can just get a breeding pair together and rent a nest. Shouldn't take too long, right?
ROAD BLOCK 1: the vast majority of those orange/purple dragons are XYY, and/or all in the same range and have genes that make it LOOK like the opposite range (sunset my beloathed)
ROAD BLOCK 2: there have been only 6 Cantaloupe/Purple/Cantaloupe dragons ever, and the only male was exalted (probably a long, long time ago, given he was in the 40m range).
ROAD BLOCK 3: the remaining active ones are either in inactive lairs or are G1, and I am not interested in paying for a G1 double because I am cheap and trying (slowly) to save up for a KS fam.
ROAD BLOCK 4: even if I were to bite the bullet and shell out for a G1 and a silhouette scroll, my intent is to breed this dream dragon to create a clone army, so I'd still need a male eventually.
And so Project Honeypot began! I began gathering as many cheap dragons in a reasonable range as I could, and assembled several pairs. You can see active ones here (along with G1s that can't go in the hibden yet), the rest of my collection waiting in the wings to grow up/find a better mate/etc here, viable offspring of the active pairs here, and... G1 candidates here, because I am not immune to cheap G1s, but I feel bad about breeding them with non-G1s so it's a very, very long waiting game for good matches. (They are being accompanied by other G1s that are hanging out in storage to make room for more active pairs in my lair.)
Now, I have a dozen different range searches saved on the AH, that I check multiple times a day, as well as frequently monitoring the AH in Expiring: Later mode, but I feel like I am at the point where I want tighter ranges to breed with those viable offspring above, and I feel like someone out there might have an unlisted dragon that would work great. I also really hate sliding into strangers' DMs asking to buy a dragon I know full well I'll be exalting after I've gotten what I need from it, and I just want more people to know I'm searching so they think of me if they randomly get a good hatchling from a wide-range pair. (Now I have something to link in my sig!)
So, I got it in my mind that I wanted a very specific dragon. An XYX, Cantaloupe/Purple/Cantaloupe, with Arcane eyes. This shouldn't be too hard, I said to myself, I see purple/orange dragons all the time, especially around Halloween. Even if they aren't Arcane, I can just get a breeding pair together and rent a nest. Shouldn't take too long, right?
ROAD BLOCK 1: the vast majority of those orange/purple dragons are XYY, and/or all in the same range and have genes that make it LOOK like the opposite range (sunset my beloathed)
ROAD BLOCK 2: there have been only 6 Cantaloupe/Purple/Cantaloupe dragons ever, and the only male was exalted (probably a long, long time ago, given he was in the 40m range).
ROAD BLOCK 3: the remaining active ones are either in inactive lairs or are G1, and I am not interested in paying for a G1 double because I am cheap and trying (slowly) to save up for a KS fam.
ROAD BLOCK 4: even if I were to bite the bullet and shell out for a G1 and a silhouette scroll, my intent is to breed this dream dragon to create a clone army, so I'd still need a male eventually.
And so Project Honeypot began! I began gathering as many cheap dragons in a reasonable range as I could, and assembled several pairs. You can see active ones here (along with G1s that can't go in the hibden yet), the rest of my collection waiting in the wings to grow up/find a better mate/etc here, viable offspring of the active pairs here, and... G1 candidates here, because I am not immune to cheap G1s, but I feel bad about breeding them with non-G1s so it's a very, very long waiting game for good matches. (They are being accompanied by other G1s that are hanging out in storage to make room for more active pairs in my lair.)
Now, I have a dozen different range searches saved on the AH, that I check multiple times a day, as well as frequently monitoring the AH in Expiring: Later mode, but I feel like I am at the point where I want tighter ranges to breed with those viable offspring above, and I feel like someone out there might have an unlisted dragon that would work great. I also really hate sliding into strangers' DMs asking to buy a dragon I know full well I'll be exalting after I've gotten what I need from it, and I just want more people to know I'm searching so they think of me if they randomly get a good hatchling from a wide-range pair. (Now I have something to link in my sig!)
- Primary: Cantaloupe (ideal range: Marigold to Fire)
- Secondary: Purple (ideal range: Thistle to Grape)
- Tertiary: Cantaloupe (ideal range: Marigold to Fire)
- Breed: any (see this post for current Ancients needing matches first!)
- Genes: none/any (breedchanges can/will happen since the end goal is an Auraboa)
- M/F: either! Ideally ones that can breed with extant candidates, but I'm happy to expand my pool either way
- Age: Any! I can wait for babies to grow up, this is gonna take months/years anyway. I'm patient.
- Hibden cooldown: I would PREFER no cooldown, but if they're RTB and a good match for a RTB dragon in my hibden it's fine. It's not a dealbreaker!
- Generation: G2+ preferred unless the G1 is a good match for one in my hibden and fits my budget. Would especially love progen offspring!!
- and of course, Price: Max price 15g/kt (willing to go up to 20g/kt for G1s) because this is intended to be a fodder-sourced project, but I can also offer leveled fodder from my hibden fodder tab (and I can level it to 7 if it's not yet) or G1s/oldies from my inbox/outbox tab (and some G1 oldies here) if you'd prefer to trade dragons! I also have some G1s with less-than-ideal terts in my G1 candidates page that I would be happy to trade for better-fitting terts.
Thank you in advance for helping me achieve my dream boy!

she/they, adult, FR+3
on a quest for cantaloupe/purple/cantaloupe, seeking partial matches or near misses!
on a quest for cantaloupe/purple/cantaloupe, seeking partial matches or near misses!