[size=2] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_2205104]Intro [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657644]Payouts [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657701]Badges [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657710]Questionares[/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657734]Daily Prizes [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657746]Credits [/url]| [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ez6qpgwABb-S5N3vFeDaYed4oQwZMMn_XRSodUzzsbQ/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url] [/size]
[i]What is happening? There are goats running around, putting up banners, dragons are making make-shift nests, hatchlings are running around, making colourful footprings from the spilled paints the sprites are using to make a giftcard. In other words, the entire Earthshaker's backyard is a mess. Welcome to the dadliest party of the year. [/i]
[size=4]You can participate in this awesome fun full of dad activities aimed at sharing our collective love for the Earthshaker. And because we also believe that all dragon dads deserve a well-wishes for the Father’s day, we have not one, but two fun Dad Questionares for you to fill out, that grant you bonus tickets for our Daily Prizes.
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] Dragons are being accepted through [b]June 11th 00:30 FRT to June 17th 23:45 FRT. [/b]
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] You can send dragons in through the [b]Crossroads [/b]or [b]Private Auctions[/b].
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img]Sending in dragon a day allows you an access to our Daily Prizes. Entering our minigame Questionares as well raises your chances at the drawing. More info bellow.
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] This Public Buy is for all flights except Earth! Pebbles, please head over to the [b][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fd1/2182142]In-Flight Raffle.[/url][/b]
Intro | Payouts | Badges | Questionares| Daily Prizes | Credits | Spreadsheet
What is happening? There are goats running around, putting up banners, dragons are making make-shift nests, hatchlings are running around, making colourful footprings from the spilled paints the sprites are using to make a giftcard. In other words, the entire Earthshaker's backyard is a mess. Welcome to the dadliest party of the year.
[size=2] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_2205104]Intro [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657644]Payouts [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657701]Badges [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657710]Questionares[/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657734]Daily Prizes [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657746]Credits [/url]| [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ez6qpgwABb-S5N3vFeDaYed4oQwZMMn_XRSodUzzsbQ/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url] [/size]
Please send your dragons via [b]2-way Crossroads[/b] or through [b]Private Auction[/b] using the Auction House. You get one ticket towards both of the the [b]Daily Prizes[/b] a day for sending in one or more dragons to our Father's Day campaing. Your ticket resets at the start of each day, if you’d like to know more go [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657734]here[/url].
[center]Colour Bonus +2,500t/2g | Breed Bonus +1,250t/1g | Gene Bonus +1,250t/1g[/center]
Check the spreadsheet to see the most up-to-date prices as well as which of our PB attendants are currently online.
Please be patient even if it might get a bit slow at time. Our acceptors are actually only humans (groundbreaking, I know), and already doing their best.
Intro | Payouts | Badges | Questionares| Daily Prizes | Credits | Spreadsheet
Please send your dragons via
2-way Crossroads or through
Private Auction using the Auction House. You get one ticket towards both of the the
Daily Prizes a day for sending in one or more dragons to our Father's Day campaing. Your ticket resets at the start of each day, if you’d like to know more go
Colour Bonus +2,500t/2g | Breed Bonus +1,250t/1g | Gene Bonus +1,250t/1g
Check the spreadsheet to see the most up-to-date prices as well as which of our PB attendants are currently online.
Please be patient even if it might get a bit slow at time. Our acceptors are actually only humans (groundbreaking, I know), and already doing their best.
[nextcol][b]Greetings traveler![/b]
You seem to have stumbled upon my little den here in the Earth domain, did you hear of my famous pet rocks?
They seem like ordinary rocks, but with a little magic and much love, they will slowly grow over time and they will be always there for you. Also you don’t need to feed them, isn't that great? If they happen to break or chip, no problem, give them some pebbles to absorb and they will fix themselves given with a little time!
But my pet rocks have a price, of course, I need to appease to the great Earthshaker for the strong magic they require in order to create them. Will you help me?
Come back every day to check on your precious pet, but be warned, rocks are not that fast and they need some time to collect and arrange themselves accordingly.[/columns]
[i](Each day a new stage of the current event-exclusive pet will be unlocked, this runs on a honor system, so please only take those which you have unlocked by sending dragons to us!)[/i]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T3STFuz.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/2ATgP6g.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/sYhoDOi.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/JBYvnFm.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/nUsLnHp.png[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/cT7ArrF.png[/img][/center][quote]The Grey Granite Wolf has an Lapis Lazuli heart and is an eternally loyal companion. Once it has bonded to its owner it will become inseparable from its master. It is said even if its master passes away, it will absorb the soul of its former partner and hold it safely in its heart gem, so that it can be forever with them. [/quote]
You have stumbled upon my special pile yes? Well those are no ordinary stones, but some fragments of magical stones I have found. Most of their magic is gone, but I can still sense some of it hidden within them. If you are very dedicated to the Earthshaker I am sure we both can soon see what will happen given some time! But be patient, those stones take a long time to react to my magic sadly.
[i](This is indeed a very special “pet”. It is not event exclusive, and its levels will be carried over each dominance push of Earth. But be warned, it takes a lot of time and dedication, so do not fret if you do not unlock all stages this time, it is here to stay and there is always a next push to make it grow further!)[/i]
[size=5][u][b]FAQ and Rules:[/b][/u][/size]
[*][b]Please refrain from editing the badges in any shape or form.[/b]
[*][b]What are the tiers to unlock the pet? What do the letters mean under the pet?[/b]
The letters under the pet reflect the total amount of levels you have sent us in the form of dragons; the tiers are the following:
lvl 10 = 10 total levels sent in
lvl 25 = 25 total levels sent in
lvl 50 = 50 total levels sent in
and so forth.
[*][b]Where do I track my level progress?[/b]
At this time we do not track individual progress, but you can easy track them on your own in a notepad or excel file!
[*][b]Do I have do donate for each stage or do they all count together?[/b]
The levels of the dragons you send to us count for these badges, and are cumulative. That means you can send us one day 10 lvls and the other day 20 lvls, and so grab the lvl 30 badge and those before that level.
[*][b]Where do I put my pet?[/b]
Your signature, your clan profile, your dragons bios, it does not matter! But if you post it offsite, please link it back to the artist @Snaphance profile!
[*][b]Can I send dragons in behalf of my friend?[/b]
Each person has to send in their own dragons, but feel free to send your dragons to them that they can send them then to us!

Greetings traveler!
You seem to have stumbled upon my little den here in the Earth domain, did you hear of my famous pet rocks?
They seem like ordinary rocks, but with a little magic and much love, they will slowly grow over time and they will be always there for you. Also you don’t need to feed them, isn't that great? If they happen to break or chip, no problem, give them some pebbles to absorb and they will fix themselves given with a little time!
But my pet rocks have a price, of course, I need to appease to the great Earthshaker for the strong magic they require in order to create them. Will you help me?
Come back every day to check on your precious pet, but be warned, rocks are not that fast and they need some time to collect and arrange themselves accordingly.
(Each day a new stage of the current event-exclusive pet will be unlocked, this runs on a honor system, so please only take those which you have unlocked by sending dragons to us!)
The Grey Granite Wolf has an Lapis Lazuli heart and is an eternally loyal companion. Once it has bonded to its owner it will become inseparable from its master. It is said even if its master passes away, it will absorb the soul of its former partner and hold it safely in its heart gem, so that it can be forever with them.
You have stumbled upon my special pile yes? Well those are no ordinary stones, but some fragments of magical stones I have found. Most of their magic is gone, but I can still sense some of it hidden within them. If you are very dedicated to the Earthshaker I am sure we both can soon see what will happen given some time! But be patient, those stones take a long time to react to my magic sadly.
(This is indeed a very special “pet”. It is not event exclusive, and its levels will be carried over each dominance push of Earth. But be warned, it takes a lot of time and dedication, so do not fret if you do not unlock all stages this time, it is here to stay and there is always a next push to make it grow further!)
FAQ and Rules:
- Please refrain from editing the badges in any shape or form.
- What are the tiers to unlock the pet? What do the letters mean under the pet?
The letters under the pet reflect the total amount of levels you have sent us in the form of dragons; the tiers are the following:
lvl 10 = 10 total levels sent in
lvl 25 = 25 total levels sent in
lvl 50 = 50 total levels sent in
and so forth.
- Where do I track my level progress?
At this time we do not track individual progress, but you can easy track them on your own in a notepad or excel file!
- Do I have do donate for each stage or do they all count together?
The levels of the dragons you send to us count for these badges, and are cumulative. That means you can send us one day 10 lvls and the other day 20 lvls, and so grab the lvl 30 badge and those before that level.
- Where do I put my pet?
Your signature, your clan profile, your dragons bios, it does not matter! But if you post it offsite, please link it back to the artist @Snaphance profile!
- Can I send dragons in behalf of my friend?
Each person has to send in their own dragons, but feel free to send your dragons to them that they can send them then to us!
[size=2] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_2205104]Intro [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657644]Payouts [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657701]Badges [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657710]Questionares[/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657734]Daily Prizes [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657746]Credits [/url]| [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ez6qpgwABb-S5N3vFeDaYed4oQwZMMn_XRSodUzzsbQ/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url] [/size]
A party for dads must of course include a lot of dad-talk, praising, jokes and the like. Once a day a random question on the topic of dads will be given out and it’s on your clan abilities to answer in the best way you can. but fear not, the dad’s don’t give anybody a failing grade, each and every answer get +1 ticket to one of our daily prizes. However [b]getting tickets from the questionares is contiditioned by sending in at least one dragon during the day.[/b]
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] Answering the daily question gives you a 1 ticket for our Daily Prize A.
[b]>Describe to us what would your clan do for their father figure/elemental deity to celebrate the Father’s Day.[/b]Please put your answer in [url=https://goo.gl/forms/XTJxKkyayZ43HOhw1]this form[/url].
A party for dads requires gift cards for dads, I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. Grab a blank template and fill it our according to your flight/feelings. Upload the picture on an image-hosting site and send in a link via [url=https://goo.gl/forms/4ghHCzBjWxpKaTIy1]this form[/url] for automatic 7 tickets for our Prize Pack B, distributed by one-ticket-a-day [b]Earth Flight members can participate as well, they gain 7 tickets for our in-flight raffle instead, please remember to mark yourself as an Earth member in the form![/b]
And here is one already pre-filled by Takora to give you an idea of what you can do with it. For fun you can also share the filled out questionare here or in the [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/frd/2205310]Dad Hub.[/url]
[b]> Who is the father figure of your clan?[/b]
[b]>Describe the father's day activity that your flight dad/ deity-dad excels at! Building stuff? Sleeping? Cooking? Yelling at all of the other dads to get back to work? Give us 3 sentences.[/b]
[b]>Tell a dad joke. I'm expectant.[/b]
[b]>What is your flight's deity father superpowers?[/b] Female flight deities included!
[b]>How does your deity-dad take care of all his flight children? does he do anything special for them on special FR holidays or special clan anniversaries?[/b] Female flight deities included!
[b]>Show us the ugly dad tie your clan father figure or flight deity would wear to embarass their children. [/b]
Intro | Payouts | Badges | Questionares| Daily Prizes | Credits | Spreadsheet
A party for dads must of course include a lot of dad-talk, praising, jokes and the like. Once a day a random question on the topic of dads will be given out and it’s on your clan abilities to answer in the best way you can. but fear not, the dad’s don’t give anybody a failing grade, each and every answer get +1 ticket to one of our daily prizes. However
getting tickets from the questionares is contiditioned by sending in at least one dragon during the day.

Answering the daily question gives you a 1 ticket for our Daily Prize A.
>Describe to us what would your clan do for their father figure/elemental deity to celebrate the Father’s Day.Please put your answer in
this form.
A party for dads requires gift cards for dads, I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules. Grab a blank template and fill it our according to your flight/feelings. Upload the picture on an image-hosting site and send in a link via
this form for automatic 7 tickets for our Prize Pack B, distributed by one-ticket-a-day
Earth Flight members can participate as well, they gain 7 tickets for our in-flight raffle instead, please remember to mark yourself as an Earth member in the form!
And here is one already pre-filled by Takora to give you an idea of what you can do with it. For fun you can also share the filled out questionare here or in the
Dad Hub.
> Who is the father figure of your clan?
>Describe the father's day activity that your flight dad/ deity-dad excels at! Building stuff? Sleeping? Cooking? Yelling at all of the other dads to get back to work? Give us 3 sentences.
>Tell a dad joke. I'm expectant.
>What is your flight's deity father superpowers? Female flight deities included!
>How does your deity-dad take care of all his flight children? does he do anything special for them on special FR holidays or special clan anniversaries? Female flight deities included!
>Show us the ugly dad tie your clan father figure or flight deity would wear to embarass their children.
[size=2] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_2205104]Intro [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657644]Payouts [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657701]Badges [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657710]Questionares[/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657734]Daily Prizes [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657746]Credits [/url]| [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ez6qpgwABb-S5N3vFeDaYed4oQwZMMn_XRSodUzzsbQ/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url] [/size]
For participating in our Father's Day camping activities your clan have a chance to win some really cool, neat prizes. [b]To participate you have to send us at least one dragon on the day. [/b]You can get[b] total of 2 tickets[/b] fo eachprize pack during [b]each day[/b](resets with each new day), by:
[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] Sending at least 1 dragon on the day to our Public Buy = [b]1 ticket[/b] for both prize packs
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] Answering our daily Minigame Questionare = [b]1 ticket for Prize Pack A[/b]
[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQ9kuiI.png[/img] Filling out the Flyer Questionare = [b]1 ticket for each day for Prize Pack B[/b] (you fill it once and automaticaly get 1 ticket for the whole week for Prize B drawing)
The prize winners are chosen via the [url=https://www.random.org/]random number generator [/url]to keep it fair to everyone.
*If you have sent a dragon in and are not seeing your name on the [url=#]spreadsheet[/url], please ping the user you send the dragon to and remind them to add you.
[center][b]Today’s Prize Packs[/b][/center]
[b]Saturday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Dancing with Dad]
[center][skin=5599][item=Morganite Flourish Anklets][item=Morganite Flourish Belt][item=Morganite Flourish Necklace][item=Morganite Flourish Bracelet][item=Morganite Flourish wing drape][item=Morganite Flourish tail drape][item=Morganite Flourish tail clasp][item=Vista: 3rd Anniversary][item=Enamored Swan][/center]
[b]Saturday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Mom joins the fun too!]
[center][Skin=17599][item=Sweetheart Swan]
[item=Tropical Birdskull headdress][item=Tropical Birdskull legband][item=Tropical Birdskull armband][item=Tropical Birdskull wingpiece][item=Tropical Birdskull necklace]
[b]Sunday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Spelunking with Dad]
[center][skin=6596][item=Ocean Gift Chest][item=Vista: Forgotten Cave][item=Emeraldback Shardspawn]
Winner: Naem[/center]
[b]Sunday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Collecting seashells with Dad]
[center][skin=6397][item=Little Lion Chest][item=Amberwing Waveskimmer][/center]
Winner: Northernly
[b]Monday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Bonfire with Dad]
[center][skin=1621][item=Harvest Guise][item=Vista: Baldwin's Brew][item=Cinder Mith][/center]
Winner: Murakali
[b]Monday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Stargazing with Dad]
[center][Skin=1710][item=Vista: Foxfire Grove][item=Irradiated Astronomer][/center]
Winner: ghosthymn
[b]Tuesday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Eating icecream with Dad]
[center][skin=2632][item=Colorful Ice Chest][item=Wiggly Sight][item=Wispwillow Peryton][/center]
Winner: Lundlaeva
[b]Tuesday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Iceskating with Dad]
[center][Skin=2629][item=Aurora Machinery Chest][item=Snowsquall Floracat][/center]
Winner: DeltaDarklight
[b]Wednesday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Animal watching with Dad]
[center][skin=2474][item=Calico Cat][item=Psywurm Crate][item=Dunhoof Ambassador][/center]
Winner: luxxe
[b]Wednesday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Birdwatching with Dad]
[center][Skin=2507][item=Scarlet Wooly coat][item=Scarlet Wooly antennae][item=Scarlet Wooly tail][item=Hippojay][/center]
Winner: protowilson
[b]Thursday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Making pottery with Dad]
[center][skin=2190][item=Golden Glow Alchemist Tools][item=Neglected Caveminder Chest][item=Amethyst King][/center]
Winner: Katsuokai
[b]Thursday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Playing videogames with Dad]
[center][Skin=1490][item=Hydrone Chest][item=Clattercog Engineer][/center]
Winner: Emmahaa
[b]Friday Prize Pack A:[/b]
[quote=Gardening with Dad]
[center][skin=3651][item=Autumn Loreweaver Chest][item=Kelpie Guise][item=Blue Vein Pansy][/center]
Winner: Emmahaa
[b]Friday Prize Pack B:[/b]
[quote=Tree climbing with Dad]
[center][Skin=18014][item=Kingfisher Chest][item=Orange Blotch Pansy][/center]
Winner: Bard0fHope
Intro | Payouts | Badges | Questionares| Daily Prizes | Credits | Spreadsheet
For participating in our Father's Day camping activities your clan have a chance to win some really cool, neat prizes.
To participate you have to send us at least one dragon on the day. You can get
total of 2 tickets fo eachprize pack during
each day(resets with each new day), by:

Sending at least 1 dragon on the day to our Public Buy =
1 ticket for both prize packs

Answering our daily Minigame Questionare =
1 ticket for Prize Pack A

Filling out the Flyer Questionare =
1 ticket for each day for Prize Pack B (you fill it once and automaticaly get 1 ticket for the whole week for Prize B drawing)
The prize winners are chosen via the
random number generator to keep it fair to everyone.
*If you have sent a dragon in and are not seeing your name on the
spreadsheet, please ping the user you send the dragon to and remind them to add you.
Today’s Prize Packs
Saturday Prize Pack A:
Saturday Prize Pack B:
Mom joins the fun too! wrote:
Sunday Prize Pack A:
Spelunking with Dad wrote:
Sunday Prize Pack B:
Collecting seashells with Dad wrote:
Monday Prize Pack A:
Monday Prize Pack B:
Stargazing with Dad wrote:
Tuesday Prize Pack A:
Eating icecream with Dad wrote:
Tuesday Prize Pack B:
Iceskating with Dad wrote:
Wednesday Prize Pack A:
Animal watching with Dad wrote:
Wednesday Prize Pack B:
Birdwatching with Dad wrote:
Thursday Prize Pack A:
Making pottery with Dad wrote:
Thursday Prize Pack B:
Playing videogames with Dad wrote:
Friday Prize Pack A:
Gardening with Dad wrote:
Friday Prize Pack B:
Tree climbing with Dad wrote:
[size=2] [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_2205104]Intro [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657644]Payouts [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657701]Badges [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657710]Questionares[/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657734]Daily Prizes [/url]| [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104#post_27657746]Credits [/url]| [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ez6qpgwABb-S5N3vFeDaYed4oQwZMMn_XRSodUzzsbQ/edit?usp=sharing]Spreadsheet[/url] [/size]
[center]Thank you everyone for your participation and support!
[size=2]Here is to those without whom this couldn't be put together:
@NorthLantern @Takora and @Keera who helped each a bit in putting this together!
@NorthLantern @Tarany @eeriansadow @Redsparrow @clm @Aramea @Calicodog @Mirres @chatoyant @antivehicular @LadyRiat @Whimsalot @kisaeri @Condemned @roachchoir @Penguinnii @KraalofBhaga @RoseArtemis @treesponge our great PB acceptors!
@Hellan @treesponge @NorthLantern @Takora @Snaphance for the amazing art! [/size][/center]
[center]To support us you can put these banners into your signature
Also check out our other events!
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drw/2205104]Public Buy and Dad Questionare[/url]
[center][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2202195]Art For Fodder[/url]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2207065]Dadly Discoveries[/url]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/raf/2207387]Grab Bags[/url]
[b]Earth-only Activities:[/b]
[url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=mb&board=fd1&id=2182142]In-Flight Raffle[/url]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/fl1/2207253]Explorer’s League[/url]
Intro | Payouts | Badges | Questionares| Daily Prizes | Credits | Spreadsheet
To support us you can put these banners into your signature
(Also North, I don't think that your link to the in-flight raffle is working properly. :'> pls tell me where to go aaaaa)
(Also North, I don't think that your link to the in-flight raffle is working properly. :'> pls tell me where to go aaaaa)
An old, oddball Earthie. Stop by for some Dragon Bios and Clan Lore!
She/Her, 29, Pan/Queer, USA, FR+3
Con(demned) is still setting it up but I forgot to edit the link, thank you!
Con(demned) is still setting it up but I forgot to edit the link, thank you!
I've got maybe 15+ dragons, will you be okay taking them? Otherwise I can wait a bit c:
I've got maybe 15+ dragons, will you be okay taking them? Otherwise I can wait a bit c: