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TOPIC | Looking for Gods! FOUND
@Drakonophobia I've got this Shadowbinder colored nocturne boy up on the AH for 30kt-would take 25kt via CR. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Drakonophobia I've got this Shadowbinder colored nocturne boy up on the AH for 30kt-would take 25kt via CR.


Male since the Windsinger is a guy.


Ooh he's nice! Hmmm male though and the Shadowbinder's a girl, but I might take him. Just give me awhile to see some more options, but he's my top choice for the Shadowbinder so far.

Male since the Windsinger is a guy.


Ooh he's nice! Hmmm male though and the Shadowbinder's a girl, but I might take him. Just give me awhile to see some more options, but he's my top choice for the Shadowbinder so far.
@Srakonophobia This guy's got the exact same colors as the Gladekeeper [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Male Jungle/Forest/Green 80kt I've also got a couple Quietclaw (Nature subspecies) pairs either rtb or coming off nests. Feel free to check out page five to get an idea what I'm talking about.

This guy's got the exact same colors as the Gladekeeper



I've also got a couple Quietclaw (Nature subspecies) pairs either rtb or coming off nests. Feel free to check out page five to get an idea what I'm talking about.
@Drakonophobia [quote name="elisasglade" date=2015-12-18 11:09:03] [center][img][/img] [b]New Gladeling hatchlings! Each are 30k! Ping me for a CR![/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Female Primary: Jungle Speckle Secondary: Forest Peregrine Tertiary: Green Smoke[/center] [/quote]
elisasglade wrote on 2015-12-18:

New Gladeling hatchlings! Each are 30k! Ping me for a CR!


Primary: Jungle Speckle
Secondary: Forest Peregrine
Tertiary: Green Smoke

@Draconophobia [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I can either breed her with another dark colored dragon for you, or sell her to you. Yay or Nay? :)


I can either breed her with another dark colored dragon for you, or sell her to you. Yay or Nay? :)
tumblr_nreaefLJYo1tm17oeo6_75sq.pngn2PHQa3.png tumblr_nknb5ifvlX1s7y9wxo5_100.png tumblr_ns9ei7h9oC1tm17oeo6_75sq.png

Yay! Totally Yay!


Erm... he's a bit expensive so I'm going to say no, but if the Quietclaws are less I'd love to buy a female one.


I'll consider your offer!

Yay! Totally Yay!


Erm... he's a bit expensive so I'm going to say no, but if the Quietclaws are less I'd love to buy a female one.


I'll consider your offer!
I'll let you know as soon as the nest hatches if I get a female! They typically run about 20kt, but I'm super flexible on them :)
I'll let you know as soon as the nest hatches if I get a female! They typically run about 20kt, but I'm super flexible on them :)
@Drakonophobia for nature! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dipper; ID: 14857668 Wildclaw Male; Nature Eyes Jungle Iridescent/Beige Shimmer/Ivory Circuit 16k RTB
@Drakonophobia for nature!


Dipper; ID: 14857668
Wildclaw Male; Nature Eyes
Jungle Iridescent/Beige Shimmer/Ivory Circuit
They/them pronouns.

LF specific dream dragons
@Drakonophobia I fear he sold off the AH, sorry! I can drop you a note next time I breed his parents though, if you'd like.
@Drakonophobia I fear he sold off the AH, sorry! I can drop you a note next time I breed his parents though, if you'd like.
@Drakonophobia I actually have a pair that I breed just to get Stormcatcher lookalikes! I determined that the color/gene combo that best resembles Bossdad is black iri/obsidian shim/aqua crackle: [img][/img] My pair has produced that combination, and any other combinations they make come very close. They're sitting on a nest right now and I would be happy to ping you when they hatch, if you'd like? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm pretty lax on their pricing unless it's Thundercrack, but I generally sell their babies for only 15k. And if you'd like to see him, here's my Stormcatcher lookalike all dressed up :) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@Drakonophobia I actually have a pair that I breed just to get Stormcatcher lookalikes! I determined that the color/gene combo that best resembles Bossdad is black iri/obsidian shim/aqua crackle:


My pair has produced that combination, and any other combinations they make come very close. They're sitting on a nest right now and I would be happy to ping you when they hatch, if you'd like?



I'm pretty lax on their pricing unless it's Thundercrack, but I generally sell their babies for only 15k.

And if you'd like to see him, here's my Stormcatcher lookalike all dressed up :)
