
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | trade dragons for items
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honestly if someone know how to look which familiars i lack offer them to me.. that wohl be soo much work if i have to post here all of them^^
at the moment i have enough to do with train my own dragons so i can t take fodder..
honestly if someone know how to look which familiars i lack offer them to me.. that wohl be soo much work if i have to post here all of them^^
at the moment i have enough to do with train my own dragons so i can t take fodder..
added the new things for the hibden you could also offer me the new items too not that much time at the moment for hunting myself and also all other familiars i lack..
added the new things for the hibden you could also offer me the new items too not that much time at the moment for hunting myself and also all other familiars i lack..
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