TOPIC | The Temporal Rifters- Generation Project

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@CommanderLexa - I'd love to write lore for this one! Probably will be done later this week <3
Oooooo those new Kali kids are cute
I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for future nests
I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for future nests
Oooooo those new Kali kids are cute
I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for future nests
I'll definitely be keeping my eye out for future nests
Hold is placed
Thank you ^^ I saw the new gene and went yep thats a Kali gene XD
Hold is placed
Thank you ^^ I saw the new gene and went yep thats a Kali gene XD
Hold is placed
Thank you ^^ I saw the new gene and went yep thats a Kali gene XD
Hold is placed
Thank you ^^ I saw the new gene and went yep thats a Kali gene XD
@TemporalRifter @CommanderLexa
*walks in a week late, slams lore on the table, leaves*
[b]Dragon Name:[/b] Solaris
[b]Sub-class:[/b] Time Tot (aiming to level to 25, making him a Time Lord, Rifter, and Mystic Knight)
[b]Generation:[/b] 2
[b]Lineage:[/b] [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=51396647]Allison[/url] -> [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=54728990]Kali[/url] -> [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/100892475]Solaris[/url]
Solaris still remembers the first time he saw an eclipse. Crescent shadows littered the ground as the sun slipped behind the moon, plunging the day into darkness and revealing a breathtaking corona. In that moment, for the first time, Solaris could feel his scales tingle and his blood sing with the power he inherited from his mother and grandmother.
Solaris trained with his father every day, but no weapon seemed to suit him well. Swords felt clumsy in his hand, unwieldy and heavy. Arrows never landed near their intended target. He was banned from using throwing knives after Samhain got an impromptu haircut and almost lost an ear.
After that particular incident, his mother took over his training. She taught him how to infuse his robes with power, making them shine brightly like the sun and making them indestructible. He uses them to capture and restrain his enemies.
Still, Solaris wanted to wield a weapon like his father. Of his own volition, Solaris took the lessons from Kali and applied them to weapons training. He found that if he pushed his power into a blade, no matter its size or his lack of skill with the weapon, he could control it like a master of the craft.
Solaris allowed his powers to flow over his newest weapon, a pale yellow sword with a gilded hilt, and he watched as it was absorbed as if the blade was thirsty. He swung the sword, demolishing a training dummy with ease, and grinned. Solaris continued training, going through the familiar forms he was taught from a young age.
When Solaris went to retract his powers from the sword and return it to its natural state, the weapon disappeared. Solaris was alarmed and on instinct activated his robes. At that moment, the weapon reappeared in his hand.
Solaris approached his mother with his dilemma and learned that the sword bonded with his powers and that it will forever belong to him. He’s able to summon and hide it at will as well as use it to project massive gusts of power to stun foes.
With his training complete, Solaris has joined the fight against the Organization, but when he wants to stop for a moment to rest and recharge, he travels back to the night he first saw that eclipse and marvels at its beauty once more.
@TemporalRifter @CommanderLexa
*walks in a week late, slams lore on the table, leaves*
Dragon Name: Solaris
Sub-class: Time Tot (aiming to level to 25, making him a Time Lord, Rifter, and Mystic Knight)
Generation: 2
Lineage: Allison -> Kali -> Solaris
Solaris still remembers the first time he saw an eclipse. Crescent shadows littered the ground as the sun slipped behind the moon, plunging the day into darkness and revealing a breathtaking corona. In that moment, for the first time, Solaris could feel his scales tingle and his blood sing with the power he inherited from his mother and grandmother.
Solaris trained with his father every day, but no weapon seemed to suit him well. Swords felt clumsy in his hand, unwieldy and heavy. Arrows never landed near their intended target. He was banned from using throwing knives after Samhain got an impromptu haircut and almost lost an ear.
After that particular incident, his mother took over his training. She taught him how to infuse his robes with power, making them shine brightly like the sun and making them indestructible. He uses them to capture and restrain his enemies.
Still, Solaris wanted to wield a weapon like his father. Of his own volition, Solaris took the lessons from Kali and applied them to weapons training. He found that if he pushed his power into a blade, no matter its size or his lack of skill with the weapon, he could control it like a master of the craft.
Solaris allowed his powers to flow over his newest weapon, a pale yellow sword with a gilded hilt, and he watched as it was absorbed as if the blade was thirsty. He swung the sword, demolishing a training dummy with ease, and grinned. Solaris continued training, going through the familiar forms he was taught from a young age.
When Solaris went to retract his powers from the sword and return it to its natural state, the weapon disappeared. Solaris was alarmed and on instinct activated his robes. At that moment, the weapon reappeared in his hand.
Solaris approached his mother with his dilemma and learned that the sword bonded with his powers and that it will forever belong to him. He’s able to summon and hide it at will as well as use it to project massive gusts of power to stun foes.
With his training complete, Solaris has joined the fight against the Organization, but when he wants to stop for a moment to rest and recharge, he travels back to the night he first saw that eclipse and marvels at its beauty once more.
*walks in a week late, slams lore on the table, leaves*
Dragon Name: Solaris
Sub-class: Time Tot (aiming to level to 25, making him a Time Lord, Rifter, and Mystic Knight)
Generation: 2
Lineage: Allison -> Kali -> Solaris
Solaris still remembers the first time he saw an eclipse. Crescent shadows littered the ground as the sun slipped behind the moon, plunging the day into darkness and revealing a breathtaking corona. In that moment, for the first time, Solaris could feel his scales tingle and his blood sing with the power he inherited from his mother and grandmother.
Solaris trained with his father every day, but no weapon seemed to suit him well. Swords felt clumsy in his hand, unwieldy and heavy. Arrows never landed near their intended target. He was banned from using throwing knives after Samhain got an impromptu haircut and almost lost an ear.
After that particular incident, his mother took over his training. She taught him how to infuse his robes with power, making them shine brightly like the sun and making them indestructible. He uses them to capture and restrain his enemies.
Still, Solaris wanted to wield a weapon like his father. Of his own volition, Solaris took the lessons from Kali and applied them to weapons training. He found that if he pushed his power into a blade, no matter its size or his lack of skill with the weapon, he could control it like a master of the craft.
Solaris allowed his powers to flow over his newest weapon, a pale yellow sword with a gilded hilt, and he watched as it was absorbed as if the blade was thirsty. He swung the sword, demolishing a training dummy with ease, and grinned. Solaris continued training, going through the familiar forms he was taught from a young age.
When Solaris went to retract his powers from the sword and return it to its natural state, the weapon disappeared. Solaris was alarmed and on instinct activated his robes. At that moment, the weapon reappeared in his hand.
Solaris approached his mother with his dilemma and learned that the sword bonded with his powers and that it will forever belong to him. He’s able to summon and hide it at will as well as use it to project massive gusts of power to stun foes.
With his training complete, Solaris has joined the fight against the Organization, but when he wants to stop for a moment to rest and recharge, he travels back to the night he first saw that eclipse and marvels at its beauty once more.
@pokemoncha, @aerdnanocte, @CoyoteFlowers, @TheCell, @pythonesque, @TemporalRifter @LadyAria @Franchesca @Fantivity @SkyofStars @SnowFrost620 @Lynz @itsrainningtacos @fluteloops0329 @girlinthechair @Elemental131 @Nighthydra @EternalLife @Stermwind @Kahzu @Shadowfire1223
I've got a nest of little rifters who also bear the Barghest lineage! As you might know, between the 13th and the 14th in America there is a lunar eclipse ^-^ these kiddos were hatched specifically for the event, given their ties to the moon.
[b]Name[/b] - Unnamed
[b]Generation Number[/b] - 4
[b]Mother[/b] - Leeta (temporal rifter)
[b]Father[/b] - Antique
[b]Status[/b] - Open
[b]Requirements[/b] - ~100+ words of lore
[b]Prompt Idea[/b] - Born to a pair of werewolves doing their best not to kill indiscriminantly, these children are under a lot of pressure; their mother is a trained rogue with a silver tongue and their father is an ageless craftsman.
This nest was born under the blood moon, a lunar eclipse. How will this spectacular lunar event impact their powers? Stronger? Bloodthirsty? Powerless as the moon is overshadowed?[/columns]
[b]Name[/b] - Unnamed
[b]Generation Number[/b] - 4
[b]Mother[/b] - Leeta (temporal rifter)
[b]Father[/b] - Antique
[b]Status[/b] - Open
[b]Requirements[/b] - ~100+ words of lore
[b]Prompt Idea[/b] - Born to a pair of werewolves doing their best not to kill indiscriminantly, these children are under a lot of pressure; their mother is a trained rogue with a silver tongue and their father is an ageless craftsman
This nest was born under the blood moon, a lunar eclipse. How will this spectacular lunar event impact their powers? Stronger? Bloodthirsty? Powerless as the moon is overshadowed?[/columns]
[b]Name[/b] - Unnamed
[b]Generation Number[/b] - 4
[b]Mother[/b] - Leeta (temporal rifter)
[b]Father[/b] - Antique
[b]Status[/b] - Open
[b]Requirements[/b] - ~100+ words of lore
[b]Prompt Idea[/b] - Born to a pair of werewolves doing their best not to kill indiscriminantly, these children are under a lot of pressure; their mother is a trained rogue with a silver tongue and their father is an ageless craftsman.
This nest was born under the blood moon, a lunar eclipse. How will this spectacular lunar event impact their powers? Stronger? Bloodthirsty? Powerless as the moon is overshadowed?[/columns]
@pokemoncha, @aerdnanocte, @CoyoteFlowers, @TheCell, @pythonesque, @TemporalRifter @LadyAria @Franchesca @Fantivity @SkyofStars @SnowFrost620 @Lynz @itsrainningtacos @fluteloops0329 @girlinthechair @Elemental131 @Nighthydra @EternalLife @Stermwind @Kahzu @Shadowfire1223
I've got a nest of little rifters who also bear the Barghest lineage! As you might know, between the 13th and the 14th in America there is a lunar eclipse ^-^ these kiddos were hatched specifically for the event, given their ties to the moon.
I've got a nest of little rifters who also bear the Barghest lineage! As you might know, between the 13th and the 14th in America there is a lunar eclipse ^-^ these kiddos were hatched specifically for the event, given their ties to the moon.

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