
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Night Warrior Project 2E (Free dragons!)
@Sylvanlady, may I please adopt this dragon? I would name her Ruvrani. [url=][img][/img][/url]
@Sylvanlady, may I please adopt this dragon? I would name her Ruvrani.

@beautbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @Agion

I bought a Gen 3 Night Warrior today not knowing anything about the project- after reading all these threads I'm excited to work this into her lore and contribute! Just a quick question as well for future breedings- I read through the accepted colors but it only mentioned primary and secondary, would a hatchling not qualify if they had a bright tertiary? Sorry if this is answered somewhere, still new and learning!
@beautbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @Agion

I bought a Gen 3 Night Warrior today not knowing anything about the project- after reading all these threads I'm excited to work this into her lore and contribute! Just a quick question as well for future breedings- I read through the accepted colors but it only mentioned primary and secondary, would a hatchling not qualify if they had a bright tertiary? Sorry if this is answered somewhere, still new and learning!
@Tedd66 Welcome to the Night Warrior project! Most Night Warriors have very vibrant tertiaries. There is no restriction on the tert color of a NW.
@Tedd66 Welcome to the Night Warrior project! Most Night Warriors have very vibrant tertiaries. There is no restriction on the tert color of a NW.
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Sure thing. I will have her travel papers prepared and escorts her to the crossroads shortly.


Sure thing. I will have her travel papers prepared and escorts her to the crossroads shortly.

Congratulations!! And thank you so much for leveling him. CotterPin, first registered child of Raikker, is now a full-fledged Night Warrior. Also, I adore the tiger accent.
Congratulations!! And thank you so much for leveling him. CotterPin, first registered child of Raikker, is now a full-fledged Night Warrior. Also, I adore the tiger accent.
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Thanks so much for training and registering CotterPin. I love seeing one of mine make it into the Family Registry. I love the Skin on him. It's adorable.

Thanks so much for training and registering CotterPin. I love seeing one of mine make it into the Family Registry. I love the Skin on him. It's adorable.
@beanutbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @Agion I've trained up Daybreak to level 25 and she's ready to be registered as a Generation 12 Nightwarrior!! [url=][img][/img][/url] Also, she has 2 kids! One is in the proper colour range to be trained up as a Night Warrior if anyone is interested in her :D [url=][img][/img][/url]
@beanutbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @Agion

I've trained up Daybreak to level 25 and she's ready to be registered as a Generation 12 Nightwarrior!!


Also, she has 2 kids! One is in the proper colour range to be trained up as a Night Warrior if anyone is interested in her :D

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@miles3140 If I remember correctly, the other hatchling of Daybreak wouldn't qualify for a Night Warrior, but instead for a Honorary Bródúil Caomhnóirí at lvl 25 since their primary is Honey.

@miles3140 If I remember correctly, the other hatchling of Daybreak wouldn't qualify for a Night Warrior, but instead for a Honorary Bródúil Caomhnóirí at lvl 25 since their primary is Honey.

@feleathion yeah, thats what I thought, if anyone is interested in her they can let me know but I thought I'd put up the one that properly qualifies first hahaha
@feleathion yeah, thats what I thought, if anyone is interested in her they can let me know but I thought I'd put up the one that properly qualifies first hahaha
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Congratulations! !!!!!! You have a fine warrior and we welcome her to the family. I will register her immediately.


Congratulations! !!!!!! You have a fine warrior and we welcome her to the family. I will register her immediately.
